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7A Unit6 重点短语和句型 P90-95。

重点短语和句型Tag内容描述:<p>1、Unit1短语归纳1. play chess下国旗象棋2. play the guitar弹吉他3. speak English说英语4. English club英语俱乐部5. talk to.跟.说6. play the violin拉小提琴7. play the piano弹钢琴8. play the drums敲鼓9. make friends结交朋友10. tell stories讲故事11. play games做游戏12. on the weekend在周末13. sports club体育运动社团14. write stories写故事15. in the school music club在学校音乐社团用法荟萃1. play+棋牌类/球类名词下.棋/打.牌/打.球2. play the+乐器名词 演奏.乐器3. be good at doing sth.。</p><p>2、外研版九年级下册重点短语和句型大全Module1 TravelUnit1We toured the city by bus and by taxi.1. welcome back 欢迎回来2. not bad 还不错3. be full of 充满=be filled with4. over = more than 超过、多于5. because of + 名词/代词/动名词because+句子6. fly back to +地名飞回某地&#1。</p><p>3、外研版八年级下册重点短语和句型大全Module1 Feelings and impressions【重点短语】1. look sb. in the eye 正视某人2. look+形容词 看上去3. be afraid that +从句 恐怕be afraid to do sth 害怕做某事be afraid of doing sth 害怕4. thank (sb ) for doing sth 因某人做某事而感谢thank(sb) for sth 因感谢某人&#1。</p><p>4、7A 短语和句子n.名词 v.动词 vt.及物动词 vi.不及物动词 adj.形容词 adv.副词 prep.介词 pron.代词 conj.连词 Unit 1 This is me!1. look after sb. (well) 好好照顾某人= take (good) care of sb.2. some of the new students 新学生中的一些one of + 可数名词复数 .中的一个many of + 可数名词复数 .中的许多much of + 不可数名词 .中的许多3. introduce A to B 把A介绍给Bintroduce yourself to the class 把你自己介绍给全班myself yourself himself herself itsel。</p><p>5、七年级上册期末复习之句型转换1、肯定句(根据谓语动词类型分类) 主语 + Be动词 + 其他注:Be动词有 am , is ,are 主语 + 情态动词 +动词原形 + 其他注:目前学习过的情态动词有 can, could, will, would, may,后面必须接动词的原形。 主语 + 实义动词(动原或三单) +其他注:当主语不是三单时,动词用原形;当主语是三单时,动词用三单。2、否定句 主语 + Be动词 + not + 其他注:在Be动词后面加not. 主语 + 情态动词 +not +动词原形 + 其他注:在情态动词后加not.Can not = cant , could not = couldnt, will not = wont , would not。</p><p>6、新目标英语八年级(上)英语期末复习重点短语、词组和句型Unit 1on weekends 在周末go to the movies 去看电影watch TV 看电视surf the Internet 上网冲浪twice a week 一周两次once a month 一月一次three times a day 一天三次be good for 对有好处junk food 垃圾食品how often 多久一次look after 照看eating habit 饮食习惯as for 就而言stay / keep healthy 保持健康make a big difference 有很大不同、对很重要1.What does she do on weekends? 她在周末常干什么?2.She often goes to the movies. 她经常去看电影。3.I watch TV ev。</p><p>7、Unit 6:词组:1.prefer A to B 2. prefer doing A to doing B 3. prefer to doing sth. 4.prefer to do A rather than do B . dance to music6.sing along with music 7. remind sb. of 8.Be sure to do sth. 9.on display=on show 10. over the years “这些年来”,用于现在完成时 11.get together 12. to be honest 13.stay healthy=keep healthy = keep fit 14. stay away from 15. be in agreement with 16. eat a balanced diet 17. suit sb. fine 18. be bad for句型:1. What kind(s) o。</p><p>8、外研版)小学四年级英语下册第一模块重点句型和短语:一、短语1、my friends 我的朋友们 2、a bit 一点儿 3、a nice teacher 一位友善的老师 4、a clever pupil 一个聪明的小学生 5、a very naughty bird 一直非常淘气的鸟儿6、my big brother我的大兄弟(哥哥) 7、my little sister我的小妹妹 8、look at 看.9、Panpans little sister 盼盼的小妹妹 10、a little sister 一个小女孩 11、a little curl一小绺鬈发12、a very clever girl 一个非常聪明的女孩 13、a very nice boy一个非常友善的男孩二、句型1、These are my friends.这些。</p><p>9、仁爱英语九年级各单元重点短语和句型Unit 1 Topic 1 Section A 1.be happy to do sth 高兴做某事 2.come back from 从、回来3.take place 发生 4.so that 如此、 以致、5.improve ones English 提高某人的英语水平6.have /has been to . 去过、(已回来)7.have/ has gone to . 去、(还未回来)8.How was your trip? 你的旅行怎样?9.Great changes have been taken place there and my hometown has become more and more beautiful. 那儿已经发生了很大的变化,我的家乡已经变得越来越美丽了。10.There were so many peop。</p><p>10、仁爱英语九年级上册重点词组和重点句型归纳仁爱英语九年级上册重点词组和重点句型归纳8Unit 1 Topic 1短语1. come back from 回来2. feel sorry for 为感到遗憾3. by the way 顺便问一下4. take photos 照相5. do farm work 干农活6. for a long time 长时间7. tell stories 讲故事8. have summer classes 上暑期班9. at present 现在;目前10. live a hard life 过困难的生活11. in order to 为了12. give support to 支持13. keep in touch with 保持联系14. see sth oneself 亲眼目睹15. far away 遥远的16. in the open air 在户外17.。</p><p>11、七年级重点词组和句型Unit1 Topic1 Welcome to China!1.Good morning!早上好! (该句是人们在上午见面时的问候语,答语也用Good morning!在许多国家,人们遇到熟人时都主动打招呼。上午说Good morning. 下午说Goog afternoon. 晚上说Good evening.晚上告别时说Good night(晚安).对方也用同样的问候语来回答。2.Welcome to China!欢迎到中国来! Welcome在次用作感叹句,意为“欢迎”,用于对客人或刚刚到达的人表示欢迎。如:-Welcome!欢迎!-Thank you!/Thanks!谢谢!3.Hello!喂!/你好! 通常用于以下几种情况:打招呼、打电话。</p><p>12、义渡中学英语组七年级外研版英语初一年级期末复习Module 11.我的名字 my name 2. 从来be from/ come from 3. 欢迎来到welcome to. 4. 见到你很高兴 Nice to meet you!5. 你们的老师 your teacher 6. 怎么样 what about7. 七年级四班 Class Four Grade Seven 8.13岁 thirteen years old9. 一个大城市 a big city 10.好朋友 good friends11. 中国的首都 the capital of China 12. 英文名字 English name13. 一个小城市 a small city 14. 姓氏 family name/last name15.(取的)名字 given name/first name 16。</p><p>13、8B重点词组Unit 1 Past and present1. not.any more = no more 不再2.play with 和.玩3.get married 结婚 (get married to sb.)4.a lot 许多 ( a lot of +名词)5.over the years 多年来6.turn into =change into 变成7.used to 过去常常8.take action 采取行动9.reduce the pollution 减少污染10.in some ways 在某种程度上11.open space 露天场所12.feel a bit lonely 感到有点孤独13.from time to time 有时14.throw away 扔掉15.by the way 随便说一下16.railway station 火车站17.in service 在职期间/ 服务中18.primary school 小学。</p><p>14、一、1.最早的奥运会;古代奥运会;今天的奥运会;现代奥运会;在1968年墨西哥奥运会上;在跳远、射击比赛中;派-到-;为-比赛;在-中参赛;和-比赛;为做某事而竞争;开除、解雇; 派人去请;发射;发出; 在公元前208年;在公元1996年;现代英语、城市、史、文化、舞、语言;打破、创、保持一项记录2.mean v. 意思是-;meaning n.意思 What does this word mean?mean to do sth. 打算、意欲做某事 我不是故意伤害你的。你打算怎么处理它?meaning doing sth. 意味着做某事 成功意味着努力工作。表示 “-是什么意思?” What do you mean 。</p><p>15、重要的短语、句型和惯用法(一)1. get on/off(the bus) 上/下车 get up 起床 get ready for 为.作准备get oneself dressed 自己穿衣服 get well (better) 身体好 get in 进入,收集get sb.sth.=get sth.for sb. 为某人买某物get on well with sb/sth. 与某人相处很好,.进展顺利 2. have an accident 出事故 have a good time =enjoy oneself 玩得很高兴have a cold wet day 天气又冷又湿 have a cough 咳嗽 have a drink(of).喝一杯. have a talk 听报告 have lunch 吃午饭 have.for lunch 午饭吃.have a meeting 开会have no idea 不知。</p><p>16、M4U1Words1. advertising2. airline3. drug4. shine5. shampoo6. advertisement7. persuade8. be meant to9. welfare10. cheat11. skilful12. even if/though13. innocent14. breath15. bad breath16. fool17. cure18. grocery19. pleased20. comment21. mental22. fall for23. trick24. play tricks on25. aim26. nationwide27. campaign28. deal with29. motto30. cigarette31. benefit32. promote33. intelligence34. slave35. consult36. comprehension。</p><p>17、初三英语词组和句型集锦检测(人教版)BOOK TWO ( I )1) _______________________________school. 欢迎返回学校。 2) Who is _____________________________today? 今天谁值日? 3) Here is a card for you______________________. 送您一张卡片,表达我们最良好的祝愿。 4) Thank you_________________________________! 谢谢你把英语课变得如此有趣! 5) For example, Jim ___________________________James. 例如,Jim就是James的昵称。 6) Why dont you ____________________________a card? 你为什么不给他做张贺卡呢? 7) You can gi。</p><p>18、Unit 9 必背词组与句子 1为考试做准备_______ 2参加考试_______ 3去看医生/去参加聚会_______ 4得流感_______ 5来参加我的聚会_______ 6太多的作业_______ 7去骑自行车_______ 8去年秋天_______,prepare for an exam,have an exam,go to the doctor/ the party,have the flu,come to my party,too much homework,go bike riding,last fall,9直到才_______ 10和我们起出去闲逛_______ 11可能不得不去会他们的朋友 _______ 12为数学测试学习_______ 13前天_______ 14后天_______ 15照看妹妹_______ 16接受邀请_______ 17作出邀请_______,not。</p><p>19、英语必修I 重点短语与句型Unit 1 Friendship1. be good to 对.好,善待2. add up 把. 加起来3. get/have sth. done 使某事被做,请某人做某事4. calm down 平静下来,镇定下来5. end-of-term exam = final exam 期末考试6. cheat in the exam 考试作弊7. keep a diary 记日记8. be concerned about = be worried about关心,挂念9. walk the dog = take the dog for a walk遛狗10. go through 通过;经受;仔细查看,浏览11. set down 记下,放下,登记12. a series of 一系列的,一连串的,一套13. on purpose 故意14. at dusk 在黄昏时。</p><p>20、八年级(下)新目标英语重点短语、句型和语法复习总汇 Unit 1 Will people have robots?1. fewer people更少的人(fewer修饰名词复数,表示否定)2. less free time更少的空闲时间(less修饰不可数名词,表示否定) 3. in ten years 10年后(in的时间短语用于将来时,提问用How soon)4. fall in love with爱上 例:When I met Mr. Xu for the first time, I fell in love with him at once当我第一次见到许老师,我立刻爱上他 5. live alone单独居住6. feel lonely感到孤独(比较:live alone/go along等)The girl walked alone along t。</p>
教案:2016年新版新目标八年级英语下册 重点短语和句型.doc
人教版新九年级英语 重点短语和句型.doc
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