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Psychological testYou are in a deep deep forest. as you walk on you saw an old hut standing thereSituation:hut n. 小屋 (1) What is the status of the door? Questions:(Open/closed)Questions:(2) You enter the hut and see a table. What is the shape of the table? (Round/Oval/Square/Rectangle/Triangle)Questions:(3) On top of the table there is a vase. in the vase there is water. How much water is it filled up with?(Full/Half/Empty)Questions:(4) And what is the vase made of?(Glass/porcelain/clay)(metal/plastic/wood)porcelain adj. 瓷制的clay n. 陶土Questions:(5) Some time after the waterfall. you step on something hard on the ground. as you look down. you see glistening gold in colour. You bend down and pick it up. it is a keychain chained with keys.How many keys you see hanging on the keychain?(Choose a number ranging from 1 to 10)Questions:(6) You walk on and on. trying to find your way out.suddenly you see a castle. What is the condition of the castle? (Old/new)Questions:(7) Walking to the end of the castle there is an exit.you proceed to walk out of the castle. Outside the exit, there is a big garden, you see a box on the ground. What is the size of the box?(small/medium/big)Questions:(8) What is the material of the box?(cardboard/paper/wooden/metal)cardboard adj. 硬纸板制的(9) There is a bridge in the garden some distance away from the box, What is the bridge made of?(metal/wooden/rattan)Questions:rattan n. 藤条(10) Across the bridge, there is a horse. What is the colour of the horse?(white/grey/brown/black)Questions:(11) What is the horse doing?(still and quiet/nibbling grass/running about)Questions:nibble v. 啃You have 3 options:( ) run and hide in the box?( ) run and hide under the bridge?( ) run to the horse, ride on and gallop away?(12) OH NO! There is a tornado coming. some distance from the horse.Questions:The door:open door - you are a person who is willing to shareclosed door - you are a person who is keeping things to yourself(1) What is the status of the door?The table:Round/oval - any friends that came along, you will accept and trust them completelySquare/rectangle - you are a bit more choosy on friends and only hang out with those whom you think are on the same frequencyTriangle - you are really very very picky about friends and there are not many friends in your life.(2) What is the shape of the table? Water in vase:Empty - your life is not fulfilledHalf filled - what you want in your life is half fullfilledFull - your life is completely fulfilled and good for you! :)(3) How much water is the vase filled up with?Material of vase:glass/clay/porcelain - you are weak in your life and tend to be fragilemetal/plastic/wood - you are strong in your life(4) What is the vase made of?Keys:1 - you have one good friend in your life2 to 5 - you have a few good friends in your life6 to 10 - you have a lot of good friends(5) How many keys you see hanging on the keychain?Castle:Old - shows that your last relationship is not a good one and is not memorable to you.New - your last relationship is good and its still fresh in your heart.(6) What is the condition of the castle?The size of the box:small - low egomedium - average egobig - high ego(7) What is the size of the box?ego n. 自我,自负Material of the box (outlook of the box):cardboard/paper/wooden(non-shining) humble personalitymetal - proud and stuck up personality(8) What is the material of the box?humble adj. 谦逊的The material of the bridge:metal bridge - have very strong bond with your friendswooden bridge - average bond with your friendsrattan bridge - you are not in good terms with your friends(9) What is the bridge made of?Colour of the horse:white - your partner is pure and good in your heart.grey/brown - your partner is only average in your heart.black - your partner doesnt seem to be good in your heart and appears to be bad sign.(10) What is the colour of the horse?Horse action:still and quiet/nibbling grass - your partner is a very homely and humble person.running about - your partner is a wild type person.(11) What is the horse doing?tornado - problems in your lifebox - youbridge - your friendshorse - your partner(12) a tornado approaches.What are you going to do?(i) So if you choose the box, you keep your problems to yourself whenever you a


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