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battle 的过去式和用法例句battle 的过去式和其他时态:过去式: battled过去分词: battled现在分词: battlingbattle 的用法:battle 的用法 1:battle 用作动词的基本意思是“作战” “斗争”,可指战场上真刀真枪地厮杀,也可指意识形态领域中的斗争,用于比喻,可指“努力”“奋斗” 。它的主语一般是人、党派等,宾语可以是人,也可以是抽象名词,一般不接具体名词。battle 的用法 2:battle 可用作及物动词,接简单宾语; 也可用作不及物动词,接介词against/with 表示“对象”(可以是人、物,也可以是抽象事物),接介词 for 表示“目的” 。battle 的过去式例句:1. margerys grieving family battled to come to terms with their loss.玛格丽万分悲痛的家人努力从丧亲之痛中恢复过来。2. they battled against other indian tribes, but rarely fought with the whites.他们同其他印第安部落作战,但很少与白人并肩对敌。3. thousands of people battled with police and several were reportedly wounded.数千人与警方发生冲突,据报道有数人在冲突中受伤。4. the soldiers battled against the opposing army all day.战士们与敌人整整打了一天.5. they battled with the elements.他们和大自然搏斗.6. the two armies battled all night.两军彻夜战斗.7. they battled for freedom.他们为自由而战.8. rescuers battled against torrential rain and high winds.救援人员奋力抵御疾风暴雨.9. when the nobles rebelled, the king battled them.当贵族谋反时, 国王便出兵攻打他们.10. they battled heroically for seven days and nights.他们英勇地战斗了 7 昼夜.11. they battled against heavy odds.他们以寡敌众.12. they battled away for a long time.他们奋斗了很长一段时间.13. fireman battled through the smoke in a doomed attempt to rescue the children.消防队员奋力穿过烟雾企图去救孩子们,而这注定是要失败的。14. in the cup final, leeds battled it out with the old enemy, manchester united.在足总杯决赛中,利兹联队和宿敌曼彻斯特联队一决胜负。15. where others of his ilk have battled against drugs, gabriels problems have centred on his marriage.加布里埃尔的同辈都在与毒品作斗争,而他的问题却集中在他的婚姻上。battle 的过去式和其他时态:过去式: battled过去分词: battled现在分词: battlingbattle 的用法:battle 的用法 1:battle 用作动词的基本意思是“作战” “斗争”,可指战场上真刀真枪地厮杀,也可指意识形态领域中的斗争,用于比喻,可指“努力”“奋斗” 。它的主语一般是人、党派等,宾语可以是人,也可以是抽象名词,一般不接具体名词。battle 的用法 2:battle 可用作及物动词,接简单宾语; 也可用作不及物动词,接介词against/with 表示“对象”(可以是人、物,也可以是抽象事物),接介词 for 表示“目的” 。battle 的过去式例句:1. margerys grieving family battled to come to terms with their loss.玛格丽万分悲痛的家人努力从丧亲之痛中恢复过来。2. they battled against other indian tribes, but rarely fought with the whites.他们同其他印第安部落作战,但很少与白人并肩对敌。3. thousands of people battled with police and several were reportedly wounded.数千人与警方发生冲突,据报道有数人在冲突中受伤。4. the soldiers battled against the opposing army all day.战士们与敌人整整打了一天.5. they battled with the elements.他们和大自然搏斗.6. the two armies battled all night.两军彻夜战斗.7. they battled for freedom.他们为自由而战.8. rescuers battled against torrential rain and high winds.救援人员奋力抵御疾风暴雨.9. when the nobles rebelled, the king battled them.当贵族谋反时, 国王便出兵攻打他们.10. they battled heroically for seven days and nights.他们英勇地战斗了 7 昼夜.11. they battled against heavy odds.他们以寡敌众.12. they battled away for a long time.他们奋斗了很长一段时间.13. fireman battled through the smoke in a doomed attempt to rescue the children.消防队员奋力穿过烟雾企图去救孩子们,而这注定是要失败的。14. in the cup final, leeds battled it out with the old enemy, manchester united.在足总杯决赛中,利兹联队和宿敌曼彻斯特联队一决胜负。15. where others of his ilk have battled against drugs, gabriels problems have centred on his marriage.加布里埃尔的同辈都在与毒品作斗争,而他的问题却集中在他的婚姻上。battle 的过去式和其他时态:过去式: battled过去分词: battled现在分词: battlingbattle 的用法:battle 的用法 1:battle 用作动词的基本意思是“作战” “斗争”,可指战场上真刀真枪地厮杀,也可指意识形态领域中的斗争,用于比喻,可指“努力”“奋斗” 。它的主语一般是人、党派等,宾语可以是人,也可以是抽象名词,一般不接具体名词。battle 的用法 2:battle 可用作及物动词,接简单宾语; 也可用作不及物动词,接介词against/with 表示“对象”(可以是人、物,也可以是抽象事物),接介词 for 表示“目的” 。battle 的过去式例句:1. margerys grieving family battled to come to terms with their loss.玛格丽万分悲痛的家人努力从丧亲之痛中恢复过来。2. they battled against other indian tribes, but rarely fought with the whites.他们同其他印第安部落作战,但很少与白人并肩对敌。3. thousands of people battled with police and several were reportedly wounded.数千人与警方发生冲突,据报道有数人在冲突中受伤。4. the soldiers battled against the opposing army all day.战士们与敌人整整打了一天.5. they battled with the elements.他们和大自然搏斗.6. the two armies battled all night.两军彻夜战斗.7. they battled for freedom.他们为自由而战.8. rescuers battled against torrential rain and high winds.救援人员奋力抵御疾风暴雨.9. when the nobles rebelled, the king battled them.当贵族谋反时, 国王便出兵攻打他们.10. they battled heroically for seven days and nights.他们英勇地战斗了 7 昼夜.11. they battled against heavy odds.他们以寡敌众.12. they battled away for a long time.他们奋斗了很长一段时间.13. fireman battled through the smoke in a doomed attempt to rescue the children.消防队员奋力穿过烟雾企图去救孩子们,而这注定是要失败的。14. in the cup final, le


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