



-精选财经经济类资料- -最新财经经济资料-感谢阅读- 1 广告的翻译策略 【摘 要】广告的作用在当今激 烈的市场竞争中尤为重要,如何体现产 品的优越性,如何吸引更多的顾客就体 现了广告的作用。广告翻译是一种跨文 化的交流,需要研究语言,地域文化, 消费者心理等等。 中国论文网 /5/view-5481687.htm 【关键词】广告;翻译;策略 The Analysis of Strategies of Advertisement Translation Zhou Xiaoshu 【Abstract】advertisements play a significant role in a competitive market. How to show the advantage of a product and how to attract more customers has -精选财经经济类资料- -最新财经经济资料-感谢阅读- 2 become the main focus of a company. In addition, advertisements are able to help them achieve its goal. Advertisement translation is intercultural communication. It requires the study of language, local culture and customerspsychology. 【Key words】advertisement , translation, strategies 1.Introduction Advertisement English play the role of communication, attracting customers to buy products, and introducing the features and functions of products. Its main goal is to recommend products and sell products. As a result, it is endowed with some features in vocabulary, structures and rhetoric usage. 2.The features of advertisement English 2.1 The vocabulary features -精选财经经济类资料- -最新财经经济资料-感谢阅读- 3 Its language is easy to understand. Advertisement language is supposed to be closely connected with life. It is reasonable to avoid using abstract words. It tries to reach the goal: customers know what it is when they the advertisement. For example: Nike, just do it; Scots whisky uncommonly smooth. Make some change of the original words but with the same pronunciation. This change is interesting, eye-catching and information-transmitting. For example, OIC is an advertisement for a kind of eye glasses. The shape of these three letters likes a piece of glasses. Its pronunciation is the same with “oh, I see”. The Chinese translation can be “哇, 我看见了”. 2.2 The grammatical features Advertisements ask for concise, eye-catching expressions. As a result, advertisement not only choice words -精选财经经济类资料- -最新财经经济资料-感谢阅读- 4 carefully, it also needs to pay attention to structures. Advertisement use simple sentences as much as possible. Simple sentences are easy for customers to understand, to remember, and to accept. For example: were not in the computer business. Were in me results business. Advertisement uses a lot of imperative sentences and interrogative sentences. It is an efficient way to make customers to make positive actions. For example: buy one pair. Get one free; catch that Pepsi spirit, drink it in. 3. Matters need attention in translation Advertisements make customers to have good imagination and as a result, customers buy goods. To reach this goal, target translation needs concise, -精选


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