



女儿婚礼致辞Ladies and gentlemen,Thank you all for coming to the wedding of my daughter.It still feels like it was yesterday when our beautiful angel came to our life her arrival brought us so much joy that we are constantly reminded how blessed we are with her in our life.Unlike most Chinese families, we never pushed her to be a superstar, but tried to educate her to become a caring and loving person.She has never disappointed us in these aspects, growing up to be a confident, positive, respectful, and radiant young lady.Recently, she has found the man of her life, a man she would share her life with.We could not have been happier for her choice, as it is apparent to us that they truly found happiness in each other and their union will bring great joy in our families future.We wish the best to our future son-in-law welcome to our family.We would like to give special thanks to Eden who was instrumental for making todays miracle possible.We also thank Steve and Baylee. Thank the parents in law. Best wishes to all of you.女士们、先生们:感谢各位参加小女的婚礼!9750天前,一个天使降落人间!对不起,女儿,我不小心透露了你的真实年龄。这个天使带给我们各种快乐!感谢她!也感谢上天没让她脸朝地降落!我和太太不像大多数中国家庭,希望孩子将来成龙成凤,而是希望她成长为一个正常的人。孩子从来没有给过我们失望,常常用她的优秀表现带给我们惊喜,最后成为一个令人艳羡的美丽、聪慧、善良的好女孩。最近又带给我们一份极大的惊喜,就是她找到一个阳光、正直的绅士女婿!不好意思!这个女婿不是她找的,应该感谢丹丹阿姨,是她促成了这段美好的姻缘!她还主导了今天这个完美的婚礼!衷心感谢斯蒂夫、贝丽和各位亲友的光临与帮助!感谢新郎的


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