英语unit 7 《sports and good health》同步授课课件(冀教版七年级下)_1_第1页
英语unit 7 《sports and good health》同步授课课件(冀教版七年级下)_1_第2页
英语unit 7 《sports and good health》同步授课课件(冀教版七年级下)_1_第3页
英语unit 7 《sports and good health》同步授课课件(冀教版七年级下)_1_第4页
英语unit 7 《sports and good health》同步授课课件(冀教版七年级下)_1_第5页
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. 从方框中选择恰当的单词填写在图片下 basketball ping-pong ball dollar sports store runners 答案:1. runners 2. ping-pong ball 3. dollar 4. sports store 5. basketball . 句型展示台 1. 我很无聊,让我们做些运动吧。 好的! Im_ . Lets _ _ _ . Okay! 2. 我最喜欢篮球。 I _ basketball _. 答案:1. bored; play some sports 2. like; best 3. 你能教我打篮球吗? Can you _ me _ _ basketball? 4. 你有一些乒乓球吗? 我认为没有,但是我们也可以在运动商店里买一些。 Do you have _ ping-pong balls? I _ _ so, but we can buy _ at the sports store, too. 答案:3. teach; to play 4. any; dont think; some 5. 我们在寻找跑鞋和乒乓球。 Were _ _ runners and ping-pong balls. 答案: looking for 你为什么花时间做这些无聊的事情? Why do you spend time on these_ things? 爸爸, 你每天做相同的工作不觉得无聊吗? Do you _ _ doing the same job every day, dad? 答案:boring get/feel bored 10眉山中考What do you think of the lecture of Li Yangs Crazy English? I think its_, but someone thinks its much too _. A. wonderful enough; bored B. enough wonderful; boring C. wonderful enough; boring D. enough wonderful; bored 【解析】选C。句意:你认为李阳的疯狂英语的讲座怎么 样?我认为它足够好,但是有人认为它太无聊了。 enough修饰形容词时放在形容词之后;boring“无聊的”用来 修饰物。 你有一些有关音乐方面的书吗? Do you have_ books about music? 冰箱里没有任何的食物了。 There isnt _ food in the refrigerator. 你可以从这儿拿走你喜欢的任何一本书。 You can take _ book here that you like. 答案:any any any 10台湾中考I cannot understand why Steven bought so many watches but never wears _ of them. A. any B. both C. every D. others 【解析】选A。句意:我不明白Steven为什么买那么多的手表 却从来一块也不戴。any“一些,任何”用于否定句。 . 用所给词的适当形式填空(3分钟,5分) 1. The meeting is very _. Everyone here feels_ (bore). 2. Which season do you like _ (well), Laura? Fall. 3. My brother is going to teach me _ (play) chess this afternoon. 答案:1. boring; bored 2. best 3. to play 4. Id like _ (buy) some chicken for supper. 5. Here _ (be) some cakes for you, Danny. 答案: 4. to buy 5. are . 从栏中找出栏的答语(3分钟,5分) () 1. What sports does your brother like best? 2. Would you like to see a film with me? 3. The basketball is fifty dollars. How about this ping-pong ball? 4. Does your sister have any red pants? 5. Can we buy any runners at the sports store? () A. Yes, Id love to. B. Yes, she does, but theyre old. C. Football. D. No, we cant. E. Its two dollars. 答案:15. CAEBD . 根据课文内容填空(4分钟,10分) Jenny likes 1 best. She wants to 2 to play ping- pong from Li Ming. But she has no ping-pong balls. Li Mings favourite sport is 3 . His 4 are too old. So Li Ming and Jenny are now at the sports 5 . They want to buy a new pair of 6 and some ping-pong balls. Li Ming thinks seventy dollars for new runners is too 7 . So he takes the 8 dollar runners and two-dollar ping-pong balls. 答案:1. basketball 2. learn 3. ping-pong 4. runners 5. store 6. runners 7. much 8. thirty . 连一连 1. at the gym A. 准备做某事 2. be ready to do sth. B. 把篮球投向篮筐 3. catch the basketball C. 把球击向某人 4. throw the basketball at the net D. 接住篮球 5. hit the ball to sb. E. 在体育馆 答案:15. EADBC . 句型展示台 1. 李明,你准备学习打篮球吗? Are you_ _ learn _ _ basketball, Li Ming? 2. 什么运动很容易做? What sports are _ _ play? 答案:1. ready to; to play 2. easy to 3. 这个球太重了。 The ball is _ _ . 4. 我能很容易地投乒乓球。 I can _ the ping-pong ball _. 5. 看,我正在把球打向詹妮。 Look! I am _ the ball _ Jenny. 答案: 3. too heavy 4. throw; easily 5. hitting; to 我姐姐准备去美国旅行。 My sister is_ _ _ a trip to the U. S. . 我妈妈总是乐于帮助那些穷人。 My mother is always _ _ _ the poor. 妈妈,准备好吃晚饭了吗? Mom, are you _ _ the supper? 答案:ready to have ready to help ready for 我们抓不住那只鸟。 We cant_ the bird. 赶快,否则我们赶不上那辆公共汽车了。 Hurry up! Or we can _ _ _ t the bus. 你感冒了吗? Do you _ a cold? 答案:catch catch up with catch/have 我没听懂你的话,再说一遍行吗? I didnt _ your words. Pardon? 答案: catch . 从方框内选词并用其适当形式填空(5分钟,10分) fly, hit, easy, heavy, join 1. What club are you ready _? The English club. 2. I think kites are hard _. 答案:1. to join 2. to fly 3. This question is _. I think you can work it out _. 4. Look! Danny is _ the ping-pong ball to Jenny. 5. What a _ snow it is! 答案: 3. easy; easily 4. hitting 5. heavy . 连词成句(5分钟,10分) 1. words, write, with, we, usually, hands, right, our(. ) _ 2. learn, you, to, play, want, do, to, ping-pong(? ) _ 3. throwing, net, boy, the, the, at, the, is, ball(. ) _ We usually write words with our right hands. Do you want to learn to play ping-pong? The boy is throwing the ball at the net. 4. ready, brother, others, to, my, is, help(. ) _ 5. caught, yesterday, Mr. Green, cold, a(. ) _ My brother is ready to help others. Mr. Green caught a cold yesterday. . 写出下列动词的过去式 1. play_ want _ learn _ 2. do _ go _ have _ buy _ is _ teach _ hurt _ think _ 答案:1. played; wanted; learned 2. did; went; had; bought; was; taught; hurt; thought . 句型展示台 1. 今天你们去哪里了?我们去商店了。 Where _ you _ today? We _ to the store. 2. 我们为李明买了一双跑鞋。 We _ a pair of runners _ Li Ming. 答案:1. did; go; went 2. bought; for 3. 我给詹妮展示怎样打球了。 I _ Jenny _ _ _ the ball! 4. 丹尼也学习打篮球了吗? _ Danny _ to play basketball, too? 5. 但是他认为球太重了。 But he _ the ball _ too heavy. 答案: 3. showed; how to hit 4. Did; learn 5. thought; was 我妈妈是一名教师,她教英语。 My mother is a _ . She_ English. 答案:teacher; teaches 我爸爸是一名工人,他在一家汽车厂工作。 My father is a _ . He _ in a car factory. 答案: worker; works . 用所给词的适当形式填空(5分钟,10分) 1. Yao Ming is one of the best basketball_ (play) of China. 2. Mr. Wang _ (teach) us math last term(学期). 3. I _ (think) English _ (be) hard to learn two years ago. 答案:1. players 2. taught 3. thought; was 4. Did you _ (hurt) your leg at the car accident(事故) ? No, I _ (not). 5. The _ (run) are too big for me. I dont want to buy them. 答案: 4. hurt; didnt 5. runners . 看图完成对话(5分钟,10分) 1. A: Im _ . B: Me, too. Lets play some sports together. A: OK. 答案:bored 2. A: _ ? B: Yes, I can. A: _ ? B: My dad taught me. 3. A:_ with me? B: Yes, Id like to. 答案: 2. Can you play ping-pong; Who taught you 3. Would you like to play football 4. A: _ last Sunday? B: I watched TV at home. 答案: What did you do 2010年世界杯,西班牙足球队获得了冠军。 Spanish football team_ the first in the 2010 World Cup. 在篮球比赛中,狮子队输给了老虎队。 The Lions _ the basketball game _ the Tigers. 昨天我在那个森林里迷了路。 I _ _ in the forest yesterday. 答案:won lost; to was/got lost 10定西中考How many gold medals did China _ at the 2010 Winter Olympics? Five. A. win B. to win C. winning D. won 【解析】选A。句意:在2010年冬奥会上中国获得了多 少块金牌?五块。win赢得,获得;助动词did后加动词 原形,故选A。 . 用所给词的适当形式填空(5分钟,10分) 1. Did you have fun_ (play) basketball last Sunday? Yes! 2. Who was the _ (win) in the 2010 World Cup? Spanish football team. 答案:1. playing 2. winner 3. The boy _ (call) David Smith. We _ (call) him Dave for short. 4. We cheered _ (loud) for the Tigers. 5. Many people _ (lose) their lives in the earthquake ( 地震). 答案: 3. is called; call 4. loudly 5. lost . 补全对话 从方框中选择最佳选项完成对话(5分钟,10分) A. Which teams played? B. Did you have fun watching the game? C. We watched a basketball game in the gym. D. The Rockets(火箭队) won and the Bulls(公牛队) lost. E. Seventy-seven to sixty-nine. W: What did you do last night? M: 1 W: 2 M: The Rockets played against the Bulls. W: Who won at last? M: 3 W: What was the score? M: 4 W: 5 M: Yes. We cheered for the Rockets. 1. _ 2. _ 3. _ 4. _ 5. _ 答案:15. CADEB . 单词图片连一连 1. body 2. running 3. onion 4. cabbage 5. porridge 答案:15. BEDAC . 句型展示台 1. 如果你想强壮和健康,你必须一直吃早饭。 If you want to _ _ and _, you_ always eat breakfast. 2. 你多长时间吃一次面包圈?通常一天两次。 _ _ do you eat donuts? Usually _ a day. 答案:1. be strong; healthy; must 2. How often; twice 3. 它对你的健康有好处吗? Is it _ _ your _? 4. 为了一个健康的身体,你需要吃更多的蔬菜。 You need _ eat more vegetables for a _ body. 答案: 3. good for; health 4. to; healthy 她多长时间去看一次电影? _ _ does she go to the movies? 一个月一次。 Once a month. 答案:How often 你多久才能回到家? _ _ will you get back home? 两小时后。 In two hours. 他呆在这里多长时间了? _ _ did he stay here? 两个月。 For two months. 答案: How soon How long 你住得离学校多远? _ _ do you live from the school? 两公里。 Two kilometres. 答案: How far 10巴中中考_ can we board our plane? In twenty minutes. A. How soon B. How long C. How often 【解析】选A。由答语“二十分钟之后。”知问句为“我们多长 时间之后能上飞机?”。how soon“多长时间之后”,故选A。 我姐姐喜欢吃水果和蔬菜,她很健康。 My sister likes eating fruits and vegetables. Shes very _ . 吃太多的肉对你的健康有害。 Eating too much meat is bad for your _. 答案:healthy health 游泳对你的健康有好处。 Swimming_ _ _ your health. 我很擅长英语,但数学不好。 Im _ _ English, but I dont _ _ _ math. 答案:is good for good at; do well in 我奶奶对人很好。 My grandmother is _ _ others. 你和你的同学相处得好吗? Are you _ _ your classmates? 答案: good to good with . 用所给词的适当形式填空(5分钟,10分) 1. I eat_ (health) food every day, because I think its good for my _ (health). 2. My sister likes English _ (much) than music. 3. My mother goes shopping _ (two) a week. 答案:1. healthy; health 2. more 3. twice 4. Id like some _ (onion) and _ (cabbage) for lunch. 5. The girl does well in _ (swim). 6. I need _ (study) hard to catch up with my classmates. 答案: 4. onions; cabbage 5. swimming 6. to study . 根据短文内容及首字母提示完成短文(5分钟,10分) Breakfast is i 1 to everyone. If you want to be s 2 and h 3 , you must always eat breakfast. Mr. Wood likes to eat cereal with milk for breakfast. Li Ming likes to eat porridge. What about Danny? D 4 are his favourite food. He eats them t 5 a day. It is not good for Danny. 1. _ 2. _ 3. _ 4. _ 5. _ 答案:1. important 2. strong 3. healthy 4. Donuts 5. twice 句型展示台 1. 你多长时间锻炼一次? 一天两次。 _ _ do you exercise? _ _ _ . 答案:How often; Twice a day 2. 为什么回家要花更长时间? 因为我需要买面包圈。 Why _ it _ _ to go home? _ I _ _ buy some donuts! 3. 锻炼有助于使你的身体健康强壮。 Exercise _ _ your body _ and _. 答案: 2. does; take longer; Because; need to 3. helps make; healthy; strong 4. 骑自行车是锻炼。 _ _ _ is exercise. 5. 你需要多少锻炼? _ _ _ do you need? 答案:4. Riding a bike 5. How much exercise 看图完成句子 My father_ every day. Lucy is doing eye _. 答案:exercises exercises People usually take _ in the morning. 答案: exercise 什么让你如此高兴? What_ you so _? 那个男孩让这儿的每一个人都笑了。 The boy _ everyone here _. 晚饭让我们包饺子吧! Lets _ _ for supper. 答案:made; happy made; laugh make dumplings 10大理中考We must never miss the chance to show love for our parents and make them_ how much they mean to us. A. know B. knowing C. to know D. knows 【解析】选A。make sb. do sth. “让某人做某事”,使役动词 make后加不带to的动词不定式作宾语补足语。 你能够得着墙上那幅画吗? Can you_ the picture on the wall? 昨天我们十点钟到达了北京。 Yesterday we _ _ Beijing at ten oclock. 当他们到家时,天已经黑了。 It was already dark when they _ home. 答案:reach arrived in/got to reached/arrived/got . 选词并用其适当形式填空(5分钟,10分) few, sad, eat, drink, exercise 1. Tom is sick. I think he should_ more healthy food. 2. My grandfather _ in the park every day. 3. I have _ grapes than you. 4. The bad news made us very _. 5. I think _ milk every day is good for our health. 答案:1. eat 2. exercises 3. fewer 4. sad 5. drinking . 从B栏中选出A栏的正确答语(5分钟,10分) (A) 1. How often do you exercise? 2. How many minutes do you walk from home to school? 3. How much exercise do we need? 4. Whats an hour? 5. Do I need to eat less meat? (B) A. Half an hour of exercise every day. B. Sixty minutes makes an hour. C. Of course, you do. D. I exercise three times a week. E. Twenty minutes. 答案:15. DEABC . 短语连一连 1. 去钓鱼和打猎 A. at the same time 2. 努力工作 B. give up 3. 放弃 C. wake up 4. 醒来 D. go fishing and hunting 5. 同时 E. work hard . 句型展示台 1. 什么对我们的健康有好处? What is_ _ our _? 2. 他们努力地工作去抓鱼和动物。 They _ _ _ _ fish and animals. 答案:1. good for; health 2. work hard to catch 3. 我最喜欢的活动是爬山。 My favourite _ is mountain _. 4. 我看太多电视没有做足够的锻炼。 I watch _ _ TV and I dont do _ _ . 5. 我熬夜玩电子游戏到很晚。 I _ _ late _ play video games. 答案: 3. activity; climbing 4. too much; enough exercise 5. stay up;to 根据汉语完成句子 这本书花了我二十元钱。 I _ twenty yuan _ the book. 昨天晚上做作业花费了我两个小时。 I _ two hours _ homework last night. 答案:spent; on spent; doing 根据汉语完成句子 我弟弟年龄太小不能去上学。 My brother is not_ _ _ go to school. 他没有足够的钱去买一所大房子。 He doesnt have _ _ to buy a big house. 答案:old enough to enough money . 用所给词的适当形式填空(5分钟,10分) 1. Its very important for students_ (listen) to the teacher carefully in class. 2. Do you often help _ (wash) the dishes at home? 3. The girl spends an hour _ (exercise) every day. 答案:1. to listen 2. to wash 3. exercising 4. Danny, dont forget to brush your _ (tooth) before breakfast. 5. I eat _ (health) food to keep _. 答案: 4. teeth 5. healthy; healthy . 补全对话(5分钟,10分) 从方框中选择最佳选项完成对话 A. What do you usually do? B. Good work. C. Yes! I like to help my family. D. What else do you do at home? E. Half an hour. M: Mary, do you help your family? W: 1 M: 2 W: I usually wash clothes. M: How many minutes a day do you wash the clothes? W: 3 M: 4 W: I also help my mom go shopping. M: 5 , Mary! Youre a helpful girl. 1. _ 2. _ 3. _ 4. _ 5. _ 答案:15. CAEDB . 根据答语完成对话,填入适当的疑问词。(5分钟,10分) 1. _ does your brother play computer games? Twice a week. 2. _ exercise does a person need every day? About twenty minutes of exercise. 答案:1. How often 2. How much 3. _ is the girl? Shes five years old. 4. _ does it take you to go home on foot? Half an hour. 5. _ seconds are there in a minute? Sixty. 答案: 3. How old 4. How long 5. How many . 按要求写句子(5分钟,10分) 1. I saw a fun film last night. (改为一般疑问句,并作否定回 答) _ you _ a fun film last night? No, I _. 2. My brother rode his bike to school this morning. (改为否定 句) My brother _ _ his bike to school this morning. 答案:1. Did; see; didnt 2. didnt ride 3. The boys played basketball last Sunday. (对划线部分提问) _ _ the boys _ last Sunday? 4. Mr. Green takes exercise every day. (用this morning改写句 子) Mr. Green _ exercise _ _ . 答案: 3. What did; do 4. took; this morning 5. yesterday, you, tell, classmates, to, did, story, a, your(. ) (连词成句) _ 答案: Did you tell a story to your classmates yesterday? 写出下列动词的过去式 1. wash_ walk _ play _ 2. live _ invite _ dance _ 3. study _ carry _ worry _ 4. shop _ stop _ 答案:1. washed; walked; played 2. lived; invited; danced 3. studied; carried; worried 4. shopped; stopped 5. teach _ think _ win _ lose _ throw _ catch _ hit _ wake _ bend _ 答案: 5. taught; thought; won; lost; threw; caught; hit; woke; bent 答案:-ed -d i 句型转换 1. My brother exercises every morning. (用this morning改写 句子) My brother _ _ morning. 2. I went to the beach last weekend. (改为一般疑问句并作肯定 回答) _ you _ to the beach last weekend? Yes, I _. 答案:1. exercised this 2. Did; go; did 3. David watched a basketball game yesterday afternoon. (改 为一般疑问句并作否定回答) _ David _ a basketball game yesterday afternoon? No, _ _ . 4. The Bulls won the basketball game at last. (改为否定句) The Bulls _ _ the basketball game at last. 答案: 3. Did; watch; he didnt 4. didnt win 5. The boy taught his sister to play ping-pong this morning. ( 对划线部分提问) _ _ the boy _ this morning? 答案: What did; do 1. 10重庆中考Jane, please turn off the lights _ you leave the classroom. A. after B. before C. until D. but 【解析】选B。句意:Jane, 离开教室之前,请关上灯。 before conj. 在之前。 2. 10温州中考Fathers Day is coming. What should I buy for my father? Why not _? He likes sports. A. a


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