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为深入贯彻落实党的十九大精神和习近平总书记的重要指示精神,保障人民安居乐业、社会安定有序、国家长治久安、进一步巩固党的执政基础,束城镇深入贯彻全市扫黑除恶会议精神,强化措施,深入扎实开展扫黑除恶专项斗争Unit 5 Music .完形填空(2015北京)A Welcome GiftDario and his mother loved their new apartment.The living room was large enough for their piano.That night, the two of them_1.A_side by side at the piano.They played jazz music to celebrate their new home.The loud_2.C_filled the room and made them feel very happy.The next morning,_3.B_, their happiness disappeared.Someone had left a_4.A_under their door during the night.One of their neighbors had written to complain(抱怨) about the sound of the piano.Darios mother asked the building superintendent(管理员) if he knew anything about it.But he said that they were all_5.D_people and he couldnt imagine any of them had done that.Later that morning, Dario suggested that they write a letter to their_6.A_and apologize for their playing.“Maybe we could go and_7.D_everyone in person.” his mother said.“What if we invited them to come here for a_8.A_instead?” Dario asked.They both loved the_9.B_.Over the next few days, they sent out invitations and prepared desserts_10.C_ their guests.They decorated the apartment with streamers(彩带) and party lights.Finally, the day of the party_11.B_.Some guests brought presents.Others brought flowers.Some even brought desserts to_12.C_.One woman, Mrs.Gilbert,_13.B_Darios mother with a book of piano music by Chopin.“I heard you playing the other night,” she said.“The sounds woke me out of bed.I_14.D_ that you might play like this every night.So I wrote a short note.I hope you dont think I disliked the playing.”Darios mother smiled at Mrs.Gilbert.“I think maybe we_15.D_you an apology,” she said.“I didnt_16.A_how late it was when we were playing.Maybe we should play some quieter music at night.”“You play, you play!” Mrs.Gilbert said.“I like what you play! Just not so loud at night.” She pointed to the book she had given them.“These songs are not such_17.D_music.”“These songs are beautiful music,” Darios mother said.“We will be_18.C_to play them in the evening.”“And we wont play so loud or late!” Dario said.He was already looking forward to_19.B_the new music.More than that, however, he was happy to see the big smile on his mothers face.It gave him a feeling of_20.C_and made him feel that they were home at last.文章大意:搬进新居的母子俩深夜弹奏钢琴以庆祝乔迁之喜,不料引起邻居的不满。儿子达里奥想到一个主意:何不邀请邻居来家做客,盛情接待?此举果然奏效,邻居纷纷携礼物前来,甚至有人赠送他们一本肖邦的音乐书。一场邻里矛盾因为彼此的尊重和包容而轻松化解。1A.satBstoodClayDwalked解析:句意为:那天晚上,母子俩并排坐在钢琴前。下文说到他们弹奏音乐,结合常识此处应该是坐(sat)在钢琴旁。stand意为“站立”,lie意为“躺;位于”,walk意为“行走”,均不符合语境。2A.voiceBringCmusicDcry解析:由前句他们弹奏爵士乐可知,此处是说高声的音乐(music)充满整个房间。voice意为“说话声”,ring意为“铃声;钟声”,cry意为“哭声;叫喊”,均不符合语境。3A.thereforeBhoweverCotherwiseDinstead解析:逻辑推理题。根据空后的their happiness disappeared与前段中的made them feel very happy可知,上下文之间是转折关系,故选however,意为“然而,但是”。therefore意为“因此,所以”;otherwise 意为“否则”;instead意为“相反”。4A.noteBposterCbillDreport解析:根据第七段中So I wrote a short note.可知此处应选note,为原词复现。poster意为“海报;招贴画”,bill意为“账单”,report意为“报道;报告”,均与文意不符。5A.proudBrichCluckyDnice解析:逻辑推理题。根据空前的but和空后的he couldnt imagine any of them had done that可知,管理员认为邻居们都是友善的人。proud意为“骄傲的”;rich意为“富有的”;lucky意为“幸运的”;nice意为“友善的”。根据语境可知应选D项。6A.neighborsBfriendsCrelativesDaudiences解析:上文提到是有一个邻居抱怨他们,此处应是儿子建议给邻居们(neighbors)写道歉信。friend意为“朋友”,relative意为“亲戚”,audience意为“听众;观众”,均不符合语境。7A.blameBinstructCquestionDvisit解析:此句意为:也许我们可以亲自去拜访每一个人。blame意为“责备”;instruct意为“教导,指导”;question意为“质疑;询问”;visit意为“拜访”。根据语境可知应选D项。8A.partyBconcertCshowDplay解析:此句意为:相反地,我们邀请他们来这儿参加聚会,怎么样?由下文中的party lights以及Finally,the day of the party.可知应选A项。9A.experienceBideaCperformanceDaction解析:上文提到达里奥提出办一个聚会,由下文可知,他们确实办了聚会,故此处是说他们都喜欢这个主意。experience意为“经历;经验”;idea意为“想法,主意”;performance意为“表演;表现”;action意为“行为;行动”。根据上下文语境可知应选B项。10A.toBwithCforDfrom解析:此句意为:在接下来的几天里,他们发了请柬并为客人准备了甜点。prepare.for.意为“为准备”,for在此处表示对象。11A.continuedBarrivedCpassedDfinished解析:逻辑推理题。此句意为:终于,聚会的这天到了。由finally和下文内容可知,此处是说他们准备的聚会到来了(arrived)。continue意为“继续”;pass意为“经过;过去”,finish意为“完成”,均不符合语境。12A.orderBsellCshareDadvertise解析:客人们带甜点来参加聚会,应该是为了分享(share),而不是为了售卖(sell)和做广告(advertise),更与订购(order)无关。故选C项。13A.treatedBpresentedChelpedDserved解析:此句意为:吉尔伯特夫人赠给达里奥的妈妈一本肖邦的钢琴音乐书。present sb.with sth.意为“赠送某人某物”,为固定搭配,故选B项。treat sb.with sth.意为“用某物招待某人”,help sb.with sth.意为“帮助某人做某事”,serve sb.(with)sth.意为“用某物招待某人”,均与文意不符。14A.promisedBadmittedCagreedDworried解析:逻辑推理题。由上文“钢琴声把我吵醒了”可知,此处是指吉尔伯特夫人是担心(worried)他们会每天晚上这样弹奏。promise意为“承诺;答应”;admit意为“承认”;agree意为“同意”。15A.giveBsendCofferDowe解析:逻辑推理题。根据上文可知母子俩想要向邻居道歉,可知此处表示欠邻居一个道歉。owe sb.sth.是固定搭配,意为“欠某人某物”。16A.realizeBrememberCunderstandDaccept解析:此句意为:我没有意识到我们弹钢琴的时候是那么晚了。realize意为“认识到;意识到”,符合语境。remember意为“记得”;understand意为“理解;懂得”;accept意为“接受”。17A.sweetBstrangeCfunnyDloud解析:根据上文的Just not so loud at night.可知,此处吉尔伯特夫人是说这些歌曲不太吵。故选loud。18A.brave BsorryChappyDafraid解析:逻辑推理题。由前面提到的beautiful music可知,达里奥的妈妈是说将会很高兴(happy)能在晚上演奏这些音乐。19A.changingBpracticingCrecording Dwriting解析:此句意为:他已经期待着能练习这些新乐曲了。结合语境可知,拿到新的音乐书,达里奥当然想要练习或者演奏了。practice意为“练习;实践”,符合语境。20A.equalityBfreedomCwarmthDsympathy解析:逻辑推理题。根据空后的.made him feel that they were home at last.可知,此处是说达里奥感到温暖。equality意为“平等”;freedom意为“自由”;warmth意为“温暖”;sympathy意为“怜悯;同情”。根据语境可知应选C项。.阅读理解(2016海南中学考前模拟)Nat King Cole was born in the southern city of Montgomery, Alabama, in 1919.His parents named him Nathaniel Adams Coles.When Nathaniel was four years old, his parents moved the family north to Chicago.Nat learned to play the piano when he was very young.His mother was the only piano teacher he ever had.He gave his first public performance when he was four.By the time he was twelve, Nat was playing the piano at his fathers church.Nat played the piano in New York City and in Los Angeles when he was a young man.In 1937, he formed a group that played Jazz music.The group reportedly did not need a drummer because Nats piano playing kept the beat so well.They named the band The King Cole Trio.At the same time, Nat also changed his name into Nat King Cole.The band soon became very popular.Nat sang some songs, but mostly played the piano.By the middle of 1940, he was beginning to be known as a popular singer as well as a jazz piano player.He was one of the first musicians to record with the new record company, Capitol Records.The first song he recorded for Capitol was Straighten Up and Fly Right, which became one of the biggest hits of 1943.Nat recorded hundreds of songs.Some of the most popular include Sweet Lorraine,Nature Boy, and Mona Lisa, which made him famous as a singer.By 1956, he was known internationally.Nat was the first black man to have his own television show.The Nat King Cole Show, which began on NBC Television in 1965.Nat King Cole always smoked a lot of cigarettes.He died of lung cancer in 1965 when he was only forty-five years old.He received many awards during his life.He also received many more after his death.One was a 1990 Grammy Award for lifetime achievement.文章大意:这是一篇名人轶事,文章向读者介绍了美国钢琴演奏家男中音纳京高和他的音乐历程。他的主要音乐风格是爵士乐、流行乐。1From the first paragraph, we can learn that Nathaniel_C_.Awas named Nat King Cole by his parentsBstudied how to play the piano from his teacherCgave his first public performance in 1923Dwas born in the north of Chicago解析:考查的是考生对文章细节的理解能力。根据第一段的信息可知,Nathaniel生于1919年,四岁首次公开表演,也就是在1923年首次公开表演。故正确答案为C。A、B、D三项与第一段的信息不一致。2When did Nathaniel Adams Coles change his name into Nat King Cole?_A_AIn 1937.BIn 1935.CIn 1930.DIn 1927.解析:考查的是考生的推理判断能力。根据第二段中的信息“In 1937,he formed a group that played Jazz music.At the same time,Nat also changed his name into Nat King cole.”可知,正确答案为A。3Whats the right order of the following events?_D_Nat got a Grammy Award.Nat became internationally known.Nat founded the brand, The King Cole Trio.Nat recorded the song, Straighten Up and Fly Right.ABCD解析:考查的是考生对文章整体的把握。根据短文信息可知,事件发生在1990年;事件发生在1956年;事件发生在1937年;事件发生在1943年。因此,按时间顺序排列,正确答案为D。4What can we infer from the passage?_B_AStraighten Up and Fly Right was the biggest hit of 1943.BNat King Cole was most probably a heavy smoker.CNat King Cole was very good at playing the drum.DThe Grammy Award was founded in the middle of 1940.解析:考查的是考生的推理判断能力。根据短文信息“Nat King Cole always smoked a lot of cigarettes.He died of lung cancer in 1965 when he was only forty-five years old.”(他45岁时因吸烟太多而死于肺癌)可以推断,Nat King Cole的烟瘾很大。故正确答案为B。.语法填空阅读下列短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。(2016广东四校联考)There is a wonderful story about Jimmy Durante, one of great singers._1.Asked_(ask) to be a part of a show for some old World War II soldiers, he told them he was very busy and he could afford only a few minutes,_2.but_he would come if they wouldnt mind his singing one short song and immediately leaving for his next appointment.Of course, the shows director agreed_3.happily_(happy)But when Jimmy got on stage, something surprising happened.He went through_4.the_short song and then stayed.The applause grew louder and louder and he kept_5.staying_(stay)Pretty soon, he had been on stage_6.for_fifteen, twenty, and then thirty minutes.One of his_7.assistants_(assist) behind the stage stopped him and said, “I thought you had to go after a few minutes.What happened?”Jimmy answered, “I did have to go, but I can show you the reason why I stayed.You can see for_8.yourself_(you) if you look at the front row.” In the front row were two men, both of_9.whom_had lost an arm in the war.One had lost his right arm and the other had lost his left.Together, they were able to clap, and that was exactly what they_10.were_doing_(do), loudly and cheerfully.语篇导读:著名歌手吉米杜兰特在为二战老兵演出时,因档期紧张,本打算唱一首短歌离开,但被前排两位分别失去左胳膊和右胳膊的抗战老兵为自己热情鼓掌、欢呼的场景所感动,坚持留了下来。解析:1考查非谓语动词。句意:应邀为一些二战老兵演出,他告诉他们自己很忙,只能抽出几分钟的时间,但是如果他们不介意他唱一首短歌便立刻离开赶赴下一场通告的话,他会到场。句中已有谓语动词told,设空处应用非谓语动词;ask和其逻辑主语he之间是动宾关系,故用过去分词表被动。故填Asked。方法:非谓语动词作状语时,是用现在分词还是用过去分词


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