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第十一章 商务信函的翻译 Lead-in Reading 阅读与 欣赏 Everything I do look into my eyes you will see what you mean to me search your heart search your soul and when you find me there youll search no more dont tell me its not worth trying for you cant tell me its not worth dying for you know its true everything I do I do it for you look into your heart you will find theres nothing there to hide take me as I am take my life I would give it all I would sacrifice dont tell me its not worth fighting for I cant help it theres nothing I want more you know its true everything I do I do it for you Look into my eyes 看着我的双眼 You will see what you mean to me 你就会知道你对我意味着什么 Search your heart search your soul 在你的心中寻找,在你的灵魂中 寻找 And when you find me there youll search no more 当你找到我的时 候,你就无须再寻觅 Dont tell me its not worth trying for 不要告诉我那不知的一试 You cant tell me its not worth dying for 不要说那不值得为之付出 生命 You know its true 你知道它是真的 Everything I do 我所做的一切, I do it for you 都是为你 Look into your heart 看着你的心 You will find theres nothing there to hide 你会发现那里没有东西隐 藏 Take me as I am take my life 取走我-就是我本身,取走我的生命吧 ! I would give it all I would sacrify 我会牺牲 所有 Dont tell me its not worth fighting for 不要告诉我不值得为它而战 I cant help it theres nothing I want more 我无法控制,我无须再多 You know its true 你知道它是真的 Everything I do 我所做的一切, I do it for you 都是为你 Theres no love 那里没有 Like your love 像你的爱一样的爱 And no other 也没有其他人 Could give more love 能如你般给我更多的爱 Theres no one 没有任何人 Unless youre there 除了你 All the time all the way 不管何时不管何地 Ah you cant tell me its not worth trying for 你不能告诉 我那不值得努力 I cant help it theres nothing I want more 我无法控制, 我无需更多 Yeah I would fight for you 我会为你而战 Id lie for you 为你而死 Walk the wire for you 为你赴汤蹈火 Yeah Id die for you 为你而死 You know its true 你知道它是真的 Everything I do 我所做的一切, I do it for you 都是为你 第一节 商务信函简介 商务信函是商贸活动中的主要交流手段,也是传播商业文化的载体; 如有商务纠纷出现,商务信函还起着书面证据的作用。 根据全美最畅销的贸易书籍建立进出口业务关系(Building an Import-Export Business)的作者肯尼思.韦斯(Kenneth D. Weiss )的说法,买卖双方最关心以下几个问题:买卖双方如何回复对方的 信函, 回答是否清晰具体,让人一目了然,是否在信头上写明了公 司的地址和联系方式;买卖双方的银行信用记录是否良好,信贷情况 是否令人满意;买卖双方贸易往来的信用是否良好,能否按照约定按 时履行合同。除此之外,买方还关心卖方产品的质量,比如是否采用 了标准质量管理认证体系,如ISO9000、ISO14000、Hazard Analysis at Critical Points(适用于出口美国的海产品认证体系等)。 商务信函的写作和翻译能力直接影响到买家对公司企业的评估。正 确得体的商务信函写作和翻译决定了买卖双方是否以专业的方式进行 有效的沟通,在国际贸易业务往来中占据着举足轻重的地位。能否让 对方通过信函对所推荐的产品或服务产生兴趣,对经营理念表示认同 和赞赏,产生信任,很大程度上取决于往来商务信函的措辞和内容。 一 商务信函的13要素 信头(The Letter Head) 案号和日期 (The Reference and Date) 封内地址 (The Inside Address) 收信人姓名(The Attention Line) 称呼 (The Salutation) 事由 (The Subject Line) 信的正文 (The Body of Letter) 信尾敬语 (The Complimentary Close) 签名 (The Signature) 拟稿人和打字员姓名首写字母( Initials ) 附件( Enclosures) 抄送( Carbon Copy Notation) 附言 (Postscript) 商务信函实例1 Kee 混合式(Semi block style with indented paragraphs). 完全平头式 这种格式,据说是最摩登的,在美国很盛行,而且在英国 和欧洲,使用的人越来越多。 这种格式的特点是,凡是用打字机打上去的每一行字,包 括日期、封内地址、事由、结束礼词和签名,都是从左边 的空白边缘(left margin)打起。 这种格式采用开放式标点符号(Open Punctuation),日 期中月份与年份之间的逗号省略了,封内地址每一行末都 没有标点符号,称呼和结束礼词后面的标点符号省略了。 总而言之,在信的正文以外,除了非用不可的标点符号, 以及表示缩略语的句号标点以外,不使用任何标点符号。 Credit inquiry Hui Zong An Beijing, China Tel: 46-2161 Our ref: Your ref: Date 7th June 1986 Mr. K. Huang 65 Nathan Road Kowlon HONG KONG Dear Sir The Maryland Inc. The subject company is now offering to represent us in the sale of our Sewing Machines标题公司现提出要当我公司代理,销售我们的缝纫 机, and has referred us to your Bank for detailed information about its credit standing, business capacity and character. We shall appreciate it if you will give us your frank opinion on these points regarding the company. Any information you may give us will be treated strictly in confidence. We assure you of our reciprocating your courtesy at any time. Yours respectfully Notes: 这是写给某银行(即The Maryland, Inc. 提供的资信证明人)的信,要求该 银行提供该商号的资信情况。写给银行的信,封内地址的收信人通常用the manager, 因此信的称呼用Dear Sir. Sale n. 销售,出售 we confirm the sale to you of 200 metric tons (of) walnuts. 我们确 认卖方给你方核桃20公吨。 3and has referred us to your Bank for detailed information about its credit standing, business capacity and character. 并介绍 我公司向贵行了解该公司的信用、业务能力和声誉的详细情况。 Refer to 请某人向某人去了解(探寻) 例:I am happy to refer you to the following people who can tell you about my work and character. 请向下列各位探寻我的工作能力和 品行。 Character: 声誉;地位;品性 4We shall appreciate it if you will, 如(蒙)你, 将非常感激。 这是外贸书信中表示“请求”的常用套句之一。 5Your frank opinion on these points regarding the company 你行 对公司就上述几点提出坦率意见 6. we assure you of our reciprocating your courtesy at any time. 我 们保证回报你行的好意。 改良平头式 这种格式,除日期、结束礼词和签名部分外,其他部分每行开头都与左边空白边缘 看齐。 Reply to Credit Inquiry Mr. K. Huang 65 Nathan Road Kowlon HONG KONG Our ref: Your ref: Date 7th June 1986 Hui Zong An Beijing, China Tel: 46-2161 Gentlemen: The Maryland Inc. The subject company you inquired about by your letter of October 25, 1989, has been maintaining an account with us for the past twenty years, during which they have never failed to meet their obligation. Their balance sheets of recent years enclosed will show you that their import business in Sewing Machines has been managed and operated under a satisfactory condition. We believe that they owe their reputable position among the local wholesalers in our district to their steady and sincere way of conducting business. Please note that this information is furnished without any responsibility on our part and should be held strictly confidential. Yours truly, Notes: Inquire about: ask for information about 查问;问明;了解某 事 例如: we would like to inquire about the recent market conditions in Europe. 我们想要了解一下欧洲最近的市场情况。 Maintain an account with us 与我行有账户往来 To meet their obligation 履行义务 Meet: 应付;满足 We hope you will be able to meet our requirements. 希望你能 满足我们的要求。 Have we enough money with us to meet all the expenses?我们 的钱够付全部费用吗? their import business in Sewing Machines has been managed and operated under a satisfactory condition。他们的(缝纫机 )进出口业务经营管理良好。 owe their reputable position among the local wholesalers in our district to their steady and sincere way of conducting business他们之能在我们地区批发商中享有盛誉,要归因于他们 经营业务的稳妥和诚实。 Furnish: 供给 Other samples will be furnished upon request. 其他样品函索 即寄。 混合式 混合式又称带有缩行式分段的半平头式,即除信的正文的每个段落的第一行往后缩进5 格或10格外,其他部分与改良平头式相同。 Mr. K. Huang 65 Nathan Road Kowlon HONG KONG Our ref: Your ref: Date 7th June 1986 Hui Zong An Beijing, China Tel: 46-2161 An Inquiry from S.G Hamilton best terms; discount) 询盘函句型 Sentences of Inquiry Letters 1 使用祈使句译文 A. 请将贵公司的进口商品目录寄来为荷。 (荷:信函中表示“感谢”) B 1. Please state your best terms and discount for cash payment.(陈述 说明) B 2. Please let us know your best terms and discount for cash. 询盘函句型 Sentences of Inquiry Letters 2 使用请求句 A. Would you please send us some samples with the quotations? (样品;报价单) B. 敬请惠寄商品的现行价格表。 (current; price list) 询盘函句型 Sentences of Inquiry Letters 2 使用请求句译文 A. 敬请惠寄报价单与样品可否? B 1. Will you please let us have a ruling price list of the goods? B 2. Would you please send us a list of up- to-date/current prices for the goods? (最近的 最新的) 询盘函句子翻译练习 Inquiry Letters-Sentence Translation Practice 1 Please send us your catalogue and price list of . 2 I would appreciate your sending me an up-to-date price list for your . 3 Would you please quote us your lowest price for . 1 请惠寄你方的 商品目录和价格 表。 2 如蒙贵方寄来 的现行价格表, 将不胜感激。 3 贵方能否将的 最低价格报给我 方? 询盘函句子翻译练习 Inquiry Letters-Sentence Translation Practice 4 Could you send us your latest catalogue and price list? 5 We look forward to hearing from you soon. 6 We hope to hear from you soon. 4 贵方能否寄来 最新的商品目 录和价目表? 5 我们盼望能尽 早得到答复。 6 我们希望能尽 早收到您的回 复。 From English to Chinese 询盘函英译汉 Dear Mr. Chen, We are impressed by the selection of overcoats that were displayed in your showroom at the 5th China Textiles & Clothing Manufacture Industry Exhibition that was held in Jiaxing City of Zhejiang Province in November 2007.We are a leading importer of fashion clothes that enjoys a high reputation in Britain. Currently, we are looking for a manufacturer who could supply us with a wide range of overcoats for the British market. If these conditions interest you, and you can meet orders that cover 500 overcoats at one time, please send us your latest catalogue and price list. We look forward to receiving your early reply. Yours faithfully, Levi Parker 译文 尊敬的陈先生: 2007年11月,浙江省嘉兴市举行了第五届中国纺织 及制衣工业展览会。我们对贵方展台上展示的大衣系列 服装很感兴趣。 我们是英国一家主要的时装进口商,在国内享有很 高的声誉。目前,我方正在寻找能提供各种款式大衣的 生产商。如贵方对这些条件感兴趣并能一次提供超过 500件的订货商品,请惠寄你们的现行商品目录及价格 表。 希望能尽早得到答复。 列维帕克 敬上 将下列询盘函翻译成中文 Dear Mr. Lee, Your firm has been recommended to us by the James Olivier Co. Ltd, with whom we have done business for many years. We are interested in your knitting machines, particularly Model F, for use in manufacturing household textiles and shall be glad if you will send us a copy of your illustrated catalogue and current price list. Your early reply is highly appreciated. Yours sincerely, Mark Thomson 尊敬的李先生: 同我们有多年贸易往来的詹姆斯奥列佛公司 向我们推荐了贵公司。我们对贵方编织机, 特别是生产家用织品的F型编织机很感兴趣。 请寄给我们一份带有插图的商品目录和最新 的价目表。 如蒙早日回复,将不胜感激。 马克汤姆森 Letters of Acceptance 接受函翻译 2018/12/24Unit 2 Translation of Advertising Texts 68 Section A Work Task 工作任务 (一)接受函的概念 买卖双方在价格谈妥、样品确认后,决定 订单。接受函指的是买方向卖方确认正式 下订单的信函。 翻译技巧 Section A Work Task 工作任务 (二)接受函的内容通常包括: 1)表示接受卖方的报价。 2)提出特别需要注意的要求:如唛头、颜色、标贴、运 输等。 3)请卖方提供合同,以便安排开立信用证或者预付款。 翻译技巧 Section A Work Task 工作任务 (三)商务英语接受函中可能会涉及到的客户要求 1)指定出货的唛头(shipping mark)。 2)指定报关行(forwarder)或者装运的船公司(shipping company)或者航 空公司(airline company)。 3)指定检验公司(inspection company), 4)要求工厂全检,以保证品质(100% test/inspection)。 5)要求分批装运(partial shipment、 6)买主指定的转运(transshipment)的港口、 7)指定保险(insurance)的种类、 8)指定贴牌(logo)。 9)指定颜色(color)。 翻译技巧 Section B Work Task 工作任务 余杭万盛家私公司的出口部业务员收到客 户的接受函, 要订100套BS68款沙发。经 过价格审核等环节,拟定回复函,由商务 助理将它译成英语。 From Chinese to English 接受函回复函汉译英 背景介绍 Section B Work Task 工作任务 文 本 敬启者:我们很高兴地收到你方4月7日关于沙发的订 单,并且欢迎你成为我们的客户。现确认按你方信中 价格供应100套BS68款沙发。一俟收到你方信用证, 我方将安排用第一艘便船交货。我们相信货物抵达后 ,你们会对此价格购得这样的货物感到非常满意。合 同草案正在草拟,一俟备好,即提交你方确认。我们 希望您的第一个订单将为我们今后的友好合作铺平道 路,并且标志着愉快的合作关系的开始。 商祺 闻文 2008年4月10日 Section A Work Task 工作任务 April 10,2008 Dear Sir, We are please to receive your order of 7th of April for the sofa and welcome you as one of our customers. We confirm supply of 100 sets of sofa (Item No. BS68) at the price stated in your letter and will arrange for delivery by the first available steamer upon receipt of your L/C. We feel confident that when the goods reach you, you will be completely satisfied with them at the price offered. The draft contract is being drawn up and will be submitted to your for approval as soon as it is ready. We hope the conclusion of this initial order will pave the way for further friendly cooperation between us and mark the beginning of a happy business relationship. Best regards Wen Wen 操作示范 完成译文 Section B Work Task 工作任务 商务接受函的回复一般是对于商务订单的确认,主要确 认的内容有相关的产品品名、数量、规格、付款方式、 包装、交货时间等。有时候由于一些特殊的原因,商务 订单函的回复也可能是拒绝订单、拒绝数量变化、请求 延期交货、请求替换等。翻译商务英语接受函的回复时 ,力求对商务订单流程有一定的了解,这样可以有助于 对接受函以及回复的理解和翻译。此外,接受函和回复 翻译中特别要注意数据的核对,以确保准确无误。 翻译技巧 Section C Building Up More Skills 知识拓展语序调整 语序调整 译译看: (注意顺序) 东南西北 衣食住行 Key: north and south, east and west food, clothing , housing and transportation Section C Building Up More Skills 知识拓展语序调整 语序调整 (一)词序:表示时间和地点的句子,汉语往 往是先大后小,而英语则是先小后大。翻译 时应该做一些调整: 例: 【原文】 His address is 3612 Market Street, Philadelphia, PA19104, U.S.A. 【译文】 他的地址是美国宾夕法尼亚州费城市场街3612号,邮编19104。 Section C Building Up More Skills 知识拓展语序调整 语序调整 (一)词序:表示时间和地点的句子,汉语往 往是先大后小,而英语则是先小后大。翻译 时应该做一些调整: 例:【原文】 My uncle passed away at 2.30 a.m. on September 12, 1988. 【译文】 我的伯父于1988年9月12日凌晨2点30分去世。 Section C Building Up More Skills 知识拓展语序调整 语序调整 (二)语序:汉语是一种逻辑性很强的语言,语序主要由语义 的搭配决定,即语义团块的先后是由人的思维逻辑来决定的; 而英语句子的语义结构以关系词为中心,造句借助形态变化和 丰富的连接词语,按照合乎语法的规则搭架,语序的先后次序 灵活体现严密的语法关系。 例:【原文】 A fresh cover of snow lightly blankets the tracks of yesterday, where my children have made snow angels and rolled down Grandpas back-yard hill, spreading winters magical frosting form head to toe. 【译文】 昨天孩子们在祖父后院的山坡上堆雪人,从头到脚沾满了冬天 那奇妙的雪花。如今,一场新雪又轻轻地盖住了他们的足迹 Section C Building Up More Skills 知识拓展语序调整 语序调整 (二)语序: 1根据时间顺序调整语序 例:【原文】 For example, a young woman who had difficulty studying made dramatic strides when she got a better desk lamp and moved her desk away from her bed. 【译文】 例如,有位年轻女士,原来学习很吃力。但自从换了一盏好台 灯,并把桌子从床边搬开后,学习就有了很大的进步。 Section C Building Up More Skills 知识拓展语序调整 语序调整 (二)语序: 1根据时间顺序调整语序 例:【原文】 The boy, who was crying as if his heart would break, said, when I spoke to him, that he was very hungry, because he had not had food for two days. 【译文】 小男孩哭得好像心都碎了,当我问他怎么回事,他说他已经两天没吃 东西,非常饿。 Section C Building Up More Skills 知识拓展语序调整 语序调整 (二)语序: 2根据逻辑顺序调整语序 例:【原文】 你有什么需要,只管来找我。 【译文】 Do not hesitate to come when you need help. Section C Building Up More Skills 知识拓展语序调整 语序调整 (二)语序: 3根据信息重心调整语序 例:【原文】 The skill with which birds find their way home has often been demonstrated by homing pigeons, but the longest journeys have been made by ocean birds. A Manx Shearwater, taken to Boston, USA, covered 3,050 miles back to its nest in Wales in twelve days. 【译文】 鸟类这种识途归巢的本领,我们已经从通信鸽的身上经常看到了。 但飞过最远航程的是海鸟。有一只曼克斯海鸥,被带到美国波士顿后, 用了12天时间,飞越3050英里,终于回到它在英国威尔士的老巢。 Section A Work Task 工作任务 2007年3月,江苏华泰集团外贸部钟平经理收到 客户Jon的接受函,要求商务助理将此译成汉语. From English to Chinese英译汉 背景介绍 Section A Work Task 工作任务 文 本 March 22, 2007 TO: Mr. Zhong Thanks for your prompt reply and the fine price you made us for the oil cooler (Item No. 890). We confirm the order as enclosed and we will have the goods delivered to Associated Cargo Express Ltd. on or before April 20th. Our freight rates are as follows: 1-45kg US$6.00/kg 46-99kg US$5.50/kg 100kg up US$5.00/kg We will pay the freight to you so that you can put it on the invoices. Please send us a Sales Contract as soon as possible and advise which account we should remit the money to. We hope you will make us the invoices with freight, and send one of the invoices to our Accounting Department. Thanks. Best regards Jon Section A Work Task 工作任务 译 文 钟先生: 您好! 感谢您及时的回复,也感谢您就油冷器(货号890)的优惠报价。我方 确认订单,请见附件。我们要求你方在4月20日前(含4月20日),将订单 中的货物发至 Associate空运公司,我们的运费报价如下: 1-45公斤 US$6.00/千克 46-99公斤 US$5.50/千克 100公斤以上 US$5.00 /千克 我方将运费付给你方,以便你方将运费加到发票上。请速发合同给我方 ,并告知汇款账号。 我们希望你方提供含运费的发票,其中一份寄给我方会计部。谢谢! 乔恩 谨上 2007年3 月22日 Letters of Complaint 项目八 投诉函翻译 2018/12/24Unit 2 Translation of Advertising Texts 87 Section A Work Task 工作任务 2007年11月,北京金诚进出口有限公司出口部白 经理收到客户一封投诉函,要求助理将其译成汉 语。 From English to Chinese英译汉 背景介绍 Section A Work Task 工作任务 文 本 Subject: Claim on Damaged Goods Nov. 15th. 2007 To: Mr. Bai We received your consignment of toys this morning (our Order No. SI106). However, on examining the contents we found that 20 electric trains on one side of case No.8 were badly dented and are unsalable. This case had obviously been either dropped or struck by a heavy object. As this consignment is urgently needed to complete orders from one of our major customers, it is absolutely essential that you ship replacements as soon as possible. Your prompt attention would be appreciated. Best regards, Sean Section A Work Task 工作任务 译 文 主题题:对对受损货损货 物提出索赔赔 收件人:白先生 你方玩具于今早抵达我方(订单订单 号SI106)。然而当我们查们查 检检内装货货物时时,却发现发现 置于8号箱一侧侧的20辆电动辆电动 火车严车严 重凹陷,无法销销售。很显显然此箱曾被摔过过或受到过过重物的撞 击击。 因我方急需该货该货 以履行我方一主要客户户的订单订单 ,所以你们们 绝对绝对 有必要尽早换货换货 。 若能及时处时处 理,将不胜胜感激。 萧萧恩 谨谨上 2007年11月15日 Section A Work Task 工作任务 (一)投诉函的概念 投诉函一般是客户表示不满意而写的信, 主要是产品质量、包装、装运期等原因。 通常客户在信中还会要求卖方处理问题。 翻译技巧 Section A Work Task 工作任务 (二)投诉函的内容通常包括: 1)投诉的原因:产品质量、数量、颜色、价格 、装运时间等问题。 2)建议解决方案:如打折、调换、取消订单等 。 3)要求提供解决方案:如果没有提供建议的解 决方案,一般会要求卖方提供解决方案。 4)表示感谢:对于对方及时解决和关注所投诉 的问题表示感谢。 翻译技巧 Section B Work Task 工作任务 2006年3月,广州日晨进出口有限公司的吴 经理收到客户史密斯先生的投诉,得知订 单R569中的CD部分受损。经过调查核对和 处理,拟定了一封回复函,要求助理译成 英文。 From Chinese to English 投诉函回复汉译英 背景介绍 Section B Work Task 工作任务 文 本 史密斯先生: 您好! 收到您3月10日的来信,得悉我们为了R569号订单所供应的 CD有一些运抵贵公司时已经损坏,我们非常抱歉。 更换的货物已经于今天早晨用包裹邮寄出。您无需将损坏的货 物退还,可以销毁。虽然由运输业者负责运送的CD我们皆细 心包装,但最近我们仍收到一些有关的损坏报告。为了避免造 成顾客的不便和困扰,节省我们的开支,现在我们正在寻求包 装顾问,希望他能改进我们的包装方式。 给您带来不便我们深表歉意,并希望今后的改进能确保将您的 订货安全送达。 吴汉 谨上 2006年3月11日 Section A Work Task 工作任务 March 11th, 2006 Dear Mr. Smith, We are very sorry to learn from your letter of March, 10th that some of the compact discs supplied to your order No. R569 were damaged when they reached you. Replacements for the damaged goods have been sent by parcel post this morning. It will not be necessary for you to return the damaged goods, and they may be destroyed. Despite the care we take in packing goods sent by carrier, there have recently been se


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