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一中上学期九年级期末试卷一听力(略)二语言知识及运用第一节 单项选择1.We are shocked _ the amazing scenery we see in Guangzhou.A.with B. at C. in D. for2.Barbara works for a company _ makes furniture.A when B. where C. which D. who3. Is it like _ the couple will get married soon?A. why B. so that C. when D. that4. The opera will be on in a few minutes. Can you come over a bit _?A. quickly B. more quickly C. most quickly D. quick5. She cant remember _. The parking area is crowded with cars now.A. where has she parked her car B. where will she park her carC. where she will park her car D. where she has park her car6. _ others is considered rude in many cultures.A. Stared at B. Stare at C. Staring at D. Stares at7. My son is confident _ the first in the physics competition tomorrow.A. that he will get B. that will he get C. if he will get D. whether will he get8. Have you made a decision _ an astronaut after leaving college?A. become B. becoming C. to becoming D. to become9. He stepmother treated her _ a servant when she was a little girl.A. in B. for C. as D. at10. If you can _, your English will be greatly improved.A. make profits B. make money C. make the best use of time D. work out第二节、语法选择I crossed the street to avoid meeting him, but he saw me and came running towards me . it was useless _1_ that I had not seen him, _2_ I waved to him. I never enjoy meeting Nigel Dykes. He never has _3_ to do. No matter how _4_ you are, he always insists on coming with you. I had to think of a way of preventing him _5_ following me around all morning.“Hello. Nigel.” I said. “Fancy meeting you here?”“Hi. Elizabeth. Nigel answered. “I was just wondering _6_ spend the morning-until I saw you. Youre not busy doing anything, _7_?“No, not at all. I answered. “Im going to “Would you mind my coming with you? he asked, before I _8_ speaking. Not at all, I lied, but Im going to the dentist.Then Ill come with you. He answered. Theres always many magazines _9_ in the waiting room!After hearing this. I stared despairingly (绝望地) at the man _10_ was ready to follow me.1. A. pretended B. to pretend C. is pretending D. pretend 2. A. so B. and C. but D. so that3. A. nothing important B. important nothing C. anything important D. important anything4. A. busy B. busily C. busier D. busiest5. A. form B. for C. in D. at6. A. how can I B. how I will C. how will I D. how to7. A. are you B. arent you C. will you D. wont you8. finish B. had finished C. will finish D. was finishing9. A. to read B. reading C. read D. to reading10. A. when B. which C. who D. where三、完形填空How can you think in English? I think the best way is to practice as what a football player does every day. During the 1 the football player will pass the ball to his teammates over and over again. So he wont have to 2 passing the ball in the game. He will just do it.You can train yourself to think in _3_ this way. The first step is to think of the words that you use daily, simple _4_ words like book or shoe or tree. For example, whenever you borrow a book you should think of _5_in English instead of in your mother language.After you have learned to think of several words in English, then move on to the next step -thinking in 6 . listening and repeating is a very useful 7 to learn a language. Listen first and dont care too much about 8 you fully understand what youre hearing. Try to repeat what you _9_. The more you listen, the more you learn. After you reach a _10 level, start having conversations with yourself in English. This will lead you to think in English.1. A. match B. practice C. class D. testing 2. A. wait for B. look at C. think about D. give up3. A. English B. Chinese C. language D. Japanese4. A. everyday B. beautiful C. new D. old5. A. shoe B. tree C. flower D. book6. A. sentences B. passages C. lessons D. classes7. A. idea B. step C. way D. plan8. A. which B. how C. whether D. why9. A. hear B. see C. smell D. taste10.A.lower B. poorer C. bigger D. higher四、阅读理解 AHow many cups of coffee did you drink yesterday? Where did the coffee come from? There is a good chance that your coffee came from one of these countries: Brazil, Colombia, Indonesia, Ivory Coast, or Ethiopia. These five countries produce most of the coffee in the world today. Brazil produces about half of the worlds crop of coffee beans.The coffee plant is really a small tree with shiny leaves. A coffee plant grows for about three years before it produces any fruit .After that, it produces fruit for about 40 years. The coffee bean is the seed of the fruit.Its difficult to pick coffee plants Machines cant do it well, So people pick most of the coffee beans by hand. Workers usually pick between 20 ans 40 pounds of coffee beans a day.The old way to grow coffee plants is under large trees. The trees protect the coffee plant from the sun. The trees are also homes to many kinds of birds. However , on many modern farms, farmers cut down the trees. They grow the coffee plants under the sun. Large farms can produce more coffee this way. The coffee plants on these farms need more water and more fertilizer .And without the trees, the birds dont have place to live.1、which country grows about 50% of the worlds coffee beans?A. Colombia B. Ethiopia C. Brazil D. Indonesia2. what does a coffee plant look like?A. it is a small tree without any leaves B. it is small and has shiny leavesC. it is very high with some leaves. D. it is high and has shiny leaves3.How many pounds of coffee bean can a worker pick each day?A. around 30 pounds B. less than 20 pounds C. more than40 pounds D. not more than 20pounds4.Why do some farms grow coffee plants under the sun?A. They dont like large treesB. They dont want birds to fly to their farmsC. They enjoy working in the sunD. They can grow more coffee in this way5. Which of the following is true according to the passage?A. The coffee plant grows for one year before it produces fruitB. Farmers never use machines to pick up the coffee beansC. On some old farms, farmers like to grow coffee plants under large treesD. On some modern farms, the coffee plants need less water and fertilizer BOne of the most famous scientists to study adaptations (适应) was Charles Darwin. He was born in England in 1809. He wasnt the best student in his school, but when he was 16, his father sent him to a medical school. Charles liked spending time outdoors observing (观察) nature more than attending medical classes. He dropped out without graduating. Next, Charless father sent him to school to become a minister (牧师). This time he made it to graduation. But he didnt want to do the work of a minister. His friends encouraged him to follow his interest in science. After graduation, Charles was invited to sail on the Beagle as an unpaid scientist. He wasnt the first choice, but he was the lucky one to go. The Beagle was to travel to South America and then around the world. The crew s task was to make maps of the places they visited.On December 27th, 1831, Charles Darwin sailed from England on the Beagle. The trip was planned to last two years. In fact, it lasted five. During this time, he saw many amazing things. He collected lots of plants and animals and took them back to England to study. In 1859, Darwin published an important scientific paper with another man named Wallace. Darwin described how some animals have adaptations that help them survive. They are passed on to offspring (后代). Darwins ideas about adaptations are still very important to the study of living things nowadays.6. Darwin was very interesting in _.A. attending medical classes B. the work of a minsterC. sailing around the world D. scientific research7. What was the Beagle probably?A. A ship B. A plane C. A plant D. An animal8. How old was Darwin when he published the scientific paper?A. Twenty-three B. Twenty-two C. Forty-five D. Fifty9. The underline word “they” in the last paragraph refers to _.A. adaptations B. Darwin and Wallace C. animals D. Darwins ideas10. Which of the following is true?A. Darwin graduated from a medical school.B. Some animals have adaptations so that they can survive.C. Darwin published the scientific paper by himself.D. Darwin was first chosen to sail on the Beagle.CAYesterday the police were joined by more than 20 volunteers in the continuing search for the two missing teenagers, Vicky Gray and Tom Hunter, and their guide, Gavin Jones. The police said that they had disappeared during an adventure (冒险) tour of Cape York Peninsula.This was the second day of the search and the police were now very worried about the safety of the three missing people.The police said that the search had covered a wide area, but the rainforest was thick and their work was made harder by the recent rain. Later on Chief Inspector (警官) Roger Fleet said, The travelers had a radio with them. If they had been in trouble, they would have called us.The three travelers left Cooktown very early on Saturday morning in a Toyota car. They took a small dirt road that runs down to the Daintree River, a dangerous river full of crocodiles (鳄鱼). Chief Inspector Roger Fleet said the tourists wouldnt have got into trouble if they had stayed on the main road.A photo of Vicky and Tom was found by a policeman under the Be Careful about crocodiles sign near the river. Why was the photo left behind? This is just one of the unanswered questions. Other questions are: Why was the photo left behind? Why was the Toyota parked and locked at the edge of the rainforest? The police said that the travelers had left a map of the area behind. Why? Why had someone drawn a cross on the point (地点) where the car is? Is this a sign? What does it mean? If anyone can give information or has seen these three young people, contact the local police in Cooktown.11. This article is probably taken from _A. a newspaper B. a magazineC. a storybook D. a guidebook12. Which word best describes the search of the three missing people?A. Safe B. Hard C. Happy D. Successful13. Which of the following things wasnt found by the police?A. A touring map. B. A photo of the travelers.C. The travelers radio. D. The travelers car14. All the following are unanswered questions except_.A. why they left a photo behind B. why they came to this areaC. why their Toyota was parked in the place D. why a cross was drawn on the map15. The article asks people to _.A. join the police in searching for the missing peopleB. tell the police about the travelers ages and their appearanceC. learn the lesson and stop taking adventure toursD. provide information about the missing peopleD How terrible it would be if there was a fire! Today is November 9. Its time for us to learn alot more about fire, especially what to do if we are caught in a fire: 1 Shout out If you smell smoke or see fire, shout out “Fire”! Shout as loudly as you can, because people may be asleep. 2Call 119 Never try to put out the fire yourself, even if it is a very small one! Get help from your parents or call 119. 3Keep down close to the floor If there is a lot of smoke in your room, keep down close to the floor. 4Test the door Test the door before you open it. If the door is cool, open it carefully. If the door is hot, do not open it! Try to find a different way out. 5Get out If you can, get out of your home as soon as possible.6Dont use the lift Never use the lift during the fire. It may also go wrong. 7Dont go back Never go back into a burning building!16When people are asleep and a fire breaks out, what will you do? APut out the fire yourself. BWake up your parents first. CShout out as loudly as you can. DRun as fast as possible. 17When a fire is burning outdoor, you should _. Aopen the door and run awayBtest the door before opening it Ccall for a much quicker help Dfind some water and put it out 18Why shouldnt you use the lift when a fire breaks out? ABecause taking the lift is so slow. BBecause there will be more fire. CBecause the lift may keep you safe. DBecause the lift may not work. 19If you leave something expensive at


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