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(红色字为格式要求,请特别关注)(中文封面)中 南 大 学CENTRAL SOUTH UNIVERSITY本科生毕业论文(设计)题 目 论唯美主义对王尔德道瑞格雷画像 人物刻画的影响 学生姓名 指导老师 学 院 外国语学院 系/专业/班级 英语专业 完成时间 (题目简要明确,一般不宜过长;标题加粗,统一大写,书名斜体;余不加粗)(英文封面)THE INFLUENCE OF AESTHETICISM ON THECHARACTERIZATION IN WILDESTHE PICTURE OF DORRIAN GRAYbyChen HaiyanClass 3,Grade 2002(No.TP010819)Supervisor: Tu GuoyuanJune 2006School of Foreign LanguagesCentral South University(说明页,不进入论文)(论文统一采用Times New Roman 四号字体及字号,输出纸张大小:A4,页边距:上下左右各3厘米,行距:1.5倍行距。页码从正文开始编写,用阿拉伯数字,字号:小四,位于右下角,正文中页码应与目录页相符。)(Abstract ,摘要 , Introduction , Chapters , Conclusion , Notes , Bibliography , Appendix均要求单独分页。)AcknowledgementsI owe a great debt of gratitude to the teachers and professors who have taught me in the four years of my undergraduate study ,to my honorable supervisor , Professor Tu Guoyuan ,not only for his zealous teaching and patient checking of the thesis but also for his priceless instruction which will benefit me all my life ,to my classmates who have given me many suggestions and help , and to the librarians who have supplied me with reference materials of great value . Without all these people, the thesis would not have been possible .(Abstract, 摘要(页码为罗马数字小写),Introduction, Chapter titles, Conclusion, Notes,Bibliography, Appendix 加粗,余不加粗,页码为阿拉伯数字)ContentsAbstracti摘要iiIntroduction1Chapter 1 General Introduction of Aestheticism31.1 Introduction of Aesthetic Movement 31.2 Formation of Wildes Aestheticism.51.3 Wildes Aesthetic Views .7Chapter 2 Influence of Aestheticism on the Characterization in The Picture of Dorian Gray.102.1 Summary of The Picture of Dorian Gray102.2 Artistic Symbolism of the Characters.122.3 Leading Role of Aestheticism in the Development of the Characters.21Conclusion.24Notes.26Bibliography27Appendix.28Abstract(Abstract限300单词以内,Key words限5-6个单词,简要概括论文的主要内容和观点) Key words: aestheticism, beauty, Feminism, characterization .i.(摘要及关键词内容应与Abstract相符)摘 要(两字之间空两格) 关键词:唯美主义,美,女性主义,人物刻画.ii.(导言主要包括选题的依据,对本课题研究现状的简述,本文的立意和研究的角度。)Introduction .1. .2.(要求论点明确、结构合理、条理清楚、内容完整、资料翔实并与论点相结合,同时要做到文字通顺,引文规范。论文正文字数在6000以上。)(章与章标题分两行排列并加粗,章节标题另起一行并加粗,其余各章格式相同)Chapter 1General Introduction of Aestheticism1.1 Introduction of Aesthetic Movement.3.(结论是对全文论点的概括,通常不超过一页。)Conclusion .24. .25.(若注解无新内容,只是告知引文出处的话,就在文内用夹注即可。若有新内容,对所注内容进行更多的说明与解释,统一用尾注)Notes1. /literature/aestheticism2.html2. Peter Raby, The Cambridge Company to Oscar Wilde.Shanghai : Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press,2001,p.213. Richard Ellmann,The Critic as Artist as Wilde.New York: Bantom Books.1995,p.295 4. Ibid.,pp.296-298.26.(说明:1.参考文献一般应在6篇以上; 2.排列时先英文,后中文;3英文著译者姓在前、名在后,按姓氏首字母顺序排列;两位著译者时,第二位名在前姓在后;中文著者按姓氏汉语拼音字母顺序排列; 4.每条文献顶格写,回行时外文空5个字符,中文空2个汉字;5.中文书名和期刊放在书名号 中。 6.注意中英文标点符号的异同。)BibliographyChao,Y.1968.A Grammar of Spoken Chinese ,中译本:汉语口语语法,吕叔湘译,北京:商务印书馆,1979。Ellmann , Richard. “The Critic as Artist as Wilde”. Modern Critical View: Oscar Wilde.Ed.Laurie G.Kirszer.New York: Chelsea, 1985.Gillespie , Michael Patrick & Robert Collins. Ethics and Aesthetics in The Picture of Dorian Gray . England : Colin Smith Press,1994.Raby,Peter. The Cambridge Company to Oscar Wilde . Shanghai : Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press,2001.Rain,Kathereen.Drama and Tradition.Vol.1.Princeton Up,1968.Wilde , Oscar. The Picture of Dorian Gray . London : Penguin Books,1891.-Intentions .New York: Viking,1899.方柏林一个唯美主义者的遗言。南京:译林出版社,2004。奥斯卡王尔德王尔德作品集。北京:人民文学出版社,2000。杨自伍英国文化选本(下册)。北京:华东师范大学出版社,1996。.27.(文献综述,长度为2000英文单词,内容为对主要参考文献的概括)Appendix(左对齐)Literature Review(居中).28.常用缩写c.,ca. circa , “about”(usually used with dates when the exact date is not certainfor example,ca.1594)ed.,eds. edited by, editor, editorsesp. especiallye.g. exempli gratia , “for example”et al. et alii, “and others” etc. et cetera, “and so forth” i.e. id est, “that is” p., pp. page, pagestrans. translated byvol., vols. volume, volumes注意:英文无顿号、书名号;英文中不可出现中文数字:一、二、三关于(Notes)Notes 分为footnotes(脚注), endnotes (尾注), integrated notes(行内注),是对论文引文资料来源的集中 。论文统一采用尾注。Quotations serve two key purposes .They help to exemplify claims, and they reproduce the language of the source.三行以内的引文使用引号,列入正文行内并按出现先后顺序上标排序:l Example: Lawrence describes the two mothers differently. Elizabeth Bates is “a tall woman of imperious mien, handsome, with definite black eye-brow”1l 三行以上引文应另起行做Indent quotation. Usually, your introduction to a long quotation will be a complete sentence. Conclude your sentence with a colon. Double-space from your text. Indent ten spaces fromthe left margin. Do not put indented quotations in quotation marks. Double-space the quote.l Example: The du


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