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Creative Problem Solving 唐宁玉 上海交通大学管理学院 2002、8 Agenda今天的安排 nBrief self introduction自我介绍 nAbout the course课程简介 nCreative thinking创造性思考 nCreativity创造性 nCreative thinking: concepts, schemes and frames 创造性思考的概念,图式和框架 nVisualization and memory视觉化和记忆 nMindmapping脑图 nFour-Quadrant brain models 四分脑模型 How do you think about? n想象力要比知识来得重要 n想象力使人类成为万物之灵 n想象力统治着整个世界 n把冰卖给爱斯基摩人? Introduction:Part 1 第一部分 nBrief introduction of the book nVisualization and memory nThe 4-quadrant brain model nOvercoming mental barriers to creative thinking Introduction: Part 2第二部分 nProblem definition nIdea generation, brainstorming,and teamwork nCreative evaluation, judgment, and critical thinking nSolution implementation Part 3: Application第三部分 nComputers and creative thinking nThe Pugh Model nCommunications and creative problem solving nCulture, technology, inventions and patents This course nParticipation and involvement参与 n Discussions讨论 nExercises练习 Evaluation 课程评价 nClass participation(30%): Attendance and involvement nAssignment: (20%) nFinal report : (20%) Reference Book n哈佛管理丛书:如何开发你的创造力? n王滨:超越逻辑:创造性解决问题,上 海科学普及出版社,2000 nJames M Utterback:把握创新,清华大学 出版社,1999 n戈登等:学习的革命,三联出版社, 1999 Part 1第一部分 Creative thinking 创造性思考 Why creative problem solving? 为什么? nRapidly changing world nCope , adapt and succeed nUse the whole brain nBenefits: nIndividual nCompany nSociety Exercise 1练习1 nP.6-7: Skills comparison技能比较 nThink about your own job: what are the subjects most needed for careers in HRM? ASTD survey results 调查结果 nKnowing how to learn nCommunication nAdaptability nPersonal management nGroup effectiveness ASTD survey results nThe specific skills receiving the most attention in Fortune 500 ; nProblem solving nTeamwork nInterpersonal Skills nOral communication nListening nWriting nGoal setting Different Schemes for solving problems nScientific method nCreative thinking nPolyas method nAnalytical thinking n8-D method nCreative problem solving Exercise 2 nHow to make it the largest? Some concepts and theories nCreativity nCreative thinking nBrain and memory Creativity nIs playing with imagination and possibilities, leading to new and meaningful connections and outcomes while interacting with ideas, people and the environment. nInvolves both generating an idea and manifesting itmaking something happen as a result. Creativity n心智能力 n观察与注意 n记忆与回忆 n分析与判断 n产生新构想,预知和想象不存在的事物 n超越既有知识,未必遵循常规的思考方式, 一般成为创造。在思考中,体现为扩散性思 考。 You would be demonstrating creativity if you: nInvent something which has never existed before nInvent something which exists elsewhere but you are not aware of nInvent a new process for doing something nReapply an existing process or product into a new or different market nDevelop a new way of looking at something (bringing a new idea into existence) nChange the way someone else looks at something Have a look at the picture below. It shows a person holding a block of wood. Now, what will happen to the piece of wood when the person lets go of it? 概念 n创造意识 n指具有为人类的文明与进步作出贡献的崇高理想,有为创造发明而 献身的远大抱负,和在本职岗位上为社会创造出有价值的全新物质 产品或精神产品的强烈愿望 n创造能力 n把上述思想、愿望变成可操作的步骤并使之转化为有价值的、前所 未有产品的能力 n创造性思维 n人脑对客观事物本质和事物之间内在联系规律所作出的概括、间接 与能动的反映 n开创意义的思维活动,即开拓人类认识新领域,开创人类认识新成 果的思维活动,它往往表现为发明新技术、 形成新观念,提出新方 案和决策,创建新理论 创造性思维研究的发展脉络 n沃拉斯的“四阶段模型” n韦索默的“结构说” n吉尔福特的“发散性思维” n斯滕伯格的“智力观” n若宾的最高级思维模型 n刘奎林的“潜意识推论” 四阶段模型 n准备阶段 n孕育阶段 n明朗阶段 n验证阶段 吉尔福特的智力观 视觉 听觉 符号 语意 行为 思考 内容 单位 类别 关系 系统 转换 应用 思考 结果 评价 聚敛思考 发散思考 记忆 认知 思考 运作 发散思维 n流畅性(fluency):在短时间内能连续 地表达出的观念和设想的数量; n灵活性(flexibility):能从不同角度、 不同方向灵活地思考问题; n独创性(originality):具有与众不同的 想法和独出心裁的解决问题思路; n精致性(elaboration):能想象与描述 事物或事件的具体细节。 创造力三维模型理论 n第一维:智力维 n第二维:方式维 n第三维:人格维 创造性思维的分类 n随意创造思维 n事先没有很明确的创造目标,也没有拟订关于创造过程的详细计划 、步骤,思维过程比较随意;所产生的思维成果是与众不同的,因 而有新颖性;这种思维成果对于人类的文明与进步不一定有直接的 关系与影响,也不一定能转化为有价值的精神产品或物质产品,但 是对思维主体自身可能具有一定的积极意义与价值(作为资料保存 或对其今后工作有帮助) n非随意创造思维 n一般创造思维 n高级创造思维 创造性思维结构 n一个指针(发散思维)用于解决思维的方 向性; n两条策略(辨证思维、横纵思维)提供宏 观的哲学指导和微观的心理加工策略; n三种思维(形象思维、直觉思维、时间逻辑思 维)用于构成创造性思维过程的主体 思维的生理基础:脑及其机能 n脑简介 n脑的机能 脑简介 n人类的脑,由120亿以上的细胞构成 脑 脑干 小脑 前脑 维持个体生命:心跳、呼吸、消化、 睡眠、体温等 控制肌肉的运动,调节姿势与 身体的平衡 最高层部分,最复杂、 最重要的神经中枢 大脑半球的机能 n运动区 n体觉区 n视觉区 n听觉区 n联合区 大脑两半球的分合功能 n对称分布 n彼此配合,发生交互作用 n联合区:分别发挥左右半球相关各区的 联合功能 n胼胝体的功用 大脑两半球的分合功能 n语言区 n两半球分割后的影响 Memory and Brain nThe memory capacity of human being is far more than c powerful computer nYet it has not been fully utilized Mental languages nVerbal nMathematical nSensory nVisual Memory? nFirst things first nPractice new techniques nTime repetitions nPay attention nObserve carefully nSupport brain nUse memory aids nExecute action tasks Visualization nThinking in images nExercise: P35 Visualization:A way to improve memory nAssociation nWord substitution nThe link or story chain nThe phonetic alphabet nMemory pegs nExercise: page 48 Exercise:如何记住它们? 1)餐巾纸 2) 西红柿 3) 一条面包 4) 苹果 5) 汉堡包胚 6) 一盒玉米片 7) 生菜 8) 冰淇淋 9) 猫粮 10) 意大利面条 Sketching nAn aid to thinking nHelp developing visual ideas worth communicating. What to be sketched? nObjects nMental images and concepts nFlow charts Mindmap nMindmapping combines aspects of brainstorming, sketching and diagraming in the process of thinking through a subject. nFounder: Tony Buzan Mindmapping nWhy and nHow? Procedure for sketching a mindmap n选择一个能够表达你的主要概念的主题词,并 把它写在纸的中间。比如大脑。 n思考与大脑有关的内容,并添加与中心词的连 接。 n运用连接与联想的方法,从这些概念为起点, 画成一张脑图。 n在画好的脑图上相关的想法中添加一些带箭头 的连接线。 n添加一些图画,这样可以帮助你更好地记忆。 Exercise nMake a mindmap of a report or paper that you have recently written. Four-Quadrant Brain Model nNed Herrmann and his work nBrain dominance nPreferred modes of knowing nHBDI: Hermann Brain Dominance Instrument Logical Factual Critical Technical Analytical Quantitative Visual Holistic Intuitive Innovative Conceptual Imaginative Conservative Structured Sequential Organized Detailed Planned Interpersonal Kinesthetic Emotional Spiritual Sensory Feeling Exercise nWhat is your style? Pre


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