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*第七篇 the apgar testthe baby was born at 3:36 p. m. at 3:37, she scored 4 out of 10 on her first test. at 3:41, she scored 8 out of 10. the doctor was glad.another baby, born at 8:24 p. m., scored 3 out of 10 on his first test. he scored 4 out of 10 on his second test. he took another test at 8:34 and scored 5. the doctor was worried. he called for help1.these newborn babies took a test called the apgar test. this test helps doctors diagnose problems. they decide if a baby is normal or needs special care.most babies take two tests. the first is at 1 minute after birth, and the second is at 5 minutes after birth. if a babys score at 5 minutes is less than 6, the baby takes another test at 10 minutes after birth.the apgar test is not an intelligence test. its a test that shows a babys health right after it is born. the apgar test measures things such as a babys color, heart rate, and breathing. the test has five parts, and the score for each part can be 0, 1, or 2. doctors add the scores together for the total apgar score.a doctor named virginia apgar developed the test. apgar went to medical school at columbia university in new york city in 1929. she faced many challenges because she was the first woman in the program. however, she was one of the best students in her class. after medical school, she started treating patients2.apgar also became a researcher in anesthesiology, a new topic in medicine at the time3. during her studies, she learned how to give patients anesthesia. anesthesia is a procedure that makes patients lose consciousness, so they do not feel any pain during surgery.in the 1940s, many women started to have anesthesia when they gave birth. apgar had a question: how does anesthesia affect newborn babies? in 1949, when apgar was a professor at columbias medical school, she created her simple test. she wrote a paper about her methods in 1953. soon after, people started using the apgar test around the world.in her work, apgar saw that many newborns had problems. she wanted to help these babies survive. she stopped practicing medicine in 1959, and she went back to school to get a masters degree in public health. she spent the rest of her life doing research and raising money to help newborn babies.today, the apgar test is still used all over the world. newborn babies dont know it, but virginia apgar is a very important person in the first few minutes of their lives.第七篇 阿普加测试下午3:36,一个婴儿出生了。3:37时,她的第一次健康测试成绩是4分(总分10分)。3:41时,她的成绩是8分,医生感到非常高兴。另一天晚上8:24,另外一个婴儿出生了。他的第一次测试成绩是3分,第二次成绩是4分。8:34时又进行了一次测试,成绩是5分。医生非常担心,这个婴儿需要救助。这些新生儿进行的是一项叫作阿普加的测试。这项测试帮助医生诊断新生儿的问题,他们根据测试成绩判断新生儿是正常的还是需要特殊护理。大多数的婴儿会接受两次测试。第一次是在出生后1分钟,第二次是在出生后5分钟。如果婴儿在第二次测试中的成绩少于6分,那他们需要在出生10分钟后再进行一次测试。阿普加测试不是一项智力测试。它是一项在婴儿出生后表明其健康状况的测试。这项测试会测量诸如婴儿的皮肤颜色、心率、呼吸一类的项目,总共包括五部分,每一部分的成绩可以是0分、1分或2分。医生把每一部分的成绩加起来就是这项测试的总分。一位名叫弗吉尼亚阿普加的医生设计了这项测试。1929年,阿普加去纽约的哥伦比亚大学医学院就读。由于是这个学科里的第一位女性,使她面临了许多挑战。然而,她却是班上最好的学生之一。完成医学院的学业后,她开始给患者治疗。阿普加还是麻醉学方面的研究者,当时麻醉学是一项新的医学课题。在求学过程中,她学会了如何给患者实施麻醉。麻醉会使病人失去意识,因而他们在手术过程中不会感到任何疼痛。20世纪40年代,许多妇女在分娩时开始使用麻醉。但阿普加有个疑问:麻醉是如何影响新生儿的呢?1949年,当阿普加在哥伦比亚医学院担任教授时,她创造了这项简单测试。1953年,她写了一篇关于该测试方法的论文。不久之后,人们开始在世界范围内使用阿普加测试。在工作中,阿普加发现许多新生儿都有健康问题。她想帮助这些新生儿活下来。1959年,她中止了行医,回到学校攻读公共卫生硕士学位。她把自己的余生都奉献给了医学研究以及筹集资金帮助新生儿。今天,阿普加测试仍然在全世界范围内被广泛运用。虽然新生儿们并不知道,但弗吉尼亚阿普加却是他们生命的前几分钟里非常重要的一个人。*第八篇ice cream taster has sweet jobjohn harrison has what must be the most wanted job in the united states. hes the official taster for edys grand ice cream, one of the nations best-selling brands. harrisons taste buds are insured for $1 million. he gets to sample 60 ice creams a day at edys headquarters in oakland, california. and when he isnt doing that, he travels, buying edys in supermarkets all over the country so that he can check for perfect appearance, texture, and flavor.after i interviewed harrison, i realized that the life of an ice cream taster isnt all cookies n cream a flavor that* he invented, by the way. no, its extremely hard work, which requires discipline and selflessness.for one thing, he doesnt swallow on the job. like a coffee taster, harrison spits. using a gold spoon to avoid “off” flavors, he takes a small bite and moves it around in his mouth to introduce it to all 9,000 or so taste buds. next he smack-smack-smacks his lips to get some air into the sample. then he breathes in gently to bring the aroma up through the back of his nose. each step helps harrison evaluate whether the ice cream has a good balance of dairy, sweetness, and added ingredients 一 the three-flavor components of ice cream. then, even if the ice cream tastes heavenly, he puts it into a trash can. a full stomach makes it, impossible to judge the quality of the flavors.during the workweek, harrison told me that he has to make other sacrifices, too: no onions, garlic, or spicy food, and no caffeine. caffeine will block the taste buds, he says, so his breakfast is a cup of herbal tea. this is a small price to pay for what he calls the worlds best job.harrisons family has been in the ice cream business in one way or another1 for four generations, so harrison has spent his entire life with it2. however, he has never lost his love for its cold, creamy sweetness. he even orders ice cream in restaurants for dessert. on these occasions3, he does swallow, and he eats about a quart (0.95 liters) each week. by comparison4, the average person in the united states eats 23.2 quarts (21. 96 liters) of ice cream and other frozen dairy products each year.edys ice cream is available in dozens of flavors. so what flavor does the best-trained ice-cream taster in the country prefer? vanilla! in fact, vanilla is the best-selling variety in the united states. however, you should never call it plain vanilla. “its a very complex flavor,” harrison says.第八篇 冰淇淋品尝师一一一份甜蜜的职业约翰哈瑞森拥有一份可能是美国人最想要的工作。他是一名职业的冰淇淋品尝师,供职于美国最畅销的冰淇淋品牌之一edys grand ice cream。哈瑞森已经给味蕾投保了100万美元。他每天要在位于加州奥克兰的edys总部尝试60种冰淇淋样品。休假时,他会去旅行,并且到全国各地的超市买来edys产品,以便检査外观,质地和口味是否完美。在采访完哈瑞森之后,我发现一个冰淇淋品尝师的生活并不像他发明的奶油曲奇味雪糕那样甜。这是一个需要克制和无私的艰难工作。首先,工作时他不能咽下冰淇淋,只能像咖啡品尝师那样吐出。为了避免其他味道的混入,他用金制的汤匙舀取冰淇淋,咬一小口在口中搅动,让大约9 000个味蕾全部都能感觉到味道,然后他不断咂嘴唇好让空气进入口中。接着,他轻轻吸一口气,让冰淇淋的芳香窜入鼻中。每一个步骤都有助于哈瑞森判断出这款冰淇淋的牛奶、甜度和添加剂这三种成分是否已达到完美的平衡。即使这个冰淇淋尝起来极其美味,他接下来也会把它扔到垃圾桶里。饱腹感是不可能判断出口味的品质的。哈瑞森告诉我说,在工作周,他也不得不做出很多牺牲:不能吃洋葱、大蒜或辣的食物以及含咖啡因的食物。因为咖啡因会限制味蕾,所以他早饭时只喝一杯花草茶。这只是他为了自己口中世界上最好的工作所付出的一个小代价。哈瑞森的家族中已经有四代人以这样或那样的方式在冰淇淋行业工作,所以他已经为此付出了一生。但他并没有失去对这种凉爽油腻的甜品的爱。他甚至会在餐厅中点冰淇淋作为甜品。在这些时候,他会咽下它们,他每周大概会吃掉一夸脱(0.95升)的冰淇淋。而美国普通人平均每年要吃掉23.2夸脱(21. 96升)的冰淇淋和其他冰冻奶制品。edys的冰淇淋有几十种口味。哪种口味才是这个国家最有经验的冰淇淋品尝师的最爱呢?香草味的!事实上,香草口味是全美最畅销的。但是,你不能称它是纯香草口味。“这是个很复杂的口味,”哈瑞森说道。*第六篇brandsthe word brand is a comprehensive term that encompasses other narrower terms. a brand is a name, term, symbol, and/or special design that is intended to identify the goods or services of one seller or group of sellers. a brand differentiates one sellers products from those of competitors. a brand name consists of words, letters, and/or numbers that can be vocalized. a brand mark is the part of the brand that appears in the form of a symbol, design, or distinctive coloring or lettering. it is recognized by sight but may not be expressed when a person pronounces the brand name.a trademark is a brand that is given legal protection because, under the law, it has been appropriated by one seller. thus trademark is essentially a legal term. all trademarks are brands and thus include the words, letters, or numbers that can be pronounced. they may also include a pictorial design. some people erroneously believe that the trademark is only the pictorial part of the brand.one major method of classifying brands is on the basis of who owns themproducers or middlemen. sunbeam, florsheim, spalding (athletic products), and sara lee are producers brands, while allstate, shurfine, sysco, craftsman, and penncrest are middlemens brands.the terms national and private have been used to describe producer and middleman brand ownership, respectively. however, marketing people prefer the producer middleman terminology. to say that the brand of poultry feed marketed in three states by a small birmingham, alabama, manufacturer is a national brand, whereas the brands of penneys or sears are private brands, stretches the meaning of the terms national and private.译文:品牌品牌是一个综合性的术语,它包括其他范围更小的术语。一种品牌可以是一个名字、一个术语、一个符号或是一个特殊的标志,用以区别不同卖主或卖主群体的货物或劳务。品牌可以把一个卖主的商品同其他竞争者的商品区分开来。一个品觯的名字由可以清晰读出的单词、字母及数字组成。商标是品牌的一个组成部分,其形式为一个符号、一种图案、一种与众不同的色彩或字母书写。它可以从视觉上确认,但在读品牌的名学时不一定能表达出来。商标是受法律保护的品牌,因为依据法律,它已被卖主占有了。因此,商标实质上是一个法律术语。所有的商标都是品牌,它也就包括可以被读出的单词、字母及数字。商标上也可能有图案设计。有些人错误地认为,商标仅是品觯中的图案部分。品牌分类的一种主要方法是依据其所有人制造商和中间商来划分。山比母、弗拉什姆、 斯巴尔丁(体育用品)和萨拉李等是制造商的品牌,而奥斯泰特、舒费因、赛斯克、克拉夫茨曼 和penncrest则是中间商的品牌。 国有和私有这两个术语分别用于描述制造商与中间商的品牌所有权。不过,销售人员更偏爱生产者中间商这个术语。我们说阿拉巴马州伯明翰市一家小广生产的、在三个州都有出售的家禽饲料为国有品牌,而penneys或sears为私有品牌,就把国有和私有这两个术语的意思引申了。*第七篇moderate earthquake strikes englanda moderate earthquake struck parts of southeast england on 28 april 2007, toppling chimneys from houses and rousing residents from their beds. several thousand people were left without power1 in kent county2. one woman suffered minor head and neck injuries.“it felt as if the whole house was being slid across like a fim-fair ride, 3” said the woman. the british geological survey said the 4.3-magnitude quake4 struck at 8:19 a.m. and was centered under the english channel5, about 8.5 miles south of dover6 and near the entrance to the channel tunnel7.witnesses said cracks appeared in walls and chimneys collapsed across the county. residents said the tremor had lasted for about 10 to 15 seconds.“i was lying in bed and it felt as if someone had just got up from bed next to me,” said hendrick van eck, 27, of canterbury8 about 60 miles southeast of london. “i then heard the sound of cracking, and it was getting heavier and heavier9. it felt as if someone was at the end of my bed hopping up and down. ”there are thousands of moderate quakes on this scale around the world each year, but they are rare in britain. the april 28 quake was the strongest in britain since 2002 when a 4.8-magnitude quake struck the central england city of birmingham10.the countrys strongest earthquake took place in the north sea in 1931, measuring 6.1 on the richter scale11. british geologicisd survey scientist roger musson said the quake took place on 28 april in an area that had seen several of the biggest earthquakes ever to strike britain, including one in 1580 that caused damage in london and was felt in france.12 musson predicted that it was only a matter of time13 before another earthquake struck this part of england. however, people should not be scared too much by this prediction, musson said, as the modern earthquake warning system of britain should be able to detect a forthcoming quake and announce it several hours before it takes place. this would allow time for people to evacuate and reduce damage to the minimum. 译文:中度地震袭击英国2007年 4月 28日英格兰东南部地区发生中度地震,一些房屋烟囱倒塌,许多居民半夜从睡梦中惊醒。肯特郡几千人遭遇断电,一名女子头部和颈部受了轻伤。“我感觉整个房子就像游乐场的滑行机一样在滑动。”该女子说。英国地质调查局说,本次里氏 4.3级的地震发生于上午 8点 19分,震中在英吉利海峡底部,位于多佛尔以前约8.5英里处的海峡隧道入口附近。一些目击者看到郡中墙壁现裂缝,并有烟囱倒塌。当地居民说震动大约持续了 1015秒。“我当时躺在床上,觉得好像旁边有人从床上站起来。 ”住在伦敦东南部60英里处的 27岁的 hendrick van eck说,“然后我听到有东西裂开的声音,而且越来越响。就好像有人在我床尾不停地并着脚跳。”这种规模的中度地震世界上每年都会发生几千次,但在英国仍非常少见。 4月 28日的地震是英国自 2002 年中部城市伯明翰里氏 4.8级地震以来最强的一次。英国的地震最高曾达到里氏6.1级,1931年发生在北海。英国地质勘测所的科学家罗杰马森说,4月28日发生地震的地区曾经遭受过几起英国最大的地震,其中的一次发生在 1580年,那次地震蹂躏了伦敦,并波及法国。马森预言了英格兰的这个地区早晚还会发生地震,但他说人们不必对此产生太大恐惧,因为英国的现代地震预警系统应该能够侦测即将发生的地震,并在震前数小时内通知大家。这将使人们有时间撤离震区,并把损失降到最低。*第八篇 easy learningstudents should be jealous. not only do babies get to doze their days away, but theyve also mastered the fine art of learning in their sleep.by the time babies are a year old they can recognize a lot of sounds and even simple words. marie cheour at the university of turku in finland suspected that they might progress this fast because they learn language while they sleep as well as when they are awake.to test the theory, cheour and her colleagues studied 45 newborn babies in the first few days of their lives. they exposed all the infants to an hour of finnish vowel soundsone that sounds like “oo”, another like “ee” and a third boundary vowel peculiar to finnish and similar languages that sounds like something in between. eeg recordings of the infants brains before and after the session showed that the newborns could not distinguish the sounds.fifteen of the babies then went back with their mothers, while the rest were split into two sleep-study groups. one group was exposed throughout their night-time sleeping hours to the same three vowels, while the others listened to other, easier-to-distinguish vowel sounds.when tested in the morning, and again in the evening, the babies whod heard the tricky boundary vowel all night showed brainwave activity indicating that they could now recognise this new sound. they could identify the sound even when its pitch was changed, while none of the other babies could pick up the boundary vowel at all.cheour doesnt know how babies accomplish this night-time learning, bunt she suspects that the special ability might indicate that unlike adults, babies dont “turn off” their cerebral cortex while they sleep. the skill probably fades in the course of the first year of life, she addsso forget the idea that you can pick up tricky french vowels as an adult just by slipping a language tape under your pillow. but while it may not help grown-ups, cheour is hoping to use the sleeping hours to give remedial help to babies who are genetically at risk of language disorders.译文:容易的学习学生们应该感到嫉妒。婴儿们不仅整天睡觉,而且他们还能在睡眠中掌握学习的艺术。 婴儿到了一周岁时,他们可以识别出很多音,甚至一些简单的单词。芬兰turku大学的marie cheour怀疑他们进步这么快的原因可能是他们不仅在醒着时学语言,而且在睡觉时也在学语言。为了检验这个理论,cheour和她的同事们在45个新生儿生命最初的几天里对他们进行了研 究。他们让所有的婴儿听一个小时的芬兰元音一其中一个类似“00”,另一个类似“ee”,还有 一个芬兰语和类似语言特有的边界音,听起来像两者之间的声音。在此之if和之后的婴儿大脑的 脑电图记录显示新生儿不能辨别这几个声音。然后,其中15个婴儿随他们的母亲回去了,而另外的婴儿被分成两个睡觉时学习小组。一个 组的婴儿夜间睡觉的时候还放着同样三个元音的录音,而其他的婴儿只听其他的较容易区分的元音。在早晚各进行了测试之后,那些整晚都在听难识别的边界音的婴儿显示出的脑波活动说明他 们现在能够识别这个新声音了。甚至当这个音的音调变化时他们仍能够识别出来,而其的婴儿 没有一个能识别这个边界音的。cheour不知道婴儿是如何完成这个夜间学习的,但是她怀疑这种特殊能力说明跟大人不一 样,婴儿睡觉时没有把大脑皮层“关掉”。她接着说,这种技能可能在生命的最初过程中渐渐消 失,因应忘掉这样一个想法,即你作为一个成年人只需要把一盘语言录音带塞在枕头下面就可 以学会法语中一些麻烦的音。伹是,虽然这并不能帮助成年人,chedtir希望这些睡眠时间可用来 帮助那些从基因上来说会发生语言障碍的婴儿。*第九篇 what is a dream?for centuries, people have wondered about the strange things that they dream about. some psychologists say that this nighttime activity of the mind has no special meaning. others,however, think that dreams are an important part of our lives. in fact, many experts believe that dreams can tell us about a persons mind and emotions.before modern times, many people thought that dreams contained messages from god. it was only in the twentieth century that people started to study dreams in a scientific way.the austrian psychologist, sigmund freud1,was probably the first person to study dreams scientifically. in his famous book, the interpretation of dreams (1900), freud wrote that dreams are an expression of a persons wishes. he believed that dreams allow people to express the feelings, thoughts, and fears that they are afraid to express in real life.the swiss psychiatrist carl jung2 was once a student of freuds. jung,however,had a different idea about dreams. jung believed that the purpose of a dream was to communicate a message to the dreamer. he thought people could learn more about themselves by thinking about their dreams. for example, people who dream about falling may learn that they have too high an opinion of themselves. on the other hand, people who dream about being heroes may learn that they think too little of themselves.modern-day psychologists continue to develop theories about dreams. for example, psychologist william domhoff from the university of california, santa cruz,believes that dreams are tightly linked to a persons daily life, thoughts, and behavior. a criminal, for example, might dream about crime.domhoff believes that there is a connection between dreams and age. his research shows that children do not dream as much as adults. according to domhoff, dreaming is a mental skill that needs time to develop.he has also found a link between dreams and gender. his studies show that the dreams of men and women are different. for example, the people in mens dreams are often other men, and the dreams often involve fighting. this is not true of womens dreams.3 domhoff found this gender difference in the dreams of people from 11 cultures around the world, including both modern and traditional ones.can dreams help us understand ourselves? psychologists continue to try to answer this question in different ways. however, one thing they agree on this: if you dream that something terrible is going to occur, you shouldnt panic. the dream may have meaning, but it does not mean that some terrible event will actually take place. its important to remember that the world of dreams is not the real world.译文:梦是什么几百年来,人们都对他们梦到的奇异的事情感到疑惑。一些心理学家认为,这种大脑的夜间活动并没有特殊含义,另一些人则认为,梦是生命重要的一部分。实际上,许多专家认为,梦能揭示人的心理和情感活动。近代以前,很多人认为梦传递的是上帝的信息。直到20世纪,人们才开始从科学的角度研究梦。奥地利心理学家西格蒙德弗洛伊德或许是第一个用科学的方法研究梦的人。在他的著作 梦的解析(1900) 中,弗洛伊德写道,梦是一个人愿望的表达。他认为梦打开了一扇窗,让人们得以表达在生活中不敢表达的情感、思想和恐惧。瑞士精神病学家卡尔 荣格曾是弗洛伊德的学生,但他对梦的看法与弗洛伊德不同,他认为,梦的作用是给做梦的人传递一种信息,而人们通过自己的梦,可以对自己有一个更深刻的了解。比如,如果一个人梦到从高处坠落,那么他应该反思自己是不是自视过高。反过来,如果梦中自己成了英雄,应该想想平时可能太看低自己了。现代心理学家还在继续发展关于梦的理论,来自位于圣克鲁兹的加利福尼亚大学的威廉 多姆霍夫就是其中一位。他认为,梦境和一个人的日常生活、思想和行为都紧密相关,比方说,一个罪犯就可能梦到犯罪。多姆霍夫还认为,梦和年龄也有关系。他的研究表明,孩子不像成人那么多梦。他认为,做梦也是一项心理机能,也随着年龄增长而发展。多姆霍夫还发现梦和性别之间的关系。通过研究. 他发现男性和女性的梦境常常是不同的。例如,在男性梦境中出现的通常是其他男性,而且常与打斗有关,而女性的梦境则不是这样。多姆霍夫研究了全世界来自11种不同文化的古今案例,得出了上述结论。梦能帮助我们更好地了解自己吗?心理学家还在尝试通过不同方式来解答这个问题,不过,有一件事他们是意见一致的:如果你梦到有不好的事要发生,不要慌张。梦确实有含义,但也不意味着你梦到的事真的会发生。要记住,梦中的世界并不是真实的世界。*第十篇 the workers role in managementtradit


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