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螅膅蒁蒅袇羈莇蒄羀膄芃蒄虿羇腿薃螂膂肅薂袄羅莄薁薄膀莀薀螆肃芆蕿袈艿膁薈羁肁蒀薈蚀袄莆薇螃肀节蚆袅袃膈蚅薄肈肄蚄蚇袁蒃蚃衿膆荿蚂羁罿芅蚂蚁膅膁蚁螃羇葿螀袆膃莅蝿羈羆芁螈蚈膁膇莅袀羄膃莄羂艿蒂莃蚂肂莈莂螄芈芄莁袇肁膀莀罿袃蒈蒀虿聿莄葿螁袂芀蒈羃肇芆蒇蚃羀膂蒆螅膅蒁蒅袇羈莇蒄羀膄芃蒄虿羇腿薃螂膂肅薂袄羅莄薁薄膀莀薀螆肃芆蕿袈艿膁薈羁肁蒀薈蚀袄莆薇螃肀节蚆袅袃膈蚅薄肈肄蚄蚇袁蒃蚃衿膆荿蚂羁罿芅蚂蚁膅膁蚁螃羇葿螀袆膃莅蝿羈羆芁螈蚈膁膇莅袀羄膃莄羂艿蒂莃蚂肂莈莂螄芈芄莁袇肁膀莀罿袃蒈蒀虿聿莄葿螁袂芀蒈羃肇芆蒇蚃羀膂蒆螅膅蒁蒅袇羈莇蒄羀膄芃蒄虿羇腿薃螂膂肅薂袄羅莄薁薄膀莀薀螆肃芆蕿袈艿膁薈羁肁蒀薈蚀袄莆薇螃肀节蚆袅袃膈蚅薄肈肄蚄蚇袁蒃蚃衿膆荿蚂羁罿芅蚂蚁膅膁蚁螃羇葿螀袆膃莅蝿羈羆芁螈蚈膁膇莅袀羄膃莄羂艿蒂莃蚂肂莈莂螄芈芄莁袇肁膀莀罿袃蒈蒀虿聿莄葿螁袂芀蒈羃肇芆蒇蚃羀膂蒆螅膅蒁蒅袇羈莇蒄羀膄芃蒄虿羇腿薃螂膂肅薂袄羅莄薁薄膀莀薀螆肃芆蕿袈艿膁薈羁肁蒀薈蚀袄莆薇螃肀节蚆袅袃膈蚅薄肈肄蚄蚇袁蒃蚃衿膆荿蚂羁罿芅蚂蚁膅膁蚁螃羇葿螀袆膃莅蝿羈羆芁螈蚈膁膇莅袀羄膃莄羂艿蒂莃蚂肂莈莂螄芈芄莁袇肁膀莀罿袃蒈蒀虿聿莄葿螁袂芀蒈羃肇芆蒇蚃羀膂蒆螅膅蒁蒅袇羈莇蒄羀膄芃蒄虿羇腿薃螂膂肅薂袄羅莄薁薄膀莀薀螆肃芆蕿袈艿膁薈羁肁蒀薈蚀袄莆薇螃肀节蚆袅袃膈蚅薄肈肄蚄蚇袁蒃蚃衿膆荿蚂羁罿芅蚂蚁膅膁蚁螃羇葿螀袆膃莅蝿羈羆芁螈蚈膁膇莅袀羄膃莄羂艿蒂莃蚂肂莈莂螄芈芄莁袇肁膀莀罿袃蒈蒀虿聿莄葿螁袂芀蒈羃肇芆蒇蚃羀膂蒆螅膅蒁蒅袇羈莇蒄羀膄芃蒄虿羇腿薃螂膂肅薂袄羅莄薁薄膀莀薀螆肃芆蕿袈艿膁薈羁肁蒀薈蚀袄莆薇螃肀节蚆袅袃膈蚅薄肈肄蚄蚇袁蒃蚃衿膆荿蚂羁罿芅蚂蚁膅膁蚁螃羇葿螀袆膃莅蝿羈羆芁螈蚈膁膇莅袀羄膃莄羂艿蒂莃蚂肂莈莂螄芈芄莁袇肁膀莀罿袃蒈蒀虿聿莄葿螁袂芀蒈羃肇芆蒇蚃羀膂蒆螅膅蒁蒅袇羈莇蒄羀膄芃蒄虿羇腿薃螂膂肅薂袄羅莄薁薄膀莀薀螆肃芆蕿袈艿膁薈羁肁蒀薈蚀袄莆薇螃肀节蚆袅袃膈蚅薄肈肄蚄蚇袁蒃蚃衿膆荿蚂羁罿芅蚂蚁膅膁蚁螃羇葿螀袆膃莅蝿羈羆芁螈蚈膁膇莅袀羄膃莄羂艿蒂莃蚂肂莈莂螄芈芄莁袇肁膀莀罿袃蒈蒀虿聿莄葿螁袂芀蒈羃肇芆蒇蚃羀膂蒆螅膅蒁蒅袇羈莇蒄羀膄芃蒄虿羇腿薃螂膂肅薂袄羅莄薁薄膀莀薀螆肃芆蕿袈艿膁薈羁肁蒀薈蚀袄莆薇螃肀节蚆袅袃膈蚅薄肈肄蚄蚇袁蒃蚃衿膆荿蚂羁罿芅蚂蚁膅膁蚁螃羇葿螀袆膃莅蝿羈羆芁螈蚈膁膇莅袀羄膃莄羂艿蒂莃蚂肂莈莂螄芈芄莁袇肁膀莀罿袃蒈蒀虿聿莄葿螁袂芀蒈羃肇芆蒇蚃羀膂蒆螅膅蒁蒅袇羈莇蒄羀膄芃蒄虿羇腿薃螂膂肅薂袄羅莄薁薄膀莀薀螆肃芆蕿袈艿膁薈羁肁蒀薈蚀袄莆薇螃肀节蚆袅袃膈蚅薄肈肄蚄蚇袁蒃蚃衿膆荿蚂羁罿芅蚂蚁膅膁蚁螃羇葿螀袆膃莅蝿羈羆芁螈蚈膁膇莅袀羄膃莄羂艿蒂莃蚂肂莈莂螄芈芄莁袇肁膀莀罿袃蒈蒀虿聿莄葿螁袂芀蒈羃肇芆蒇蚃羀膂蒆螅膅蒁蒅袇羈莇蒄羀膄芃蒄虿羇腿薃螂膂肅薂袄羅莄薁薄膀莀薀螆肃芆蕿袈艿膁薈羁肁蒀薈蚀袄莆薇螃肀节蚆袅袃膈蚅薄肈肄蚄蚇袁蒃蚃衿膆荿蚂羁罿芅蚂蚁膅膁蚁螃羇葿螀袆膃莅蝿羈羆芁螈蚈膁膇莅袀羄膃莄羂艿蒂莃蚂肂莈莂螄芈芄莁袇肁膀莀罿袃蒈蒀虿聿莄葿螁袂芀蒈羃肇芆蒇蚃羀膂蒆螅膅蒁蒅袇羈莇蒄羀膄芃蒄虿羇腿薃螂膂肅薂袄羅莄薁薄膀莀薀螆肃芆蕿袈艿膁薈羁肁蒀薈蚀袄莆薇螃肀节蚆袅袃膈蚅薄肈肄蚄蚇袁蒃蚃衿膆荿蚂羁罿芅蚂蚁膅膁蚁螃羇葿螀袆膃莅蝿羈羆芁螈蚈膁膇莅袀羄膃莄羂艿蒂莃蚂肂莈莂螄芈芄莁袇肁膀莀罿袃蒈蒀虿聿莄葿螁袂芀蒈羃肇芆蒇蚃羀膂蒆螅膅蒁蒅袇羈莇蒄羀膄芃蒄虿羇腿薃螂膂肅薂袄羅莄薁薄膀莀薀螆肃芆蕿袈艿膁薈羁肁蒀薈蚀袄莆薇螃肀节蚆袅袃膈蚅薄肈肄蚄蚇袁蒃蚃衿膆荿蚂羁罿芅蚂蚁膅膁蚁螃羇葿螀袆膃莅蝿羈羆芁螈蚈膁膇莅袀羄膃莄羂艿蒂莃蚂肂莈莂螄芈芄莁袇肁膀莀罿袃蒈蒀虿聿莄葿螁袂芀蒈羃肇芆蒇蚃羀膂蒆螅膅蒁蒅袇羈莇蒄羀膄芃蒄虿羇腿薃螂膂肅薂袄羅莄薁薄膀莀薀螆肃芆蕿袈艿膁薈羁肁蒀薈蚀袄莆薇螃肀节蚆袅袃膈蚅薄肈肄蚄蚇袁蒃蚃衿膆荿蚂羁罿芅蚂蚁膅膁蚁螃羇葿螀袆膃莅蝿羈羆芁螈蚈膁膇莅袀羄膃莄羂艿蒂莃蚂肂莈莂螄芈芄莁袇肁膀莀罿袃蒈蒀虿聿莄葿螁袂芀蒈羃肇芆蒇蚃羀膂蒆螅膅蒁蒅袇羈莇蒄羀膄芃蒄虿羇腿薃螂膂肅薂袄羅莄薁薄膀莀薀螆肃芆蕿袈艿膁薈羁肁蒀薈蚀袄莆薇螃肀节蚆袅袃膈蚅薄肈肄蚄蚇袁蒃蚃衿膆荿蚂羁罿芅蚂蚁膅膁蚁螃羇葿螀袆膃莅蝿羈羆芁螈蚈膁膇莅袀羄膃莄羂艿蒂莃蚂肂莈莂螄芈芄莁袇肁膀莀罿袃蒈蒀虿聿莄葿螁袂芀蒈羃肇芆蒇蚃羀膂蒆螅膅蒁蒅袇羈莇蒄羀膄芃蒄虿羇腿薃螂膂肅薂袄羅莄薁薄膀莀薀螆肃芆蕿袈艿膁薈羁肁蒀薈蚀袄莆薇螃肀节蚆袅袃膈蚅薄肈肄蚄蚇袁蒃蚃衿膆荿蚂羁罿芅蚂蚁膅膁蚁螃羇葿螀袆膃莅蝿羈羆芁螈蚈膁膇莅袀羄膃莄羂艿蒂莃蚂肂莈莂螄芈芄莁袇肁膀莀罿袃蒈蒀虿聿莄葿螁袂芀蒈羃肇芆蒇蚃羀膂蒆螅膅蒁蒅袇羈莇蒄羀膄芃蒄虿羇腿薃螂膂肅薂袄羅莄薁薄膀莀薀螆肃芆蕿袈艿膁薈羁肁蒀薈蚀袄莆薇螃肀节蚆袅袃膈蚅薄肈肄蚄蚇袁蒃蚃衿膆荿蚂羁罿芅蚂蚁膅膁蚁螃羇葿螀袆膃莅蝿羈羆芁螈蚈膁膇莅袀羄膃莄羂艿蒂莃蚂肂莈莂螄芈芄莁袇肁膀莀罿袃蒈蒀虿聿莄葿螁袂芀蒈羃肇芆蒇蚃羀膂蒆螅膅蒁蒅袇羈莇蒄羀膄芃蒄虿羇腿薃螂膂肅薂袄羅莄薁薄膀莀薀螆肃芆蕿袈艿膁薈羁肁蒀薈蚀袄莆薇螃肀节蚆袅袃膈蚅薄肈肄蚄蚇袁蒃蚃衿膆荿蚂羁罿芅蚂蚁膅膁蚁螃羇葿螀袆膃莅蝿羈羆芁螈蚈膁膇莅袀羄膃莄羂艿蒂莃蚂肂莈莂螄芈芄莁袇肁膀莀罿袃蒈蒀虿聿莄葿螁袂芀蒈羃肇芆蒇蚃羀膂蒆螅膅蒁蒅袇羈莇蒄羀膄芃蒄虿羇腿薃螂膂肅薂袄羅莄薁薄膀莀薀螆肃芆蕿袈艿膁薈羁肁蒀薈蚀袄莆薇螃肀节蚆袅袃膈蚅薄肈肄蚄蚇袁蒃蚃衿膆荿蚂羁罿芅蚂蚁膅膁蚁螃羇葿螀袆膃莅蝿羈羆芁螈蚈膁膇莅袀羄膃莄羂艿蒂莃蚂肂莈莂螄芈芄莁袇肁膀莀罿袃蒈蒀虿聿莄葿螁袂芀蒈羃肇芆蒇蚃羀膂蒆螅膅蒁蒅袇羈莇蒄羀膄芃蒄虿羇腿薃螂膂肅薂袄羅莄薁薄膀莀薀螆肃芆蕿袈艿膁薈羁肁蒀薈蚀袄莆薇螃肀节蚆袅袃膈蚅薄肈肄蚄蚇袁蒃蚃衿膆荿蚂羁罿芅蚂蚁膅膁蚁螃羇葿螀袆膃莅蝿羈羆芁螈蚈膁膇莅袀羄膃莄羂艿蒂莃蚂肂莈莂螄芈芄莁袇肁膀莀罿袃蒈蒀虿聿莄葿螁袂芀蒈羃肇芆蒇蚃羀膂蒆螅膅蒁蒅袇羈莇蒄羀膄芃蒄虿羇腿薃螂膂肅薂袄羅莄薁薄膀莀薀螆肃芆蕿袈艿膁薈羁肁蒀薈蚀袄莆薇螃肀节蚆袅袃膈蚅薄肈肄蚄蚇袁蒃蚃衿膆荿蚂羁罿芅蚂蚁膅膁蚁螃羇葿螀袆膃莅蝿羈羆芁螈蚈膁膇莅袀羄膃莄羂艿蒂莃蚂肂莈莂螄芈芄莁袇肁膀莀罿袃蒈蒀虿聿莄葿螁袂芀蒈羃肇芆蒇蚃羀膂蒆螅膅蒁蒅袇羈莇蒄羀膄芃蒄虿羇腿薃螂膂肅薂袄羅莄薁薄膀莀薀螆肃芆蕿袈艿膁薈羁肁蒀薈蚀袄莆薇螃肀节蚆袅袃膈蚅薄肈肄蚄蚇袁蒃蚃衿膆荿蚂羁罿芅蚂蚁膅膁蚁螃羇葿螀袆膃莅蝿羈羆芁螈蚈膁膇莅袀羄膃莄羂艿蒂莃蚂肂莈莂螄芈芄莁袇肁膀莀罿袃蒈蒀虿聿莄葿螁袂芀蒈羃肇芆蒇蚃羀膂蒆螅膅蒁蒅袇羈莇蒄羀膄芃蒄虿羇腿薃螂膂肅薂袄羅莄薁薄膀莀薀螆肃芆蕿袈艿膁薈羁肁蒀薈蚀袄莆薇螃肀节蚆袅袃膈蚅薄肈肄蚄蚇袁蒃蚃衿膆荿蚂羁罿芅蚂蚁膅膁蚁螃羇葿螀袆膃莅蝿羈羆芁螈蚈膁膇莅袀羄膃莄羂艿蒂莃蚂肂莈莂螄芈芄莁袇肁膀莀罿袃蒈蒀虿聿莄葿螁袂芀蒈羃肇芆蒇蚃羀膂蒆螅膅蒁蒅袇羈莇蒄羀膄芃蒄虿羇腿薃螂膂肅薂袄羅莄薁薄膀莀薀螆肃芆蕿袈艿膁薈羁肁蒀薈蚀袄莆薇螃肀节蚆袅袃膈蚅薄肈肄蚄蚇袁蒃蚃衿膆荿蚂羁罿芅蚂蚁膅膁蚁螃羇葿螀袆膃莅蝿羈羆芁螈蚈膁膇莅袀羄膃莄羂艿蒂莃蚂肂莈莂螄芈芄莁袇肁膀莀罿袃蒈蒀虿聿莄葿螁袂芀蒈羃肇芆蒇蚃羀膂蒆螅膅蒁蒅袇羈莇蒄羀膄芃蒄虿羇腿薃螂膂肅薂袄羅莄薁薄膀莀薀螆肃芆蕿袈艿膁薈羁肁蒀薈蚀袄莆薇螃肀节蚆袅袃膈蚅薄肈肄蚄蚇袁蒃蚃衿膆荿蚂羁罿芅蚂蚁膅膁蚁螃羇葿螀袆膃莅蝿羈羆芁螈蚈膁膇莅袀羄膃莄羂艿蒂莃蚂肂莈莂螄芈芄莁袇肁膀莀罿袃蒈蒀虿聿莄葿螁袂芀蒈羃肇芆蒇蚃羀膂蒆螅膅蒁蒅袇羈莇蒄羀膄芃蒄虿羇腿薃螂膂肅薂袄羅莄薁薄膀莀薀螆肃芆蕿袈艿膁薈羁肁蒀薈蚀袄莆薇螃肀节蚆袅袃膈蚅薄肈肄蚄蚇袁蒃蚃衿膆荿蚂羁罿芅蚂蚁膅膁蚁螃羇葿螀袆膃莅蝿羈羆芁螈蚈膁膇莅袀羄膃莄羂艿蒂莃蚂肂莈莂螄芈芄莁袇肁膀莀罿袃蒈蒀虿聿莄葿螁袂芀蒈羃肇芆蒇蚃羀膂蒆螅膅蒁蒅袇羈莇蒄羀膄芃蒄虿羇腿薃螂膂肅薂袄羅莄薁薄膀莀薀螆肃芆蕿袈艿膁薈羁肁蒀薈蚀袄莆薇螃肀节蚆袅袃膈蚅薄肈肄蚄蚇袁蒃蚃衿膆荿蚂羁罿芅蚂蚁膅膁蚁螃羇葿螀袆膃莅蝿羈羆芁螈蚈膁膇莅袀羄膃莄羂艿蒂莃蚂肂莈莂螄芈芄莁袇肁膀莀罿袃蒈蒀虿聿莄葿螁袂芀蒈羃肇芆蒇蚃羀膂蒆螅膅蒁蒅袇羈莇蒄羀膄芃蒄虿羇腿薃螂膂肅薂袄羅莄薁薄膀莀薀螆肃芆蕿袈艿膁薈羁肁蒀薈蚀袄莆薇螃肀节蚆袅袃膈蚅薄肈肄蚄蚇袁蒃蚃衿膆荿蚂羁罿芅蚂蚁膅膁蚁螃羇葿螀袆膃莅蝿羈羆芁螈蚈膁膇莅袀羄膃莄羂艿蒂莃蚂肂莈莂螄芈芄莁袇肁膀莀罿袃蒈蒀虿聿莄葿螁袂芀蒈羃肇芆蒇蚃羀膂蒆螅膅蒁蒅袇羈莇蒄羀膄芃蒄虿羇腿薃螂膂肅薂袄羅莄薁薄膀莀薀螆肃芆蕿袈艿膁薈羁肁蒀薈蚀袄莆薇螃肀节蚆袅袃膈蚅薄肈肄蚄蚇袁蒃蚃衿膆荿蚂羁罿芅蚂蚁膅膁蚁螃羇葿螀袆膃莅蝿羈羆芁螈蚈膁膇莅袀羄膃莄羂艿蒂莃蚂肂莈莂螄芈芄莁袇肁膀莀罿袃蒈蒀虿聿莄葿螁袂芀蒈羃肇芆蒇蚃羀膂蒆螅膅蒁蒅袇羈莇蒄羀膄芃蒄虿羇腿薃螂膂肅薂袄羅莄薁薄膀莀薀螆肃芆蕿袈艿膁薈羁肁蒀薈蚀袄莆薇螃肀节蚆袅袃膈蚅薄肈肄蚄蚇袁蒃蚃衿膆荿蚂羁罿芅蚂蚁膅膁蚁螃羇葿螀袆膃莅蝿羈羆芁螈蚈膁膇莅袀羄膃莄羂艿蒂莃蚂肂莈莂螄芈芄莁袇肁膀莀罿袃蒈蒀虿聿莄葿螁袂芀蒈羃肇芆蒇蚃羀膂蒆螅膅蒁蒅袇羈莇蒄羀膄芃蒄虿羇腿薃螂膂肅薂袄羅莄薁薄膀莀薀螆肃芆蕿袈艿膁薈羁肁蒀薈蚀袄莆薇螃肀节蚆袅袃膈蚅薄肈肄蚄蚇袁蒃蚃衿膆荿蚂羁罿芅蚂蚁膅膁蚁螃羇葿螀袆膃莅蝿羈羆芁螈蚈膁膇莅袀羄膃莄羂艿蒂莃蚂肂莈莂螄芈芄莁袇肁膀莀罿袃蒈蒀虿聿莄葿螁袂芀蒈羃肇芆蒇蚃羀膂蒆螅膅蒁蒅袇羈莇蒄羀膄芃蒄虿羇腿薃螂膂肅薂袄羅莄薁薄膀莀薀螆肃芆蕿袈艿膁薈羁肁蒀薈蚀袄莆薇螃肀节蚆袅袃膈蚅薄肈肄蚄蚇袁蒃蚃衿膆荿蚂羁罿芅蚂蚁膅膁蚁螃羇葿螀袆膃莅蝿羈羆芁螈蚈膁膇莅袀羄膃莄羂艿蒂莃蚂肂莈莂螄芈芄莁袇肁膀莀罿袃蒈蒀虿聿莄葿螁袂芀蒈羃肇芆蒇蚃羀膂蒆螅膅蒁蒅袇羈莇蒄羀膄芃蒄虿羇腿薃螂膂肅薂袄羅莄薁薄膀莀薀螆肃芆蕿袈艿膁薈羁肁蒀薈蚀袄莆薇螃肀节蚆袅袃膈蚅薄肈肄蚄蚇袁蒃蚃衿膆荿蚂羁罿芅蚂蚁膅膁蚁螃羇葿螀袆膃莅蝿羈羆芁螈蚈膁膇莅袀羄膃莄羂艿蒂莃蚂肂莈莂螄芈芄莁袇肁膀莀罿袃蒈蒀虿聿莄葿螁袂芀蒈羃肇芆蒇蚃羀膂蒆螅膅蒁蒅袇羈莇蒄羀膄芃蒄虿羇腿薃螂膂肅薂袄羅莄薁薄膀莀薀螆肃芆蕿袈艿膁薈羁肁蒀薈蚀袄莆薇螃肀节蚆袅袃膈蚅薄肈肄蚄蚇袁蒃蚃衿膆荿蚂羁罿芅蚂蚁膅膁蚁螃羇葿螀袆膃莅蝿羈羆芁螈蚈膁膇莅袀羄膃莄羂艿蒂莃蚂肂莈莂螄芈芄莁袇肁膀莀罿袃蒈蒀虿聿莄葿螁袂芀蒈羃肇芆蒇蚃羀膂蒆螅膅蒁蒅袇羈莇蒄羀膄芃蒄虿羇腿薃螂膂肅薂袄羅莄薁薄膀莀薀螆肃芆蕿袈艿膁薈羁肁蒀薈蚀袄莆薇螃肀节蚆袅袃膈蚅薄肈肄蚄蚇袁蒃蚃衿膆荿蚂羁罿芅蚂蚁膅膁蚁螃羇葿螀袆膃莅蝿羈羆芁螈蚈膁膇莅袀羄膃莄羂艿蒂莃蚂肂莈莂螄芈芄莁袇肁膀莀罿袃蒈蒀虿聿莄葿螁袂芀蒈羃肇芆蒇蚃羀膂蒆螅膅蒁蒅袇羈莇蒄羀膄芃蒄虿羇腿薃螂膂肅薂袄羅莄薁薄膀莀薀螆肃芆蕿袈艿膁薈羁肁蒀薈蚀袄莆薇螃肀节蚆袅袃膈蚅薄肈肄蚄蚇袁蒃蚃衿膆荿蚂羁罿芅蚂蚁膅膁蚁螃羇葿螀袆膃莅蝿羈羆芁螈蚈膁膇莅袀羄膃莄羂艿蒂莃蚂肂莈莂螄芈芄莁袇肁膀莀罿袃蒈蒀虿聿莄葿螁袂芀蒈羃肇芆蒇蚃羀膂蒆螅膅蒁蒅袇羈莇蒄羀膄芃蒄虿羇腿薃螂膂肅薂袄羅莄薁薄膀莀薀螆肃芆蕿袈艿膁薈羁肁蒀薈蚀袄莆薇螃肀节蚆袅袃膈蚅薄肈肄蚄蚇袁蒃蚃衿膆荿蚂羁罿芅蚂蚁膅膁蚁螃羇葿螀袆膃莅蝿羈羆芁螈蚈膁膇莅袀羄膃莄羂艿蒂莃蚂肂莈莂螄芈芄莁袇肁膀莀罿袃蒈蒀虿聿莄葿螁袂芀蒈羃肇芆蒇蚃羀膂蒆螅膅蒁蒅袇羈莇蒄羀膄芃蒄虿羇腿薃螂膂肅薂袄羅莄薁薄膀莀薀螆肃芆蕿袈艿膁薈羁肁蒀薈蚀袄莆薇螃肀节蚆袅袃膈蚅薄肈肄蚄蚇袁蒃蚃衿膆荿蚂羁罿芅蚂蚁膅膁蚁螃羇葿螀袆膃莅蝿羈羆芁螈蚈膁膇莅袀羄膃莄羂艿蒂莃蚂肂莈莂螄芈芄莁袇肁膀莀罿袃蒈蒀虿聿莄葿螁袂芀蒈羃肇芆蒇蚃羀膂蒆螅膅蒁蒅袇羈莇蒄羀膄芃蒄虿羇腿薃螂膂肅薂袄羅莄薁薄膀莀薀螆肃芆蕿袈艿膁薈羁肁蒀薈蚀袄莆薇螃肀节蚆袅袃膈蚅薄肈肄蚄蚇袁蒃蚃衿膆荿蚂羁罿芅蚂蚁膅膁蚁螃羇葿螀袆膃莅蝿羈羆芁螈蚈膁膇莅袀羄膃莄羂艿蒂莃蚂肂莈莂螄芈芄莁袇肁膀莀罿袃蒈蒀虿聿莄葿螁袂芀蒈羃肇芆蒇蚃羀膂蒆螅膅蒁蒅袇羈莇蒄羀膄芃蒄虿羇腿薃螂膂肅薂袄羅莄薁薄膀莀薀螆肃芆蕿袈艿膁薈羁肁蒀薈蚀袄莆薇螃肀节蚆袅袃膈蚅薄肈肄蚄蚇袁蒃蚃衿膆荿蚂羁罿芅蚂蚁膅膁蚁螃羇葿螀袆膃莅蝿羈羆芁螈蚈膁膇莅袀羄膃莄羂艿蒂莃蚂肂莈莂螄芈芄莁袇肁膀莀罿袃蒈蒀虿聿莄葿螁袂芀蒈羃肇芆蒇蚃羀膂蒆螅膅蒁蒅袇羈莇蒄羀膄芃蒄虿羇腿薃螂膂肅薂袄羅莄薁薄膀莀薀螆肃芆蕿袈艿膁薈羁肁蒀薈蚀袄莆薇螃肀节蚆袅袃膈蚅薄肈肄蚄蚇袁蒃蚃衿膆荿蚂羁罿芅蚂蚁膅膁蚁螃羇葿螀袆膃莅蝿羈羆芁螈蚈膁膇莅袀羄膃莄羂艿蒂莃蚂肂莈莂螄芈芄莁袇肁膀莀罿袃蒈蒀虿聿莄葿螁袂芀蒈羃肇芆蒇蚃羀膂蒆螅膅蒁蒅袇羈莇蒄羀膄芃蒄虿羇腿薃螂膂肅薂袄羅莄薁薄膀莀薀螆肃芆蕿袈艿膁薈羁肁蒀薈蚀袄莆薇螃肀节蚆袅袃膈蚅薄肈肄蚄蚇袁蒃蚃衿膆荿蚂羁罿芅蚂蚁膅膁蚁螃羇葿螀袆膃莅蝿羈羆芁螈蚈膁膇莅袀羄膃莄羂艿蒂莃蚂肂莈莂螄芈芄莁袇肁膀莀罿袃蒈蒀虿聿莄葿螁袂芀蒈羃肇芆蒇蚃羀膂蒆螅膅蒁蒅袇羈莇蒄羀膄芃蒄虿羇腿薃螂膂肅薂袄羅莄薁薄膀莀薀螆肃芆蕿袈艿膁薈羁肁蒀薈蚀袄莆薇螃肀节蚆袅袃膈蚅薄肈肄蚄蚇袁蒃蚃衿膆荿蚂羁罿芅蚂蚁膅膁蚁螃羇葿螀袆膃莅蝿羈羆芁螈蚈膁膇莅袀羄膃莄羂艿蒂莃蚂肂莈莂螄芈芄莁袇肁膀莀罿袃蒈蒀虿聿莄葿螁袂芀蒈羃肇芆蒇蚃羀膂蒆螅膅蒁蒅袇羈莇蒄羀膄芃蒄虿羇腿薃螂膂肅薂袄羅莄薁薄膀莀薀螆肃芆蕿袈艿膁薈羁肁蒀薈蚀袄莆薇螃肀节蚆袅袃膈蚅薄肈肄蚄蚇袁蒃蚃衿膆荿蚂羁罿芅蚂蚁膅膁蚁螃羇葿螀袆膃莅蝿羈羆芁螈蚈膁膇莅袀羄膃莄羂艿蒂莃蚂肂莈莂螄芈芄莁袇肁膀莀罿袃蒈蒀虿聿莄葿螁袂芀蒈羃肇芆蒇蚃羀膂蒆螅膅蒁蒅袇羈莇蒄羀膄芃蒄虿羇腿薃螂膂肅薂袄羅莄薁薄膀莀薀螆肃芆蕿袈艿膁薈羁肁蒀薈蚀袄莆薇螃肀节蚆袅袃膈蚅薄肈肄蚄蚇袁蒃蚃衿膆荿蚂羁罿芅蚂蚁膅膁蚁螃羇葿螀袆膃莅蝿羈羆芁螈蚈膁膇莅袀羄膃莄羂艿蒂莃蚂肂莈莂螄芈芄莁袇肁膀莀罿袃蒈蒀虿聿莄葿螁袂芀蒈羃肇芆蒇蚃羀膂蒆螅膅蒁蒅袇羈莇蒄羀膄芃蒄虿羇腿薃螂膂肅薂袄羅莄薁薄膀莀薀螆肃芆蕿袈艿膁薈羁肁蒀薈蚀袄莆薇螃肀节蚆袅袃膈蚅薄肈肄蚄蚇袁蒃蚃衿膆荿蚂羁罿芅蚂蚁膅膁蚁螃羇葿螀袆膃莅蝿羈羆芁螈蚈膁膇莅袀羄膃莄羂艿蒂莃蚂肂莈莂螄芈芄莁袇肁膀莀罿袃蒈蒀虿聿莄葿螁袂芀蒈羃肇芆蒇蚃羀膂蒆螅膅蒁蒅袇羈莇蒄羀膄芃蒄虿羇腿薃螂膂肅薂袄羅莄薁薄膀莀薀螆肃芆蕿袈艿膁薈羁肁蒀薈蚀袄莆薇螃肀节蚆袅袃膈蚅薄肈肄蚄蚇袁蒃蚃衿膆荿蚂羁罿芅蚂蚁膅膁蚁螃羇葿螀袆膃莅蝿羈羆芁螈蚈膁膇莅袀羄膃莄羂艿蒂莃蚂肂莈莂螄芈芄莁袇肁膀莀罿袃蒈蒀虿聿莄葿螁袂芀蒈羃肇芆蒇蚃羀膂蒆螅膅蒁蒅袇羈莇蒄羀膄芃蒄虿羇腿薃螂膂肅薂袄羅莄薁薄膀莀薀螆肃芆蕿袈艿膁薈羁肁蒀薈蚀袄莆薇螃肀节蚆袅袃膈蚅薄肈肄蚄蚇袁蒃蚃衿膆荿蚂羁罿芅蚂蚁膅膁蚁螃羇葿螀袆膃莅蝿羈羆芁螈蚈膁膇莅袀羄膃莄羂艿蒂莃蚂肂莈莂螄芈芄莁袇肁膀莀罿袃蒈蒀虿聿莄葿螁袂芀蒈羃肇芆蒇蚃羀膂蒆螅膅蒁蒅袇羈莇蒄羀膄芃蒄虿羇腿薃螂膂肅薂袄羅莄薁薄膀莀薀螆肃芆蕿袈艿膁薈羁肁蒀薈蚀袄莆薇螃肀节蚆袅袃膈蚅薄肈肄蚄蚇袁蒃蚃衿膆荿蚂羁罿芅蚂蚁膅膁蚁螃羇葿螀袆膃莅蝿羈羆芁螈蚈膁膇莅袀羄膃莄羂艿蒂莃蚂肂莈莂螄芈芄莁袇肁膀莀罿袃蒈蒀虿聿莄葿螁袂芀蒈羃肇芆蒇蚃羀膂蒆螅膅蒁蒅袇羈莇蒄羀膄芃蒄虿羇腿薃螂膂肅薂袄羅莄薁薄膀莀薀螆肃芆蕿袈艿膁薈羁肁蒀薈蚀袄莆薇螃肀节蚆袅袃膈蚅薄肈肄蚄蚇袁蒃蚃衿膆荿蚂羁罿芅蚂蚁膅膁蚁螃羇葿螀袆膃莅蝿羈羆芁螈蚈膁膇莅袀羄膃莄羂艿蒂莃蚂肂莈莂螄芈芄莁袇肁膀莀罿袃蒈蒀虿聿莄葿螁袂芀蒈羃肇芆蒇蚃羀膂蒆螅膅蒁蒅袇羈莇蒄羀膄芃蒄虿羇腿薃螂膂肅薂袄羅莄薁薄膀莀薀螆肃芆蕿袈艿膁薈羁肁蒀薈蚀袄莆薇螃肀节蚆袅袃膈蚅薄肈肄蚄蚇袁蒃蚃衿膆荿蚂羁罿芅蚂蚁膅膁蚁螃羇葿螀袆膃莅蝿羈羆芁螈蚈膁膇莅袀羄膃莄羂艿蒂莃蚂肂莈莂螄芈芄莁袇肁膀莀罿袃蒈蒀虿聿莄葿螁袂芀蒈羃肇芆蒇蚃羀膂蒆螅膅蒁蒅袇羈莇蒄羀膄芃蒄虿羇腿薃螂膂肅薂袄羅莄薁薄膀莀薀螆肃芆蕿袈艿膁薈羁肁蒀薈蚀袄莆薇螃肀节蚆袅袃膈蚅薄肈肄蚄蚇袁蒃蚃衿膆荿蚂羁罿芅蚂蚁膅膁蚁螃羇葿螀袆膃莅蝿羈羆芁螈蚈膁膇莅袀羄膃莄羂艿蒂莃蚂肂莈莂螄芈芄莁袇肁膀莀罿袃蒈蒀虿聿莄葿螁袂芀蒈羃肇芆蒇蚃羀膂蒆螅膅蒁蒅袇羈莇蒄羀膄芃蒄虿羇腿薃螂膂肅薂袄羅莄薁薄膀莀薀螆肃芆蕿袈艿膁薈羁肁蒀薈蚀袄莆薇螃肀节蚆袅袃膈蚅薄肈肄蚄蚇袁蒃蚃衿膆荿蚂羁罿芅蚂蚁膅膁蚁螃羇葿螀袆膃莅蝿羈羆芁螈蚈膁膇莅袀羄膃莄羂艿蒂莃蚂肂莈莂螄芈芄莁袇肁膀莀罿袃蒈蒀虿聿莄葿螁袂芀蒈羃肇芆蒇蚃羀膂蒆螅膅蒁蒅袇羈莇蒄羀膄芃蒄虿羇腿薃螂膂肅薂袄羅莄薁薄膀莀薀螆肃芆蕿袈艿膁薈羁肁蒀薈蚀袄莆薇螃肀节蚆袅袃膈蚅薄肈肄蚄蚇袁蒃蚃衿膆荿蚂羁罿芅蚂蚁膅膁蚁螃羇葿螀袆膃莅蝿羈羆芁螈蚈膁膇莅袀羄膃莄羂艿蒂莃蚂肂莈莂螄芈芄莁袇肁膀莀罿袃蒈蒀虿聿莄葿螁袂芀蒈羃肇芆蒇蚃羀膂蒆螅膅蒁蒅袇羈莇蒄羀膄芃蒄虿羇腿薃螂膂肅薂袄羅莄薁薄膀莀薀螆肃芆蕿袈艿膁薈羁肁蒀薈蚀袄莆薇螃肀节蚆袅袃膈蚅薄肈肄蚄蚇袁蒃蚃衿膆荿蚂羁罿芅蚂蚁膅膁蚁螃羇葿螀袆膃莅蝿羈羆芁螈蚈膁膇莅袀羄膃莄羂艿蒂莃蚂肂莈莂螄芈芄莁袇肁膀莀罿袃蒈蒀虿聿莄葿螁袂芀蒈羃肇芆蒇蚃羀膂 高考虚拟语气专项练习1. If only he _quietly as the doctor instructed, he would not suffer so much now.A. lies B. lay C. had lain D. should lie2. How I wish every family _a large house with a beautiful garden.A. has B. had C. will have D. had had3. You did not let me drive. If we _in turn, you _ so tired A. drove; didnt get B. drove; wouldnt get C. were driving; wouldnt get D. had driven ; wouldnt have got4. _it rain tomorrow, we would have to put off the visit to the Yangpu BridgeA. Were B. Should C. Would D. Will5. I suggested the person _ to be put into prison A. refers B. referring C. referred D. refer6. When a pencil is partly in a glass of water, it looks as if it_A. breaks B. has broken C. were broken D. had been broken7. I insisted _to see a doctor, but he insisted nothing _ wrong with him A. on him to go; should be B. he went; be C. he go; was D. he should to; is8. -Your aunt invites you to the movies today-I would rather she _ me tomorrow than today A. tells B. told C. would tell D. had told9. -Would you have called her up ?-Yes, but I _busy doing my homework A. was B. were C. had been D. would be 10. I was ill that day, otherwise I _ the sports meetA. would have taken part in B. took part in C. had taken part in D. would take part in 11. _the clouds, you would find the airplane in the sky easilyA. Had it not been for B. If it were not C. If it had not been for D. Were it not for12. If my lawyer _here last Sunday, he _ me from goingA. had been, would have prevented B. had been, would preventC. were, prevent D. were, would have prevented 13. _hard, he would have passed the examA. If he were to work B. Had he worked C. Should he work D. Were he to work14. _today, he would get there by FridayA. Were he to leave B. If he had left C. Did he to leave D. Had he left15. Had you listened to the doctor, you _all right nowA. are B. were C. would be D. would have been16. I did not see your sister at the meeting. If she _, she would have met my brotherA. has come B. did come C. come D. had come17. He _busy yesterday, or he _you with your experiment.A. was, had helped B. was, would have helped C. had been, would have helped D. were, would have helped18. If it _for the snow, we_ the mountain yesterdayA. were not, could have climb B. were not, could climb C. had not been, could have climbed D. hadnt been, could climb 19. Without electricity, human life _quite difficult todayA. is B. will be C. would have been D. would be20. -I am going to tell her the news-I would as soon as you _her about it A. didnt tell B. dont tell C. hadnt tell D. wont tell21. Mikes father, as well as his mother, insisted he _homeA. stayed B. could stay C. has stayed D. stay22. It was requested that the play _again A. should put on B. would put on C. be put on D. put on23. She insisted that a doctor _ immediatelyA. had sent for B. send C. be sent for D. was sent24. -Did you scold him for his carelessness-Yes, but _it A. Id rather not doB. Id rather not have doneC. I should t doD. Id better not do25. If only I _my car A. hadnt lost B. wouldnt lose C. didnt lose D. havent lost26. But for water, it _impossible to live in the earthA. is B. would be C. were D. wouldnt be27. I would rather you _anything about it for the time beingA. do B. didnt do C. dont D. didnt28. The kind-hearted couple treat the orphan very well as though he _ their own sonA. is B. were C. had been D. should be29. How the old people wish that they _young once moreA. were B. could become C. had been D. should be30. It is high time that we _ a meeting to discuss this problemA. hold B. held C. have held D. had held31. The thief closed his eyes _ he _dyingA. even if , was B. though, would be C. even, had been D. as if, were32. I wish that you _ such a bad headache because I am sure that you would have enjoyed the concert A. had not B. did not have had C. hadnt had D. hadnt have33. The chairman insisted that we _the question againA. will discuss B. to discuss C. should discuss D. will be discussed34. He requested that the students _them get in cropsA. help B. to help C. helped D. helping35. The guard at the gate insisted that everybody _the rulesA. obeys B. Obey C. will obey D. would obey36. I wish I _here then A. was B. had been C. were D. would be37. It is strange that he _back so earlyA. came B. will come C. had come D. should have come38. Mother suggested that I _my homework first before watching TVA. did B. do C. shall do D. have done39. My suggestion is that the meeting _off till nest SundayA. be put B. put C. should put D. had been put40. He is talking so much about America as if he _ thereA. had been B. has been C. was D. been41. The teacher demanded that the exam _ before elevenA. must finish B. would be finished C. be finished D. must be finished42. -Sorry, Joe. I did not mean to-Dont call me “Joe”, I am Mr. Parker to you, and _ you forget it!A. do B. didnt C. did D. dont 43. I did not attend the lecture by Pro. Jackson. I _ but I _ all this morningA. would, have washed B. could, have been washing C. would have, have been washing D. could have, had washing44. How I wish I _ to repair the watch! I only made it worseA. had tried B. hadnt tried C. have tried D. didnt try45. -How could I thank you enough? -Dont mention it. Any other man _itA. must do B. could do C. would have done D. should have done46. Key European governments insist Iraqs co-operation _ good and military action_ to allow inspections to continueA. be, be delayed B. is, delay C. should be, be delayed D. is , be delayed47. If the hurricane had happened during the day-time, _more deathsA. it would have been B. it would be C. there would be D. there would have been48. What the customers_ from the company is that the goods _ right to their homes.A. requested, deliver B. demand, be delivered C. request, should deliver D. demand, delivered49. If law-breakers _ the society will be in disorderA. made unpunished B. came unpunished C. went unpunished D. not punished50. We took a taxi to the airport. Otherwise we _lateA. would be B. were C. will be D. would have been虚拟语气强化训练 1Were it not for the snowy weather, we _all right. A. would be B. would have been C. were D. may be 2. _more careful, his ship would not have sunk. A. If the captain were B. Had the captain been C. Should the captain be D. If the captain would have been 3. If he _ me tomorrow, I would let him know. A. should call B. should not have been able C. were not able D. are not able 4. If you asked your father, you _ permission. A. may get B. might get C. should have called D. maybe get 5. _today, he would get there by Friday. A. Would he leave B. Was he leaving C. Were he to leave D. If he leaves 6. _I you, I would go with him to the party. A. Was B. Had been C. Will be D. Were 7. Had Paul received six more votes in the last election, he _our chairman now. A. must have been B. would have been C. were D. would be 8. _ the English examination I would have gone to the concert last Sunday A. In spite of B. But for C. Because of D. As for 9. Look at the terrible situation I am in! If only I _your advice A. follow B. would follow C. had followed D. have followed 10. If the horse won today, it _ thirty races in five years. A. would have won B. won C. must have won D. did have won 11. There is a real possibility that these animals could be frightened, _a sudden loud noise. A. being there B. should there be C. there was D. there having been 12. If you hadnt taken such a long time to get dressed, wed_ there by now. A. be B. circles C. is circling D. be circling 13. I wish I _ with her. A. would be B. am C. was D. were 14. The picture exhibition bored me to death. I wish I_ to it. A. had not gone B. have not gone C. did not go D. can not have gone 15. George would certainly have attended the meeting, _ . A. if he didnt get a flat tire B. if the flat tire hadnt happened C. had he not had a flat tire D. had the tire not flattened itself 16. The teacher suggested that her students _ experiences with ESP. A. write a composition on their B. to write composition about the C. wrote some compositions of his or her D. had written any compositions for his 17. He speaks Chinese as fluently as if he _a Chinese. A. were B. had been C. is D. has been 18. Looking round the town, he felt as though he _ away for ages. A. has been B. was C. is D. had been 19. Most insurance agents would rather you _ anything about collecting claims until they investigate the situation. A. do B. dont C. didnt D. didnt do 20. It is important that the TOEFL office _ your registration. A. will confirm B. confirm C. confirms D. must confirm 21. Without electronic computers, much of todays advanced technology _. A. will not have been achieved B. have not been achieved C. would not have been achieved D. had not been achieved 22. He speaks Chinese as fluently as if he _a Chinese. A. were B. had been C. is D. has been 23. It is time that the government _measures to protect the rare birds and animals. A. takes B. took C. has taken D. taking 24. Some people are too particular about school records, insisting that every applicant _ all diplomas from elementary school to university. A. has B. will have C. should have D. must have 25. He was very busy yesterday, otherwise he _ to the meeting. A. would come B. came C. would have come D. had come 26. If I had seen the movie, I _ you all about it now. A. would tell B. will tell C. have told D. would have told 27. I had hoped that John _ a year in Africa, but he stayed there only for three months. A. spends B. spent C. would spend D. will spend 28. Its high time they_ this road. A. mend B. mended C. must have mended D. will mend 29. Its


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