



Unit 5 Canada The True North Using language(授课日期: 年 月 日 星期 班级 )授课题目Unit5 Using language拟 6 课时第 3 课时明确目标1、知识与技能:Ability to use the learned words2、过程与方法: obersving, analyzing, concluding, practicing, writing3、情感态度与价值观:Enable students have ability to use the expressions learned in the unit.重点难点重点:Teach the basic reading skills: skimming and scanning.难点:How to enable students express a place.课型讲授 习题 复习 讨论 其它教 学 内 容 设 计教师自备内容Step1 Discovering useful words and expressionsTask 1: Observe the words below, and guess their meanings. multi = manymeaningmeaningmulticolouredmade of many colours multichannelmultiformmultinationalmultistoreymultimediamultipurposemultifaithmultimember-ward(s) = in a direction meaningforward(s)eastward(s)westward(s)southward(s)backward(s)outward(s)northward(s)inward(s)toward(s)Task2 lead the students to draw a conclusion.Task3. Do more exercisesWhat do we call it? 1. With the development of hi-tech, we can enjoy various TV programs through a lot of channels.2. To save space, people have to live in the buildings with many stores.3. In our country, there are altogether 55 minorities.4. In many countries like America, the Republican Party is not the only party.5. Newly developed software can be used for solving different problems.6. Our school provides teachers with several media, such as TVs, radios, computers and projectors. Finish these sentences with proper words.1. His foot caught in a rock and he fell _.2. In winter, swallows will fly _.3.The door of your classroom opens _.4. Recently the price of houses is moving _. 5. After he leaves his house, he begins a gentle _ walk to the subway station. Step2. Find words in this unit that have the same meaning as the definitions below.1. _ Bags that people take with them when they travel.2. _ a government member who is in charge of a government department.3. _ a short informal test.4. _to talk to in a friendly, informal way.5. _ on or onto a ship, plane, bus or train.6. _ general appearance of nature around you, especially beautifulnature.7. _ in or by a very small amount, so small that it almost cannot be seen.8. _ to be all around somebody or something on every side.Step3. Use the words below in the correct form to complete the following paragraph. Not all the words will be used.acre border harbour measure surround urban withinThe city of Rome, Italy, completely _ the smallest country in the world, the Vatican City State. It has an area of 0.44 square kilometres with a _ _ 3.2 kilometres long. Because the Vatican is entirely _ Rome, it has no _ for ocean ships. The country is really just one small city: its _ area covers 100 percent of the country.Step4. Writing 根据下面提示写一篇80个单词左右的小短文。 1. 加拿大是世界第二大国,位于北美洲北部,南部与美国接壤。 2. 加拿大三面被海洋包围,也是世界上淡水储存量最多的国家。3. 加拿大人口很少,只有两千九百万,而且大部分人口居住在温


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