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Module 7 Unit 5 Travelling Abroad(第四课时)Grammar :Review Attributive Clause教学设计岳淑学一设计思路 1.我们在英语教学中应该时刻不忘新课改的理念,就是注意培养学生综合运语言的能力,能够自主学习,探究学习、合作学习。所以在我的教学设计里,时时体现着这几种原则。2多运用运用任务型语言教学模式,达到教学目的。3课堂时刻体现以学生为主体,教师只是设计者促进者。4. 注重学生个体差异,运用结果与过程并重的评价方式激励进步。二、教学内容分析1.教材分析本单元以Travelling abroad and studying abroad为话题,旨在通过单元教学,使学生了解在国外旅行或学习时可能会遇到的一些问题,并学会怎样去解决问题和避免这些问题的发生。学会表达和支持个人观点,能用所学的有关travelling abroad的词汇描述在国外居住生活的情况;在国外旅游时能根据所提供的信息选择恰当的旅游线路,能推测哪些事情可能会发生,哪些事情不会发生,并会正确使用非限制性定语从句。高中英语Module 7属于选修模块。 2.本课时教学内容分析本课主要是语法教学,是对定语从句的第二次复习,主要涉及到限制性定语从句和非限制性定语从句的区分。 三教学重点难点教学重点了解限制性定语从句和非限制性定语从句的区分。了解定语从句和其他从句的区分。教学难点:限制性定语从句和非限制性定语从句的区分四教学目标 知识目标:The students will be able to 1. Find the Attributive Clauses.(找出) 2. Analyze and understand the difference between restrictive and non-restrictive clauses. (判断并分析) 3. Write by using attributive Clauses(应用)策略和能力目标:学会自我探究,通过观察,发现,理解,应用的规律学习语法。情感与价值:1。能主动参与小组活动,树立自信心,学会共处。 2通过有语境的例句,了解梦想的确立何为梦想奋斗。五学情分析1.高二学生对任何事开始有自己的观点和看法,在英语学习上他们不只是想把英语作为一门死记硬背的课来学,还希望能从中学到知识性和趣味性的内容。2. 学生水平参差不齐,有的学生对于语篇有很强的理解能力,有的学生却只注意细节。对于定语从句还缺乏深刻理解。六学法指导 1.通过语法教学,训练学生总结归纳的能力,教师引导学生结合语境进行语法学习。2.通过写作训练,使学生明白语言学习的目的。七教学方法及理论支撑:小组合作及任务教学法理论支撑:1.Task-based learning.2.Out -put driven3.以写促学。4.读写结合八教学资源和教学环境:多媒体小教室设计思路:根据本课特点以教材为本,传统教学手段和现代多媒体教学手段相结合,恰当合理呈现本课内容。九、 具体教学步骤课前准备 1学生预习学案,先进行自主学习。 2教师准备好视频及相关图片和课上用的评价表格。 3准备检测教室多媒体设备。第一部分:基础巩固Task1: Revision Task2:分析并思考He has two sons who work in the same city. He has two sons, who work in the same city.Question: Whats the difference in meaning between the two sentences? Task3:(自主探究,寻找先行词填写引导词)1.Shanghai,( )is in East China, is developing quickly. 2.His father,( ) works in Beijing, came back yesterday.3Mr. Wang, ( ) we like best, is from Shanghai.4. My cousin, ( ) father is a teacher, wants to be an actor. 5. They live in a house, ( ) door opens to the south.They lived in a house, the door of ( ) open to the south.They lived in a house, of which the door opens to the south.6. There are 50 students in our class, two- thirds of ( ) have been to Beijing.7. He will come to see me next July, ( ) he wont be so busy.8.The school, ( ) I once studied, was built thirty years ago.9.( ) is known to us all, he is the best student in our class.10. He missed the movie, ( ) was a great pity.思考一:非限制性定语从句和限制性定语从句的区分形式That能否用作用(如果去掉从句)在从句中作宾语的关联词能否省略先行词引导词翻译限制性定语从句非限制性定语从句 设计思路:本环节首先通过问答,用自由的气氛激活已有的有关定语从句的知识,使学生能运用已有的知识和经验思考本课时的语法。通过复习限制性定语从句,起到温故而知新的作用。然后通过具体例句要求学生自主学习,探究学习总结语法规律。)第二部分 难点拓展点拨一:准确判断定语从句和其他从句Analyze the passage (分析语段,找从句)I have a dreamThe dream, which I had had since I was a child, was that I wanted to become a table-tennis player like Zhang Yining, who is a beautiful girl. But, with the time goes by, the dream become much little. My parents did not allow me to study table-tennis, though; I was so enthusiastic that I have table tennis as a hobby. Now,I not only want to become a player but I also pay attention to our countrys Ping Pang team. This dream is only a bobby now. I have a dreamI say to you, my friends, so even though we must face the difficulties of today and tomorrow, I still have a dream. I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and I have a dream that one day on the red hills of Georgia, sons of former slaves and sons of former slave-owners will be able to sit down together at the table of brotherhood.I have a dream that one day, even the state of Mississippi,思考和总结思路一:区分定语从句和( )思路二:定语从句和( ) (1)This is such a big stone that no one can lift it. This is such a big stone as no one can lift. 思路三:定语从句和( )As is known to us all, Edison invented Electric Power Distribution Systems.It is known to us all that Edison invented the.思路四:定语从句和( )It is the place where they once lived.I t is in the place that they once lived.思路五:非限制性定语从句和( , ) 1. He has two sons. Both of them are teachers. 2. He has two sons, both of whom are teachers.3. He has two sons, and both of them are teachers.点拨二:同样的先行词做一做,试一试1. Ill never forget the days_ we worked together.2. Ill never forget the days _ we spent together.3. I went to the place I worked ten years ago.4. I went to the place _ I visited ten years ago.想一想 理一理定语从句选对关联词最关键的是什么?点拨三:定语从句的位置He went to London in 1976, _he became famous later.I met a foreigner in the street yesterday ( )could ask me questions in Chinese.As is known,he is the top student in our class.总结:定语从句的位置:设计思路:新课程理念要求让学生不仅学习知识,更要对学生进行学习策略的指导,所以让学生自己循规蹈矩,锻炼自学能力。第三部分:综合运用Task 1:高考链接(几道高考真题)Task 2:Using Attributive Clauses( 即学即用,语境感知,)翻译关于霍金简介的英语作文(五个句子+至少使用两个定语从句)1942年1月8日 出生于英国牛津(Oxford)1959年3月 被牛津大学录取1962年 毕业于牛津大学1965年7月 同21岁的Jane Wild(霍金先前的学生)结婚1979年 去了剑桥(Cambridge)大学,后来成为很出名的数学教授。1988年 出版A Brief History of Time(很畅销)1. 小组讨论:2. 动笔操练:设计思路:时刻不忘高考的链接,虽然不提倡应试教育,但我们的学生摆脱不了大的环境。还是增加做题技巧和高考原体的见解,让学生对高考没有害怕的感觉。设计思路:学生要学会学以致用的技能。以写促学理论的实际应用。小结及评价:休闲时刻(选作)The Rose by Westlife Some say love it is a river that drowns the tender reed.Some say love it is a razor that leaves your soul to bleed.Some say love it is a hunger and endless aching need.I say love it is a flower and you its only seed.Its the heart afraid of breaking that never learns to dance.Its the dream afraid of waking that never takes the chance.Its the one who wont be taken who cannot seem to give.And the soul afraid of dying that never learns to live.When the night has been too lonely and the road has been too longAnd you think that love is only for the lucky and the strongJust remember in the winter far beneath the bitter snowsLies the seed that with the suns loveIn the spring becomes the rose设计思路:给学生打造一种气氛,感到时间英语课上过得太快。因为不单调。怎么把单调的语法设计成意犹未尽的感觉,在于教师用心准备。十教学时间分配第一部分:15分钟第二部分:10分钟第三部分 :20分钟十一、课堂板书设计将黑板划为左右两块,左边板书定语从句:限制性和非限制性,右边板书非限制性定语从句不用的引导词。十二教学反思1本节课的讲授遵循了高中英语新课标的要求,教师只是教学的组织者而把重点放在学生的主动学习上,一切以学生为主体,充分调动学习的积极性。让学生明白学习目标,站在学生角度,精心设计活动。精心设计可操作性强的任务化活动是成功组织任务型教学的首要条件。这样学生可以通过完成具体的任务来学习和巩固语言,积累学习经验和享受成功的喜悦。 2教师具有驾驭课堂和教材的能力,准确地把握了课本内容,有效地加以整合,优化了课堂教学设计,提高了课堂的学习效率。3. 本堂课使用多媒体教学,同时多媒体等现代教学手段的英语增强了课堂教学的趣味性,同学们的学习热情都很高。能够调动学生英语学习的积极性,为学生创设了良好的英语交际环境。 4课堂教学实行多样化的教学组织形式,实现全班教学,小组教学和个别教学的最优组合;实现既着眼于适应学生个体差异,又促进全体学生在各自原有基础上得到良好发展总之,本课以新课标理念为指导,以学生为主体、任务型教学主线,合作教学为原则,以多媒体为教学手段,突出交际性,重视学习策略的培养、重视个体差异和结果与过程并重的评价方式。通过合作、探究,运用各种方式锻炼学生的阅读技巧。附: GrammarAttributive Clause Revision II学案教学内容:非限制性定语从句复习 教学目标: (Teaching objectives) 知识目标:The students will be able to 1. Find the Attributive Clauses.(找出) 2. Analyze and understand the difference between restrictive and non-restrictive clauses. (判断并分析) 3. Write by using attributive Clauses(应用)策略和能力目标:学会自我探究,通过观察,发现,理解,应用的规律学习语法。情感与价值:1. 能主动参与小组活动,树立自信心,学会共处。 2通过有语境的例句,了解梦想的确立何为梦想奋斗。 学习重点与难点:非限制性定语从句和限制性定语从句的区分以及其他考点拓展。学习方法:探究,合作,自主学习 第一部分:基础巩固学习步骤: 第一步:Leading in(导入) Task1:Revision澄清概念,夯实基础:Task2:分析并思考He has two sons who work in the same city. He has two sons, who work in the same city.Question: Whats the difference in meaning between the two sentences? Task3:(更多例句,自主探究,寻找先行词填写引导词,学会总结)1.Shanghai, which is in East China, is developing quickly. 2.His father, who works in Beijing, came back yesterday.3Mr. Wang, whom we like best, is from Shanghai.4. My cousin, whose father is a teacher, wants to be an actor. 5. They live in a house, whose door opens to the south.They lived in a house, the door of which open to the south.They lived in a house, of which the door opens to the south.6. There are 50 students in our class, two- thirds of whom have been to Beijing.7. He will come to see me next July, when he wont be so busy.8.The school, where I once studied, was built thirty years ago.9.As is known to us all, he is the best student in our class.10. He missed the movie, which was a great pity.小结:非限制性定语从句关联词有:非限制性定语从句和限制性定语从句的区分形式That能否用作用(如果去掉从句)在从句中作宾语的关联词能否省略先行词翻译限制性定语从句非限制性定语从句 第二部分难点拓展点拨一:准确判断定语从句和其他从句Analyze the passage (分析语段,深刻感知语言)I have a dreamThe dream, which I had had since I was a child, was that I wanted to become a table-tennis player like Zhang Yining who is a beautiful girl. But, with the time goes by, the dream become much little. My parents did not allow me to study table-tennis, though; I was so enthusiastic that I have table tennis as a hobby. Now,I not only want to become a player but I also pay attention to our countrys Ping Pang team. This dream is only a bobby now. I have a dreamI say to you, my friends, so even though we must face the difficulties of today and tomorrow, I still have a dream. It is a dream deeply rooted in the American dream.I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and I have a dream that one day on the red hills of Georgia, sons of former slaves and sons of former slave-owners will be able to sit down together at the table of brotherhood.I have a dream that one day, even the state of Mississippi,思考和总结思路一:区分定语从句和同位语从句。The news he told me is true.The news that he has just died is true.思路二:定语从句和状语从句 (1)This is such a big stone _no one can lift it. This is such a big stone _no one can lift. (2)Please put the letter in the drawer _he can easily find it Please put the letter _he can easily find it. 思路三定语从句和主语从句:( )is known to us all, Edison invented Electric Power Distribution Systems.( )is known to us all _Edison invented Electric Power Distribution Systems.思路四:定语从句和强调句:It is the place _ they once lived.I t is in the place _ they once lived.思路五:非限制性定语从句和单句的比较1. He has two sons. Both of _ are teachers. 2. He has two sons, both of _ are teachers.3. He failed in the exam._ made his parents angry.4. He failed in the exam, _made his parents angry思路六:区分定语从句和并列句。4. He has two sons, either of _ works hard. He has two sons, and either of _ works hard.点拨二:同样的先行词做一做,试一试,想一想 理一理1. Ill never forget the days_ we worked together.2. Ill never forget the days _ we spent together.3. I went to the place I worked ten years ago.4. I went to the place _ I visited ten years ago.He went to London in 1976, _he bec


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