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U56词汇拓展复习+阅读第一部分一、阅读理解。No one is glad to hear that his body has to be cut open by a surgeon(外科医生) and part of it is taken out. Today, however, we neednt worry about feeling pain during the operation. The sick person falls into a kind of sleep, and when he awakes, the operation is finished. But these happy conditions are fairly new. It is not many years since a man who had to have an operation felt all its pain.Long ago, operations had usually to be done while the sick man could feel everything. The sick man had to be held down on a table by force while the doctors did their best for him. He could feel all the pain if his leg or arm was being cut off, and his fearful cries filled the room and the hearts of those who watched.Soon after 1770, Josept Priestley discovered a gas which is now called laughing gas. Laughing gas became known in America. Young men and women went to parties to try it. Most of them spent their time laughing, but one man at a party, Horace Wells, noticed that people didnt seem to feel pain when they were using this gas. He decided to make an experiment on himself. He asked a friend to help him.Wells took some of the gas, and his friend pulled out one of Wells teeth. Wells felt no pain at all. As he didnt know enou gh about laughing gas, he gave a man less gas than he should have. The man cried out with pain when his tooth was being pulled out.Wells tried again, but this time he gave too much of the gas, and the man died. Wells never forgot this terrible event.1. It is _ since a man being operated felt all the pain.A. a few more years B. not very long C. few years D. two thousand years2. Long ago, when the sick man was operated on, he _.A. could feel nothing B. could not want anything C. could feel all the pain D. could do anything3. Using the laughing gas, the people did not seem to _.A. be afraid of anything B. feel pain C. want to go to the parties D. be ill4. If a man took less laughing gas than he should have when an operation went on, he _.A. felt nothing B. felt very comfortable C. still felt pain D. would die5. One who took too much of the laughing gas _.A. would laugh all the time B. would die C. would never feel again D. would be very calm参考答案:15 BCBCB二、任务型阅读。阅读短文,根据短文内容回答问题。When you are in Hong Kong, you must be very careful in the meets because the traffic drives on the left. It is different from that in other areas of China. If you are the first time to come to Hong Kong, you must look to the right side and then the left before you cross the street. If the traffic lights are red, the traffic must stop. Then people on foot can cross the road carefully. But if the traffic lights are green, the traffic can go, people on foot mustnt cross.When people go to or come from work in the morning and evening, the streets are very busy.Tragic is the most dangerous then, especially(尤其) for the children.When you go by bus in Hong Kong, you have to be careful, too. You muss always remember the traffic moves on the left. So you must be careful. Have a look first, or you will go the wrong way.In Hong Kong, there are many big buses with two floors, you can sit on the second floor. From there you can see the view of the whole city well. Its very interesting.1. Why must you be very careful in the street in Hong Kong? _2. What can people on foot do if the traffic lights are red? _3. Does the traffic drive on the left in other areas of China? _4. There are many big buses with two floors in Hong Kong, arent there? _5. What should you do when you cross the streets? _【参考答案】1. Because the traffic drives on the left. It is different from that in other areas of China.2. People on foot can cross the road carefully.3. No, it doesnt.4. Yes, there are.5. I should look to the right side and then the left before I cross the street.三、复习。(词汇拓展)(该部分单词主要为动词、名词或形容词等的变形,常在单项填空、完形填空和短文填空题型中进行考查,标单词的变形尤其要重点掌握。)1. wind n风_adj.多风的2. report v. & n报告_n记者3. sleep v睡觉_adj.睡着的_adj.困倦的;瞌睡的_(过去式/过去分词)4. rise v& n升起;增加;提高_(过去式)_(过去分词)5. fall v倒塌;跌倒;掉落_(过去式)_(过去分词)/adj.倒下的;落下的6. hide v隐藏;隐蔽_(过去式)_(过去分词)7. shine v发光;照耀_(过去式/过去分词)8. lead v带路;领路_(过去式/过去分词)_n领导;领袖9. heavy adj.重的_adv.在很大程度上;大量地10. sudden adj.突然的_adv.突然;忽然11. complete adj.完全的;彻底的_adv.彻底地;完全地 12. recent adj.最近的;近来的_adv.不久前;最近13. brave adj.勇敢的_adv.勇敢地;无畏地参考答案:1. windy2. reporter3. asleep; sleepy; slept4. rose; risen5. fell; fallen6. hid; hidden7. shone/shined8. led; leader9. heavily10. suddenly11. completely12. recently13. bravely第二部分完形填空Four of my friends and I gathered at our favorite restaurant for Annas birthday party. We were all having a good time when suddenly Julia said, “Hey! Lets go to _1_ house and party on!”“Im not sure if its a good idea,” I said. I looked to the others for support, but it seemed they were _2_ going to Julias house, for they didnt know how to say “_3_”to Julia. Julia always tried to bully(欺负) the rest of us. She knew that we would all get into trouble with our parents _4_ we left the restaurant. But that didnt stop her.“Dont forget Annas mother will bring the birthday cake at 8:30,” I said, “We _5_ wait until Annas mother arrives!”“Dont be _6_. Shell find us,” Julia said, laughing, like it was no big deal.“My mother is coming here to pick me up,” I _7_, not wanting to tell her I knew my mother wouldnt force me to go.“Stay here _8_ yourself,” Julia said, “The rest of us are going.” Then she began calling me name.I felt tears coming to my eyes, so I ran to the bathroom. I felt so childish, crying alone. Its really hard to go _9_ your friends, especially when youre hoping to be popular with them. A moment later, Amanda came in and said, “Julia is just that _10_. I agree with you. If we get out right now, maybe we can persuade(劝说) the others to stay.”“Im staying here with Susan,” Amanda said as soon as we _11_ to the table. Then she said something I hadnt expected. “If I leave, Ill get into trouble with my parents, so lets take Susans _12_.Anna looked happy again as she said, “My mother wouldnt agree, either. Ill stay with you two.” “Okay, Ill stay, too,” Ellie added.“_13_, Im not going alone. I have to stay! Oh!” Julia said.I was surprised it was so _14_. None of the girls left and I knew it was because Amanda sided with me.I guess its true that theres strength in _15_. Friends can influence each other, for good or bad.1. A. herB. yourC. myD. their2. A. tryingB. consideringC. imaginingD. suggesting3. A. yesB. noC. greatD. sorry4. A. beforeB. afterC. whenD. if5. A. need B. cantC. shouldD. mustnt6. A. sillyB. worryC. sadD. late7. A. liedB. shoutedC. complainedD. doubted8. A. forB. byC. withD. around9. A. with B. alongC. forD. against10. A. matterB. stateC. shapeD. way11. A. got B. backC. returnedD. pointed12. A. adviceB. offerC. answerD. plan13. A. GreatB. WellC. BadD. Good14. A. politeB. directC. wiseD. simple15. A. numbers B. dangerC. troubleD. common1. 【答案】C【考点】人称代词【解析】联系上下文,由第二段 “going to Julias house”可知。2. 【答案】B【考点】动词【解析】联系上下文,由第二段“I looked to the others for support, but”中的but可知,大家的想法和我的不同,我不想去,大家还在考虑去的。3. 【答案】B【考点】交际用语【解析】联系上下文,Julia经常欺负其他人,但是其他人都没有反抗,都赞同她的意见,可知其他人不会和Julia说”不”。4. 【答案】D【考点】连词【解析】联系上下文, 由下文“If I leave, Ill get into trouble with my parents, so lets take Susans _12_.”可知,如果离开饭店,他们都会有麻烦。5.


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