已阅读5页,还剩11页未读 继续免费阅读




第一课时一、教学目标1、词汇: by accident, beverage, thousand, according, according to, ancient, legend, emperor, boil, fire, leaf, nearly, fall into, remain. notice, produce, pleasant, smell, taste,2、 句型:(1)-When was the telephone invented?- I think it was invented in 1876.(2)-Who were they invented by?-They were invented by Julie Thompson.(3) -What are they used for? -Theyre used for seeing in the dark.二、学习目标:(1) Train the students reading skill on how to answer the questions.(2) Train the students writing skill by writing an article.(3) Train the students speaking skill.四、教学重难点:1. To teach the students so many new word in a single class.2. To help the students understand. the reading passage.3. To direct the students to write the article.五、教学方法:小组合作交流等方式,加深对本部分的学习与运用,开阔学生的思路培养未来的发明家,让学生具有一定的发明创造精神。六、教学流程Step 1 Warming-up1.Revise the language points in Unit 9. Ask some students to say something about Tina and the stories happened on April Fools Day. Encourage them to use the Past Perfect Tense. 2.Check the homework by asking some students to share the sentences they made with the verbs with the class. Step2 In -put教师活动:1. Read the inventions to the students. 2. Call the students attention to the five pictures. 3.Tell the students that all of these things were invented in the last 150 years. 4.Point to each picture and let the students tell what it is. 5.Write the names of the five inventions on the blackboard.( computer, car, calculator, telephone, TV set) 6.Have several different students guess and write the dates on the board. 学生活动1: repeat the questions and answers like this. T: When was the computer invented? Class repeat. Ss: When was the computer invented? T: Good. Now Tom, what is your guess? S1: 1965. T: OK. Tom, repeat after me. The computer was invented in 1965. T: Class, please repeat. Ss: The computer was invented in 1965.学生活动2:Repeat the process with several different inventions.教师活动: Have the students look at the example conversation in the box. Ask two students to read this conversation to the class.学生活动: 1.remember the inventions from first to last.2. students talk about the five inventions in groups of four, using the sample conversation as a model. 3.several groups tell the class their answers. The rest of the class listen to them and show they have different answers by raising their hands.教师活动: Play the recording。 Let the students match the inventions and the dates. Check the answers by asking several to say the answers to the class.学生活动:students repeat several times. SA: When was the telephone invented? SB: I think it was invented in 1876.Step3 Practice Student A, covers the dates. Students B, asks Student A when the things in the picture above were invented. Then change roles and practice again. Ask several pairs to share their conversations with the class.Step4 Out put A. 用所给单词的正确形式填空 1. There are about 10,000 books in our library, _ (include) many English novels.2. The _(discover) of oil on their land made the family rich.3. The light bulb is one of Edisons _(invent).4 We had a_(please) evening at Susans home.5. The house is full of _ (wood) furniture.B. 根据首字母或汉语提示完成单词 1. This big factory _ (发展) from a small business.2. In school, we studied the _ (古代的) Greek and Roman civilizations.3. The radio said that it would rain this evening . Please take an u_ with you.4. The old man got on the wrong bus by m_.5. The worker _ (敲击) through a wall with a heavy hammer.(A. 1-5 including discovery inventions pleasant woodenB. 1-5 developed ancient umbrella mistake knocked )Step 5 Summary In this class, weve learned to talk about the history of inventions with passive voice. Weve also done some listening practice in understanding the target language in spoken conversation. And weve done much oral practice, using the target language.Step 6 当堂检测Step 7 Homework 1.Write out two conversations in Activity 1a. 2.Write out two conversations in Activity 1 c.第二课时教学目标:知识目标:1. 语法一般过去时的被动语态 肯定句及疑问句2. 词汇 by mistake, in the end ,crispy salty, sour, chef, sprinkle 、 技能目标:能够针对各项发明的用处及特点,发表自己的看法,并说明理由。情感目标:对比20年前进口摩托发动机占领了我国的市场,今天自主品牌的轿车在市场上占有很大份额。发明创造是一个国家民族永恒的话题。开阔学生的思路培养未来的发明家,让学生具有一定的发明创造精神。教学过程:Step 1 warming up: 教师活动:Show some pictures and let the students master theadjectives.学生活动:Look pictures and write out the words 甜的_ 脆的,易碎的_ 酸的_咸的_ 辣的_ Step2. In put 教师活动: 1. Ask 你能想起多少不同味道的食物? 小组交流. 2. Make a model. A: What doescandy taste ? B: It tastes sweet.学生活动:1.学生小组交流后回答组内能想起多少不同味道的食物。 2.Ask and answer in pairs after the modelStep3 Practice 教师活动: 让学生根据句子写出正确的单词。 1) Ice cream tastes s_ 2) Lemonade tastes s_3) The chicken is not s_ enough ,please add some salt on it.4) C_ potato chips taste good.学生活动 :write the right words according to the sentencesStep4 Out put 教师活动:1.比较2a与2b, 理解2a,2b的要求和意思。 2. 先个人独立完成,然后小组讨论。 by mistake_ make a mistake _in the end_=_, at the end of _ end up_ ( 他很粗心, 经常出错. )He is _and often _ (在这个周末), Tina went to the zoo.3. Play the tape ,ask students to listen carefully. And circle T or F in activity2a.4.Play the tape again . Ask the students to complete the sentences of activity 2b. 5. 让小组仿造例子,讨论两项发明(提示: 指南针 compass 火药 powder)A: Who was paper invented by ?B: It was invented by Cai Lun. A: When was it invented? B: It was invented in 105 AD A: What was it used for ?B: It was used for writing.6.Let the Ss read the article and weite answers to the questions .学生活动:1.campare 2a and 2b . 2. fill in the chart . 3.listen carefully and circle T or F. 4.Listen again and compete the sentences 5. 小组仿造例子,讨论两项发明 6.Read the article and weite answers to the questions.Step5 Summing up 1.总结本节课所出现的短语_ 2.总结本节课所学习的句型 _ Step6. HomeworkI. Write some sentences about who invented tea .Step7 课后反思(从不断反思中完善自己,提高自己)第三课时一、内容简析:本单元的话题主要是通过使用句型“Whats the most useful invention ? Who invented it ”等句型,熟练运用本单元的短语动词,谈论发明与创造,并针对各项发明的用处及特点发表自己的看法。二、教学目标:A :知识与技能目标:(1)学会使用被动语态谈论某种物品发明的时间、发明人及其用途。(2)掌握各种时态的被动语态及含有情态动词的被动语态的结构。(3)学会谈论重要发明的历史及用途。B:情感目标:开阔学生的思路,培养学生的创新精神,让学生展开想象的翅膀,谈谈他们自己的创造。三、学习策略: 通过两两对话,小组交流等方式,加深对本部分的学习与运用,学会用英语描述各种物品发明的历史。四、教学过程:Step 1 Warming-upWhat kind of food do you like ?Please describe how the following food tastes. Let the students talk about different kinds of food they like and why .Like this :A: What kind of food do you like?B:I like A:Why ?B:Because its sweetStep 2 In putT:My class,have you ever eaten patato chips?S: Yes.T:Do you like it ?S:Yes.I like it very much.T:Do you want to know the the history of patato chips?Lets listen to the tape and know something about the patato chips(一)Listen and circle T(for true) or F(for false) 1.Patato chips were invented by mistake. T F 2.They were invented in 1863. T F3.The customer thought the patatoes werent thin enough. T F4. The customer said they werent salty enough. T F5.George wanted to make the customer happy. T F6. The customer was happy in the end. T F(二)Listen again.Complete the sentences.The history of patato chips. _ that patato chips were invented by mistake? Patato chips_by a chef called GeorgeCrum .They were invented in_.George Crumcooked them for a long time until they _.And he sprinkled lots of salt on them so they were _.Step3: Practice.Pair work:Role play the conversation about the invention of patato chips.Use the information from 2a and 2b.A:Did you know patato chips were invented by mistake?B:I didnt know .Who invented them?A:Step4.Out put(一) Read the article and answer the following questions.1. What is the article about?2. When was it invented ?_3. Who was it invented by?_4. How was it invented by ?_Step 5 Summing-upLearn the passage, and point out the language points in it.1.According to 根据按照According to what he said ,do you believe in him ?2.fall into 落入,陷入He fell into a river suddenly.3.remain 相当于be still He remained in his office all afternoon.remain 用作不及物动词,相当于stayA few leaves .remained on the trees.4.in this way 这样,通过这种办法Please do it in this way.Step 6 PracticeWrite an article using the following notes .Who: college studentsWhat:new toy, flying diskWhen:1950sWhere:bakery in Bridgeport,connecticutHow:students eat pie,throw pie platesToday:clubs,magagines,festivalFrom pie plate to flying diskThe flying disk was invented by college students ._Step7达标练习:第四课时教学目标一、知识目标:1. 语法:熟练掌握一般过去时的被动语态 , 肯定句及疑问句。2. 词汇:熟练运用 by mistake, in the end ,crispy ,salty, sour, chef, sprinkle ,fall into, remain ,pleasant ,notice3. 通过阅读理解,提高学生阅读技巧与技能。 二、技能目标:能够针对各项发明的用处及特点,发表自己的看法,并说明理由。三、情感目标:发明创造是一个国家民族永恒的话题。开阔学生的思路,培养未来的发明家,让学生具有一定的发明创造精神。教学过程:(一)复习检测1、电灯泡 2、微波炉 3、错误的 4、偶然意外 5、落入 6、这样 7、撞上某人 8、发明某物 9、最有用的发明 10、用来做某事 (二)读前导入Revise the history of chips by asking the following questions; 1、Were the potato chips invented by mistake? 2、When were they invented ? 3、Who invented the potato chips? 4、How were the potato chips invented?Talk about them in your group .(三)多层阅读 1、Read the article and write answers to the questions.1) .What is the article about? 2) . When was it invented? 3). Who was it invented by? 4). How was it invented? 2、学生细读课文,自学下列短语:1、偶然;意外 2、根据;按照 3、落入;陷入 4、这样 5、一股令人愉快的味道 6、飞碟 (四)精读足练1、 pleasant,pleased与pleasure的区别:pleasant形容词,意思是“令人愉快的,满意的”,一般作定语修饰物,当主语是物的时候,也可以作表语。It is very pleasant to have a cup of tea after dinner.饭后喝一杯茶是很愉快的。pleased形容词,表示“自己感到高兴的,欣喜的,满意的”,一般用作表语,常与不定式、介词短语或从句连用,说明原因,它的主语应该是人。The two friends were very pleased to see each other again.这两个朋友再次见面感到非常高兴。pleasure名词,意思是“高兴,娱乐”时是不可数名词;意思是“乐趣,高兴的事”时是可数名词,在口语中常用作客套语。 It is a pleasure to meet you again.再次见到你很高兴。2、notice作动词,意为注意到,留心,看到。常用于notice sb. do sth.; notice sb. doing sth.和notice sth. done结构中。如:He was too proud to notice me. 他太傲慢了,理都不理我。Did you notice his hand shaking? 你有没有注意到他的手在抖?你注意到杰克进来了吗? 3、boil是动词,意思是“煮沸,在沸水中煮”。它的形容词是boiling,意思是“沸腾的,极热的”。4、over与on的区别:over与on都有“在上”的意思,over表示“某物在另一物的上方”,二者不接触;而on则强调二者之间有接触。桌子上有本书。 飞机刚从我们头顶上飞过。 (五)写作训练3b.Write an article using the notes in the box.First discuss it in your group ,then write by yourself.课后延伸第五课时一、教学目标1.知识与技能目标学习词汇:was invented by accident, was brought to ,not until ,was discovered, an ancient Chinese legend, fall into, produce a pleasant smell, in this way, one of the most favorite drinks accident beverage according ancient legend bush remain notice produce pleasant mixture学习句型: (1)Do you know that tea was invented by accident? (2)Although tea wasnt brought to the Western world until 1610 (3)In this way ,one of the most favorite drinks was invented.通过阅读文章,加深对所学句型的理解,提高学生的阅读能力。通过写作练习,提高学生的写作能力。2.情感目标学会根据相关的信息进行合理的推论。培养学生的自主、合作、探究的能力。3.学习策略分组学习,合作探究二、教学流程Step 1 Warming upHello, everyone! Now, were going to study Section B 3a-4. In this class, well talk about Who invented tea ,I think you should learn or master the following things:(一)、重点词汇 accident beverage according ancient legend bush remain notice produce pleasant mixture(二)、重点短语1.was invented by accident, 2.was brought to ,3.not until , 4.was discovered, 5.an ancient Chinese legend, 6.fall into,7.produce a pleasant smell, 8.in this way, 9.one of the most favorite drinks 10.the Chinese emperor11.flying dish 12.Shen Nong1.偶然发明_ 2.直到才_ 3.依据中国古老的传说_ 4.掉进_5. 被遗留一段时间 _ 6.散发出易人的气味_7.在篝火上_ 8.这样,用这种方式_9世界上最受欢迎的饮料之一 10中国皇帝 11.飞碟;飞盘 12.神农 (三)、重点句子(1)Do you know that tea was invented by accident? (2)Although tea wasnt brought to the Western world until 1610 (3)In thia way ,one of the most favorite drinks was invented.Step2读前导入The teacher communicates with the students about what is happening(Show a picture to the students and ask)T: Look! Whats the man doing?S: He is sitting T: Why do you think he is sitting?S: He was boiling drinking waterStep3多层阅读Teachers activity:1.Ask students to read the article 2. Ask students to listen to the tape of 3a, then read again and complete the chart.Students activity:1. Read the article 2.Listen to the tape of 3a, then read again and complete the chart. What is the article about?When was it invented?Who was it invented byHow was it invented?Step4精读足练Teachers activity :Ask students to read carefully and work in groups and pairs.Students activity:1.Groupwork: find out the phrases as many as possible.The main phrases : (1). was invented by acciden (2) was brought to (3) not unti (4) .was discovered (5) .an ancient Chinese legend (6) .fall into (7) produce a pleasant smell r (8) in this way, (9) one of the most favorite drinks(10) the Chinese emperorThe main sentences (1) Do you know that tea was invented by accident? (2)Although tea wasnt brought to the Western world until 1610 (3)In this way ,one of the most favorite drinks was invented.2.Pairwork: use the information in 3a to have a conversation.Step5写作训练Teachers activity :Ask students to do activity 3b check the answer.Students activity: Write an article using the notes in the box WhoCollege studentsWhatNew toy ,flying dishWhen1950sWhereBakery in Bidgeport, ConnecticutHowStudents est pie, throw pie platesTodayClubs, magazines ,festivalStep6 Out_put Ask the students to make conversations Step7当堂检测自己的看法,并说明理由。学习策略:自主学习,小组合作探究教学过程:Step 1 WarmingupAsk the students to list eight sports played in China. Then have a discussion with others to share the opinions with others students.Ask the students when the inventions was invented.T: Whats this?S: Its a cellphone.T:Wh


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