



Unit 5 Why do you like pandas?Section B第二课时Lets save the elephants教学目标:一、 知识目标:1、 重要单词:save, flag, forget, place, water, danger, cut, down, tree, kill, over, Thailand, Thai.2、 重要短语:get lost, be in danger, cut down.3、 重要句子:The elephant is one of the symbols of Thailand.Elephants can walk for a long time and never get lost.They can also remember places with food and water.Elephants are in great danger.People cut down many trees.We mustnt (must not) buy things made of ivory.二、 能力目标:听:从一段英文报告中获取重要信息说:根据本课的重点句型,自己口头造句,并按照指定主题,做英语报告;读:通过阅读获取主题大意、为文章划分结构,并找到支撑各个结构的信息;写:按照Lets save the elephants,根据相关资料,仿写一篇Lets save的报告,呼吁大家来保护它。三、情感目标:关爱动物、善待动物,善待大自然就是善待人类自己,人与自然和谐相处。四、教学重难点:如何从文章中找到支撑每个结构的信息并总结各个结构的大意;让学生仿写一篇文章。教学方法:启发式教学 合作性学习 3P模式 任务型教学教学准备:图片、几种珍惜动物的现状的数据和资料、音频、多媒体设备教学步骤:Step one: Warm-up and review1、I do, you guess the name of each animal2、make dialogue: What animal do you like?/Why do you like? /Where arefrom?Step two: Lead in and presentation1、 Do you know what animal I like?I like elephants because they are friendly.(出示大象图片)They are from Thailand.2、 ElephantsThailand100,000 beforekilled by peopleonly about 3,000 todayElephants are in danger(通过板书和图片引出话题,激发学生兴趣,投入新课)3、 Lets read the website article of 2b. They we will know why elephants are in great danger.Step three: Reading comprehension1、 At first teach the new words in the article.2、 Read and check the best title3、 Read it again, answer the questions:Who write this article?Are elephants important in Thailand?What can elephant do?Why are elephant in danger?How many elephants are there before? How about today?How can we do to save elephants?4、 Analyze the structure and main idea of each partPart one: Importance in Thailandfirst flag had a white elephantsymbol of ThailandPart two: Abilities (What can elephants do?)can play soccer or musiccan also draw wellcan remember places with food and waterPart three: Facts and figures (Why are elephants in great danger?)people cut down many treespeople kill them for their ivorytoday there are 3,000 elephants (over 100,000 before)Part four: How to save themdont cut down so many treesdont buy things made of ivoryMarch 13th is Thai Elephant Day5、Summary: Elephants are important animals. They can do a lot of things. But they are in great danger. People must save them.Step four: Listen to the tape and read the article loudlyStep five: Remember some important sentences and make new sentencesStep six: team-work (Lets save the)1、 提供给学生藏羚羊、黑熊、熊猫三种动物的相关资料和数据2、 学生按照事先分好的5人一组讨论,选定本组要描写的动物,组长分配任务,4名组员分别负责重要性、能力、处于危险当中的一些数据。怎样挽救4个部分,组长进行指导和总结。3、 挑选几组组长上台,假设你是动物世界的播音员,要向大家呼吁挽救这种动物,请你用英文做这份报告。(在动物世界的背景音乐中展示小组合作写好的报告)。Step seven: SummaryAnimals


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