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学术论文写作:摘要一、摘要的写作目的和结构要素摘要简要地概述论文的内容, 拥有与正文同等量的主要信息,即不阅读全文,就能获得必要的信息。其结构要素是:(1) 主题阐述(Topic specification);(2) 研究目的陈述(Purpose statement);(3) 理论指导(Theory/Perspective)(3) 研究方法(Methodology and Data);(4) 研究结果/发现(Results/Findings);(5) 研究结论/启示(Conclusions/Implications)。& 练习1:就结构要素评析下面4个摘要(为判断方便,列汉语标题)Sample 1 题目、摘要、关键词请回答下列问题谈英汉互译中文化意象的转换问题摘 要:文化意象是了解外国文化的一条重要途径。然而传统的译学研究多将翻译视为语言学的分支,翻译的任务主要是语言分析和文本对照。多年来,人们多强调翻译活动中信息对等的重要性而忽视了原文本中的独特形式和风格。随着翻译研究学派的异军突起,其倡导的文化翻译,文化转向也被越来越多的人认可。文化意象多是属于某一特定文化的形象,因而在处理文化意象的转换过程,采取归化还是异化的手段,常常是译者为之争论的问题。关键词:文化意象;文化转向;归化;异化摘要是否回答了以下问题?(1)研究主题(范围)?(2)研究目的是什么?(3)什么理论视角?(4)研究方法是什么?/研究是如何进行的?(5)研究发现?(6)结论或启示??教师笔记/我来评论:(1)审视题目和提纲,判断上面6个问题(2)从上面6个问题审视摘要(3)关键词附:该论文目录 CONTENTS1. Introduction2. Translation Activity in New Century2.1 Definition and Purpose of Translation Activity2.2 Translation Activity under the Background of Cross-culture Communication2.2.1 The Trend of Cross-culture Communication2.2.2 New Requirements for Translation Activity3. The Trend of Cross-culture Communication3.1 Definitions of Cultural Symbols3.2 The Formation of Characteristic Cultural Symbols3.3 Main Categories of Cultural Symbols4. Strategy in Dealing with Cultural Symbols Translation4.1 Comparison between Domestication and Foreignization4.2 Nida Eugene. A and Dynamic Equivalence Translation4.3 Translation Studies School and Foreignization4.4 Two Strategies in Text Analysis5. ConclusionSample 2题目、摘要、关键词请回答下列问题The Rhetoric of Trade Name and Its Translation摘 要:在现代经济社会中, 作为消费者认识或购买商品的向导,商标名称在一定程度上决定了商品在国际市场上的竞争力。本文从修辞学的视角出发,汲取了广告学、消费心理学、文化学、语言学和翻译的研究成果,分析了商品名称的修辞。研究的第一部分阐述了商标名称的修辞理据,指出了商标名称与消费者、文化和社会背景的紧密关系;第二部分则集中分析了商品名称的修辞语音手段,揭示了商标名称的谐音、拟音、叠音和压韵等的修辞特点;第三部分指出了商标名称的修辞在翻译中的体现。关键字:商标名称 修辞 翻译摘要是否回答了以下问题?(1)研究主题(范围)?(2)研究目的是什么?(3)什么理论视角?(4)研究方法是什么?/研究是如何进行的?(5)研究发现?(6)结论或启示??教师笔记/我来评论:(1)审视题目和提纲,判断上面6个问题(2)从上面6个问题审视摘要(3)关键词附:该论文目录 CONTENTS1. Introduction2. The Rhetorical Motivation in Trade Name2.1 Rational Needs and Rational Needs2.1.1 Rational Needs2.1.2 Emotional Needs2.2 Cultural Factors2.2.1 Ethnic Culture2.2.2 Regional Culture2.2.3 Religious Culture2.2.4 Culture of Place and Person3. The Rhetorical Approaches to Trade Name3.1 Homophone3.1.1 Homophone in Chinese3.1.2 Homophone between Chinese and English3.1.3 Homophone in English3.2 Onomatopoeia3.2.1 Emotional onomatopoeia3.2.2 Rational onomatopoeia3.3 Rhyme3.3.1 Alliteration3.3.2 The Ending of Lines of Verse3.3.3 Assonance3.4 Reduplicated Sound4. The Translation of Trade Names4.1 Transliteration4.2 Variant Translation4.3 Phonological and Semantic Combination5. ConclusionSample 3题目、摘要、关键词请回答下列问题从语用关联角度看英语辩论中言语反讽及其应答摘 要:本文以辩论中出现的言语反讽为研究对象,希望通过对这一语言现象的考察尝试对现有的反讽及其应答模式进行总结归纳。研究中的语料搜集自真实电视辩论,而非实验室人为设定。本文的理论基础来自于关联理论以及反讽的回声提述论。对在考察过程中出现的问题在判断反讽时的不确定性,以及因此而无法确切的对反讽类型和应答方式进行分类作者将借由本文研究对象和角度的转变,尝试在以语用关联为基础框架的理论下,引入新修辞学中古典修辞学中关于演说与论辩模式的思考,建议以此为新的出发点,探索相对稳定的反讽识别机制,并且在一些学科的帮助下尝试系统阐述反讽的情感运行机制。关键词:言语反讽;关联理论;回声提述论;不确定性;新亚里士多德修辞摘要是否回答了以下问题?(1)研究主题(范围)?(2)研究目的是什么?(3)什么理论视角?(4)研究方法是什么?/研究是如何进行的?(5)研究发现?(6)结论或启示??教师笔记/我来评论:(1)审视题目和提纲,判断上面6个问题(2)从上面6个问题审视摘要(3)关键词附:该论文目录 CONTENTS1. Introduction 1.1 Rational and Objective of the Study 1.2 Organization of the Paper2.Theoretical Foundation of Verbal Irony Study: A Pragmatic Approach 2.1 Description of Verbal Irony 2.2 Gricean PerspectivesIrony as Conversational Implicature 2.3 Post-Gricean perspectiveIrony as Echoic Mentioning3. Verbal Irony and the Responses in Public Debate 3.1 Assumptions and Expectations 3.2 Introduction to American Public Presidential Debate (APPD) and the Debate Extract Analyzed 3.3 Analysis Based on EMT4. Conclusion 4.1 Findings in EMT ApplicationUncertainty 4.1.1 Uncertainty in Identifying Verbal Irony 4.1.2 Uncertainty in Justifying the Working Mechanism 4.2 Tentative SuggestionPragmatics with Lights from the Rhetorical Perspective 4.3 Last RemarksSample 4题目、摘要、关键词请回答下列问题政治新闻翻译中的归化与异化摘 要:本文在前人研究的基础上,从译者主观因素、意识形态、读者反应等理论出发,通过对具体政治新闻实例的分析,对政治新闻翻译中归化异化的选择问题进行探讨,其结论是:在政治新闻中,当译者希望唤起读者主观熟悉度从而来加强读者对译文关注时,或者当译者需要对关系到本国切身利益的事务表明政治立场时,翻译应主要采取归化策略;而当译者希望引起读者对源语语言文化的兴趣时,或者译者希望通过翻译,在国际人民心目中建立本国正确及正面形象时,应考虑目的语使用者惯用表达方法,即主要采取异化手段,尽量消除其它语言使用者可能因为语言而造成的误解。关键词:异化;归化;翻译策略;政治新闻摘要是否回答了以下问题?(1)研究主题(范围)?(2)研究目的是什么?(3)什么理论视角?(4)研究方法是什么?/研究是如何进行的?(5)研究发现?(6)结论或启示??教师笔记/我来评论:(1)审视题目和提纲,判断上面6个问题(2)从上面6个问题审视摘要(3)关键词附:该论文目录 CONTENTS1. Introduction1.1 Rationale1.2 Literature Review1.3 The Organization of the Thesis2. Theoretical Foundations of Domestication and Foreignization 2.1 Domestication and Foreignization 2.1.1 Definitions of Domestication and Foreignization 2.1.2 Functions of Domestication and Foreignization Function of Domestication Function of Foreignization 2.2 Political News 2.2.1 Definition of Political News 2.2.2 The Stylistic Features of Political News and Translated Political News3. Domestication and Foreignization in the Translation of Political News 3.1 The Uniqueness of Domestication and Foreignization in the Translation of Political News 3.2 Three Factors Influencing the Choice of Domestication and Foreignization 3.2.1 The Translators Subjective Factors 3.2.2 The Reader 3.2.3 The Political Ideology3.3 The Balance of Domestication and Foreignization4. Conclusion二、内容的注意事项 1. 不要写成文献综述(LSample 1), 也不要说人所共知的话 (L sample 5)2. 以上结构要素要有具体内容,不要空洞& 练习2:下文是从语用顺应理论出发对商务信函写作(sample 5)和商标翻译(Sample 6) 进行的研究, 请你(1)删掉无关的内容,(2)核对结构要素,(3)并判断哪个内容具体。 Sample 5Sample 6Pragmatic Adaptability in English Business LettersAbstract:Pragmatic adaptation is a common phenomenon in our daily life. The speaker exerts great effort to adapt to the hearers needs so as to achieve their communicative goals. English business letters, though a written language, requires more attention because of its lack of expressive gestures, bodily postures, eyes contacts, and so on. Based on the Pragmatic Adaptation Theory, I am trying to study pragmatic adaptability in English business letters by presenting how English business letters achieve the goal of communication in the process of adaptation.On Adaptability of Brand Name TranslationAbstract: This paper, based on the investigation of brand names, intercultural communication and the theory of pragmatic adaptation, develops a theoretical framework of the adaptation in brand name translation. By making an intensive study of cultural differences between source language and target language, this research arrive at the conclusion that brand name translation should adapt to such cultural variations as the social relationship, aesthetic value, consuming psychology and the language itself. 比较:三、摘要的文体要求总则:应采用学术性正式文体。其特点是普遍地运用专门术语,倾向于完整而严谨的句法,并常常使用各种修饰语、附加成分、长的复合句(前提是语义清晰)等。符合以下内容:(1)英文摘要的时态: 常用一般现在时,慎用一般过去时,少用现在(过去)完成时。一般现在时。用于说明研究目的、叙述研究内容、描述结果、得出结论、提出建议或讨论等。例如:Thisstudy (investigation)is(conducted,undertaken)toA and Biscompared.Theresultshows (reveals)/Itisfoundthat/TheconclusionsareTheauthorsuggests(2)英文摘要的语态: 语态尽量不要随便混用,更不要在一个句子里混用。第一,如用主动语态,主语不要用the author, I, the present research,而要转为This study, this research, this thesis第二,被动语态的使用显得客观、正式。要强。如:The Cooperative Principle is applied to . (3) 英文摘要的人称: 尽量用第三人称,最好不用第一人称,如使用第一人称也要用复数形式。如Thispaper (4) 英文摘要的句式:句子必须完整。简单句、并列句和复合句等各种句式都可以使用。如无法保证语义清晰,建议你使用短句;如果能兼顾语义清晰,尽量使用复合句和复杂句。 (5) 英语摘要的用词:正式词汇和专业词汇用得多。提要中所使用的词汇应词义精确、单一,不带有感情色彩,一般不需借助上下文来理解。名词化形式可以增加摘要的正式程度。& 练习3:判断下面的摘要文体是否合适,如果不合适,请改正。Sample 7英文摘要判断A Pragmatic Approach to the Understanding of English Humorous UtterancesAbstract:Basing on Relevance Theory in Pragmatics, I have studied the difference between Maxim Relevance and Optimal Relevance, the essential of Relevance Theory, as well as the verbal comprehension view on humorous utterances. The role of cognitive context to the understanding of humorous utterance was also analyzed in this essay. 读后你是否对正文有了一个清楚的认识?1. 要素够吗?2. 内容具体吗?3. 文体合适吗?(在冒号后面添加)(1)时态:(2)语态:(3)人称:(4)句式:(5)用词:参考改进:Abstract:This paper deals with the mechanism (目的) of humorous utterances (对象) in a pragmatic perspective (理论视角). Based on Relevance Theory in Pragmatics (具体理论指南), 60 pieces of humors about football matches in NEWS WEEK (from January to May) (语料) are analyzed (过程) in the aspects of their linguistic features, humor hedges, denotation-connotation pairs, and their cognitive contexts (具体方面). With SPSS statistic software (统计方法), we arrive at the findings (发现) that (1) 78% of the humors take a deviation of denotation-connotation agreement as a hedge; (2) Hedges are realized by such linguistic components as nouns, verbs, and adjectives; (3) the manifestation of cognitive context in targeted readers is the key to the understanding of humors. This research arrives at the conclusion (结论) that humorous utterances comprehension lies in the correct linguistic interpretation of the hedges, and the mutual manifestation of the cognitive context of the thing described in a humor. 可以借鉴的语言模版:This paper deals with . (目标,即切入点) of . (研究对象) in a . perspective (理论视角). Based on . (具体理论指南), . (语料) are analyzed (过程) in the aspects of A, B, and B (具体方面). With . (统计方法, 可能没有), we arrive at the findings (发现) that (1) .; (2) .; (3) . This research arrives at the conclusion (结论) that (1) .; (2).; and (3) . & 练习4: 范文赏析,并请归纳语言模版Sample 9A Cognitive Study on ConceptualMetaphor in English and Chinese Sports NewsAbstract: This paper, based on Lakoffs conceptual metaphor theory and Steens five-step procedure for metaphor identification (理论视角/指南), makes a comparative study (总研究方法)of conceptual metaphor in English and Chinese sports news (总研究目标/目的). By analyzing 50 English and 50 Chinese sports news, specifically about basketball and football matches (具体方法1:语料分析统计), we find a distributional (分目标1)similarity of English and Chinese conceptual metaphors (发现/结果). They fall into the following seven types: war, human, orientation, journey, drama, animal throne metaphors, among which, the occurrence of war metaphor far distinguishes the others (具体/结果1). But the percentages of the different metaphors are not even in English and Chinese(具体/结果2)Take the metaphor of war as a case (具体方法2:案例分析法), the thesis attempts to find the cognitive motivation for sports as wars (分目标2)and discovers the six foundations of mapping process from wars to sports: similar participant relation; similar narrative process; similar purposes; similar approaches; similar results; and similar supporters (结果3). & 练习5:改正下面的摘要。Sample 8Rhetoric of Punctuation Mark in English and ChineseFrom the Translation of Dash in A Dream of Red MansionsAbstract:As auxiliary elements of written language, punctuations play a very important role in the expression of meaning. Punctuations in Chinese and English are not the


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