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智课网TOEFL备考资料新托福口语题目规律超级大总结 摘要: 新托福口语题目规律超级大总结 Speaking 2007 题: 2007.01.13 =2008.04.27 Q1:Your Favortite Room. Q2:Journey 时,有人喜欢直达目的地,有人喜欢欣赏沿途风景? Prefer ? 2007.01.14 =2008.07.12 Q1: 当你去 新 托福 口语题目规律超级大总结 Speaking 2007 题: 2007.01.13 =2008.04.27 Q1:Your Favortite Room. Q2:Journey 时,有人喜欢直达目的地,有人喜欢欣赏沿途风景? Prefer ? 2007.01.14 =2008.07.12 Q1: 当你去 restaurant or cafe 时, 最 care about what features Q2: 城市建设中应该保持 old building 还是用 new replace 2007.01.19 = 2008.02.02 Q1: 描述一个很想去但没去过的地方 Q2 : Agree: 童年时光最美好 2007.01.26 Q1:好友应有的characteristic Q2: Learn from family (friends) or personal experience?Prefer? 2007.02.03 = 2008.10.26 Q1:What kind of film do you like most Q2:Agree:Student should wear uniform in school? 2007.02.24 =2007.12.15 Q1: 如果外国朋友来你国家旅游,介绍他去哪? Q2 : Onlien courses or traditional courses? 2007.03.03 Q1:Challenging experiece, how you overcome it? Q2:prefer subject leads to a better job or intereted in? 2007.03.04 Q1:Describe the most important gift. Q2:Do you think life is much better if your grandparents are still alive. 2007.03.10 Q1:一百年来有许多发明,说一个你觉得对你生活改变最大? Q2: 有人觉得大学学习重要,有人不觉得?Yours? 2007.03.17 Q1:作为一个Team member 的重要QUALITY Q2:Watching or reading news?prefer? 2007.03.23 = 2008.05.17 Q1:Describe a letter or poem, why important? Q2: 喜欢团队合作还是独立完成工作 2007.04.21 =2008.11.09 Q1 :森林,沙漠,平原 喜欢住在哪里? Q2 :有人爱纪实文学,有人爱幻想文学 Yours? 2007.04.29 = 2008.08.17 Q1:Describe a time you needed help from others, how he or she helped you and what was the result. Q2: When you choose a career ,what is the most important, money or personal satisfaction. 2007.05.18 =2008.12.13 Q1: Bike , Automobile, airplane? More enjoyable? Q2: Part-time job or summer employment 是否对职业选择有帮助 2007.05.19 =2009.02.28 Q1: 一项不会却想学的技术, why want to ? Q2: Agree: A year break before college? 2007.06.16 = 2008.11.15 Q1:some good news Q2: 新生与其他年级混住还是单独一个楼 2007.06.24 =2008.10.12 Q1:Who would you love talking with? What to talk? Q2:Do you think it better for a student in lecture to participate in discussion? 2007.06.30 Q1:Favorite sport of your country Q2: 做project(report) 时,上网还是看书(printed material)? 2007.07.07 = 2008.08.09 Q1 : Describe a subject you like studying in college? Q2: Big city , countryside , 度假? 2 007.07.14 =2008.09.13 Q1 : Free time , how to spend Q2: 大学应该收费? 2007.07.21 Q1: Describe a subject you would like to learn more ? Q2:Some think cell should be prohibited in certain conditions ;some think one can use cell phone anytime. 2007.07.28 =2009.06.13 Q1:Difference in five years? Q2:Power and money is the definition of success? 2007.08.04 =2009.03.29 Q1:Describe a day you enjoy most or most special for you? Q2:Some people prefer to have classes and do parttime job in the evening while others prefer have classes in the evening and do a parttime job on the day.Which one do you prefer? 2007.08.11 = 2008.09.28 Q1 :最近去哪儿旅行? Q2: Attend college immediately after graduation? 2007.08.17 Q1:好天气时,喜欢去的室外场地? Q2:假期里,学生应该学习还是休息?Perfer 2007.08.25 = 2008.08.03 =2009.06.07 Q1 : Social or political event celebrated in YOUR country? Q2: 喜欢与许多朋友还是几个密友一起? 2007.09.08 Q1:学校里,发生在你身上最重要 and memorable 的事. Q2: Spending time in restaurant or at home with friends? Pr. 2007.09.12 =2008.09.06 Q1: 好的房子最主要的特征是? Q2 :一大帮朋友去看电影或看戏 can enjoy oneself? 2007.09.15 = 2008.12.06 Q1: 描述一个你以前遇到的问题,你的 relative , friends ,teachers 如何帮你解决? Q2 : Agree :Family can help young adults a lot ? 2007.09.22 Q1: 对你有正面影响的人。 Q2: 在小组中作leader or member(follower) 2007.09.29 Q1:遇到困难时,寻求谁,how did you value that persons advice? Q2:支不支持政府资助 文艺机构,museum,theater? 2007.10.05 =2009.02.22 ? ? Q1: 朋友让你最感动的一件事 Q2 :度假时, Prefer 室内 or 室外 2007.10.17 =2009.05.16 Q1:Describe the most important decision you have ever made? Q2:Do you agree that: All students should be required to study art and music in secondary school? 2007.10.20 Q1:做你的朋友需要什么特征? Q2:Prefer indoor ex. Or outdoor ex. 2007.10.21 =2009.01.10 Q1:The most important character for a strong friendship,humor,honesty,loyalty? Q2:Watch news from TV or newspaper, magzine? 2007.10.27 =2009.08.08 Q1.When you attend to a university except the academic aspect,what other aspects do you think is the most important?Size , cost, or location. Q2.Some people think modern technology has made our life more complex,however others thik it has made our life simplier.What do you think? 2007. 11.03 =2008.11.30 Q1:One character of a good teacher Q2:People tend to chose sb. who has different interest as their friend? 2007.11.11 Q1: A special opportunity you got. Q2: Not allow students to take cell-phone into classroom. 2007.11.24 =2009.07. 25 Q1: 你和家人或朋友共度的一个 Special Event Q2: 旅游,去去过的地方,还是没去过的 2007.12.01 = 2009.03.14 Q1 : Favorite area in 家乡 Q2: 有问题,问老师还是查书 还是上网 2007.12.08 Q1:你送给朋友的礼物 Q2:Save extra money or Spend money. 2007.12.10 Q1: Picture 对你有意义的. Q2: 一个人应该在同一岗位工作一辈子. 2007.12.15 = 2007.02.24 Q1: 你们国家中,你最想让老外参观的 Q2;Online or traditional class 2007.12.15 (北美) =2008.11.22 Q1: You future goal? Q2:Full time or part time University? 2008题 : 2008.01.05 Q1: What time in a year do you like most? Q2: Dis/agree Having a relaxed or unhurried life is most important for a person? 2008.01.12 =2009.03.22 Q1: 最喜欢的 subject Q2: Small class or large class 大 lecture 和小 class 喜欢哪个 . 2008.01.13 Q1:What qualities do you think a (good) leader should have? Q2:Agree:people should always tell truth? 2008.01.18 =2009.08.02 Q1 : Describe your first time to go to school when you were young, do you like it or not? Q2 : The people celebrating,such as musician, actor, athlete, could give a good example to young people. 2008.01.19 Q1:你最拿手的一项技能(画画,体育),为什么对你重要? Q2:对于业余时间,你是随波逐流还是细心规划? 2008.02.02 =2007.01.19 Q1 : What place you have never visited do you want to vist most ? Q2 : Agree:People say childhood is the best time in ones life. 2008.02.15 (北美) =2009.01.18 Q1: 医生,老师,农民,哪一个职业对社会贡献最大? Q2: Do you agree that : 为了过得快乐去做喜欢的工作? 2008.02.16 Q1:Describe a memorable celebration or social event ? Q2:Communicate with your family and friends by letter ,e-mail or by telephone? 2008.2.23 =2009.06.21 Q1:Describe a character in a book,film,poem,explain why you like it? Q2:Do you think university student is wasting time to take other courses in other school that beyond major? 2008.02.24 Q1:Describe an object that is the most important to you? Q2:与新朋友交往,第一印象重要还是长久交往重要? 2008.03.02 Q1:选一个最喜欢的工作。 Q2:一堆钱重要还是Pleasure 重要? 2008.03.08 Q1:Which place is your favorite when you are a child?Describe it and explain why you liked to go there. Q2: Compare with Science and math study,the study of art and literature is not very important? 2008.03.15 Q1: Describe an art such as song or painting that gives you long lasting impression. Q2:有人认为一本书应当一口气看完,也有人认为分几次看完,which one do you prefer? 2008.03.30 Q1:说失望的经历. Q2:喜欢尝试新food,还是避免尝试? 2008.04.27 =2007.01.13 Q1:Favortite room Q2: Journey 时, 有些人喜欢直达目的地,有些人喜欢沿途欣赏风景? Whats yours? 2008.05.04 Q1 What is the most important thing happened to you recently? Q2:Agree:family member (or friend) is more important to young adults? 2008.05.10 Q1: A job or career you admire but you wont(dont want to take) choose it yourself. Q2: Sb. think that students should study during weekends,but others think that they should relax and to socialize. 2008.05.17 = 2007.03.23 Q1: 谈谈写过的 poem or essay or letter, 说它对你的重要性 . Q2: Do you prefer to work in individual with profession or work in group with profession. 2008.05.31 =2009.09.20 Q1: Describe your favortite academic subject. Q2: Agree: Children should be required to do some household tasks? 2008.05.31 =2009.03.07 Q1: 将你喜欢的一种放松方式。 Q2 :你喜欢在室内学习还是在室外学习? 2008.06.07 =2009.06.06( 加拿大 ) Q1:Describe an experience that you accomplish whole you think it is difficult to you. Why? Q2: 小孩应该学第二外语吗? 2008.06.22 =2009.05.31( 北美 ) Q1:People you admire. Q2:University 应该用 fund 来提供 more entertainment or academic program 2008.06.29 Q1:Good school 应该有的characteristics or components. Q2:Gather information before travel or just experience yourself there? Prefer? 2008.07.12 =2007.01.14 Q1: 你想去的 restaurant or cafe 应具有什么 quality? Q2: 有些城市鼓励保留老建筑,有些城市鼓励用新建筑代替老建筑,问你的观点。 2008.08.03 =2007.08.25 =2009.06.07 Q1 :描述一个 social or political event in your country? Q2: 是喜欢和一大群朋友在一起还是一小群密友在一起? 2008.08.09 =2007.07.07 Q1 :最喜欢的 school subject Q2: Prefer Countryside or big city 度假 ? 2008.08.17 =2007.04.29 Q1 :表述一个 situation, 你需要帮忙,然后找谁帮忙? Q2 : Prefer 高薪的工作还是个性的工作? 2008.08.24 Q1:描述一个对你影响很大的邻居或 your grandparents Q2:Team Sports 培养的学生的团队交流能力还是竞争能力? 2008.09.06 =2007.09.12 Q1 :描述一个 house ,apartment, place 对你来说的重要特征 Q2 : Agree:you can enjoy yourself to the concerts or films with a group of friends. 2008.09.13 =2007.07.14 Q1: 描述在 Spare time 干的事情 Q2 :学校该不该收费 2008.09.21(北美) Q1: 描述你的role model Q2: 小孩子要不要学习画画 2008.09.28 =2007.08.11 Q1 :如果有计划来一次旅游,选哪里? Q2 :高中毕业后,直接进大学还是 take a break? 2008.10.12 = 2007.06.24 Q1: 在家庭成员中,最喜欢和谁说话 Q2 :小组学习的好处? 2008.10.18 Q1:Which book do you like to read: autobiography, romaticism Q2: The best lesson we can learn is through making mistakes. 2008.10.26 =2007.02.03 Q1:What kind of film do you like best? Q2:Agree:Students should wear uniform in school? 2008.11.01 Q1:喜欢什么衣服? Q2:现在年轻人了解世界是否比父母年轻时候多? 2008.11.09 =2007.04.21 Q1 : 森林 , 沙漠 , 平原 . 你喜欢住在哪种环境里 ? Q2 :有人爱读幻想文学 , 比如小说 , 有人爱读纪实文学 , 你喜欢哪种 ? 2008.11.15 =2007.06.16 Q1:Some good news and why? Q2 : 新生是和其他年级混住还是单独 . 2008.11.22 =2007.12.15( 北美 ) Q1: 你的梦想( goal ) Q2: Attend college full time or full time? Prefer? 2008.11.23 Q1:未来十年的生活是怎样? Q2:Do you think it is important to learn other culture? 2008.11.30 =2007.11.03 Q1:What is the most important quality the teacher should have? Q2:Prefer to make friends with same interets or different? 2008.12.06 =2007.09.15 Q1: 描述一个你以前遇到的问题,你的 relative , friends ,teachers 如何帮你解决? Q2 : Agree :Family can help young adults a lot ? 2008.12.13 = 2007.05.18 Q1:Bike, automobile,airplane, 哪种更 enjoyable. Q2:Part-time job or summer employment 是否对职业选择有帮助。 2008.12.20 Q1:Describe an accomplishment required you to to work hard , why important? Q2: Living in countryside or big city? 2008.12.21 Q1:讲讲过去家人或朋友如何帮助自己 Q2:运动上,有人爱冒险,有人谨慎?Prefer? 2009 题: 2009.01.10 =2007.10.21 Q1:Which is more important for friendship, loyalty, honesty, or humor? Why? Q2:Magzine, TV, Newspaper, which one do you prefer? Why? 2009.01.18 =2008.02.15 (北美) Q1: 医生,老师,农民,哪一个职业对社会贡献最大? Q2: Do you agree that : 为了过得快乐去做喜欢的工作? 2009.02.14 Q1:讲述一个你觉得学生应有的ability? Q2:喜欢网络购物还是去商店买东西? 2009.02.22 =2007.10.05 Q1 :在一个时间,你朋友做的让你惊奇的事? Q2 :你喜欢在假期做户外运动还是室内运动? 2009.02.28 =2007.05.19 Q1 :介绍一项你想要学习的技艺并说明原因。 Q2 :同不同意学生在上大学前先休息一年做准备? 2009.03.07 =2008.05.31 Q1: 描述你喜欢的一种放松方式 ? Q2: 你喜欢在教室内学习还是教室外? 2009.03.14 =2007.12.01 Q1 :说一个 your favorite area in your city? Q2: 当有问题是,你是问老师,上网,还是查书? 2009.03.22 =2008.01.12 Q1 :你在小学 (or 高中 ) 的时候最喜欢的一门课? Q2 :你喜欢 small group class or large group class? 2009.03.28 Q1:How personality changes in your childhood?(A personality has changed when you were a child.Explain how you changed this personality.) Q2: Should school open practical courses like cook besides the academic subjects. 2009.03.29 = 2007.08.04 Q1:Describe a day you enjoy most or most special for you? Q2:Some people prefer to have classes and do parttime job in the evening while others prefer have classes in the evening and do a parttime job on the day.Which one do you prefer? 2009.05.09 Q1:有很多方式可以交朋友,你觉得最好的是什么? Q2:你觉得“我们可以从过去学到很多东西”这句话对吗? 2009.05.16 =2007.10.17 Q1:Describe the most important decision you have ever made? Q2:Do you agree that: All students should be required to study art and music in secondary school? 2009.05.30(北美) Q1: Talk about an activity you enjoyed doing with your family when you were a child.Describe the activity and explain why it was enjoyable to do this activity with your family? Q2: Some students prefer to study or work on difficult class assignments early in the morning.Other students prefer to do this type of work in the evening.Which one do you prefer 2009.05.31 Q1: What is the most important quality of a good neighbor should have? Q2: Some people prefer to watch entertainment TV programs while others prefer to watch educational programs, which one do you prefer,why? 2009.06.05 (北美) =2008.06.22 Q1: 说你最崇拜的人 Q2: 问你觉得大学应该把钱花在学生的学术教育上还是花在其他教育 , 例如培养学生音乐 艺术修养上 . 2009.06.06 (北美) =2008.06.07 Q1:Something you think hard but accomplished in the end. Q2: 小孩该学第二语言吗?同意 or 不同意? 2009.06.07 =2008.08.03 =2007.08.25 Q1: 你们国家最有意义的事件 (social or political event) ,你们如何其住它? Q2: 你喜欢和许多朋友在一起聚会还是个别朋友独处。 2009.06.12(北美) Q1:让给个例子说说how to make friends? Q2:personality 会随着年龄改变吗? 2009.06.13 =2007.07.28 Q1 :五年后生活的变化。 Q2 : Agree:Money and power make the definition of success? 2009.06.21 =2008.02.23 Q1:Describe a character in a book,film,poem,explain why you like it? Q2:Do you thik university students are wasting time to take other courses in other school that beyond their major? 2009.06.27 Q1:What big event happened in your country recently? Q2:Do you agree or disagree with t


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