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Issue提纲题号4月总频率题号4月总频率题号07年总频率题号07年总频率 208228510 5117815276482010310144152120755020369481338770130204193613214170881515794113215070108155813012470691131428818511413669131144083810688671441410485010222167153141678831021216417714168817961606426131908103891776317122268208892661511223584788566113812 25714788159591471230743876958184121127483995843111217154832125656101857782745573101977117831532037208 The way people look, dress, and act reveals their attitudes and interests. You can tell much about a societys ideas and values by observing the appearance and behavior of its people. 05/48; 06/1;07/4/2,3 22%Begin: The speaker unfairly generalizes that the way people look, dress, and act reveals their attitudes and interests. You can tell much about a societys ideas and values by observing the appearance and behavior of its people. In my opinion, while in some respects, the way people look, dress, and act does indicate what they are tend to be and what they are fond of and on some occasions you can tell much about a societys ideas and values by observing the appearance and behavior of its people, in other respects they are not.1. Turning first to the speakers assertion that the way people look and dress can offer peoples attitude and their interests. I concede that peoples appearance can tell us about their attitudes and interests. 举例: 一个社会其人们都是精力充沛和身体强健的,说明大家很注重身体健康和自己的身材身型stature,而不是一味地贪吃和懒惰。一个社会其人们都喜欢精致奢侈的衣服,说明人们更喜欢花钱而不是省钱。一个社会其人们都穿着传统的衣服,说明他们很注重传统一个更加好的例子就是美国,它提倡自由,人们的穿衣打扮不受传统的限制,也没有什么禁忌。In short, in certain respects, one can judge peoples attitudes and interests merely from what they look and what they dress.2 However, in some other respects, the way people look and dress does not necessarily indicate their attitudes and interests but rather the environment they are in and the weather conditions of the region they are living at. 举例: 车间里工作的工人穿的都是工作服,这不反映他们的兴趣爱好,可能他们的兴趣爱好是踢足球,但为什么他们不穿足球服上班呢。因为这是工作场合,他们的上级规定他们一定要穿工作服装。在寒冷的地方比如西伯利亚,人们把自己裹在厚重的棉袄里,这并是能体现他们的态度和兴趣爱好。 同样,在炎热的热带岛屿,人们则穿得很少来散热,这也不能体现他们的态度和兴趣爱好。在热带国家的人的皮肤比较黝黑,而生活在高纬度国家的人皮肤比较白皙。这也不能说明人们的外表可以体现他们的兴趣爱好。In short, the way people dress and look might sometimes reveal the situations they are in and the climates they are living with.3 Turing next the speakers claim that the way people act can reveal what people are thinking of and what they like. I concede that what people say and what people behave often do provide precise signals about their values. 举例: 一个社会将会更加宽容和从善如流,因为它的人们可以和与他们观点完全不同的人分享观点及想法。而一个社会也许会比较HATEFUL,因为它的人们很粗俗,甚至不愿意听那些意见与他们不同的人说话。4 However, it is not necessarily the case. In some occasions, what a person behaves might not tell what his value is accurately. 举例: 白领在办公室里加班,这不代表他们真的把工作看得那么高,其实在现实世界里他们更愿意有多的时间陪伴家人,和有更多的时间做自己想做的事情。In short, sometimes what people act or behave do not tell what they are really thinking about and what they are truly treasuring.In sum, the speakers statement has merit to a certain amount but an unfair generalization. The way people look, dress, and behave, in some respects, indicates what they focus on, while in other respect, they are not.48 The study of history places too much emphasis on individuals. The most significant events and trends in history were made possible not by the famous few, but by groups of people whose identities have long been forgotten. 05/50; 06/7;07/4/2 20%Begin: I find the speakers dual claim to be specious on both counts. The claim that the study of history places too much emphasis on individuals and forgets groups of people, while appealing in some respects, is an over-statement at best. And the speaker unfairly generalizes that the significant events and trends in history were made possible by groups of people rather than famous few. 1. To begin with, many campaigns and movements were sponsored and stimulated by certain individuals and leaders. The reason for this is simple: they possess such ability of coalition and aggregation.History is replete with these examples:举例: Gandhi 作为当时印度的民族和宗教领袖,the first women prime minister in India鼓舞人们站起来反对压迫and independence。 Martin Luther King发表了“我有一个梦想”的演说,鼓励人民站起来反对黑人农奴制度,以及种族歧视。End the legal segregation of African Americans in the South and other parts of the country 美国国家总统拥有 pocket veto(总统反对权),是一票否决权,这个属于个人行为,在某种程度上主导了一些事情。In short, chances are that certain persons determine some important and crucial affairs in the history rather than groups of people.2. In addition, we can pursue a lot through learning certain famous individuals in the history. The trait of a famous person might represent the peoples attitudes, the backgrounds, and the situations of his time. To witness such cases, one need look no further than Socrates, who was the greatest and the most famous thinker and politician of his time, represents the civilization, ideology, and methodology at that time in Greece. Another example goes to Mozart whose life infliction indicates that the Popes attitudes to musician, and that the plights during his time many artists met with. And consider the statue “David” supplies the standards and criterions of that world. Moreover, several Michelangelo works of art offered the fact that people at that time were oppressed and compressed and were hateful to autocrats of the society. In short, while studying the works of certain artists who are viewed as VIPs in todays society, we can gain much more information about their time and their situations.3. Finally, the influence of certain outstanding persons in history should not be exaggerated by people of our time, and meanwhile we should not forget groups of people who also contributed to the improvement of the society. Without the power of groups of people, any distinguished in history would not have been shining or lasting; without their strength, any changes would not have occurred to the society; without their support, any contribution and success would not have been achieved in history or in todays our society. Our incumbents must be full aware of the power of groups of people and should take advice and suggestion from majority of people rather than dictating by their own will or a small group of people for the fact that it is groups of people that determine the trends of our society.In sum, when it comes to whether we lay too much emphasis on certain individuals in history, we can say that many campaigns and movements were sponsored and stimulated by certain individuals and leaders and that we can pursue a lot through learning certain famous individuals in the history. Meanwhile, I concede the contributions made by the groups of people and we should take full aware of their strength. In the final analysis, then, I fundamentally disagree with both aspects of the speakers dual claim.50 In order to improve the quality of instruction at the college and university level, all faculty should be required to spend time working outside the academic world in professions relevant to the courses they teach. 05/30; 06/10;07/4/2 20%开头:不同意The speakers statement unfairly generalized that -. In my view, in some areas, especially the philosophy, faculty should be required to work with some classical theories. However, in other areas, particularly science and technology, faculty should be requested to obtain the most up-to-date knowledge. Still in other areas, such as art, the demand for the faculty varies from case to case.1. In the realm of literature, 教员不需要出去做相关的工作,因为他们所研究的东西往往都是很经典的,不随时代的变迁而改变的东西。比如:研究Shakespeares poems and plays, 其中的知识和真理不是出去打工可以获得的,而只能潜心钻研。Homer 文学作品对教育的影响和Dante的作品对文学,政治和思想上的伟大作用。Sun Tzus book也是几千年传下来的经典,其中的道理不会更新,所以应该努力钻研才能获得其中的真谛。2. In the realm of science and technology, 教员可以出去做相关的工作,通过工作来获得一些最新的知识和变化。技术应该跟上时代的步伐。 比如: 最新的电脑芯片, 手机等相关电子产品,这是在学校里所无法获知的内容,还有比如最新的电脑软件,电脑硬件,电脑程序等,因为这是需要应用到实际生活当中去的东西。在keep abreast with the current science and technology 的同时,老师和教授能够更好地将自己教学的内容结合现在最新的趋势和动态,这样可以给学生更多的知识。同样也能使同学了解一门理论化的课是如何运用到实际中去的。3. In the realm of art, 在一些情况下,比如教授是研究一些在历史中十分经典的东西,Vinci的作品,那么他应该呆在学校里好好研究。又在一些情况下,教授是研究当今社会人们最新表达艺术的思想和方式,那么他应该出去看看现在艺术手法的更新。这样他们也能有更好创新意识原创性,比如:一个雕塑家 sculptor, 他用药片做成一个人的样子用来表达当今社会人们对药物的依赖。这个是经典里没有的。总结:In sum, we should consider the statement case by case. In the realm of philosophy, faculty should stay at school to scrutinize the works and products of certain famous people in history. In the realm of science and technology, faculty should be encouraged to seek a relevant position out of school campus in order to make up with the current up-to-date new findings and discoveries in technology. And in the realm of art, it is determined by what kind of subjects the faculty is studying. In final analysis, the speakers statement is an over-generalization.130 How children are socialized today determines the destiny of society. Unfortunately, we have not yet learned how to raise children who can help bring about a better society. 05/48; 06/6;07/4/2,10 20%开头:不同意作者的观点The speakers threshold claim is that., while appealing in some respects, is too specious. And the speakers ultimate claim is that -. I tend to strongly disagree with both aspects of the speakers dual claim.1. 首先让步,的确,孩子融入社会的能力可以知道一个孩子是否能够健康地发展。比如一个能和别人相处得很好的孩子将很有可能成为一个独立,自主,和别人相处融洽的社会一份子。相反,一个和别人相处得不好的孩子,可能会成为一个不切实际,并且甚至做出一些反社会的行为。2. 转折,然而,社会能力并不是取决我们社会成败的唯一因素,让步:我承认孩子是我们社会将来的主宰者,他们社会能力的强弱的确在某些程度上反映社会的成败。但是还有其他很多因素:从个人角度讲如好的意志力,吃苦耐劳的精神。从社会的角度讲 比如健全的法律体系,良好的社会福利,牢靠的社会医疗等等,都可以决定一个社会的命运。3. 转到作者第二个断论,首先定义下什么是一个更好的社会,比如拥有良好的法律环境,好的社会福利和医疗体系,人们互相交流,互相尊敬,互相合作,能够分享和包容他人不同的观点等等。那么其实在某些方面我们已经做到了,举例:我们建立了一些国际学校,让来自不同国家和地区的学生互相交流,互相学习。还有比如现在有许多国际间的学术交流讨论会。许多项目比如Chinese construction of railway connecting its capital Beijing and Tibet都是结合了国际先进技术,由国际合作而成的。社会福利比如在美国十分完善,让人们安居乐业。结束:孩子们是否有好的社会能力对社会的确很重要,但这并不是决定性因素,其他因素比如:人的意志力,包容性, 社会良好的体系。每个对于一个更好社会的定义不禁相同,但我们的社会正在进步。最后,彻底否下作者的态度。Science & Technology88 Technologies not only influence but actually determine social customs and ethics. 05/30; 06/3 15%Begin: The speaker asserts that-. In my view, I strongly agree that technologies influence and actually determine social customs. On the other hand, we should not let technologies affect and decide social ethics.1. To begin with, technologies have radically changed the way people spent their holidays. The reason for this is simple: technologies have with us the opportunities of visiting any place and any country in the world while in the early time we our human can not. Consider, for example, at very early time, people traveled by riding horse which was both time-consuming and tiresome. Since the invention of hot air balloon, the dream of touring around the world has been ignited in our hearts. At that time, people can not travel far away by the hot air balloon. Then with the invention of train, people can travel across the country rapidly and visit the place they were dreaming of at their childhood. Moreover, since the Wright brothers invented the airplane, holidays have become much easier for our people. Today, we can spend our holidays in any place in the world. It is technologies that change dramatically our way of enjoying the holidays. In short, technologies make our holiday more selective and fascinating.2. In addition, technologies have brought us the new way of communication by electronic way which has transformed the way we people associate with any other. Consider before the emergence of computer and internet, people contacted each other with letters which are believed to be inefficient and time-consuming today. At that time, people could not be informed with what was happening in the outside world because the letter they received told them the matters several days or weeks, or even several months ago. However, in todays our people lives, we can easily get information about the current affairs such as the election of president, the live football games and so forth through television and internet which provide us with sound, words and picture that are considered as more lively and attractive. Moreover, we might not any more post the Christmas card a week before the holiday in order to make the card arrive in your friends or families just on time. The only thing you should do is to click the “send” button and thus the card will immediately be sent to your friends or family memberse-mail boxes. While some person think the e-mail cards are too common now to express their hearts sincerely, they can design and product the unique DIY e-cards and sent to their friends, and this way is also more convenient than posting letters and cards. In short, technologies which are more attractive and convenient have shifted our way of touching with friends and family members.3. However, while changing the customers of our people by technologies, we should not let technologies shift and determine our ethics for the fact that in many cases people are trend to be immoral and outrageous under the power of technologies. Perhaps the paradigmatic example is the human cloning which has fueled debate not just in the United Stated, but also with countries all over the world. Some people believe that it is not morally and ethically right to clone humans while others advocate that it is taking accounts for our human future. Even though technologies is constantly advancing, it is not reasonable to believe that human cloning is morally and ethically correct, due to the killing of human embryos, the unsafe process of cloning, and resulting consequences of having deformed clones. I concede it good to human cloning for treating some ultimate disease, such as lung cancer, AIDS, and so on. However, when it is used in some horrible ways, our world will suffer a lot. For example, if more thieves and combatants were cloned, crime rate in our world will probably increase rather than decline; if more terrorists were cloned, more 911 days will happen and appear in the world; and if more warmongers are cloned such as Hitler, more battles and conflicts will be stimulated and our peaceful world will not be treasured any longer. In sum, I strong agree with that technologies have brought a lot to our people in society, such as rapid traffic tools and internet for communication. And acknowledged with many examples, we should not let technologies determine and alter our peoples morality and ethics. 108In many countries it is now possible to turn on the television and view government at work. Watching these proceedings can help people understand the issues that affect their lives. The more kinds of government proceedingstrials, debates, meetings, etcthat are televised, the more society will benefit. 15%Begin: I find the speakers dual claims to be specious. The claim that watching these proceedings can help people understand the issues that affect their lives, while appealing in some respects, is an over-statement at best. And the claim that the more kinds of government proceedingstrials, debates, meetings, etcthat are televised, the more society will benefit, is poorly supported by empirical evidence.1. Admittedly, television of the day-to-day workings of government in action provides direct insight into how a government actually works. People can also acknowledge what the governments attitudes to certain issues and what the new policies are. Consider for example, government provides new policy of the tax rate adjustment to certain people with certain income. Through television, people who watch the program can immediately know the information and understand the purpose why government carries out such policy. Another example goes to the APEC which took place in Shanghai, China, in 2000 and televised the whole process of the conference to more than 100 countries in the world. People who watch the television can know about the new trend of Asia economy and the emphasis on cooperation and collaboration among countries through out the world. In short, in some respects, watching the proceedings of the governmental affairs can help people better understand the issues that affect their lives.2. However, the televised process is not necessarily useful all the time. There are several problems with the way of the proceedings. One of the problems with stating that the more governmental proceedings that are televised, the better of a society is, is that people might come to believe that they are seeing everything when in fact, a television camera can only see part of what is happening no matter how many cameras there are. A remarkable modern example is American troops in Iraq which has been televised to its nation people everyday. The official camera always shows the positive aspect that U.S. soldiers lives are safe and enjoyable, to massive people while in fact, American troops in Iraq are deeply in danger and often attacked by brutal and suicide bombings and bullets. And consider the example that government proceedings which are televised always indicate to people about the fact that the national economy is boosting and skyrocketing while concealing some urgent social problems and issues. And government always offer the information on television that their proposals are advocated and bolstered by the majority of people while in fact, a number of people who buck the governmental proposals are demonstrating before their office building. In short, the one camera televised to people sometimes does not show the overall picture of certain issues and problems.3. Another problem with the statement that the more televised governmental proceedings, the better, is that it assumes that people actually watch the proceedings when they are broadcast.Yet n


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