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1,口译基本策略研究 华中科技大学外国语学院 许明武,2,内容,1. 口译标准 2. 影响口译的因素 3. 口译基本策略 4. 口译技能自主练习,3,2006-2011期间相关期刊发表口译论文统计,4,论文涉及主题,口译教学( “万方数据资源系统” “中国知网” 774(2012.3) 口译策略与技巧 口译理论 跨学科研究 译员主体性研究 西方介绍 书评,5,1. 口译标准,李越然(1983)提出“准、顺、快”; 钟伟合(1998)归纳为 “忠实、及时”; 王学文(2001)则倡导“信、达、速”; 王大伟( 2000)现场口译与笔译不同,由于时间压力,我们不应以笔译的标准来衡量口译工作。即口译的标准要低于笔译。,6,2. 影响口译的因素,Interpreters aptitude Psychological behavior of interpreter Interpreters experience Before-hand preparations Quality of the speech Scope of knowledge ,7,3. 口译基本策略,林超伦(2004)针对“没听懂”提出“别停下、别露馅、别着急、别太久”和 “问、扔、补”三步法; 胡庚申(1993)提出口译中小息的八大策略:“合理分配注意力、控制表达节奏、利用脑外记忆、变通表达方法、插入间歇语、善用现场条件、临时转移注意力、缓和紧张气氛” ; 王大伟(2000)指出“在笔译中人们往往要删除一些可有可无的词,避免不必要的重复,以求文字精炼。但在口译中,即使是一流的译员也往往会重复用字。”,3.1 思考时间的延宕,Brown & Yule(1983)话语中的短停顿为0-0.5秒,长停顿为1-2秒,超长停顿为2-3秒的时间范围。 林超伦(2004)认为在实战口译中,停顿1秒好像是喘气,很自然,超过了就有点长,如果超过2秒钟,会让听众为译员担心。 琼赫伯特(1984)认为,译员在口译时如果停顿时间太长,会给人一种别扭的感觉。译员可以把刚才的话换种说法重复一遍,措辞修改一下再说一遍,还可以用小品词填补空隙时间。 许明武(2008)思考时间的延宕:译语添补策略、译语重复策略、译语延长策略。,9,3.1.1 译语添补策略,所谓译语添补策略是指译员在将源语转化为目标语的过程中添加的的内容,这些内容包括小品词、语用常用语甚至若干连续语句。如: 琼赫伯特(1984)关于我刚才所说的;我的意思是说;关于议程中所讨论的这个问题的范围;我想就这个问题谈谈我个人的一些看法 胡庚申(1992)It goes without saying.; under that circumstances; I would like to say a few words about.; That is one thing. On the other hand. 林超伦(2004)这一点;这些;等等;这一点很重要;这方面的问题,10,例(1) 那么您作为新任总理,您认为当前最迫切需要解决的问题是什么?最有挑战性的性的问题是什么? As the new premier of the State Council, what do you think are the most pressing problems at present, and what are the most challenging problems that are to be addressed? 例(2)联合国是主权国家的组织,台湾是一个地方,仅仅是中国的一个部分,它怎么能够有这个资格去参加呢? .As we all know, the United Nations is an organization for sovereign states. Taiwan is only a regional economy; its a part of the Chinese territory. How can it be eligible for membership in the United Nations?,11,3.1.2 译语重复策略,在口译中,即使是一流的译员也往往重复用字,在便于听众理解的同时争取更多喘息时间。所谓的重复,并不一定仅仅指重复上文文字,也可以使用相似、相仿内容,因此译员也可选取更加合适的用词,从而也有利于译文更加严谨、完善。 例(3)但是这个事件非常重要,向全世界发出一个信息,就是中国政府不会为一个金融企业还债。 But this incident is of great significance, for it has sent a signal, a message to the entire world, that is, the Chinese government will not repay the debts for the financial institution or financial firm.,12,例(4)美国在亚洲大力地推行资本的过分流动,促成了危机的发生。而在危机发生以后通过国际金融组织给它贷款。 The United States actually played a part for promoting the overflow of capital in Asia. Thats prompting the eruption of the crisis in Asia. And after the eruption of the crisis, the international financial institutions have come out to extend loans to these countries.,13,3.1.3 译语延长策略,译语延长策略将源语中比较短的成份在翻译中拉长,从而可以达到延长译员思维时间,减轻译员心理压力的目的。 例(5)中国加强宏观调控政策是在1993年。 It was in the year 1993 that China stepped up its policy of macro-regulation and control. 例(6)是不是双方的关系有什么问题呢?还有中葡联合联络小组讨论澳门的过渡期问题方面,像终审权、交换仪式,还有驻军方面,有关驻军会会不像香港那样会有先遣部队到澳门吗?谢谢。 .Does that show that there is any problem in the bilateral relation? And my second question: The joint liaison group.,14,3.2 思考内容简化,在翻译的过程中译员难免会听不清、听不懂、听懂却不知怎样翻译或者发现翻译译文有误等情况。这时译员可以将思考内容简化。译员在口译过程中应对自己翻译起来困难或无法翻译的内容时采取的一系列策略。如:询问策略、变通策略、纠错策略。,15,3.2.1 询问策略,译员会遇到浓重的口音、语言中存在着错误、或者专业性学术性比较强的内容。这时译员可以采用询问策略,减轻大脑思维压力。 1997年11月1日江泽民主席在哈佛大学演讲时,引用了庄子一句体现古代朴素极限理论的名言:“一尺之棰,日取其半,万世不竭”,译员当时不解其意,只得请江主席作了进一步解释后才使口译活动继续进行下去。 例(7)我是日本经济新闻的记者,请问朱总理,对中国来说,现在最重要的是防范亚洲金融危机的影响,比如说开放金融市场,人民币兑换实现完全自由化,怎么兑现?在两千以前,有没有可能完成?谢谢。 译员:对不起,在什么之前有没有可能 朱镕基:两千年 译员:谢谢 ,16,例(8) The missile tests of Taiwan would have an obvious effect on port activities, the two main ports, and it appears that it was designed this way. The exercise that comes up in the Taiwan Strait might have a similar effect as well, I must say. And if China maintains its continued acting in the best interests of the Taiwanese people, how does it justify the side effects of the tests? 译员:I beg your pardon? The missile tests of Taiwan, which has an obvious effect on port activities. 译员: What activities? Ports, the seaports. 译员: Yeah, thank you. 译员:我知道中国在台湾海峡进行了导弹试验,很显然会影响到他们港口的一些作业,所以我想请您介绍一下这些军事演习会有一些什么样的副作用,是否会影响台湾的一些利益?,17,3.2.2 变通策略,变通策略是译员不知如何翻译、面临卡壳危险时所采用的应对策略。 例(9)在一次口译中,原话中有“答谢”二字,译员马上想到运用reciprocate.这个句式(例如reciprocate your kindness.),但由于找不到合适的搭配用词一时卡了壳,最后只好用thank in return替代。 例(10)大的数目的翻译一直是口译的难题。如讲话人说到“一年可以节约用电3,909,460度”,译员最后只粗略的译为“about four million kilo watt-hours”来变通。 例(11)林超伦(2003)一次在重大场合担任口译,讲话人用了fortuitous(偶然的)一词,而这个词是译员平生第一次听到,但讲话人慷慨激昂的演讲实在难以打断进程,只好跳过该词,并根据上下文补齐了剩余部分,使口译活动顺利进行下去。,18,3.2.3 纠错策略,口译中难免会出现口误、误译等失误情况,译员应掌握一些自然、不影响译文的流畅与连贯的纠错策略。 例(12)我们必须下个月把这项工作完成。 We must be, well, finish it next month. 例(13)中葡之间的合作会在现在的基础上更加顺利地发展。 The cooperation between China and Portugal will, built on the current basis, produce more smooth and greater results.,19,3.3 使用口译附加语,口译附加语是指译员在口译活动进行的过程中有意或无意地在目标语中加入源语中并未包含或隐指的内容(词、短语、句子以及非语言交际内容等),对译语的流畅和质量的提高起积极作用。,20,3.3.1 增强连贯性和逻辑性,例(14)1997年亚洲发生金融危机,中国经济也面临很大的困难,外贸出口幅度下降。1997年中国的出口增长了20%,到1998年出口变成了零增长,以至于负增长。 The Asian Financial Crisis broke out in 1997, and that presented China with lots of difficulties. For instance, our exports suffered a drastic decline. In 1997, our exports grew by 20 percent over the previous year. However, after the crisis had broken out, in 1998, our foreign exports suffered a zero growth rate, or even a negative growth rate.,21,例(15)有些协议,比如说,中日跨世纪的青少年交流计划,中日中长期的有关环保问题的合作,还有中日双方关于高科技产业的合作等等,应该在双方的实际行动中很好地加以落实。 The agreements such as the exchange program between the young people of China and Japan and the medium-and long term cooperation in the area of environmental protection as well as the cooperation in high-tech areasall these agreements should be implemented fully.,22,3.3.2 填补沉默(缓延标记语),例(16)我对于今天的表决结果既感到内心的沉重,也感到还是高兴,比去年的情况还是好啊,三分之二的多数通过了这两个报告。这完全反映人民群众对我们的工作,包括我们国务院的工作还是不满意。我们一定会根据这个表决的结果更加警醒我们自己,来改善我们的政法工作、反贪污的工作。但是我认为,这个并不表示人民群众对我们丧失信心,人民群众是信任我们的。 Well, after seeing the results of the votes, actually I feel that it is quite serious. But on the whole I feel quite happy because it is a big improvement over the situation last year. Both reports were adopted with over two-thirds majority. Of course, this still shows that people are less satisfied with the work of the government, particularly the State Council. We would use the voting result as a constant reminder and urge that we should work even harder to strengthen our work in the judicial field and carry out anti-corruption work even better. But I dont think this reflects the loss of confidence among the general public on the ability of the government to wipe out corruption.,23,例(17)美国记者: um嗯十年以后有人认为就是全世界会有三个大货币:欧元,美元,但是亚洲不知道会不会有日元还是人民币,(a)你觉得人民币有这个可能性吗?(b)Uh你觉得人民币有没有这个可能性吗? 如果行的话,那中国还这给(个)采雀(取)咳um(clearing his throat)什么措舍(施)? 谢谢。 Some people believe there will emerge three major currencies in the world, that is, one is Euro and the American dollar. Um (1)do you think there will be one major currency emergence in Asia? (2)Do you think it will be Japanese Yen or the Chinese RMB? (3)Uh, do you think there is a possibility for Chinese RMB (4)to become one of the major currencies in the world? If so, what measure(s) will China government take to make that happen?,24,3.3.3 纠正错误,例(18)我们研究所是一个多学科、综合性的科研单位。目前主要开展以下四个方面的研究工作,一个是核磁共振波谱学,一个是原子分子物理学,还有一个是应用声学。 Ours is a comprehensive and multi-disciplinary research institute. At present, our current researches are mainly focused around the following four areas. They are Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy, Atomic and Molecular Physics, Applied Acoustics, as well as Ionospheric Physics. (胡庚申,1993),25,3.3.4 协助交流,例(19)A:我们这里也提供刮刮卡 The writer: We also provide a sort of lottery card which gives you a chance to win a prize. You can rub off the surface of the card to find out whether you have won something, you know? (Looking at C, the listener, unconfidently) C: oh, scratch card 例(9)中涉及到三个人,分别为:讲话者(A),译员(B)和听者(C)。译员(B)不知道如何翻译“刮刮卡”,只好边描述边作出刮卡的动作,经过一番描述后,他还用了一个话语标记语“you know”和一个非语言交际中的副语言“looking at C”来协助交流。从听者(C)的回应可见,他明白了译员对刮刮卡的解释并给出了正确的英文表达,因此译员(B)成功的完成了其口译任务。,26,例(20)Shopkeeper: 这把吉他的品柱是巴札镍银合金做的,不容易变形 The writer: Because this part (pointing at “品柱”) is made of a kind of nickel-silver alloy (bazar metal), it is very stable. By the way, whats the exact English name of this stuff? (Looking at the face of Frank with curiosity) Frank: (With the guitar in his hands) Umperfectohyeahit is Fretmade of bazar metal,27,3.3.5 模糊和变通,例(19)中的译员(B)在解释描述“刮刮卡”的时候,使用了弱化修饰语“a sort of”来帮助描述。弱化修饰语指诸如sort of,kind of,a bit等的表达。这是一种模糊和变通策略。在此策略下,由听者(C)的回应可见,他明白了何为刮刮卡,译员(B)成功的完成了口译任务。 例(20)中笔者也是运用了笔者用了一个弱化修饰语(a kind of),并借助非语言交际中的副语言(“looking at”和面部表情“curiosity”)变通的解决了问题,使得口译活动顺利进行。,28,3.4 口译输出多样性,例(21) 复旦大学还有7个.基地、9个、25个博士后科学研究流动站。(梅德明, p203) 译1:It has 7 key social science research centers of Ministry of Education, 9 national basic science research and training institutes and 25 post-doctoral research stations. 译2:Steps should be taken to further improve the doctoral programs in HEIs and efforts should be made to steadily increase the number and size of post-doctoral programs. (吴冰, p48),29,例(22)a. 新时期的中国外交也贯彻了以人为本、执政为民这一宗旨。(吴钟明, p31) 译1:Chinas diplomatic work in the new era has carried out the principle of putting people first and administration for the people. b. 为此,我们正在积极落实科学发展观,以人为本、执政为民(梅德明, p347) 译2:That is why we talk about following a scientific approach of development, put people first in administration,30,例(23)a. 本届政府认为科教兴国是本届政府的最大任务科教兴国。(王大伟, p25) 译1:Finally I like to add that this government maintains that to revitalize China through science and education will be the most important task for the government. b. 实行科教兴国战略 (梅德明, p358) 译2:implementing the strategy of developing the country by relying on science and education c. 科教兴国战略 (吴冰, p272) 译3:the strategy of developing the country by relying on science and education,31,例(24) a. 现在请朱镕基总理先讲几句话。 朱彤译:Now Id like to give the floor to Premier Zhu Rongji for a few opening remarks. b. 现在先请温总理讲几句话。 戴庆利译:Now I would like to invite Premier Wen to make a few remarks. c. 现在请温总理先讲几句话。 费胜潮译:Now I would like to hand over the microphone to Premier Wen. d. 现在先请温总理讲话。 费胜潮译:Now Premier Wen will make a few opening remarks.,32,3.5 口译输出相似性,例(25)a.在和平共处五项原则的基础上,扩大共同利益的汇合点,妥善解决分歧。(吴冰, p339) 译1:We will broaden the converging points of common interests and properly settle differences on the basis of the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence, b. 我们应该牢牢把握中美的大局,妥善解决分歧,(吴钟明, p30) 译2:We should take a firm hold of the overall interests of China-US relations and settle our differences properly,33,例(26)a. 今年,对于中国来说,是不平凡的一年。我们经历了两件大事:第一件事是汶川特大地震灾害造成了巨大的生命财产损失。(温总理于第63届联大一般性辩论会上的演讲) 译1:For China, this has been a special year. We experienced two major events. One was the devastating earthquake in Wenchuan, which causes grave losses of life and property. b. 此时刻,我不禁想起在汶川地震灾区的亲身经历。(温总理剑桥大学演讲) 译2:I am reminded of the experience that I had in Wenchuan, Sichuan Province after the devastating earthquake there last May.,34,例(27) a. 尊重国家主权和领土完整,尊重各国自主选择社会制度和发展道路的权利,是联合国宪章的重要原则,(梅德明, p451) 译1:Respect for so


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