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大学英语精读第三版第一册Book1 Unit 8答案III Vocabulary Activities11)e2)a3)c4)g5)d6)f7)b 21) instantly2) absolute3) privacy4) approaching5) indicates6) acquire7) astonished8) avoid9) Confidence10) expose11) slight12) hint13) range14) slapped 31) scrape together2) in search of3) hold back4) robbed of5) think over6) came upon7) come true8) express their sincere gratitudeIV Enriching your wordpower:11) surprised 2) surprise 3) Surprisingly 4) surprised 5) surprising 6) surprise 1) pleasantly 2) please 3) pleasing 4) pleasure 5) pleasant 1)admire 2) admiration,admire,admire 3) admirable 4) admiring 5)admiringly 6) admired 1) astonishingly 2) astonishing 3) astonishment 4) astonish 5) astonished2 1) hand-written 2) hand-held3) hand-made4) weather-beaten5) tongue-tied6) home-made7) town-bred8) heart-feltVUsage1) the greatest living artist2) live animals3) If I come back alive one day4) entirely alone5) find anyone else alive6) The poor lone old man7) look exactly alike wearing similar clothes8) when youre asleep9) a sleeping dog10) treat like situations in like manner VI Structure11) She had received the news that her husband was seriously ill and she and her children had rushed back to be with him.2) Our planning system is designed around the idea that people should have a say in what happens to their immediate surroundings.3) I share Johns belief that energy policy is critical to the economic development of our nation.4) No one can deny the fact that Ryans attempt to help the old man had hurt his feelings.5) Everyone present accepted Marys suggestion that we think over the matter carefully before we come to a conclusion. 21) It is such a good chance that we mustnt miss it.2) Sara left in such haste that she forgot to lock the door.3) Jack felt such deep gratitude to his teacher that he sold his car to help pay her medical expenses.4) For a time, they were enjoying such economic prosperity that they did not think it necessary to reform their system.5) There is such a serious lack of knowledge about the transmission of the disease that people became afraid of normal social contact.6) Pablo Picasso was such a great genius that he became a master of any art form he chose to try his hand at. VII Cloze11) approached2) came upon3) scrape together4) something like5) rob6) in search of7) astonished8) come true9) luckiest10) reveal11) indicated12) gratitude13) spontaneously14) critical15) absolutely16) deny 21)mine2)ought3)nobody4)mind5)then6)On7)find8)full9)walked10)at11)returned12)looking13)in14)However15)for16)feeling17)which/that18)before19)where20)must VIIISpot Dictation1)period2)gifts3)posted4) arrange for Santa to send a reply5)hang6) travel through the air7) lets himself down the chimney8) important9) appear10) believing in IXTranslation1)I am lucky to have acquired a wide range of skills when I was young.2) These drawings, which are worth something like 50 million dollars, must not be exposed to direct sunlight.3) I knew my son got talent when he composed his first poem.4) As the flu was spreading in the community, she wrapped herself in warm winter clothing to avoid catching the disease.5) The defendant denied that he had ever made any payment to the government official to get a contract.6) I was startled to see he slapped his wife in the face when she revealed a family secret.7) He astonished everyone present by saying that he possessed a secret paper about the war. He then snapped open his briefcase and began to read it.8) As he gradually acquired confidence, his tone became natural and his words came out spontaneously. 附: Reading Activity及 Guided WritingExercise A:1) It was Galileos wise use of the telescope that helped him understand the sun is the center of the planets.2) c, d, e3) By means of his telescope.4) Twelve.5) d Exercise B1)a2)d3)c4)c5)d6)b7)a8) Answers may differ from person to person. Suggested answer: all items except d, e, and i. Exercise C1) 然而,很多人感到,圣诞节的商业化削弱 了它的宗教意味。2) 圣诞之夜,趁孩子们睡着的时候,他顺着 烟囱悄悄下来,把礼物留在他们的床边。3) 晚上,是一顿丰盛的茶点,茶点中常有一 只圣诞大蛋糕,蛋糕上有甜如糖果、滑爽似布丁的糖霜;用过茶点,全家人可能会围坐在壁炉旁一边吃干果、糖果和水果,一边聊天或看电视,或玩集体游戏。4) 大作家查尔斯 ? 狄更斯很喜欢圣诞节, 他在圣诞颂歌等书中描述了圣诞节的欢乐与温馨:客厅内干柴燃起熊熊炉火时的一幅幅场景,而屋外12月的白雪给整个大地披上一层素装。 Guided WritingPart I1) Most plants grow more quickly in warmer areas.2) Jim was fired for being absent-minded while working.3) I doubt whether these fish are really eatable.4) We tried our best with a magnifying glass but the dry grass simply would not burn.5) Exports provide the funds to pay for imports.6) The traveller entertained his hosts with stories, some of which were really unbelievable.7) She was not hired because she wasnt qualified.8) Personally, I dont approve of the idea.9) The effect of an unhappy childhood on a mans character is not always permanent.10) The lecture was so boring that we couldnt help yawning.11) Henry Adams became a millionaire overnight after coming into possession of the one million pound bank note.12) The house is at the next corner; you cant miss it. Unit8课文翻译发现了母亲为他藏好的圣诞礼物男孩起先很高兴。但接着他就开始担心,妈妈将因此失去给他一个惊喜的喜悦。他该怎么办呢?A Magician at Stretching a Dollar 那年的十二月,圣诞节临近了。一天下午,妈妈在外面上班,妹妹多丽丝在厨房里,我为了找一枚安全别针而开门走进了妈妈的卧室。因为她的卧室门正对着共用的走廊,她总是把门锁着,但我因为需要别针,便从藏钥匙的地方取出钥匙,打开门,走了进去。只见靠墙立着一辆低压轮胎的、大的黑色自行车。我一下子就认出了它。这正是那摆在巴尔的摩大街一家商店橱窗里一直让我羡慕不已的二手车。我甚至还问过这辆车的价钱。简直贵得吓人。差不多要十五块钱。妈妈想办法凑足了首付款,打算在圣诞节早晨拿这辆自行车给我一个惊喜。 这一发现让我深为感动,然而想到这样闯进她的卧室,从而剥夺了她在圣诞节那天见到我又惊又喜时的欢乐,我又感到厌恶。我本不想知道她这个可爱的秘密;但像这样偶然地发现了它仍然使我觉得好像重重地打击了她的欢乐一样。我从她的卧室退了出来,把钥匙放回原处,认真考虑着该怎么办才好。 我决定,在现在和圣诞节之前这段时间里,我必须不动声色,绝对不可露出一点蛛丝马迹暗示我已令人讨厌地知道了此事。我必须谨言慎行,不能让她知道我已掌握了她的秘密。必须想尽一切办法让她在圣诞节那天享受到看见我极为惊讶时的快乐。在我不受干扰的卧室里,我开始构思并试验种种表示喜悦的惊叫:哇噢!一辆低压轮胎的自行车!我真不敢相信!我是世界上最最幸运的男孩!等等。这些话都大大归功于比如由米基鲁尼主演的电影,片中男孩子看到他们最不着边际的梦想得以实现时都这么说。我很快便意识到,因为我缺乏演戏的天才,在我不由自主地想大声喊出发自肺腑的爱时,所有这些话听上去都会显得很虚假。或许最好是什么也不说,而是看上去惊喜得连话也说不出来了。不过,我也没有把握。我在电影里也看到过说不出话来的感激,但直到演员们设法哭出几滴无声的眼泪时才真正起到作用。我怀疑自己能否适时地哭出来,于是便开始思考别的表示


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