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常州信息职业技术学院外国语学院 毕业论文常州信息职业技术学院学生毕业设计(论文)报告二 级 学 院: 外国语学院 专 业: 应用英语(酒店商务) 班 号: 英语124 设计(论文)题目: Analysis of Reasons and Countermeasures for Hotel Cuscomer Complaints 酒店顾客投诉原因及对策分析 常州信息职业技术学院外国语学院 毕业论文 毕业设计(论文)任务书专业 应用英语(酒店商务) 班级 英语124班 姓名 陈冲 实践单位名称: 暨阳湖大酒店 实践岗位名称: 服务员 岗位职责: 开餐前做好卫生工作,按照标准摆台,清洁餐厅桌椅,准备好服务台的备用餐具。开餐时按服务程序及标准为客人提供优质服务:巡台服务, 撤换桌上的空餐盘, 尽量帮助客人解决就餐过程中的各类问题, 在客人用餐后负责收拾台面,清洁桌椅, 迅速补充餐具和台面用品,保证开餐后的整洁和卫生。 用餐时间过后负责清洁桌面, 准备餐布, 擦洗餐具。 岗位能力要求:具备初级餐厅服务英语会话能力,掌握餐厅服务程序, 处事灵活,眼明手快,具备熟练的服务技巧 ,有责任感和基本的职业道德素养,服从上级管理。 一、课题名称: Analysis of Reasons and Countermeasures for Hotel Cuscomer Complaints 二、主要技术指标(或基本要求): 1. 毕业论文的前置部分 1.1 题名:毕业论文的题名要求以最恰当,最简明的词语反映论文中最重要的特定内容的逻辑组合,做到文、题贴切。题名的中文字数不超过20个字,外文题名不超过10个实词,中外文题名应一致,题名一般取居中编排格式。 1.2 摘要及关键词:摘要中文字数约200字,英文摘要字数大约200个单词,关键词的个数为3-8个。关键词的排序,通常按研究的对象,性质和采取的手段排序。 1.3 目录:由毕业论文各部分内容的顺序号,名称和页码组成。 2. 毕业论文的主体部分 2.1 论文主体不少于3000个英文单词,内容正确无误,有一定的创新性或个人见解,按学校规定的统一格式撰写。 2.1 引言(Introduction):主要说明研究工作的目的,范围,对前人工作的评述及理论分析,预测结果和意义等。 2.2 正文(Body): 是毕业论文的核心部分,占据主要篇幅。正文部分必须做到客观真实,合乎逻辑,层次分明,语言流畅。 正文中的图,附注,参考文献,一律用阿拉伯数字分析依次编排序号。 2.3 结论(Conclusion) 2.4 致谢(Acknowledgments) 三、主要工作内容:1.履行所在实习岗位西餐厅服务员的职责,掌握实际应用中的必备西餐食物、饮料、酒水以及服务知识和能力;2.利用实习岗位了解所在酒店的外包情况;3. 积极向酒店指导教师和老员工学习各项知识和技能;4. 利用业余时间采访酒店管理人员了解其他同类酒店的外包情况;5. 阅读杂志和专著以及旅游类报刊搜集酒店外包的信息,探讨酒店外包状况,分析数据,提出自己的思考和预测。 四、主要参考文献 1 侯兴起. 浅谈酒店服务外包常见问题及其控制 (J) . CHINA BUSINESS&TRADE 2011,10 2 李艳平. 基于核心竞争力理论的成都星级酒店业务外包研究 (D) . 四川师范大学. 20123 刘丽英. 我国饭店业务外包决策的研究 (D). 哈尔滨商业大学 . 2012 4 刘涛. 中国饭店业务外包运作优化研究 (D) . 青岛大学 . 2006 5 王莹, 黄蔚艳. 饭店业的业务外包 (J). hotel modernization 2010,8 59 6 王莉. 饭店外包业务服务质量控制对策研究 (D) . 浙江大学. 2007 7 张莉. 我国经济型酒店业务外包决策研究(D). 中国政法大学 . 2011 学 生(签名) 陈 冲 2014 年8月 20 日 指 导 教师(签名) 张红芹 2014 年8月 20 日 教研室主任(签名) 钱 红 2014年 8 月 21 日二级学院院长(签名) 曹 兰 2014年 8 月 21 日毕业设计(论文)开题报告设计(论文题目) Analysis of Reasons and Countermeasures for Hotel Cuscomer Complaints . The background and the significance of the thesisIn the 1990s, outsourcing, as a new strategic approach, prevailed in many European and American companies, first appearing in the field of information technology industry, then extending to procurement, research and development, sales, human resources and other industries. Outsourcing which is an effective strategy for firms to achieve competitive advantage has gradually been applied by all walks of life, and has made remarkable effects in practice. And it stimulates the emergence of a new industry outsource. It has been a huge threat to the development of Chinese hotels to be exposed to the double pressure of competition from the invasion of foreign hotels and the favorable price of domestic economical hotels. The traditional evaluation criteria that requires large and complete operating model of hotels is in contradiction with the specialized division of labor in the market, which prevent hotels from developing. In such a tough competitive environment, the hotels recognize the effective role of outsourcing, and gradually adopt this strategy to strengthen their core competitiveness through outsourcing their non-core businesses to professional companies. However, the outsourcing of the hotel industry in China is still in the exploratory stage. In the outsourcing process, there are still a lot of problems because of the lack of theoretical system in hotel outsourcing and mature management system. This paper presents theoretical significance on the research of outsourcing theory of Chinese hotel. Although there have been plenty of researches on outsourcing in China, most are for the manufacturing industry, IT industry, and the research on hotel industry is not enough. Therefore, there are not abundant theoretical materials provided for hotels to refer to in the choice of outsourcing. This paper can enrich and expand the theory of hotel outsourcing and provide the reference for the hotels. Based on the results of predecessors researches, this paper sums up the problems of hotel outsourcing on the combination with the actual situation of the hotels, and then analyzes reasons. Besides, in this paper, I put forward some reasonable countermeasures to optimize hotel service outsourcing, which provides reference and guidance for the successful application of outsourcing strategy among hotels. The main contents of this thesisThe thesis can be divided into six parts. The fist part is the introductory part which aims to clarify the background of this paper and the theoretical significance and practical significance expected to achieve so as to make the readers get a general idea of this paper. Then through the relevant literature review and data analysis, the writer elaborates the definition of outsourcing and the developing situation of hotel outsourcing in contemporary China combined with lots of actual situation of hotel outsourcing. The article analyses problems arising in the development of outsourcing from three stages, namely, the decision-making stage, implementation stage, and the subsequent management stage in hotel outsourcing process. Accordingly, the factors that lead to problems in the process of hotel outsourcing are revealed, and some reasonable solutions based on the successful outsourcing experiences of other hotels and the practical situation of hotels are put forward. On the basis of above research, the thesis makes a prediction about the developing tendency of outsourcing in Chinese hotel industry. . The main methods are discussed:In order to have a deeper research on this topic, I tried several methods. On the one hand, I associate theories with facts: I collect large numbers of documents, analyze the reasons and contents of the implementation of outsourcing in hotels and find out the existing problems and factors. Combining with the situation of hotels, I put forward some reasonable countermeasures for these problems. On the other hand, I make full use of the opportunities for internship in hotels to investigate on the spot: Through access to colleagues and my own observation and experience, I find out the situation of service outsourcing, coupled with the deep investigation and research from decision-making, outsourcing implementation stage and the subsequent management stage.四、设计(论文)进度安排:时间(迄止日期)工 作 内 容2014年9月30日前成立外院毕业设计工作小组;毕设工作小组审核确定毕业设计学生名单;毕设工作小组审核确定校内指导教师名单;毕设工作小组审核确定指导教师负责指导的学生名单,各专业教研室做好毕业设计动员工作。2014年10月10日前 各指导教师制定毕业设计指导计划,明确与学生的联系和指导方式学生结合各自的专业确定毕业设计选题2014年10月20日前毕设工作小组完成毕业设计选题审核工作。校内指导教师下达毕业设计任务书,并指导学生填写开题报告。2014年11月5日前学生完成开题报告 2014年11月15日前 校内指导教师指导学生撰写毕业设计(论文) 2014年12月10日前。校内指导教师指导学生撰写毕业设计(论文),评阅、修改;对学生的毕业设计(论文)进行中期检查2014年12月30日前学生提交毕业设计报告(论文)初稿2015年2月20日前学生提交毕业设计报告(论文)二稿2015年4月20日前学生提交毕业设计报告(论文)三稿2015年5月20日前论文定稿5月20日6月1日答辩准备,5月24日毕设答辩委员会组织学生进行答辩(第2次)2015年6月7日前论文终稿打印,毕业论文装订归档,与电子稿一起上交;答辩委员会审定学生毕业设计成绩。重要说明对于在2014年底顺利完成三稿并最终定稿的同学,2015年1月4日-2015年1月19日 毕设答辩委员会组织学生进行答辩(第1次) 2015年3月15日前 指导教师和答辩小组评定第1次答辩合格学生毕业设计成绩; 答辩委员会审定学生毕业设计成绩。五、指导教师意见: 指导教师签名: 年 月 日六、二级学院意见同意指导教师意见,可以开题! 二级学院院长签名:曹兰 年 月 日 ContentsAbstract70. Introduction81.Connotation of Guest Complaints .2. Analysis of Guests Complaints 10 2.1 The Objective Causes.10 2.1.1 Personality Characteristics of the Guests 2.1.2The Problem of Quality of Service10 2.2 heSubjectiveCauses.12 2.2.1 The Psychology to Seek Respect12 2.2.3 The Psychology to Seek Security133. The Countermeasures to Eliminate the Customers Complaints13 2.1. Taking Complaints with Correct Attitude 13 2.2 Strengthening Staff Training. 2.3 Setting up the Archive of Customers. 2.4 Setting up the Concept of Customer is the God . 4. Conclusion15 Bibliography17 Acknowledgements18The hotel customers complain and phenomenon analysisAbstract: Customer is the greatest wealth source of hotels. In order to maintain more customers, the hotel should offer satisfactory service to make guests satisfied. But in the process of hotel management, guest complaints are inevitable. How to reduce guest complaints, improve guests satisfaction and maintaining the hotels reputation are tough problems all hotels are faced with. On that basis, the paper analyzes the causes of guest complaints and then puts forward corresponding countermeasures for guest complaints. Key words: customer complaint; influencing factors; service quality 酒店顾客投诉原因及对策分析摘要: 顾客是酒店最大的财富来源。为了维系更多的顾客,酒店应该做出一些政策让客人更加满意。但在酒店管理的过程中,不可避免的出现客人投诉的现象。分析宾客投诉的原因和心理,正确对待和处理客人抱怨,是酒店提高客人满意度,维护酒店声誉的必要手段。所有首先,酒店应该了解常见导致客人投诉的原因和普及公共知识,培养员工的服务意识,提高员工的素质。关键词:顾客抱怨;影响因素;服务质量 0. IntroductionHotel industry is a new industry that develops rapidly with the pace of economy. Along with the rapid development of tourism industry and the promulgation and implementation of the Division and Evaluation of Star in Tourism Hotels, Chinese star hotels are owing mature and have the tendency to expand. Business Hotel, property hotel, resort hotel, and conference hotel spread all around China. However, in recent years, our Star Hotels have revealed some problems such as low occupancy rate, negative growth of the profits, industry losses, idle assets and so on. With Chinas entry to the WTO, plenty of well-known foreign hotels have poured into China. Hilton, Star wood, Marriott, Intercontinental, and other well-known hotel groups have established hotels in china. Foreign hotels make the most of their marketing, brand value, management experience and management mode which have accumulated for decades to seize the Chinese market with their advanced management concepts and strong financial strength. Similar to foreign hotels, the domestic Budget hotels grab the 2-star and 3-star hotels market with their unique market positioning, product pricing and business model. The Budget hotel which targets the small and medium-sized businessmen, mass travelers and other moderate consumer groups, focusing on residential services with lower prices than star hotels, and laying emphasis on brand management, and possesses comprehensive management system of information has become a powerful opponentto star hotels. While the management mode of pursuing a large and complete hotel makes the hotel spend large investment, achieve small profits, and lack competitive advantage. Under the circumstances, hotels extremely need to find a breakthrough. While outsourcing which is an effective strategy to achieve competitive advantage has been adopted in all walks of life. It can reduce operating costs, improve the core competitiveness, reduce operation risk, and improve the quality of service. Chinese hotels also see the development strategy and gradually adopt outsourcing to enhance their core competitiveness. But outsourcing also brings risk to hotels. If used improperly, it will produce a lot of problems and obstacle the development of hotels. Because of the pressure of competition, the immaturity of market and the lack of supporting system, all kinds of problems emerge in the process of outsourcing. So the hotels need to take action to optimize outsourcing. Although there have been plenty of researches on outsourcing in China, most are for the manufacturing industry, IT industry, and the research on hotel industry is not enough. Therefore, there are not abundant theoretical materials provided for hotels to refer to in the choice of outsourcing. This paper can enrich and expand the theory of hotel outsourcing and provide the reference for the hotels. Faced with the severe competition, hotels expect to take advantages of the service outsourcing to reduce costs, share risk, and improve service quality, improve the core competitiveness. So the current research on outsourcing of hotel business in China makes a great difference to the reference and guidance. But the misuse neither can achieve the expected effect, nor will run counter to the desire. In China, the service outsourcing is still in the exploratory stage, and there still exist a lot of problems. Based on the results of predecessors researches, this paper sums up the problems of outsourcing in Chinese hotels on the combination with the actual situation of the hotels, and then analyzes reasons. Besides, in this paper, I put forward some reasonable countermeasures to optimize hotel service outsourcing, which provides reference and guidance for the successful application of outsourcing strategy among hotels.In order to have a deeper research on this topic, I tried several methods. On the one hand, I associate theories with facts: I collect large numbers of documents, analyze the reasons and contents of the implementation of outsourcing in hotels and find out the existing problems and factors. Combining with the situation of hotels, I put forward some reasonable countermeasures for these problems. On the other hand, I make full use of the opportunities for internship in hotels to investigate on the spot: Through access to colleagues and my own observation and experience, I find out the situation of service outsourcing, coupled with the deep investigation and research from decision-making, outsourcing implementation stage and the subsequent management stage. 1 Analysis of Guests Complaints 1.1The Objective CausesContemporary hotel is a collection of eating, living, traveling, shopping and entertainment, whose operating costs are higher and some of the non-core businesses not only have small profit margin, but also need large input costs and high cost of maintenance such as cleaning, equipment maintenance, laundry and plant breeding, advertising marketing, etc, which will lead to high operating costs of the hotel and fixed investment.And for the hotel, the most direct interest that service outsourcing can bring is reducing the operating costs. Outsourcing companies often have cheaper and more professional services technology and ability than hotels in the field of their operation. Outsourcing the non-core businesses to a professional outsourcing company can reduce not only the investment in hardware and maintenance costs, but also the costs of the staff management and training in the process of operation. As a result, on the one hand, outsourcing can directly reduce the investment costs of the hotels. On the other hand, it can increase the flexibility of the cost so as to realize the purpose of reducing costs.1.1.1 Personality Characteristics of the GuestsDue to the Chinese standards of evaluating star hotels in which hotels are required to be large and comprehensive, Chinese hotels not only provide basic services such as food, rooms, conference and recreation, but also carry equipment maintenance, security, cleaning, finance and other auxiliary business. While the traditional operating model fails to bring huge benefits to the hotel, instead it restricts hotels capacity to respond to the internal and external environment. With the market segmentation and specialization of division of labor, it is more and more difficult for hotels to gain a competitive advantage in each business area. The hotels also have their businesses which they are not adept at. If they still stick to the traditional management pattern and blindly pursue the integrity of the hotels, the hotels will be decentralized financial resources and energy. If hotels outsource their non-core businesses to other professional outsourcing companies, then they can make use of external resources to make up for the internal inadequacy of the hotels and enhance the competitiveness. In addition, hotels can streamline their internal organization, focus resources on core businesses that can bring about a lasting competitive advantage for the hotel and improve their core competitiveness.1.1.2 The Problem of Quality of ServiceIn modern society which is full of competition, the development of the hotels is influenced by the internal and external environment, and as a result, there are a variety of risks. In addition, the scale of production and the breaker point need considering in the traditional fixed capital investment. The more fixed cost, the higher management risks. Once the variation of market demand appears, business exit barriers are quite high, which could drag down the subsequent development of hotels. Outsourcing will be able to avoid the risks of investment in fixed facilities, thereby reduce operating risks. Secondly, since the hotel human resources management is extrem


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