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Chapter 3 The Standard Theory of International Trade,Joanna GUO,3.1 Evaluation of the law of comparative advantage,(1) Assumptions: Two nations & two commodities Free trade Perfect mobility of labor within a nation but immobility between the two nations Constant costs of production No transportation costs No technical change The labor theory of value,大卫.李嘉图理论的部分不足,劳动价值论,机会成本递增,需求因素分析,3.2 PPF with increasing opportunity cost,机会成本递增的含义和原因,第1个织布工人,6W,3W,第1个织布工人,第2个织布工人,6W,第2个织布工人,劳动力不是无差别的,不同产业雇佣投入要素的比例也是不同的,机会成本递增是指随着一种产品数量的不断提高,为了多得到一单位该产品所放弃的另一种物品的数量不断增加,机会成本递增,科学家、技术人员、兵工厂和机器设备,农民、奶牛、牧场和牛奶设备,想象一下需要动用农民和奶牛来生产武器时的成本,Illustration of increasing costs in PPF,Increasing opportunity cost,Constant opportunity cost,-Y/X= Marginal rate of transformation =MRTXY,Marginal rate of transformation (MRT) 边际转换率,MRT of X for Y refers to the amount of Y that a nation must give up to produce each additional unit of X. MRTXY =Opportunity Cost of X for Y =Price of X given by Y = the slope of PPF,Conclusion:,A,B,3.3 Demand analysis: - what the consumer wants,a. Given (x1,x2) and (y1,y2), Consumption bundles (x1,x2) A consumer can tell: (x1,x2) (y1,y2) (x1,x2) (y1,y2) (x1,x2) (y1,y2),Preference: Indifference curve,A curve that shows different consumption bundles that give the consumer the same level of satisfaction,给定偏好的描述,如何来画对应的无差异曲线,Step1: 用笔在图上定下某消费束(x1,x2) Step2: 给消费者增加一点商品1,即x1 Step3: 现在考虑要使消费者对原来的消费点无差异,你得如何变动x2的消费量,从而使(x1+x1,x2+x2)=(x1,x2) Step4: 按照同样的方法获得更多的点,然后把这些点的坐标连接起来,就得到了无差异曲线,Exercise: Please draw the indifference curves according to the description,A. 王力喜欢喝汽水x,但是厌恶吃冰棍y B. 李南极喜欢喝汽水x又喜欢吃冰棍y,但他认为3杯汽水和2根冰棍是无差异的。 C. 萧峰有个习惯,他每喝一杯汽水x就要吃两根冰棍y,当然汽水和冰棍对他而言是多多益善。 D. 杨琳对于有无汽水x喝毫不在意,但他喜欢吃冰棍。,Marginal rate of substitution (MRS) 边际替代率,MRS of X for Y (MRSXY) refers to the amount of Y that a nation give up for one unit of X and still remain on the same indifference curve MRSXY =tg=PXY It declines as the nation moves down the curve.,T,Review 2: CIC,良好形状偏好,Negatively sloped Convex from the origin Higher curves refer to greater satisfaction, lower curves to less satisfaction They must not cross,Community Indifference Curves 社会无差异曲线,Shows the various combinations of two commodities that yield equal satisfaction to the community or nation,Some difficulties with community indifference curve,Note: CIC supposes a particular income distribution,Review1: 机会成本与PPF,生产要素不同质、不同比例,60,120,tg= MRTXY = OCXY = PXY,3.4 Equilibrium in Isolation,3.5A The case with the trade,Step 1 Equilibrium in Isolation to know the comparative advantages product in each nation Step 2 Seek out the world price Step 3 Point out the production point and consumer point after trade Step 4 Draw trade triangle,当考虑到需求和供给时,比较优势就表现为相对价格优势,The equilibrium in isolation,US,UK,Then which product has comparative advantage in nation A ?,在其生产可能性曲线条件下所能达到的最高的无差异曲线,3.5.1 The basis for trade,A(50X,60Y); B(130X,20Y); E(70X,80Y),A(80X,40Y); B(40X,120Y); E(100X,60Y),3.5.B & C & D,The world price is single price There is incomplete specialization in production in both nations, no matter it is large country or small country,Test # 2,1. 名词解释 机会成本递增 两条无差异曲线不能相交的原因,Test # 2,2. 判断题(错误的请改正) (1)在国际贸易的标准模型中,凹向原点的生产可能性曲线表示机会成本不变 (2)社会无差异曲线任意一点切线的斜率值表示的是Y轴商品用X的数量表示的价格,则两国如何开展贸易?用标准贸易模型表示!,Test # 2 3. 已知:,Test #2 : 4.计算题,如果A1(50X,60Y),B1(130X,20Y),C1(70X,80Y),则该国出口量是多少,进口量是多少,贸易所得是多少?,如果A2(80X,40Y),B2(40X,120Y),C2(100X,60Y),则该国出口量是多少,进口量是多少,贸易所得是多少?,Review,Step 1 Equilibrium in Isolation to know the comparative advantage in each nation Step 2 Seek out the world price Step 3 Point out the production point and consumer point after trade Step 4 Draw trade triangle,3.5.E The gains from trade,B,A,E1,E2,AE1 is exchange gains;交易所得 E1E2 is specialization gains.分工所得,拓展练习,Joanna GUO,3.6 trade based on difference in tastes,The comparative advantage was based on the PPF & CIC.比较优势由PPF和CIC共同决定 If two nations have identical PPF, what will happen? 如果两国具有相同的PPF呢? There will still be a basis for mutually beneficial trade if tastes, or demand preferences in the two nations differ.如果两个国家的需求不同,那么依然可以开展互利贸易,C1,C2,Thinking,What would you happen if the production frontiers are identical and the community indifferences are different, but we have constant opportunity costs? 如果两个国家的PPF相同,而且机会成本不变,但是需求不同呢? What would you happen if the production frontiers are different and the community indifferences are identical? 如果两个国家需求相同,但是PPF(供给)不同呢?,小组展示的选题,国际贸易发展的历史、现状和存在的问题 一个国家、一个省市 中国对外贸易政策的发展 外贸战略等(chap11)(chap9-pp241) 国际贸易的结构、方式及存在的问题 进出口的市场结构、产品结构和生产方式等 国际贸易对一国的影响


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