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. There are five answers marked A, B, C, D and E in the following each question. Choose the one correct answer according to the knowledge that you have learned. Then write down the corresponding letter on the test paper. ( 20 points )1. Which of the following is not true about meridians description?A. Two yang channels with the same name connect in the head and facial region.B. The twelve divergent channels are branches departing from the twelve regular and traveling deeply into the body cavity.C. Large intestine meridian is distributed on the posterior border of the lateral aspects of the upper limbsD. The saying“one origin and three branches”is devoted to the Conception Vessel, Governor Vessel and Penetrating Vessel.E. The nomenclature of the twelve regular channels is based on three factors, which are hand or foot, yin or yang, and zang or fu organ.2. Which of the following is the exact role of ginger-isolated moxibustion?A. Warming channels and dispersing coldness B. Disease resistance and health maintenanceC. Warming the kidney and strengthening yang D. Warming the middle energizer and dispersing coldness E. Relieving the exterior syndrome, dispersing coldness and warming the middle energizer3. The point located at the depression of the lateral end of the eyebrow isA. Jiaosun (SJ 20)B. Tongziliao (GB 1)C. Sizhukong (TE 23)D. Touwei (ST 8)E. Cuanzhu(BL 2)4. The method of combining points from the upper and lower parts of the body usually combines the points located Aabove and below the elbow and knee jointsBabove and below the shoulder Cabove and below the lumbar areaDabove and below the nipplesE above and below the neck5. In the course of the twelve meridians, three yin meridians of foot runA. from the chest to the hand.B. from the hand to the head.C. from the head to the foot.D. from the foot to the abdomen and chest.E. from the foot to the hand.6. Which of the following is not the distribution characteristic of twelve divergent meridians?A. separatingB. surfacingC. enteringD. resurfacingE. joining7. In the proportional measurement which of the following is not true?A. The distance from the center of the umbilicus to the upper border of symphysis pubis is 5 cun.B. The distance between the two nipples is 6 cun. C. The distance from the two frontal angles along hairline is 9 cun.D. The distance between the two medial borders of the scapula is 6 cun.E. The distance between the transverse cubital crease and the transverse wrist crease is 12 Cun8. Which of the following is not true on cupping method?A. It can free channels and dredge collateralsB. The cupping procedure should be done with great care in order to avoid burning the skin. C. Uneven sites around joints and areas with very loose skin are also suitable for cupping.D. It is ill-advised to apply cupping to patients with spasms and a high fever.E. We should avoid to perform cupping to the abdomen of pregnant women.9. Which is belong to the eight influential points in the following acupoints?A. Neiguan ( PC 6) B. Taiyuan (LU 9 )C. Gongsun (SP 4)D. Houxi(SI 3)E. Zhaohai (KI 6)10. Which of the following points is not selected usually in treating acute diarrheaA. Tianshu (ST 25)B. Lieque (LU 7)C. Shangjuxu(ST 37)D. Yinlingquan(SP 9)E. Shuifen(CV 9)11. which of the following are the lower He-sea points of three yang meridians of the handA. Zusanli(ST 36) Shangjuxu(ST 37) Xiajuxu(ST 39)B. Weizhong(BL 40) Zusanli (ST 36) Yanglingquan(GB 34)C. Shangjuxu(ST 37) Xiajuxu(ST 39) Weiyang(BL 39)D. Weiyang(BL 39) Weizhong(BL40) Yanglingquan(GB 34)E. None of the above is true12. which of the following method is suitable for inserting needles into points where the skin and muscles are flabby and thin A. Inserting the needle with one hand.B. Inserting the needle with the aid of the finger of the pressing hand.C. Inserting the needle by stretching the skinD. Gripping and sinserting the needle.E. Inserting the needle by pinching the skin13. Which of the following needling manipulations are the basic metheds of acupuncture A. PressingB. FlickingC. Pinch skin insertionD. Lifting and thrusting; twirling and rotatingE. Fingernail pressing14. which of the following manipulation can be named as reinforcingA. Thrusting the needle forcefully and lifting it gently with a small amplitude, low frequencyB. Thrusting the needle gently and lifting it forcefully with a small amplitude, low frequencyC. Thrusting the needle forcefully and lifting it gently with a large amplitude, low frequencyD. Thrusting the needle forcefully and lifting it gently with a large amplitude, high frequencyE. Thrusting the needle gently and lifting it forcefully with a large amplitude, high frequency15. Which of the following specific points are good at treating disease of five zang organs?A. The Xi-(Cleft)pointsB. The Back Shu pointsC. The Lower He-Sea pointsD. The Yuan-(Source)pointsE. The Five Transport points16. treating urticaria with Xuehai(SP 10) and Geshu(BL 17) belong to A. Combining points of the affected channelsB. Combining points from the left and right side of the bodyC. Combining points from exteriorly-interiorly related channelsD. Combining points from upper and lower parts of the bodyE. None of the abov is true17. Which of the following points is good at treating acute stomachache? ALiangqiu (ST 34) BXuehai (SP 10) CZusanli (ST 36)D Sanyinjiao (SP 6) E Zhongwan (RN 12)18. Xingjian(LI2) isA Ying-Spring point of the spleen meridianB Jing-Well point of the spleen meridian C Ying-Spring point of the liver meridian D Jing-Well point of the liver meridianE Jing-Well point of the kidney meridian19. Which point is not suitable for the treatment of wind cold type of common cold?A Fengmen(BL 12)B Lieque (LU 7)C Yanglao (SI 6) D Fengchi (GB 20) E Hegu (LI 4)20. Which of the following is not true?A The needle handle is the part that fingers of tha acupuncturist hold.B Moxibustion with moxa sticks is commonly used for chronic diseases.C Moxibustion is also applicable for excessive heat syndrome and fever due to yin dificiency.D Direct moxibustion can be divided into scarring moxibustion and nonscarring moxibustion.E Moxibustion is not applied on the abdomen, or lumbosacral region of pregnant women.II. There are four answers marked A, B, C and D in the following each question. There are two or more than two answers which are correct for each question. Chose all correct answers according to the knowledge that you have learned. Then write down the corresponding letters on the test paper. ( 10 points )1. Which points are either the eight confluent points of the eight extra meridians or connecting points? A. Gongsun (SP4) B. Neiguan (PC6)C. Houxi (SI3) D. Lieque (LU7)2. The main principles for point selection include A. selecting local points B. selecting distant pointsC. selecting specific points D. selecting points according to pattern3. As therapeutic tools the development of needles include A. Bian-stone needlesB. Bone needlesC. sharp needlesD. metal needles4. which of the following were the actions of moxibustion? A. warming channels and dispersing coldnessB. supporting yang to rescue collapseC.removing blood stasis and stagnationD. disease prevention and health maintenance5. which of the following are the effects of acupuncture and moxibustion? A. regulating yin and yang B. warming channels and dispersing coldnessC. dredging the channels and collateralsD. reinforcing the healthy qi and dispelling the evil qiIII. Please explain the following terminology (10points) The twelve divergent channels:The twelve divergent channels are branches departing from the twelve regular channels and traveling deeply into the body cavity.Five Transport Points:The Five Transport Points refers to five groups of points distributed to the elbow or knee joints, namely Jing-Well, Ying-Spring, Shu-Stream, Jing-River, He-SeaTwirling and rotating:twirling and rotating are manipulations that twist the handle of the needle using the thumb and the index and the Middle fingers forward and backward alternately.Eight influential points:eight influential points refer to the eight points which are the gathering places for the zang-organs, fu-organs, qi, blood, bone, marrow, vessel, tendon respectively.Eight extra meridians: encompass the governor vessel,conception vessel,penetrating vessel,belt vessel,yang heel vessel,ying heel vessel,yin link vessel,and yanglink vessel. These eight channels are different from the twelve regular channels in that they do not belong to any zang-fu organs directly and have no exterior interior relationship amongst themselves。Arrival of qi:Also named needling sensation or Deqi in Chinese, refers to a special sensation produced in the area after acupuncture and certain manipulation. The operator will feel tightness around the needle, and at the same time the patient will feel soreness, numbness, distention, heavieness and so on. Please answer the following questions briefly:( 30points)1. How many methods have you learned to locate acupoints?2. What is acupuncture syncope? How to handle and prevent it?3. what are the effects for cupping method?4. What are the characteristics of the eight extra meridians?5. How to fufill“setting the mountain on fire method”?. Case analyses: (You must point out the diagnosis, type of syndrome differentiation, treatment principle, prescription and explanation of the prescription. 30 points) 1. Mr Liu, male, 35 years old, worker. First time clinical diagnose on June 15.2010. Main complains: lumbago for two months and aggravated in last ten days.Present case history: Two months ago, the patient has been presente


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