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IvanJOB DESCRIPTION职责描述JOB TITLE:职称Doorgirl门童AREA/DEPARTMENT:部门Rooms Division / Front Office / Concierge房务部/前厅部/礼宾部JOB BAND:职位级别9HOTEL LEVEL:酒店级别I - VREPORTS TO:上属 Concierge Supervisor 礼宾部主管POSITIONS SUPERVISED:下属NilJOB SCOPE:职责范围 Under the general direction of the Bell Captain and within the limits of established The Interlaken OCT Hotel Shenzhen local policies and procedures, responsible for receiving guests in the most hospitable manner. All guests arriving to the hotel will be welcomed and departing guests fare-welled in the most courteous and friendly manner. Promotes the desired work culture around the Integrity, Respect, One Team and Service of The Interlaken OCT Hotel Shenzhen在礼宾部经理和主管的领导下工作。服从深圳茵特拉根华侨城酒店的规章制度 和程序。为所有到店的宾客提供热情的服务是主要的责任。始终保持良好的礼貌态度。向抵达和离开的客人表示欢迎或者到别。努力创造良好的工作氛围,做到诚实、相互尊重、以及良好的团对合作精神。Key Responsibilities 主要职责 At all times well groomed, have a pleasant disposition, greet guests with the most hospitable attitude upon arrival at the hotel, and willing to offer assistance at all times 保持良好的个人仪容仪表,亲切问候抵达酒店的每个客人,随时准备提供服务。 Maintain the entrance and main door area clean and tidy, free of obstacles and ensue that traffic through the driveway is controlled 保证酒店门口的干净和整洁。保证出入酒店的车道畅通无阻。 Adhere to guest contact standards at all times 随时观察客人的需要 Provide current knowledge of the services and facilities offered by the Hotel, in order to provide reliable information to guests 向客人提供正确的酒店服务信息,并保证是正确的。 Assist guests in and out of taxis and other vehicles and remove baggage from vehicles enabling the Bellboy to escort guests, with baggage, to the Front Desk for check-in 为客人开启车门并帮助客人把行李拿下车,协助行李员作好抵店客人的入住工作。 Obtain taxis for guests as required and do your best to ensure the guests are not overcharged by taxis by either negotiating with the taxi driver himself, or by cautioning the guest to be on alert 为客人安排出租车保证正确的收费,必要时帮助客人商谈车费并给予一定的提示。 Knowledgeable in assisting guests in requests for transport and other information 具备丰富的交通知识或其他相关的本地信息。 Knowledgeable of the events of the day and of daily Hotel activities 了解酒店每日的会议和其他活动的安排日程。 Knowledgeable of VIP guests and whenever possible addresses such guests by name 清楚的了解每日酒店入住的贵宾信息并且称呼他们的姓名 Has presence and alerts Security or Duty Manager whenever a suspicious looking person or troublemaker is present 协助值班经理处理可疑的人、事情。 Keep alert for guest entering and leaving the hotel. Suspect guests (including those engaged in competitor analysis, suspicious looking characters, etc) should be relayed immediately to the Duty Manager 对于进入酒店的人保持警惕(特别是竞争对手。看起来可疑的人)等等。要马上通知值班经理。 Conversant with emergency evacuation and fire procedures 掌握了解紧急情况以及火警的处理程序。Occupational Health and Safety Responsibilities 职业保健和职业安全 Demonstrate Awareness of The Interlaken OCT Hotel Shenzhen policies and procedures and ensure all procedures are conducted safely and within hotel guidelines 服从深圳茵特拉根华侨城酒店的安全操作规程。并在酒店指导下操作。 Be aware of duty of care and adhere to occupational, health and safety legislation, policies and procedures, 清楚酒店的职业要求以及健康、安全的规章制度的制度和程序。 Be familiar with property safety, first aid and fire and emergency procedures and operate equipment safely and sensibly 熟悉消防、救护以及紧急突发事件的处理程序。 Initiate action to correct a hazardous situation and notify supervisors of potential dangers 正确处理紧急事件并且通知主管潜在的危险。Key Competencies主要能力Key Tasks主要任务Taking Responsibility责任 Strive for constant improvement and take responsibility for your own performance 不断提高自身能力和责任心。 Adhere to The Interlaken OCT Hotel Shenzhen Corporate Code of Conduct 遵守深圳茵特拉根华侨城酒店的管理行为准则。 Adhere to Hotel Handbook and general policies and procedures 熟悉了解员工守则的程序和知制度 Adhere to Front Office Policies and Procedures 遵守前厅部的规章制度 Report problems to Management with suggestions for resolution 将问题汇报经理并提出解决建议。Understanding My Job工作内容 Clarifies own job responsibilities and looks for opportunities that will increase skills and job knowledge 清楚岗位职责并在工作中不断提升专业知识和技巧 Understands how their role fits with others and contributes to the success of business 掌握专业知识在工作中做出应有的贡献。 Understands the hotels facilities, products and services 熟悉酒店的服务设施和产品 Provides information when requested and promotes hotels services, facilities and special events 向客人提供准确的信息并且不断提升酒店服务质量 Implements department procedures and policies as needed 贯彻并实施部门的制度。Customer Focus客户关注 Build and maintain positive relationships with all internal customers and guests in order to anticipate their needs 与其他部门保持良好的协作,预见客人的需求提供服务 。 Anticipate guest needs, handle guest enquires, and solve problems 预见客人的需要帮助客人解决问题。 Create a positive hotel image in every interaction with internal and external customers 以积极的工作态度赢得进出酒店客人的好感 Adhere to hotel brand standards 认可酒店的服务标准 Maintain a high level of product and service knowledge in order to explain and sell services and facilities to guests 保持始终如一的服务水平以及专业知识推销酒店设施和产品。 Assist guests and escort them to locations within the hotel at their request 根据客人需求为客人指路 Maintain knowledge of special programs and events in the hotel in order to recognize and respond to guests needs向客人提供最新的会议以及特别接待的信息 Maintain current Hotel information to be able to provide information to guests 随时更新酒店的信息并且能够正确向客人提供。Teamwork团对精神 Demonstrate co-operation and trust with colleagues, supervisors, teams and across departments 与本部们和其他部门保持良好的合作 Communicate well to ensure effective shift hand-over 保证当值时与其他班次良好的沟通 Actively participate in organized meetings 积极参加组织的活动 Interact with department and hotel staff in a professional and positive manner to foster good rapport, promote team spirit and ensure effective two way communication 积极和善的合作态度。发扬团队精神保证沟通顺畅Adaptability适应性 Be open to new ideas and make changes in the job and routine as required 不断提高改进工作方法 Work in line with business requirements 合理安排每日工作 Complete tasks as directed by Management 完成管理层分派的任务Developing Self自我提升 Develop/update skills and knowledge (internally or externally) to reflect changed technology or changed work requirements 提高、更新工作经验和专业知识适应工作要求 Seek feedback on areas of shortfall 寻找工作中的不足并改进 Maximize opportunities for self development 最大限度的提升自身能力Reliability忠诚的 Ensure that your work quality meets the standards required and complete tasks in a timely and thorough manner with minimum supervision 保证及时完成工作并到达酒店要求。 Follow standards, policies and procedures 认真执行各项规章制度 Meet hotel attendance and grooming standards 执行酒店出勤以及仪容仪表的标准Cultural Awareness文化认知 Work effectively with customers and colleagues from different viewpoints, cultures and countries 适应不同的文化背景和观点,保证高效率的对客和内部服务水平门童岗位职责1. 负责对抵店客人表示欢迎,准确及时提供开车门、拉门服务。2. 宾客车辆停稳后按照规定程序热情主动的为客人开启车门,欢迎客人;送客人离店时代客人叫车,开启车门,送客人上车。3.协助保安部疏导酒店门前抵店的各种车辆,保持门口清洁、秩序良好。4. 注意观察进出店客人,发现可疑客人立即报告,并采取有效行动。5. 协助行李员疏导和搬运抵店或离店团队及散客的行李。6. 保持仪表整洁、态度和蔼,给客人留下良好的酒店形象。7帮助助客人解决一般问题,如解决不了及时联系当值领班8准确回答客人酒店及景区相关信息9负责每日各部门报纸、邮件的分发及派送.客人来到酒店,与服务人员有交流的第一个岗位很可能是车场保安和礼宾


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