



Unit 10 Youre supposed to shake hands. 话题:Language and culture (语言与文化)School Class Name Date 一、本节课的学习目标1能力目标 (1)能运用本单元的重点句型be supposed to do sth,be expected to do sth.,its + adj. + for sb. + to do sth. 来描述见面、进餐和与人外出等礼仪。(2)懂得按照“主题句细节句”展开段落写作。2情感目标 了解各国文化背景、礼仪习俗,学会在不同场合的得体表现,提升跨文化意识。 二、语料箱词块:manners, America, Chinese, greet, share, fork, chopsticks, knife, quiet, rude, be different from, pay attention to, shake hands, for the first time ,each other, take notice of, table manners, have meals, point at, whats more, at table, too much句型:Youre supposed to;Youre expected to ;You should ;Youre not supposed to ;Its impolite /rude to ;One important thing is that ;Another example is that ;Also, ;There is one more thing you need to know;Its important to;You should.;Dont forget to do sth.;Remember to do sth.; You could / couldnt do sth.;Youd better (not) do sth.; Im glad to hear that; Chinese people are supposed to; You ought to; I hope youll 名言、谚语、警句:1. When in Rome, do as Romans do. 入乡随俗。2. After you is good manners.“您先请”是礼貌。3. Custom is the guide of the ignorant.习俗是无知者的向导.4. Custom makes all things easy.若照习俗办,万事皆不难. 三、写作任务(一)Making sentences: When you meet people for the first time in China, you_. If there are older people at the table, you _. Instead ,you _. It _while you are eating with chopsticks. You _, either.You _ when you are eating dinner.(二)Reading for writing structure: 主题句:_ a. _ b. _细节句:c. _ d. _结尾句:_ (三)单元话题写作你的法国笔友Mark将要到中国来学习交流。他想向你了解一些中国习俗,如见面、餐桌、参加派对等礼仪。请你写一封80词左右的信告诉他在中国如何表现得体。信的开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数内。思路点拨:主要人称:_ _体裁:_ 主要时态:_ Beginning: Dear _, You must be excited about coming to China soon. Let me give you some suggestions about Chinese customs. Ending: Have a safe trip, and I look forward to meeting you soon!Best wishes,_ 写一稿(first draft): 写二稿(second draft): (四)评价 1. 大声朗读自己的文章,从结构、人称、时态、字数、拼写、大小写、标点符号等方面进行自我修正。 2. 同伴互赏:我欣赏,我快乐!项目标准自我评价同伴评价教师评价结构(3分)段落合理 (2 分)衔接自然 (1分)内容(8分)3点礼仪 (6分)拓展合理 (2分)语言(3分)词汇丰富 (1分)句法正确 ,语言优美( 2分)卷面(1分)书写工整( 1分)3. 作文通用修改字符:优美句子;漏词;错处:;去掉,语法错误 G ,人称错误 P,时态错误 T (


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