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企业定位工作手册POSITIONING YOUR BUSINESS WORKBOOK企业定位工作手册POSITIONING YOU BUSINESS WORKBOOK这个练习的目的是帮助你理解竞争定位的重要性。通过如下练习,你能明了你目前在竞争中所处的位置,以及将来理想的位置。The purpose of this exercise is to assist you to understand the importance of competitive positioning. Through the following exercises you will gain an understanding of your current competitive position and also your future ideal position. 根据波特理论,有3种竞争战略:According to Michael E. Porter there are 3 generic competitive strategies:1. 总成本领先战略宽泛的目标市场;Cost Leader broad target market;2. 差别化战略宽泛的目标市场;Differentiation broad target market;3. 总成本领先战略专小的目标市场(特殊市场);Cost Leader narrow target market (niche); and4. 差别化战略专小的目标市场(特殊市场)。Differentiation narrow target market (niche).需要注意的是,制定一个有效战略的关键在于处理好企业的优劣势与产业结构间的关系(请参看行业分析工作手册)。It is important to note that the key to developing an effective strategy lies in the relationship of the strengths and weaknesses of the business and the industry structure (as reviewed in the Industry Analysis Workbook).例如,为了在成本竞争中领先, 企业必须通过更低的成本组合来形成明显的优势(企业的一种竞争力)。更低的成本组合可能源于使用新技术、新工艺,或者采用新生产流程(独一无二的)。For example, in order to successfully compete as the cost leader, the business must have significant advantage through a lower cost structure (a strength of the business). The lower cost structure may be a result of skills, the technology utilised or the specific processes employed (and unique) to the business.差别化是认知上的。很难确定差别化中哪一点是你真正具备的独一无二的特质。例如,你可能会认为你的服务水准是你区别于同行的重点。但是,有多少竞争者也会认为他们的客户服务水平也是他们区别于同行的重点呢?应该会有很多吧!Differentiation is all about perception. It is very difficult to actually identify truly unique points of differentiation. For example, you may consider that the level of service that you provide is your point of differentiation. However, how many of your competitors, if asked, would also say that customer service is their point of differentiation. Probably several!因此,差别化战略的关键是确定那些与客户利益(当作出购买决定的时候)息息相关的方面,然后给自己定位,让客户觉察到你在这一领域的不同之处。成功的差别化战略能提升产品的价格。Therefore the key to differentiation is to identify those things that customers value (when making a purchase decision) and then position yourself so that customers perceive you to be differentiated in this area. Successful differentiation will enable you to charge a price premium for your products.许多小企业都选择在专小的市场中经营。这是因为他们很难得到足够的资源来支持其在一个宽泛的市场环境中竞争。除此之外,小企业会发现他们更容易在专小市场中竞争,因为他们的规模决定了他们可以更加灵活地运作。Many small businesses choose to operate in narrow market segments (niche). This is because it is often difficult for them to find the resources to effectively compete in a broad range of markets. In addition, small businesses often find it easier to serve niche markets because their size enables them to be more flexible.1. 贵企业是在一个宽泛的市场,还是一个专小的市场中运作?Do you operate in a broad or narrow range of markets?_2. 企业目前采用什么样的竞争战略, 如专小市场的总成本领先战略或宽泛市场的差别化战略?What competitive strategies do you currently use e.g. niche cost leader or broad market differentiated etc?_确定企业战略定位的第一步就是了解目前所处的位置,以及竞争对手所处的位置。在本工作手册中,我们只专注于企业所处的其中一个行业(你的核心市场),使你学会如何分析企业的战略定位。The first step in defining your positioning strategy is to understand where you are currently positioned and where your competitors are positioned. In this workbook we are going to focus on one of your industries (your primary market) so that you can learn how to analyse your positioning strategy. 在下一页里,备有练习需要你完成。We have provided a worksheet overleaf for you to complete.区别之处清晰的价值所在DIFFERENTIATIONArticulate value无法生存公司不盈利UNSUSTAINABLEFirm not profitable价格领导者符合质量要求PRICE LEADERMeet quality无法生存顾客不愿购买UNSUSTAINABLEConsumers will not buy低质量Low Quality高质量 High Quality高价格High Price低价格Low Price在上面的坐标中:On the grid above:1. 请将企业的定位用X 标注在坐标上Place a X to mark your current position within the industry2. 标注企业的三个主要竞争对手的位置-注明竞争对手的名称Mark the positions of your 3 most significant competitors please name them3. 标注其它竞争对手的位置Mark the position of other competitors定位分析摘要Summarising Positioning Analysis1. 请描述企业目前的行业定位Please describe your current industry positioning._2. 处于该位置的优势是什么?What are the advantages of having this position?_3. 你会就目


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