



登陆网站 参加免费试学英语辅导班,新手上路没有经验的Finn:是啊!Yes, it is.Wang Fei:A bit easy, isnt it? 谁不知道 green 的意思就是绿色的呢?!Finn:Its not that meaning, Wang Fei!Wang Fei:Well, what do you mean, green as in good for the environment? 你是指绿色环保的意思,是不是?Finn:也不是呢!Not that one either!Wang Fei:我还知道一个表达,green with envy? 也就是说“眼红、嫉妒”的意思。Green with envy?Finn:No. What are you envious about? No, its not that one ah hang on, oh no!FX - CRASHBoth:Ow!Wang Fei:Finn, youre a terrible terrible driver!Finn:I know.Wang Fei:你是想说哪个 green 呢?!Finn:Yes, Im sorry, Wang Fei. What I mean is Im very green at riding motorbikes. Thats what I wanted to say. Green means inexperienced or new to something.Wang Fei:你算是说对了!Finn 说 he is green at riding motorbikes. 意思是说他是新手上路、没有经验。这里的 green 通常是说某人的技术或者工作不成熟、缺乏经验。我们摔得够呛,你这车技也太 green 了。我们先听几个别的例子吧。Im a bit green at video editing, so it takes me a long time to edit things.Hes a bit green in this job so hes bound to need some help.My uncles very green at searching the internet. He prefers to go to the library.Wang Fei:Finn is definitely green at riding motorbikes 我们也该上路了,但是说实在的,我还是觉得心里不踏实。FX - BIKE STARTSFinn:Wow, what beautiful countrysideWang Fei:Yes beautiful! 不过我觉得自己好像也要病了。我真担心我们要再次撞车。Finn:Wang Fei, are you ok?Wang Fei:Not really.Finn:Youve gone green!Wang Fei:What?!Finn:Youve gone green it means you look ill!Wang Fei:又一个关于 green 的表达,意思是说看上去脸色发青、病了的意思。他倒说对了!Finn, 我们先别解释了,你还是集中注意力开车吧。Just concentrate on driving please!Finn:Ok then! Bye everyoneWang Fei:Wish me luck. Bye.If you are expecting to see a Chinese Superman when you sit down with your popcorn to watch the new science-fiction film Metallic Attraction: Kungfu Cyborg , youll be sorely disappointed. True, the robot De Ming (Alex Fong) featured in the movie isnt a bird or a plane, but neither is he a character that will linger in your mind beyond 2009.当你抱着爆米花,坐在影院里观看最新的科幻大片机器侠时,如果你期待能看到一个中国式超人,那么你要大失所望了。诚然,片中的机器人德明(方力申饰)既不是鸟也不是飞机,但他也不会是2009年度令你印象深刻的电影角色之一。Jeffrey Laus Kungfu Cyborg disappoints much like most of Chinas sci-fi films have. This suggests that the genre is nowhere close to competing with the sci-fi movies that Hollywood turns out, such as the recent Transformers。同许多国产科幻电影一样,刘镇伟的机器侠让人感到失望。这也表明,国内此类电影还远远无法与好莱坞出品的科幻大片相提并论比如说最近的变形金刚系列。Set in the year 2046, Kungfu Cyborg tells the story of a police robot who falls in love with a pretty human officer named Su Mei (Sun Li). Naturally, there is a bad guy-an evil robot named K88-but the movie never really advances beyond your typical romance flick。机器侠故事背景被设置在2046年,影片讲述了一个机器警察的故事,片中他爱上了漂亮的人类女警花素梅(孙俪饰)。自然也会有坏人出现一个代号为K88的邪恶机器人,但整部影片在情节的推进上还是落入了爱情片的俗套。The films weaknesses include predictable plotting as well as unimaginative characters and settings. Advanced robots, bioweapons, or supernatural abilities themselves arent enough to make a sci-fi film, the film critic Yang Jinsong told 21st Century. Instead, sci-fi films should be all about imagination. They have to depict the future, or create a futuristic atmosphere that weve never dared to think about. I have yet to see anything unpredictable in Chinese sci-fi films.这部影片的缺点包括老套的情节设计,以及缺乏想象力的角色和布景。影评人杨锦松向21世纪报记者说:“先进的机器人,生化武器或者是超能力这些事物本身不足以构成一部科幻电影。相反,科幻电影应该是充满想象力的。他们应该描绘未来,或者营造出一个我们从未敢想的超现实氛围。在中国的科幻电影中,我还没有看到任何超乎想象的事物。”Chinese filmmakers are at a disadvantage when it comes to using special effects. Kungfu Cyborgs relatively small budget cant hold a candle to the billions of dollars thrown at movies like Terminator and Transformers。一旦涉及到特技运用,中国电影人就会处于劣势。相对于像终结者或变形金刚这样大片动辄上亿美元的投入,机器侠的预算少得可怜。But Yang points to another reason for Chinas disappointing sci-fi films: culture. Chinese filmmakers cultural orientation, he says, tends to focus on the past and the present-not the future. We feel more at ease exploring the problems of present metropolitan life, or reminiscing about the


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