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遵义四中2016-2017学年度第一学期高二期末考试英 语 试 题本试题卷分第I卷(选择题)和第11卷(非选择题)两部分,满分150分,考试用时120分钟。注意事项:1.答题时,考生务必用黑色碳素笔将自己的姓名、班级、考场号在答题卡上填写清楚,并请认真核准条形码上的准考证号、姓名和科目,在规定的位置贴好条形码。2.每小题选出答案后,用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。在本试题卷上答题无效。第卷第一部分 听力(共两节,共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)第一节听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选择项中选择出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。第1节 (共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5)请听下面5段对话,选出最佳选项。1. Where is the man probably going? A. The supermarket. B. The post office. C. The restaurant.2. What is the woman planning to do ? A. Buy some clothes. B. Get a haircut. C. Go to the mans3. What does the woman mean? A. The man should have come to the class earlier. B. She doesnt want to lend her notes. C. The man neednt borrow the notes. 4. What is the conversation mainly about? A. Computer games. B. Magazines. C. Sports.5. Why is the man late? A. His car broke down. B. He worked late. C. He met someone on the way.第2节 (共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5)请听下面5段对话或独白,选出最佳选项。请听第6 段材料,回答第6、7题6. How often does the woman go to the health club? A. Four times a week. B. Three times a week. C. Twice a week.7. What does the woman think of swimming in the pool? A. Difficult B. Scary C. Enjoyable. 请听第7 段材料,回答第8至10题8. How did the men first hear about the football match? A. From the radio. B. From TV C. From the woman.9. When will the football match be held? A. On the 4th. B. On the 21st. C. On the 28th.10. What will the woman offer to do for the man? A. Buy him dinner. B. Buy him a ticket. C. Help him study.请听第8 段材料,回答第11至13题11. When is the play supposed to start? A. At 7:00. B. At 7:30. C. At 8:00.12. What does the man say about the restaurants in the area? A. They are very expensive. B. They offer great food. C. They are often crowed around show times. 13. Where does the woman want to go? A. A place with reasonable prices. B. A place that offers delicious food. C. A place with a good environment. 请听第9 段材料,回答第14至17题14. What was the boy doing when the young father shouted for help? A. Running in the yard. B. Riding his bike. C. Reading newspaper.15. Who called 911? A. The boy. B. The boys grandma. C. The young father.16. How did the boy help the young father? A. He took the baby to the hospital. B. He immediately performed CPR on the baby. C. He taught the father to perform CPR on the baby.17. How old is the boy? A. 8 years old. B. 10 years old. C.12 years old.请听第10 段材料,回答第18至20题18. When was “Child to Child” founded? A. 4 years ago. B. 7 years ago. C.10 years ago.19. What was “Child to Child”activity can do at home? A. Keep the young children neat. B. Help parents do housework. C. Learn to cook.20. What has “Child to Child”done? A. Built up a resource center. B. Sent out material worldwide. C. Helped many children in accidents.第二部分:阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第1节 (共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、和D)中,选出最佳选项。AChristmas was approaching. In order to make good preparations for it, I drove my children over an hour to a distant mall (商场) to do some Christmas shopping. We were finally nearing the exit that would take us there. I smiled and sang quietly along to the song playing on the radio.Then I noticed an older woman in worn, dirty clothes with a big sadness in her eyes at the end of the highway exit holding a sign. “It is probably someone trying to catch a ride south,” I thought to myself. When I got close enough to read it, however, I saw that it said, “Homeless. Please help. Willing to work for food.”I took my children into the mall, but all the Christmas spirit had left my heart. I couldnt stop thinking about the woman by the exit, standing outside in the cold, without a home.Later after we left the mall my children and I stopped at a local store to buy some food for the long drive back home. When I got to the exit that would get us back on the highway, though, I found myself driving past it and back to the exit we had driven in on. She was still there holding her sign. I pulled off the side of the road, pulled out the money I had left in my wallet and gave it to my daughter beside me. She then rolled down her window and gave it to the lady. The woman stood there with the money in her hand and thanked us. Before she could finish her sentence my daughter reached out and gave her the food she had bought for the trip home.We pulled back out on the highway. None of us felt proud or even happy with what we had done. We only wished we could have done more.21. Which of the following best describes the author before she saw the older woman?A. Nervous. B. Happy. C. Proud. D. Cautious.22. Why did the woman stand at the highway exit holding a sign?A. To ask for directions. B. To work for food.C.To be given a ride to the south. D.To sell some Christmas goods.23. From the passage, we can learn that _.A. the author bought some food at a distant mall for the trip back homeB.seeing the poor woman made the author not do Christmas shoppingC. after shopping the author returned in order to find the womanD. the author gave the left money to the woman personally24. The main purpose of the passage is to _.A. encourage us to help others B.show us her kindnessC. take pity on the poor woman D. tell us the way to do shoppingBThe United Kingdom consists of England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland. Each of them has their own unique traditions. Lets take Scotland as an example. There is no better way to enjoy Scottish traditions than going fishing and tasting a little whisky(威士忌) at a quiet place like the Inverlochy Castle. When Queen Victoria visited there in 1873 she wrote in her diary, “I never saw a lovelier spot,” And she didnt even go fishing.Scotland is not easily defined. In certain moments, this quiet land of lakes and grass mountains changes before your very eyes. When evening gently sweeps the hillside into orange, the rivers, teeming with fish, can turn into streams of gold. As you settle down with just a people and a basket on the bank of River Orchy, near the Inverlochy Castle, any frustration will float away as gently as the circling water. Its just you and purple, pink, white flowers, a perfect harmony. If you are a new comer to fishing, learning the basics from a fishing guide may leave you with a lifetimes fun. For many, fishing is more than a sport; it is an art.Scotland offers interesting place where you can rest after a long days fishing. Set against a wild mountain and hidden behind woodland, the beautiful Inverlochy Castle Hotel below the Nevis is a perfect place to see the beauty of Scotlands mountains. Ben Nevis is the highest of mountains, and reaching its 1342-metre top is a challenge. But its not just what goes up that matters; what comes down is unique. More than 900 metres high, on the mountains north face, lies an all-important source of pure water. Its name comes form the Gaelic language usqueb or water of life; and it is the single most important ingredient(原料) in Scotlands best known whisky.25. The story of Queen Victoria is to show that .A. 1873 is a special year for the queenB. tasting whisky is better than going fishingC. the Castle is a good place to go in ScotlandD.the queen is rich in tour experience26. How is Paragraph 2 mainly developed? A. By analyzing causes. B. By giving descriptions. C. By making comparisons. D. By following time order.27. What is Ben Nevis special for?A. The Inverlochy Castle Hotel. B. The water from the mountain.C. The challenge up to its top. D. The beauty of its surroundings.28. Where can you probably read the passage?A. A magazine introducing Scotland.B. A book about Scotlands development.C. An advertisement about Neviss water.D. A history book about Scotland.C If youre looking for a job in a newspaper, heres a good opportunity for you. The Daily newspaper group is looking for English-language senior business editors, senior copy editors, copy editors and graphic designers to strengthen its international team. We offer a competitive salary package, free accommodation with utilities(水电费) paid for, 90 percent medical reimbursement(补偿), a seven-day paid leave, eleven-day public holidays and a return ticket to the country of residence. Senior Business Editor You must: assist the business editor in setting goals and working on achieving them; be an excellent team person who can generate ideas and think creatively and be able to rewrite totally if needed and mentor junior staff; ideally have been working or have worked in a position of responsibility and understand what leadership involves; have had at least five years editing experience working on editing the Business Desk and be familiar with industry software. Senior Copy Editor You must: work on shifts in the Business Desk and usually have the last word before the page is sent to print; edit or rewrite copy and give clever and short headlines and captions; have had at least two years editing experience working on editing desks and be familiar with industry software. Copy Editor You must: be good at editing or rewriting copy and writing concise headlines and captions; be able to work on shifts for different pages, and usually have the last word before the page is sent to print; have two years of editing experience working on copy desks, and be familiar with industry software. Graphic Designer You must: have excellent skills in information graphics; be good at illustrations and freehand drawings; be experienced in newspaper or magazine layouts; have a good sense of typography; have good news judgment; be well-versed with Macintosh software, including InDesign, Illustrator and Photoshop; be fluent in English. For enquiries or to apply, write to .29. What is the purpose of this passage?A. To describe the positions of the China Daily newspaper group.B. To tell you how to become part of this group.C.To describe the working conditions of the China Daily newspaper group. D. To advertise for employing some good employees.30. What is NOT required about Graphic Designer?A. Writing concise headlines and captions.B. Having a good sense of typography.C. Be well-versed with Photoshop D.Have excellent skills in information graphics.31. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?A. All medical reimbursement is paid by the company. B. The workers there can enjoy a seven-day leave without pay.C. The employees have the right to enjoy eleven-day public holidays.D. The senior business editors only job is to help the business editor to set goals.DWhat will happen in the future? No one can predict it. But one thing is for sure, that is, robots will play an important role in our life. Are you willing to work for a robot boss? Sorry if your answer was no, because it will be common in the near future, according to researchers from Oxford.One third of British jobs are at high risk of being replaced by robots in the next 20 years, the research by Deloitte, the Oxford Martin School and the University of Oxford found.Wired magazine went further. It may be hard to believe, but before the end of this century, 70 percent of todays occupations will be replaced by automation(自动化技术), said the magazine in 2012.Of course, people being replaced by robots is not recent news. Robots have been taking over labor work in factories and on farms for some time, lifting heavy boxes and picking fruit and vegetables. Next, cleaning chores in offices and schools will be taken over by late-night robots, starting with easy-to-do floors and windows and eventually moving to toilets, Wired predicted.But thats just the beginning. Even white-collar jobs are not safe. Any job dealing with sales, services or lots of paperwork could be taken over by robots in the future. For example, in the UK, library assistants have decreased by 48 percent since 2001, sales-related jobs have fallen by 40 percent, and travel agents by 44 percent, the Daily Mail reported.But that doesnt mean that human beings will have nothing to do in the future. Instead, we need to update our skills. Digital(数字化的) know-how, management and creativity will be in greater demand in the future, said British consulting company Deloitte.32. The underlined sentence means .A. one third of British jobs are of high profitB. British people may replace one third of robots jobsC. one third of British jobs are dangerousD. British people may lose one third of their jobs33. From the passage, we know late-night robots are mainly made to do . A. difficult jobs B.factory and farm jobs C. cleaning jobs D. white-collar jobs34. In the UK, sales-related jobs have decreased by since 2001.A. 40% B. 44%C. 70%D.48% 35. The best title for this passage is .A.Robots to Be Smarter B. Robots to Take Charge C.Robots to Do Paperwork D. Robots to Do Hard Jobs第2节 (共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分) 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。Basic first aid is a very valuable skill to have when going on a camping trip. 36 Cuts. With small cuts, you want to be careful to keep the area of the wound clean to avoid possible infection. 37 If the cut has not stopped bleeding, raise the wounded area above the heart and place pressure on the area to stop the bleeding. 38 The bandage should be held in place with tape, but should not be too tight. Blisters. Blisters can turn a fun walk in the woods into a terrible experience. 39 _ Change your bandage and socks and keep the blistered area clean. Make sure that you pack different size bandages and first aid cream.Sprains. If youve got a heavy pack on your shoulders, it can be very easy to twist your ankles. Walking sticks can be a travelers friend. 40 A good ACE bandage should be packed in case of a sprained ankle. This can help fix the sprained area until you can get medical attention.After seeing the above dangers and treatments, its also helpful to pack a small basic first aid kit (急救箱) for your trip. Make sure that you include items that are unique to you and fit your environment (bleeding, bruise, snake bite, etc.).A. Cover the wound with a dry, clean bandage.B. Wear comfortable shoes and socks during the trips.C. Blisters are an open wound and can get infected if not cared for.D. Below is a brief list of less-severe injuries that you can prepare for.E. Treat the cut with first aid cream to prevent infection.F. They can help you keep balance on rough areas.G. Some climates can be very hot during the day and very cool at night.第三部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第1节 :完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。This is a story of four friends who were studying engineering in India. It was their final term examination the next day, and like everyone else they had make their every 41 in the last night only to find out that they had completed no more than 30% percent of the course. So forgetting everything they decided to take a 42 and later come back and face the test. During the drive they came up 43 the “BRILLIANT” idea of not attending the 44 . So the very next day all 45 of them went up to the professor and made this very 46 excuse that they had just gone for a drive to clear their mind and 47 a broken tyre (轮胎), they could not return 48 . The professor was satisfied with the reason, 49 to take a re-test and scheduled it on the upcoming week. The four friends were very 50 that they fooled the professor and they went back to their room and made a great effort for one week to 51 the whole course well. Finally they 52 for the exam. 53 entering the exam room, they met the professor who was standing just 54 the room. “ Id like to make an explanation”, he says. “You will be each given one question to answer, however, everyone will be sitting in 55 rooms”. The explanation seemed 56 . Moreover they were being so overjoyed by the fact that they had to answer only one question that they 57 accepted. The professor sent them to different rooms with the envelope containing their question papers. A few minutes after 58 they were asked to open the question paper. 59 their shock,the question on 60 paper read “Which Tyre?”41. A.effect B.effort C.affect D.infect42. A.trip B.shower C.try D.drive43. A.to B.in C.with D.of44. A.meeting B.exam C.march D.party45. A.two B.three C.four D.five46. A.persuasive B.constructive C.active D.passive47. A.as a result B.so that C.in fact D.due to48. A.in time B.behind time C.at times D.in no time49. A.refused B.a


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