



小学英语五年级(上)复习摘要Module 1短语:go to work do some reading surf the Net go for a walk take exercise句型:1.Would (you) like to + 动词原形。意为“想要做” 肯定回答为:Yes, Id like to. 否定回答为:No, thank you. 例子:Would you like to _ (go)to school with Yongxian tomorrow, children? 2.Usually表示“经常,通常”,是一般现在时的标志性词语。一般现在时的标志性词语还有sometimes, often.也就是说一般看到这些词语都要用一般现在时时态。 例子: I usually get up at 8 oclock. She usually _(go) to school by bus. 3. -What are these (those)? / What is this (that)? -They are/ It is 4.How often(多久,多长时间) How many/much(多少) How old(多大,对年龄进行提问) 例子:How often do you watch TV? / How often_(do) Li Hong watch TV?短语:on holiday Childrens Day Teachers Day next to go shopping fall asleep句型:1.How many_ (term) are there in your school year? 你们一学年共有多少个学期? 2. -When does the autumn term start?-It starts in_ and ends in_ (注意月份的首字母要大写)Wh开头的疑问词:where who what which whose why介词:用at/on/in填空_8 oclock _summer _the weekend _weekdays _holiday _September_ the first day _Monday _January 1st _London单元语法:一般现在时的构成:第三人称单数要在词尾加-s/-es1. 一般情况下加-s 例:eat-eats, work-works2. 在s, sh, ch, o 后面加-es 例:dress-dresses, wash-washes, teach-_ go-_3. 以“辅音字母+y”结尾的动词,先变Y为i再加-es 例:carry-carries, fly-_一般现在时变为否定式:当动词为实义动词时:在动词前加上dont或doesnt 当动词为be动词时:直接在be动词后面加 not一般现在时变为疑问式:当动词为实义动词时:用do或does来提问 当动词为be动词时:用am/are/is 来提问例子:I/You work here. I/You dont work here. Do I/you work here?练习:He/She works here例子:I am a student. I am not a student. Am I a student?练习:We are students.Module 2短语:faster than stand by both of 句型:I can jump and I can swim.(can为情态动词,否定式是can not, 缩写为cant)当疑问句中用can来提问时,肯定回答为 yes, I can否定回答为 No, I _例句:-Can you sing? -yes, _./ No, _翻译:我不会游泳,但我可以飞的非常高。句型:Everyone has his own gift.Everyone表示“每个人,人人”当它做主语的时候,谓语动词用单数注意:everyone是一个词,只能用来指人,后面不能跟介词of。every one 是两个词,既可以指人也能指物。后面可跟介词of.短语:very well from morning till night句型:-How well can you dance? -I can dance well/very well/quite well/not very well句型:What else can you do?单元语法:1.比较级和最高级的构成:(见课本)2.比较级的用法:两级事情相比较,用 比较级+than 的结构翻译:这个男孩比那个女孩高3.最高级的用法:三者或三者以上相比,表示最高程度时,用 the + 最高级翻译:他是班里最用功的学生需掌握的几个形容词的比较级,最高级:high, good, quick, old, young, longer, short.Module 3短语:of course take photos take a rest line up排队 take care of put back把。放回原处 city flower句型:Can I +动词原形?,表示请求”我可以”例句:-Can I go with you / help you/ take the camera?-sure/ of course句型:Lets go to the flower show. Lets表示“让我们。吧”翻译:让我们做个游戏吧。句型:what are you doing there? 现在进行时be+doing句型:Are you ready? (Be ready to 意为“准备好干什么了”)翻译:你准备好吃饭了吗?句型:-They look like cups, dont they?他们看起来像茶杯,不是吗?-Yes, they do 是的,像茶杯这个一个反义疑问句,如果前一部分是肯定形式,后一部分一般用否定;如果前一部分是否定,后一部分一般用肯定。两部分的人称和时态要一致.回答时如果事实是肯定的就用yes,否则用No例子:The bus is late, isnt it?The girl didnt go home late yesterday, _ she?Module 4短语: by plane, leave for, half past seven, a quarter to ten, stay with, on foot, on Monday, Window of the world, a day trip, go home, at home, Night Zoo, shopping centre, get to, take cable car句型:be going to+ 原型, 表示“打算”一般将来时1. How are you going (to get) there? 你打算怎么去那儿?(对方式,方法进行提问)By bus/ plane2. Where are you going on holiday? 你打算去哪里度假呢?I am going to Hong Kong3. What time is your train going to leave for Hong Kong? 你们的火车将什么时候开往香港呢?At a quarter to ten/8 oclock句型: When will you get there? 你将什么时候到那儿?句型:What are you going to do?句型:What about 这一句型用于提出建议,意为“怎么样?”例句:What about going to the cinema?单元语法:一般将来时基本用法:一般将来时常和表将来的时间连用,如:tomorrow, next week , next month, Next year, in a few days等1.一般将来时由助动词shall或will加动词原形构成。Shall 用于第一人称,will用于二,三人称2.一般将来时还可以用 be going to + 动词原形例句: He will come next week I am going to attend a meeting.Module 5短语:fall off, no more, too near, two by two两个两个地, get into , get out, wake up, laugh at句型:stand up! /sit down/ open the door有没有发现什么规律呢?祈使句: 动词原形+ 主语(否定形式只需要在前面加上Dont)Dont forget!/Dont be late!句型:Where is the lion from?这头狮子来自哪里?如果想问某人来自哪里,可以用以下几种说法:1. Where do you come from? I come from2. Where are you from? I am from3. Which country do you come from? FromModule 6短语:by the way, have a look, straight ahead, train station, police station, post office, TV station句型:掌握怎样问题或怎样给别人指路。相关句型有:-Excuse me. Could you tell me the way to , please?- Yes, go straight/ turn right out of / take the left-Is near here?-Thank you very much-You are welcome.单元语法:基数词:112:onetwelve 1319:加后缀-teen: thirteen, fourteen, fifteen 2090等整十数加后缀-ty: twenty, thirty表示几十几,个位数和十位数之间必须有连字符:twe


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