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高三书面表达复习与应试,一、测试趋势,近年来高考测试书面表达多采用看图写作为主的记叙文体,它有效地考查了学生通过图画感官将画面、图表、提纲等信息转化为语篇的综合能力, 这个转化的过程就是审题、判断、整理思路、设立词句文框架,进行加工整理的过程。书面表达测试题目在整体布局上留有余地,不会统得过死,假如考生发挥得当,有助于提高卷面总成绩。,预测,Picture story仍可能是今后高考书面表达的主流题型。 趋向夹叙夹议。 趋向与书信、日记、通知、报导等应用文文体形式相结合。 趋向让学生打开思路,给予考生更大的想象和发挥的空间。有利于加大区分度。,A sample,2002年夏季高考书面表达,A sample,2003年夏季高考书面表达,A sample,2003年春季高考书面表达,二、文体,三、问题分析,扣分原因,1。与内容无关。 2。句子构架搭不起来,意思出不来。如:He went family. 3。行文不连贯。如:人称使用前后矛盾,词频度过高,不会用连接词语等。 4。缺少谓语动词。如:He very happy very much. 5。拼写错误,行文潦草,无法看清、看懂。 6。语言不得体:不看对象,不看场景,用语不当。 7。标点混乱;人称代词及时态、语态乱用。 8。内容要点不全,缺项,整体结构不完整。 9。文段多于或少于规定的字数。 10。格式不规范,如书信体中漏缺开首词和结尾语等。,得分条件,1。行文连贯流畅人称、时间、地点、情节交待有层次。 2。恰当使用连接词语。如:and/or/but/so/not onlybut also/however/besides/otherwise/ like/in the same way/unless/in case/as long as/on one hand, on the other hand等词或短语。 3。语句简明扼要,无或少词语重复。 4。行文整洁,字体规范,会增加好印象。 5。尽量写出与题目有关的词语。,考生牢记文法概要,行文要连贯流畅 语句要严谨、准确 表达要简明、清楚 句型结构要有变化 语言使用适当得体,四、解题步骤,一、审题,审人称、体裁(交际目的) 审时态 审内容要点 审字数,二、搭架子、填内容,连词成句给出时间、地点、人称、主要词组或句型。 连句成文组句搭架、打好草稿。,三、写出连接词,时间 方位 因果 转折 承接 总结概括 对比,四、点题、扣题、突出中心,注意首尾呼应,突出中心思想。,五、检查、润色,确保每个句子有主语、谓语。 确保恰当地使用 1. 并列句 2. 状语从句 3. 分词结构作定语或作状语:When crossing the road, / There are a lot of people living in my hometown. 4. 介词短语作定语或作状语:the teachers in our school 5. 定语从句。如:There used to be a brickyard which sent out much polluted gases.,确保动词时态 确保主谓一致 确保点题、扣题,突出中心 确保字数不少于要求 确保标点和大小写正确。,五、训练方法,1。从基本词汇和常用词组的应用入手,牢记并能使用核心词、主动词汇10001500左右。 2。适当背诵范文,如:高考和模拟考试作文的参考答案、新概念的小文。 3。注意逻辑性和正确性。特别注意使用过渡词语和逻辑关联词。即便句子写得再漂亮,句子相互无关联还是得不到高分。因此要记住常用连接词语。 4。背诵一些常用句和固定结构。(见附录),附录(背诵) A.表示变化的句子有: In the past, there used to be, but now With time passing by, going on As time went on, goes on With the development of agriculture and industry,4. Green grass and trees can be seen everywhere now. 5. Those small and low houses have been replaced by tall buildings. 6. Great changes have taken place in my village in the past ten years. 7. What great changes we have! 8. The villagers are really satisfied with their lives now.,B.事故报道:run into, be hit down by, be injured/hurt C. 夏令营: join in the summer camp, hold a contest/competition, exchange experience D. 校园生活: outside-class activity, lively and interesting, make our school life colorful E. 推荐信、自荐信: recommend sb. to , be good at, do well in, be fit for,put it into consideration F. 通知:Attention, please! I have ato make. There will be.Thats all. Thank you! G. 日记活动,如:难忘的一件事/一天 gather at the school gate and set out for.,附: 书面表达训练课的实际操作课件,Unit 1,A diary,October 21, 2003 Thursday Cloudy I had a very bad day today. Everything went wrong. In the morning, my alarm clock didnt ring so I woke up an hour late. I was in such a hurry that I burned my hand when I was cooking breakfast.,A Diary,A sample,Then I ran out of the house to catch the 8:30 bus, but of course I missed it. I was very unhappy because I knew my teacher got angry if anyone was late for class. So I ran three miles to the school. But when I arrived there in the end, I found that it was Sunday.,A Diary,A sample,审题,时态 人称 内容,关联词,at first in the beginning next then after that afterwards finally / at last / in the end Immediately,and but / though /although / however so / because or / otherwise fortunately / luckily unfortunately suddenly,关联词,on my way to/home on the east side of the river in the northeast of China to the west of the city by the side of the road,关联词,Writing in class A,请按提示写一篇日记。字数:100左右。时间:12月7日(星期一);天气:晴 晚饭后你去看电影,路上碰见了美国朋友Ford先生,他迷了路。你决定放弃看电影的机会,把Ford先生送回旅馆。路上你用英语向他谈了你自己的英语学习情况,还问了他一些语法问题。 Ford先生仔细队打了你的提问,并就如何学好英语提了一些很好的建议。你虽然错过了电影,但你很高兴。你不仅帮助Ford先生解决了困难,而且训练了自己的口语。,December 7 Monday Fine I went out to see a film after supper. On my way to the cinema I met an American friend Mr Ford, who had lost his way. I immediately decided to give up the chance to see the film and take Mr Ford to his hotel. On the way I told him something about my English study and asked him some questions on grammar.,One possible version for Writing in class A,Mr Ford answered my questions patiently and gave me some useful advice on how to learn English well. I not only helped Mr Ford get out of trouble, but also practised my spoken English. I felt very happy indeed.,One possible version for Writing in class A,英语周报第19期书面表达 假如植树节前你们“爱心社”(Loving Heart)的成员开展了植树活动。请根据下表提示内容用英语写成一篇日记。,Writing in class B,注意:1. 日记应包括上述所有内容,可适 当补充细节,使日记通顺连贯。 2. 词数:100左右。 3. 开头已为你写好。,Writing in class B,One possible version for Writing in class B,On


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