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来源:山东科大外语学院大学英语网作者:李庆新、李莉、陈超、李允发表日期:2007-5-7 10:53:38阅读次数:1012文章标题:教学文件 大学英语教学大纲 大学英语(2)课程教学大纲查看权限:普通文章查看方式:查看: 大字 中字 小字 双击滚屏 正文: 大学英语(2)课程教学大纲课程编码:课程名称:大学英语(2)课程英文名称:College English Band Two先修课程: 大学英语(1)适用专业:非英语专业一年级本科生总学时:讲课学时: 70实验学时:上机学时:总学分:4制订单位外国语学院制订时间:2005.8.16一、教学性质和目的大学英语(2)是大学生的一门必修的基础课程和学位课,主要是为修完大学英语(1)的学生开设的。它是以英语语言知识与应用技能、学习策略和跨文化交际为主要内容,以外语教学理论为指导,集多种教学模式和教学手段为一体的教学体系。本课程的教学目的就是通过学习,培养学生的英语综合应用能力,特别是听说能力,使他们在今后工作和社会交往中能用英语有效地进行口头和书面的信息交流,同时增强其自主学习能力,提高综合文化素养,以适应我国社会发展和国际交流的需要。二、课程的教学要求1、词汇:掌握的词汇量应达到3100个单词和500个词组(含中学应掌握的词汇),其中1600个单词为积极词汇,即要求学生能够在认知的基础上学会熟练运用,包括口头和书面表达两个方面(见附3:大学英语课程教学要求(试行)参考词汇表)。2、语法:巩固和加深基本语法知识,提高在语篇水平上运用语法知识的能力。3、听力理解能力:能听懂英语讲课及简短会话和谈话,抓住中心大意和要点 。对题材熟悉、句子结构简单、基本上没生词、语速每分钟为120词的听力材料,1遍可以听懂,理解准确率以70%为合格。4、口语表达能力:学会基本的课堂用语和日常用语,能用英语提问并回答教师就课文提出的问题;能就教材内容及熟悉的话题进行小组讨论,并作简短的发言,表达思想较清楚,语音、语调基本正确。5、阅读理解能力:运用基本的阅读技能以及词汇和语法结构,能读懂语言难度一般的普通题材的文章,正确理解与课文难度相仿的文章,掌握中心大意以及说明中心大意的事实和细节,一般阅读速度达到每分钟70词。在阅读篇幅较长、难度略低、生词不超过总词数3的材料时,能掌握中心大意。抓住主要事实和有关细节,阅读速度达到每分钟90词。6、书面表达能力:书面表达能力:能根据所学课文做笔记、回答问题、完成提纲和填写表格,能就所学内容在半小时内写出100词左右的短文。内容比较连贯,语法基本正确。7、翻译能力:能翻译难度低于课文的英语文章,理解正确,译文基本达意,译速每小时250英语词。能译出句子结构比较简单的汉语,译文达意,基本无重大语言错误,译速每小时200汉字。三、课程内容与要求(3 套大学英语教材)1、新编大学英语(第二版)系列教材第二册Unit 1 Love (7学时)1、 学习目的和要求通过本单元的学习,使学生掌握文中的目标词和短语,熟悉本文的篇章结构,深化对爱的认识:父母与子女的爱,夫妇之间的爱以及人与动物之间的爱,做一个有爱的人。2、 课程内容(1) Part One Preparation(2) Part Two Reading-centered ActivitiesIn-class Reading A Good Heart to Lean OnAfter-class Reading “A Kiss for Kate” “Benefits from Pets”(3) Part Three Further Development(4) Part Four Writing And Translation(5) Part Five Viewing, Understanding and Speaking3、 考核知识点和考核要求(1) 识记:adjust, cling, complain, coordinate, kid, nasty, punch, shove, urge, engage in, let on, subjectto, gaze, shift, slide, withdrawn, deprive of, tuckin, turn up, entitle, rub, identify with. (2) 领会:关于婚姻的表达,英译汉省略译法(1)省略代词和冠词(3) 综合应用:利用本单元所学单词、短语及语法和句型结构使学生能够听懂、读懂、看懂与本单元主题相关的背景知识,并就“爱”这个话题进行个人发言、小组讨论和书面表达,能够较准确翻译一般的句子和段落。Unit 2 Communication Problems (7学时)1、学习目的和要求通过本单元的学习,使学生掌握文中的目标词和短语,熟悉本文的篇章结构,深刻意识到良好的交流沟通是成功解决许多人际关系问题的秘诀之一。不仅说不同语言的人们之间的成功交流沟通需要翻译,即使是使用同一语言的人,由于性别等原因,在用词上也会存在差异,同样需要翻译。因此,与人沟通时不能仅从字面意义上去理解,还应注意其深层涵义,再三考虑自己所听到的话,以避免误解或冲突。2、课程内容(1)Part One Preparation(2)Part Two Reading-centered ActivitiesIn-class Reading Speaking Different LanguagesAfter-class Reading “Five New Words at a Time”, “Misunderstandings”(3)Part Three Further Development(4)Part Four Writing And Translation(5)Part Five Viewing, Understanding and Speaking3、考核知识点和考核要求(1)识记:assistance, assume, conflict, convey, emotional, exaggerate, ignore, misinterpret, mislead, quit, react, rethink, romantic, unclear, unloving, unsupportive, feel like, for effect, lead to, on the verge of, pull out, takelightly (2)领会:消除并避免误解的表达以及措辞的适当性,英译汉省略译法(2)省略介词和连词(3)综合应用:利用本单元所学单词、短语及语法和句型结构使学生能够听懂、读懂、看懂与本单元主题相关的背景知识,并就“交流与交际”这个话题进行个人发言、小组讨论和书面表达,能够较准确翻译一般的句子和段落。Unit 3 Born to Win (7学时)1、学习目的和要求通过本单元的学习,使学生掌握文中的目标词和短语,熟悉本文的篇章结构,了解“成功者”的含义,懂得成功的原因不仅仅是技能和机遇,更重要的是好习惯和正确的态度,从而帮助学生树立科学的人生观和价值观,引导他们走上成功之路。2、课程内容(1)Part One Preparation(2)Part Two Reading-centered ActivitiesIn-class Reading “Born to Win”After-class Reading “Better Late than Never”, “The Pursuit of Excellence”(3)Part Three Further Development(4)Part Four Writing And Translation(5)Part Five Viewing, Understanding and Speaking3、考核知识点和考核要求(1)识记:achievement, capability, capacity, contribute, dependence, flexible, genuinely, genuineness, independent, independence, loser, winner, manipulate, nutrition, potential, range, responsive, rigid, trustworthy, unique, call for, channel-into, enter into, in ones own right, in the face of, refer to -as, see-as等。(2)领会:the meaning of “winners” and “losers”; 英汉互译中的省略译法-其他词类的省略。(3)综合应用:利用本单元所学单词、短语及语法和句型结构使学生能够听懂、读懂、看懂与本单元主题相关的背景知识,并就与一个成功者应具备的素质有关的话题进行个人发言、小组讨论和书面表达,能够较准确翻译一般的句子和段落。Unit 4 Psychology in Our Daily Life (7学时)1、学习目的和要求通过本单元的学习,使学生掌握文中的目标词和短语,熟悉本文的篇章结构,了解心理学内涵和外延以及人的心理状态会对人的行动产生怎样的影响,如心理活动对人们的消费活动和生理疾病的治疗等方面的影响。从而使学生具备一定的心理知识常识,并可以适度控制和调节自己的情绪和心态。2、课程内容(1)Part One Preparation(2)Part Two Reading-centered ActivitiesIn-class Reading Is There a Doctor in the Body?After-class Reading I The Psychology of MoneyII How to Jump Queue Fury(3)Part Three Further Development(4)Part Four Writing And Translation(5)Part Five Viewing, Understanding and Speaking3、考核知识点和考核要求(1)识记:bleeding, harmless, heal, reaction, reality, swear, fool somebody into doing something, in a way, rest with, account, advertise, budget, credit, discount, irrational, reasonably, stem from, analyse, authority, extend, foundation等(2)领会:与医学有关的词汇;翻译过程中抽象词汇与具体词汇的转化(3)综合应用:利用本单元所学单词、短语及语法和句型结构使学生能够听懂、读懂、看懂与本单元主题相关的背景知识,并就如何控制和调节自己的情绪和心态进行个人发言、小组讨论和书面表达,能够较准确翻译一般的句子和段落。Unit 5 Dreams (7学时)4、 学习目的和要求通过本单元的学习,使学生掌握文中的目标词和短语,熟悉本文的篇章结构,了解做梦是人类一种非常普通的生理活动,梦形成的原因有多种解释,以及梦对人体健康的影响。从而从科学的角度理解人的做梦现象。5、 课程内容(1) Part One Preparation(2) Part Two Reading-centered ActivitiesIn-class Reading “Are you a dreamer?”After-class Reading “Dreams That Came True”, “Dreaming Up a Good Mood”(3) Part Three Further Development(4) Part Four Writing And Translation(5) Part Five Viewing, Understanding and Speaking6、 考核知识点和考核要求(1) 识记:advance, happen to, last, progress, may well, whereas, conscious, decade, enthusiast, frustrating, impulse, interpretation, misfire, mode, recognizable, subconscious, volume, be tied up with, date back to, churchyard, naturalist, thunder, call off, come to a halt, on (the) top of, run into, mechanism, volunteer, dream up, work through等。(2) 领会:比较neutral &natural, crack &shatter &crash, ancient &previous &early, symbol &sign &signal, vision &view &outlook, error &mistake &fault, confused &confusing, conscious &consciousness &unconscious &subconscious等;正译与反译(1) 正说反译(3) 综合应用:利用本单元所学单词、短语及语法和句型结构使学生能够听懂、读懂、看懂与本单元主题相关的背景知识,并就与人类的生理现象梦有关的话题进行个人发言、小组讨论和书面表达,能够较准确翻译一般的句子和段落。Unit 6 Food (7学时)1、 学习目的和要求通过本单元的学习,使学生掌握文中的目标词和短语,熟悉本文的篇章结构(了解中西方的饮食差异和习惯,特别是常见中西餐的英语表达方式,以加深对彼此文化、风俗、历史的理解。)2、 课程内容(1) Part One Preparation(2) Part Two Reading-centered ActivitiesIn-class Reading ( “Food and Culture”)After-class Reading ( “The Menu”, “Cooking and Cuisines”)(3) Part Three Further Development(4) Part Four Writing And Translation(5) Part Five Viewing, Understanding and Speaking3、 考核知识点和考核要求(1) 识记:apparently, criminal, disgusting, evidence, fertilize, protein, annual, sufficiently, pick up, regard as, appetite, casual, atmosphere, consume, document, emphasize, decorate, preserve, publication, give credit for 等(2) 领会:比较句;反译法(3) 综合应用:利用本单元所学单词、短语及语法和句型结构使学生能够听懂、读懂、看懂与本单元主题相关的背景知识,并就(与中西方餐饮有关的话题)进行个人发言、小组讨论和书面表达,能够较准确翻译一般的句子和段落。Unit 7 Culture (7学时)1、学习目的和要求通过本单元的学习,使学生掌握文中的目标词和短语,熟悉本文的篇章结构,通过对中西文化的对比,使学生了解中西文化的差异以及其他一些国家的文化习俗,从而引导学生在学习的过程中加强文化的导入。2、课程内容(1)Part One Preparation(2)Part Two Reading-centered ActivitiesIn-class Reading “Bridging Cultural Gaps Gracefully”After-class Reading “Dining Customs in America”, “Specific Taboos”(3)Part Three Further Development(4)Part Four Writing And Translation(5)Part Five Viewing, Understanding and Speaking3、考核知识点和考核要求(1)识记:accomplish,accompany,assure,discourage,flee,feasible,protest,proposal,original, peculiar, subtle, other than, in accordance with, apt to do something,go through, set off, smooth over, with regard to. etc (2)领会:强调句的特殊疑问句变化;英语习语的翻译(3)综合应用:利用本单元所学单词、短语及语法和句型结构使学生能够听懂、读懂、看懂与本单元主题相关的背景知识,并就与中西方文化有关的话题进行个人发言、小组讨论和书面表达,能够较准确翻译一般的句子和段落。Unit 8 Time Spend Agonizing over Money (7学时)1、学习目的和要求通过本单元的学习,使学生掌握文中的目标词和短语,熟悉本文的篇章结构,(了解钱作为一种货币本身所具有的局限性,即钱不是生活的全部。帮助学生树立正确的金钱观,培养科学的理财方法。)2、课程内容(1)Part One Preparation(2)Part Two Reading-centered ActivitiesIn-class Reading ( “Time Spend Agonizing over Money”)After-class Reading (“Elisa: A Parable”, “A Letter To God”)(3)Part Three Further Development(4)Part Four Writing And Translation(5)Part Five Viewing, Understanding and Speaking3、考核知识点和考核要求(1)识记:(amass, bankrupt, confirm, depart, evil, factor, financial, govern, harmony, inventor, lamb, lest, panic, penniless, cut back on, keep up, bankruptcy等)。(2)领会:(all but, anything but等的用法;英汉语言句法差异概述)(3)综合应用:利用本单元所学单词、短语及语法和句型结构使学生能够听懂、读懂、看懂与本单元主题相关的背景知识,并就与钱和如何理财有关的话题进行个人发言、小组讨论和书面表达,能够较准确翻译一般的句子和段落。Unit 9 Shopping (7学时)1、学习目的和要求通过本单元的学习,使学生掌握文中的目标词和短语,熟悉本文的篇章结构,了解人们的购物行为与消费心理,重点是年轻人的消费行为分析、日常购物的动机与行为以及所谓的“廉价商品”对消费心理的影响等,从而对比中西方的消费行为与心理,加深对个人购物行为和心理的分析,树立正确的消费观念。2、课程内容(1)Part One Preparation(2)Part Two Reading-centered ActivitiesIn-class Reading “Consumer Behavior of the Youth”After-class Reading “Shopping”, “Bargains”(3)Part Three Further Development(4)Part Four Writing And Translation(5)Part Five Viewing, Understanding and Speaking3、考核知识点和考核要求(1)识记:adolescent, consideration, mature, significant, survey, in terms of, perceiveas, prior to, amusement, devour, register, stimulate, suspect, at best, back and forth, accuse, decent, insult, sane, vaguely, fall for something, for the sake of 等。(2)领会:Complaint Letter的写法;语序处理(3)综合应用:利用本单元所学单词、短语及语法和句型结构使学生能够听懂、读懂、看懂与本单元主题相关的背景知识,并就消费行为与心理的话题进行个人发言、小组讨论和书面表达,能够较准确翻译一般的句子和段落。Unit 10 Emotions and Health (7学时)1、学习目的和要求通过本单元的学习,使学生掌握文中的目标词和短语,熟悉本文的篇章结构,(了解情绪对健康的影响,尤其是不良情绪对人类身体健康的危害,并介绍了部分身心疗法。通过学习以达到更加深入理解情绪与健康关系的目的。)2、课程内容(1)Part One Preparation(2)Part Two Reading-centered ActivitiesIn-class Reading ( “The Secrets of Good Health”)After-class Reading (“Your Anger Can Kill You”, “Labeling Emotions”)(3)Part Three Further Development(4)Part Four Writing And Translation(5)Part Five Viewing, Understanding and Speaking3、考核知识点和考核要求(1)识记:(behavioral, boost, be likely to, be tired of, chronic, diverse, give out, hostile, ingredient, make sense of, optimistic/pessimistic, put on, reverse, release, whichever等)。(2)领会:(If从句;多义词的理解与翻译)(3)综合应用:利用本单元所学单词、短语及语法和句型结构使学生能够听懂、读懂、看懂与本单元主题相关的背景知识,并就(与情绪影响健康有关的话题)进行个人发言、小组讨论和书面表达,能够较准确翻译一般的句子和段落。2、大学英语(全新版)系列教材第二册Unit 1 Ways of Learning ( 8学时) 1. 学习目的和要求(1) Grasp the main idea (that it would be ideal if we can strike a balance between the Chinese and the Western learning styles) and structure of the text (introduction of the topic by an anecdote-elaboration by comparison and contrast-conclusion by a suggestion);(2) Appreciate the difference between comparison and contrast, as well as different ways to compare and contrast (point-by-point method or one-side-at-a-time method);(3) Master the key language points and grammatical structures in the text;(4) Conduct a series of reading, listening, speaking, and writing activities related to the theme of the unit.2. 课程内容(1) Text A Learning, Chinese-style;(2) Text B Children and Money;(3) Listening and Speaking Unit 1 Sports Unit 2 Weather3. 考核知识点和考核要求(1) 识记:on occasion, neglect, accomplish attach, await, continual, make up for, priority, critical, contrast, somewhat, exception, assist, apply, end up (doing sth.);(2) 领会:the difference between comparison and contrast;(3) 综合应用:Confusable Words;Usage; Structure “so much so that / assuming (that)”;Sentences and Structures about sports and weather;A dialogue writing.Unit 2 Values ( 8学时)1. 学习目的和要求(1) Grasp the main idea ( despite his wealth, Sam Walton remains down-home and devoted tohis team) and the structure of the text;(2) Appreciate the use of indirect description in portraying a person;(3) Master key language points and grammatical structures in the text;(4) Conduct a series of reading, listening, speaking and writing activities related ro the theme ofthe unit.2. 课程内容(1) Text A The Richest Man in America, Down Home;(2) Text B The Restoration of Jimmy Carter;(3) Listening and Speaking Unit 3 Foods and DrinksUnit 4 Health3. 考核知识点和考核要求(1) 识记: cheerful, cultivate, deserve, executive, headline, remote, retire, scholarship, former, replace, conduct, resolve, additional, blend in, open up, take on, of ones choice;(2) 领会: appreciate the use of indirect description in portraying a person;(3) 综合应用: Collocation; Plural forms of nouns as attributes;Structure “only”; Expressions for buying a meal at a school canteen or a fast food restaurant; How to write invitations. Unit 3 The Generation Gap ( 8学时)1. 学习目的和要求(1) Understand the main idea (Father meddled in childrens affairs with good intentions, but only to find his efforts unwelcome) and structure (three settings, three scenes) of the text;(2) Appreciate the basic elements of a play;(3) Grasp the key language points and grammatical structures in the text;(4) Conduct a series of reading, listening, speaking, and writing activities related to the theme of the unit.2. 课程内容(1) Text A Father Knows Better;(2) Text B When Father Doesnt Know Best;(3) Listening and Speaking Unit 5 Music Unit 6 Business3. 考核知识点和考核要求(1) 识记:consist of, constant, embarrass, exceptional, exhaust, glorious, interference, interrupt, know better than, location, repeatedly, swallow, at any rate, welfare, respond, for ones sake, justify, acknowledge;(2) 领会:the basic elements of a play;(3) 综合应用:Collocation; Usage; Structure “whatever/know better than to”;Expressions about music and business;A dialogue writing.Unit 4 The Virtual World (8学时)1.学习目的和要求(1) Understand the main idea ( despite the many negative effects of virtual life, the author prefers it to real life) and the structure of the text ( narration with a flash back)(2) Learn some rules of interpreting new vocabulary and usage related to computers and the Internet in English;(3) Grasp the key language points and grammatical structures in the text;(4) Conduct a series of reading, listening, speaking and writing activities related to the theme of the unit).2. 课程内容(1) Text A A Virtual Life(2) Text B Mothers Mad about the Internuts (3) Listening and speaking Unit 7 Fashion Unit 8 Society 3. 考核知识点和考核要求(1) 识记:virtual, interpret, stretch, communicate, symptom, commercial, keep up with, emotional, routine, unemployment, arrange, apartment, connection, on the whole, tendency, individual, needless to say, innocent.(2) 领会:the meaning and constitutes of new computer-and-Internet-vocabulary in English and the way how these words are formed.(3) 综合应用: Collocation and words of new computer-and-Internet-vocabulary, usage of “but then” / “keep up with” etc;Expressions for seeing a doctor;Writing for Inductive generalization.Unit 5 Overcoming Obstacles ( 8学时)1.学习目的和要求(1) Grasp the main idea ( dreaming and hard work helped Michael Stone on his way to success) and the structure of the text ( narration with a flash back);(2) Appreciate the narrative skills ( using details to bring out a character; a surprising ending; use of puns);(3) Master the key language points and grammatical structures in the text;(4) Conduct a series of reading, listening, speaking and writing activities related to the theme of the unit).2. 课程内容(1) Text A True Height;(2) Text B Fourteen Steps;(3) Listening and Speaking Unit 9 Unusual Happenings Unit 10 Disasters 3. 考核知识点和考核要求(1) 识记:bear out, sweat, towel, fantasy, passion, detail, eagle, work out, alternate, relax, vain, motion, preparation, be ashamed of, intensity, tension, anxiety;(2) 领会:the narrative skills (using details to bring out a character; a surprising ending; use of puns);(3) 综合应用:Collocation; Words with Multiple Meanings; Structure “it is that” / “what-clause”; Expressions for describing unusual happenings and disasters; A Personal description writing.Unit 6 Women, Half the Sky ( 8学时)1. 学习目的和要求(1) Understand the main idea (the belief in superwomen encourages average women to achieve their goals) and structure of the text;(2) Appreciate how the author achieves coherence for her essay;(3) Grasp the key language points and grammatical structures in the text;(4) Conduct a series of reading, listening, speaking and writing activities centered upon the theme of the unit.2. 课程内容(1) Text A Im Going to Buy the Brooklyn Bridge;(2) Text B Beginning Anew;(3) Listening and Speaking Unit 11 Famous People Unit 12 Invention3. 考核知识点和考核要求(1) 识记: incredible, occasional, consume, rarely, despite, sophisticated, decorate, harmony, temporary, expense, care for, at intervals, set aside, take in, take aback; (2) 领会: the way the author achieves coherence for her essay;(3) 综合应用: Synonyms; Usage: Get + infinitive;Structure: if only / too+adj. + for;Expressions for talking about Famous People and Certainty and Possibility;An essay writing to show coherence.Unit 7 Learning about English (8学时)1. 学习目的和要求(1) Grasp the main idea(because of its tolerance for outside influences, English has become a great language) and structure of the text;(2) Understand some idiomatic English usages mentioned in the unit;(3) Master key language points and structures in the text;(4) Conduct a series of reading, listening, speaking and writing activities


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