



2019人教英语重点单词回扣+阅读及答案:八上9-10一、阅读理解。Reading or writing text messages (文本信息) while you are walking is dangerous. A new study says it is more dangerous than texting while driving. The study is from the University of Buffalo (布法罗) in the USA. Researchers found that there are more injuries per kilometer to textingpedestriansthan there are to texting motorists (开车人). Their report says walking is not as easy as we think it is. We need to focus on many things at the same time to walk safely in a straight line. The research team said that people forget how to walk properly (恰当地), so dangerous things happen to them. They bump into walls and other people, walk into cars, fall over things in the street, and even fall into holes or down stairs. A University of Buffalo professor said walking is a complex (复杂的) action. He said there are several reasons why texting stops people from walking properly. One reason is that they cannot see the path ahead of them. Another is that they are focused on their fingers on their mobile phone keyboard instead of their feet on the street. A final reason is that their minds are somewhere else and not on thinking about walking from A to B safely. The professor said over 6,000 people visited his hospital last year because they were injured while texting. He said the worst cases are head injuries (受伤). When a pedestrian is thrown into the air after being hit by a car, he/she has nothing to protect the head, and the damage can be serious.( ) 1. Texting while walking is more dangerous than texting _. A. while running B. when you are laughing C. while driving D. when you are studying( ) 2. Walking is _ . A. a good action B. an easy action C. a waste of time D. a complex action( ) 3. Which of the following isWRONG? A. The study is from the University of Buffalo in the USA. B. Dangerous things happen because people forget how to walk properly. C. walking is not as easy as we think it is.D. The professor said over 6,00 people visited his hospital last year because of texting while walking.( ) 4. What does the underlined word “pedestrian” mean? A. 斑马线 B.步行者 C. 缺乏想象力的 D. 火车( ) 5. What is the best title of this passage? A. It is Dangerous Texting while DrivingB. No Texting C. Walking Alone D. Think about Walking【参考答案】1-5 CDDBA二、完形填空。阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的A、B、C或者D四个选项中选出最佳选项。完形填空强化训练(*) Marc sat next to me when we were in Hill Junior School. He had a serious 1 in communicating with people. One always had to guess what he was saying. 2 , most of my classmates did not like to be with him because his hands and shirts were always 3 . I tried to let him know the importance of being clean by 4 him several times a day to wash his hands. But he just could not understand.One day, our teacher Miss West walked up to Marc. 5 saying anything, she took Marc to the washroom. Slowly, Miss West washed his 6 and told him that he should keep himself clean. She did that every day for one month. 7 , Marc understood.Miss Wests love has given me a good example to follow when I 8 my job. I always remember to teach my students by showing them the right 9 to do things. And most important of all, I always remember to give them 10 to learn and to grow up.( )1. A. question B. problem C. accident D. hobby( )2. A. Instead B. However C. Besides D. Except( )3. A. dirty B. clean C. new D. old( )4. A. talking B. saying C. speaking D. telling( )5. A. With B. Without C. After D. Above( )6. A. face B. feet C. shirts D. hands( )7. A. At last B. At first C. Such as D. So far( )8. A. did B. am doing C. have done D. am going to do( )9. A. ways B. answers C. time D. food( )10. A. more advice B. less advice C. more time D. less time完形填空强化训练(*) 15 BCADB 610 DABAC三、任务型阅读。请先阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后根据短文内容从下面方框内的七个选项中选择五个还原到文中,使短文意思通顺、结构完整,并在答题卷上将其序号涂黑。 1 I like it because although its hard work, every day is different! It all depends on what is wrong with the animals that come in. At my clinic(诊所), I work long days on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, and short days on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. Sunday is my day off so I can spend some time with my family. 2 My clerk opens the door, turns on some music, and makes everyone a cup of tea or coffee. My assistant cleans and feeds the animals. The phones start to ring and people make appointments. This is a very busy time of day!At 9 am, pet owners start to arrive with their sick pets. Appointments take up the whole morning. 3 I dont examine(检查)any new sick animals. I use these two hours to have lunch and do all my paperwork.At 2 pm. I start to see sick animals again. At 5 pm, three students from a local school who love animals arrive to help out. 4 I am always happy to see their smiling faces!From 5 pm to 7pm, I continue to see sick animals. Then, at 7 pm, we close our doors and the clean-up begins! We tidy the clinic, and feed and clean the animals. Of course,we also stroke(轻抚)them and give them hugs! Then, we turn off the lights and go home. 5 Im very happy being a vet, though unexpected things sometimes happen!A. Do you like pets?B. It is fun being a vet.C. At midday, I stop for two hours.D. Animals are not easy to deal with.E. My day at my clinic begins at 7 am.F. This is the type of day I want to have.G. They are very kind and warm-hearted.【参考答案】【小题1】B 【小题2】E 【小题3】C 【小题4】G 【小题5】F【试题分析】本文叙述了作者喜欢作为兽医这份工作。在他的诊所里,星期天休息。在上午7点开门,午饭时间停两个小时,下午2点,又开始给动物看病。在下午7点,关门。他打扫完卫生,给动物喂食并给他们洗澡,然后回家。考点:任务型阅读。四、重点单词回扣重点单词1. _ n考试2. _ adj.有空的;可获得的3. _ conj.& prep.到时;直到为止4. _ v接受 5. _ v拒绝6. _ n工作日 7. _ v回答;回复 8. _ adj.高兴的;乐意的 9. _ prep.没有;不(做某事)10. _ n音乐会;演奏会 11. _ n客人;宾客12. _ v转寄,发送; n向前,前进 13. _ n会议;集会;会面14. _ n录像带;录像 15. _ n巧克力16. _ n出租汽车;的士 17. _ v& n旅行;游历18. _ conj.除非;如果不 19. _ n钱包20


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