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2019中考(人新)英语八下U7阅读练习及答案一、阅读理解。ADo you feel you have enough time to do all the things you have to do or want to do? How do you think you could plan your day better? A daily schedule (时间表) will help you plan every part of it. If you learn to manage (安排) your time, you will probably feel less worried. Here is how to do it. 1. Take out a piece of paper and a ruler. Draw a form of your waking hours, using one square (正方形) for each half an hour. If youre awake for 16 hours each day, you will need 32 squares: 8 across, 4 down.2. Sit down and examine your day. Make a list of all the things you need to do. Think about when you should do them. 3. Fill out your schedule. 4. Remember to give yourself breaks. If doing all of your homework at one time is too much, schedule a little bit of free time in the middle of it. 5. If you have an important thing to do but its not on your schedule, adjust other activities around it. 6. Think about using different colored pens for your different activities. In this way, youll clearly know how your day is planned out.1 The underlined word adjust means _ in the article.A. 忽略 B. 遵守 C. 执行 D. 调整2 If the writer is awake for 14 hours each day, he will need _ squares in his schedule.A. 14 B. 28 C. 32 D. 363The writer thinks that _.A. nobody has enough time to do everything he should doB. people can use time better by making a daily scheduleC. its good to have dinner before homeworkD. students should finish all of their homework at one time4In the writers opinion, if something unexpected(意外的) takes place, you should _.A. not mind itB. work according to your scheduleC. adjust your other activitiesD. forget about your schedule5The passage is mainly about how to _.A. make a daily schedule B. get good study habitsC. make a form D. live happily【答案】1D 2B 3B 4C 5A【解析】试题分析:这篇文章主要是关于如何制作一个日常时间表。作者认为人们通过用制定每日时间表能更好地使用时间,如果发生意外,你应该调整你其它的活动,。1D猜测词义题。据If you have an important thing to do but its not on your schedule, adjust other activities around it.可知 在文章中划线单词adjust的意思是调整。故正确答案为D.2B细节理解题。根据Draw a form of your waking hours, using one square (正方形) for each half an hour. If youre awake for 16 hours each day, you will need 32 squares: 8 across, 4 down.2. Sit down and examine your day. 可知,如果作者14小时酲着,在他的时间表中需要28个正方形。14+1428 故正确答案为B。3B细节理解题。据Do you feel you have enough time to do all the things you have to do or want to do? How do you think you could plan your day better? A daily schedule (时间表) will help you plan every part of it. 可知,作者认为人们通过用制定每日时间表能更好地使用时间。故正确答案为B.4C细节理解题。根据If you have an important thing to do but its not on your schedule, adjust other activities around it. 可知以作者的观点,如果发生意外,你应该调整你其它的活动。故正确答案为C.5A主旨大意题。通读全文且根据A daily schedule (时间表) will help you plan every part of it. If you learn to manage (安排) your time, you will probably feel less worried. Here is how to do it. 可知,这篇文章主要是关于如何制作一个日常时间表。故正确答案为A.【难度】较难B阅读下列短 文,从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。 After 20 years of wearing the Lakers uniform and a life time of basketball, the Los Angeles basketball star Kobe Bryant announced that he would retire after this season. Thats his 20th in the NBA.“You gave me a six-year-old boy his Lakers dream and Ill always love you for it. But I cant love you obsessively(忘乎所以地)for much longer,” Bryant wrote in a poem titled “Dear Basketball”. “This season is all I have left to give. My heart can take the pounding (重击). My mind can handle the grind (折磨) but my body knows its time to say goodbye.” Injuries as well as age have been holding Kobe back.This 37-year-old great player has won 5 NBA championships and 2 Olympic gold medals. He ranks third on the NBAs all-time scorers list, even higher than Michael Jordan.“I played through the sweat(汗水)and hurt,” he wrote. Kobe is known among all NBA players for working hard. His 5am workouts would put much younger teammates to shame.Soon Kobe may have some time to rest, but he also feels “excited for whats to come”. Kobe said he has been trying different things. He created the branding company Kobe Inc. last year and has acted in some films. But according to Kobe, no matter what he does next, his love for basketball will never change.()1. Kobe Bryant began to play for the Lakers at the age of .A. 6B. 20C. 17()2. According to his poem, Kobe wanted to retire because .A. his injuries made him do soB. he was tired of his jobC. he didnt like basketball any longer ()3. Kobe got all-time scores for the NBA than Michael Jordan.A. highB. higherC. highest()4. We know Kobe is a person from this passage. A. hard-workingB. patientC. kind- hearted()5. What will Kobe do after he retires? A. He will play basketball for other teams. B. He wont play basketball any more. C. He may have a rest and try something different. 参考答案15 CABAC二、完形填空阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的A、B、C或者D四个选项中选出最佳选项。It snowed again. My seventh Christmas was round the corner. I dreamed of getting the present from Father Christmas until my elder sister dropped the bomb, “There is no Father Christmas.”I ran to my grandmothers house, for she always told the truth. Grandma was at home. I told _1_ everything. “No Father Christmas?” She was a little _2_. “Dont believe it. Put on your coat, and lets go.”“Go? Where, Grandma?” I asked.“Kerbys Store.”As we walked through its doors, Grandma handed me ten dollars and said, “Take the _3_ and buy something for someone who needs it. Ill wait for you in the car.” Then she turned and walked out of the Kerbys.For a few seconds I just stood there, holding the money, wondering _4_ to buy, and who to buy it for.I thought of _5_ I knew: my family, my friends, my neighbors. I suddenly thought of Bobbie Decker, a _6_ with bad and messy hair. He sat right behind me _7_ Mrs. Pollacks class.Bobbie _8_ went to any party during the winter. His mother always wrote a note, telling the teacher that he had a cough, _9_ we all knew that he didnt have a cough, and he didnt have a coat. I decided to buy Bobbie a red warm coat _10_ he would like.That evening, Grandma helped me wrap the coat in Christmas paper and ribbons, and _11_ “To Bobbie, from Father Christmas” on it. Grandma told me Father Christmas never let people know that he _12_ them. Then she drove me over to Bobbies house, telling that I was helping Father Christmas _13_ the presents. Grandma parked the car along the street, and we hid behind the trees near Bobbies house. Then Grandma said to me, “All right, Father Christmas, get going.”I took a deep breath, rushed to his front door, put the present down, _14_ the door, rang the doorbell and flew back to the safety of the _15_ and Grandma. We waited breathlessly in the dark for the front door to open. Finally it did, and there stood Bobbie.That night, I realized that Father Christmas was alive and well, and we were on his team.(2011温州)( )1. A. him B. her C. them D. you( )2. A. angry B. happy C. tired D. afraid( )3. A. book B. coat C. present D. money( )4. A. what B. when C. where D. how ( )5. A. everybody B. nobody C. somebody D. anybody( )6. A. girl B. boy C. man D. woman( )7. A. for B. on C. in D. with( )8. A. always B. often C. sometime D. never( )9. A. so B. if C. but D. and( )10. A. where B. that C. who D. why( )11. A. read B. say C. write D. spell( )12. A. helped B. believe C. taught D. made( )13. A. give up B. give away C. put up D. put off( )14. A. on B. behind C. outside D. over( )15. A. shop B. cars C. door D. trees语篇解读:文章介绍了有关圣诞老人和圣诞礼物的故事,它告诉我们只要助人为乐、与人为善,每个人都是受人喜爱的圣诞老人。1. B。考查人称代词,根据上文跑回奶奶家,应用人称代词宾格her。2. A。根据奶奶说的“没有圣诞老人?不要相信”。应为“奶奶有点生气”。3. D。根据上文“奶奶交给我10美元”及下文“买一些有人需要的东西”可知拿的是钱。4. A。句意理解,“那之前我站在那里几秒钟,考虑着买什么东西,给谁买。”5. A。考查不定代词,句意为“我想了我所认识的每个人,我的家人,我的朋友,我的邻居”。 everybody“每个人”; nobody “没有人”;somebody“某人”; anybody一般用于否定句、疑问句,表示“任何人”。6. B。根据下文“His mother always wrote a note, telling the teacher that he had a cough”可知Bobbie Deckar是个男孩。7. C。考查介词,“在班里”,应用介词in。8. D。根据下文“他妈妈总是给他写假条”,Bobbie 应是家里比较贫穷,没有外套。所以应是“几乎不参加聚会。”9. C。考查连词,此处应为转折关系。10. B。考查定语从句关系代词,先行词a red warm coat是物,在定语从句中做宾语,应用that。11. C。此处应为“在纸条上写到”。12. A。句意理解,“奶奶告诉我圣诞老人从来不想让人知道是他帮助了他们。”13. B。短语辨析,give up 放弃; give away 分发; put up悬挂,张贴;put off推迟,延期。此句应为“我正在帮助圣诞老人分发礼物。”14. C。应为“把礼物放在门外”。15. D。根据上文“奶奶把车停在街上,我们藏在Bobbie家附近的树后。三、2018潍坊改编 语法填空阅读下面的短文,在空格处填入一个适当的词,或填入括号中所给词语的正确形式。I live in Pennsylvania. It is a 1.(north) state of America, which is the 33rd largest state in America. You might know some of the cities, like Philadelphia, Pittsburgh and Allentown. The state capital is Harrisburg. Now let me tell you a little 2.(much) about my state.Several Indian tribes(部落) lived in Pennsylvania before 3.(Europe) came. The Dutch came first, followed by Sw


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