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Unit 4 When is Easter PA 教案课时一【教学目标】1、知识目标:(1)学生能够通过Lets try对日期和月份有所感恩,并能在语境中感知April 1st,并通过听前阅读题目,初步预测听力内容,选出正确答案。(2)学生能够在图片和教师的帮助下理解对话,并能够用正确的语音、语调、意群朗读对话,并能分角色表演,并能在情景中熟练地交谈:When is April Fools Day? Its on April 1st. And Easter? Its on April 5th this year. ( 3 ) 学生能够在具体的语境中,学会听、说、读、写一下单词或词组:April 1st. April 5th, 并且理解生词special days, Easter。2、技能目标:(1)初步感知日期的表达,以及first, fourth, fifth的发音及使用,学会关键词汇和句型,并运用到真实情境中,并能够用正确的语音、语调、意群朗读对话,并能分角色表演,并能在情景中熟练地交谈某个活动在哪个月份第几日。(2)能够根据正确的语音、语调、意群朗读对话,并能进行角色表演。3、情感目标:(1)能够对愚人节、复活节的日期及文化背景有所了解。(2)感受中西方文化的异同。【教学重点】1、句型:When is April Fools Day? Its on April 1st. And Easter? Its on April 5th this year.2、词汇:first, fourth, fifth, special.【教学难点】1、初步感知日期的表达,以及first, fourth, fifth的发音及使用,并能在情景中熟练地交谈某个活动在哪个月份第几日。2、并能在情境中运用句型 There are some special days in April. 表述某月有多少特殊的日子,能够在语境中理解special的意思,并能正确发音。【教学准备】1、教师准备与本课时相关音视频、单词卡片,教学挂图及课件。【教学过程】Step 1:热身互动1) 师生互致问候。T: Good morning, boys and girls. 2) Lets sing! 演唱歌曲The twelve months。Apples, peaches, pears and plums,Tell me when your birthday comes.January, February, March, AprilMay, June, July, August,September, October, November, December.Please tell me when its your birthday. (设计意图:通过歌曲,让学生放松心情,为新的知识做好准备。)Step2 导入新课1) 新授词汇 “month”T: monthSs: month (设计意图:进一步巩固学生原有句型和词汇。为下面的lets try 环节做好准备。)Step3 教授新课1) 感受Lets try. Which month are they talking about?March April September FebruarySs: Its in March. (设计意图: 在Lets try之前,先把重要的词汇进行预授,并为之后April 4th做好准备。)2) 引入新单词“fourth”T: When is the sports meet?Ss: Its on April 4th.T: Four fourthSs: Four fourth3) 完成Lets try部分后,Lets say! 巩固练习4th。8.4 August 4th 3.4 March 4th 7.4 July 4th (美国独立日,国庆节)4) 预授新单词“special day”T: July 4th is a special day in the USA.T: special days in April. T: first fifth5) 学习first和fifthT: one first five fifthT: April 1st is April Fools Day. Fool, fool.Ss: fool, fool.6) 教授 the Easter party,感受复活节的乐趣及文化背景。一个西方的重要节日,复活节象征着重生与希望,耶稣被钉死后,第三天复活,因此得名。复活节发生在春分月圆后的第一个周日,一般在四月份。 原是纪念神亚斯塔路降生的日子。相传亚斯塔路生于一枚天鹅蛋中,孵为兔子;长大后成了一美女,英语单词Easter的词源就是亚斯塔路。T: Easter is April 5th this year.(设计意图:在学习语言知识的同时,了解西方的人文知识,拓展国际视野,并感受英语的乐趣。)Step3 课堂小结1) Lets read.Mr Jones: There are some special days in April.Zhang Peng: What are they?Mr Jones: April Fools Day and Easter.Zhang Peng: When is April Fools Day?Mr Jones: Its on April 1st.Zhang Peng: And Easter?Mr Jones: Its on April 5th this year.Zhang Peng: Wow! I love April!2) Talk about the holidays with your partner.Step4 Homework1. Read the text for 15 minutes and try to remember the new words and sentences.2. Act the dialogue out with your partner.【板书设计】 Unit 4 When is Easter? PA When is April Fools Day?Its April 1st.When is Easter Day?Its on April 5th. 课时二【教学目标】1、知识目标:(1)并且听、说、读、写以下单词或词组:first, second, third, fourth, fifth 及其相对应的缩略形式:1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th. 并理解Amy和John在关于活动或节日所相对应的日期的对话,在具体情境中理解对话。(2)学生能够在图片和教师的帮助下理解对话,并能够用正确的语音、语调、意群朗读对话,并能将活动和季节对应起来,并能在情景中熟练地交谈:When is the sports meet? Its on April 4th.( 3 ) 学生能通过活动操练,了解活动所对应的日期,并用目标词汇和句型,熟练地进行操练。2、技能目标:(1)能听。说。读。写以下单词:first, second, third, fourth, fifth的发音及使用,及其所对应的缩略形式1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th,并运用到真实情境中,并能在情景中熟练地交谈某个活动在哪个月份第几日。(2)能够在具体语境中正确使用新词汇,并正确书写。3、情感目标:(1)能够对愚人节、复活节的日期及文化背景有所了解。(2)感受中西方文化的异同。【教学重点】1、句型:When is the sports meet? Its on April 4th. 2、词汇:first, second, third, fourth, fifth, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th【教学难点】1、初步感知日期的表达,以及first, second, third, fourth, fifth的发音及使用,并能在情景中熟练地交谈某个活动在哪个月份第几日。2、并能在情境中运用句型When is ? Its on .【教学准备】1、教师准备与本课时相关音视频、单词卡片,教学挂图及课件。【教学过程】Step 1:热身互动1) 师生互致问候。自由对话。T: When is April Fools Day?Ss: Its on April 1st.T: When is Easter?Ss: Its on April 5th this year.(设计意图:通过free talk来复习学生上节课所学的first, fifth等单词,并让学生很快地进入到目标语言的运用环境中。)2) Lets say! 复习各个节日。New Years Day Chinas National Day Childrens Day April Fools DayStep2 教授新课1) 教授愚人节,学习新词汇first及其相对应的缩略形式。教学first及其缩略形式。T: April Fools Day. Fool, fool.Ss: Fool, fool.T: When is April Fools Day?Ss: Its April 1st.T: one, first.Ss: one, first.2) 教学second及其缩略形式。T: Its _.Ss: Its April _.T: second. 2nd Ss: second. 2nd T: April 2nd. Ss: April 2nd.3) 教学third及其缩略形式T: Its _.Ss: Its April _.T: third, 3rd. Ss: third, 3rd.T: April 3rd. Ss: April 3rd.4) 教学fourth及其缩略形式T: Its _.Ss: Its April _.T: fourth, 4th Ss: fourth, 4th.T: April 4th. Ss: April 4th. 5) 教学fifth及其缩略形式T: Its _.Ss: Its April _.T: fifth, 5th. Ss: fifth, 5th.T: April 5th.Ss: April 5th. 6) 复习Easter知识复活节发生在春分月圆后的第一个周日,一般在四月份。 原是纪念神亚斯塔路降生的日子。相传亚斯塔路生于一枚天鹅蛋中,孵为兔子;长大后成了一美女,英语单词Easter的词源就是亚斯塔路。T: Its April 5th this year!Step 3 巩固练习Tick or cross.1. ( ) April 2nd is April Fools Day.2. ( ) Easter is on April 5th this year.3. ( ) April 3rd is the sports meet.4. ( ) April is funny. Step4 Homework1. Read the text for 15 minutes and try to remember the new words and sentences.2. Write the new words correctly for 4 times.【板书设计】 Unit 4 When is Easter? PA When is the sports meet?Its on April 4th.first 1st second 2nd third 3rd fourth 4th fifth 5th 课时三【教学目标】1、知识目标:(1)理解字母组合th在单词中的发音规则,即在单词中有两种发音情况,发/和/的情况。通过朗读单词three, thin, thirteen, maths, this, that, mother, brother, 给单词分类,强化记忆th的发音规则,学习和掌握th的音与形的对应关系。(2)通过选择单词、书写句子并说出句子的活动,发现发音规则,并完成句子抄写的任务,进一步巩固英文句子的书写规范。 ( 3 ) 能够通过发音规则,拼写出符合th发音规则的单词,做到书写规范正确。2、技能目标:(1)在学习字母组合th的发音规则的过程中,学习语音知识和方法,通过观察、感知、体验归纳出ch和sh在单词中的发音规律。(2)能够感受Lets chant的韵律,并流畅说唱。3、情感目标:(1)激发学生探索英语语音知识的规律,感知英语中字母组合的发音及拼读规律。(2)感受语音说唱的节奏感。【教学重点】1、句型:Thursday is the eleventh birthday.2、词汇:three, thin, thirteen, maths, this, that, mother, brother【教学难点】1、理解字母组合th在单词中的发音规则,即在单词中有两种发音情况,发/和/的情况。学习three, thin, thirteen, maths, this, that, mother, brother的发音规则。2、通过选择单词、书写句子并说出句子的活动,发现发音规则,并完成句子抄写的任务,进一步巩固英文句子的书写规范。【教学准备】1、教师准备与本课时相关音视频、单词卡片,教学挂图及课件。【教学过程】Step 1:热身互动1) 师生互致问候。自由对话。T:When is the school trip?Ss: Its on .A: When is (the) ?B: Its on .2) Lets spell.复习拼读规则,以及上单元学习的语音知识。China chicken lunch sheep fish short shirt thin (设计意图:通过歌曲,复习已学知识,为课堂教学创造良好氛围, 为下一个环节的学习做好铺垫。)Step2 预授新课1) th发第一种情况:发/ 舌尖微微伸出,上下齿轻轻咬住舌尖,气流从舌齿间通过,发音时声带不振动。2) 尝试拼读Can you spell?thin three thirteen maths that mother this brother3) Lets have a try!third fifth birthday Thursday4) th发第一种情况:发/ / 舌尖微微伸出,上下齿轻轻咬住舌尖,气流从舌齿间通过,发音时声带振动。5) Can you spell?尝试朗读以下单词father they there with6) Lets chant!My birthday is in three more days.Three more days, three more days.I will be thirteen.My brother has a birthday, too.A bir


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