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M2U7 language points,sign (n.) 标志 (v.) 签名 signal (n.) 信号 signature (n.) 签名,2. around (prep.) 围绕,Eg. Ill show you around the factory.,(adv.) 在旁边;大约,Eg. 1. Ill be back at around 5 oclock. 2. I cant see anyone around.,3. rule (n.) 规则 (v.) 统治 ruler (n.) 统治者 Eg. We should obey the traffic rules.,4. hike (v.) go hiking hiker (n.) Eg. Simon enjoys hiking on the hills.,5. What does this sign mean? = Whats the meaning of this sign? It means: = Its meaning is:,* direct (v.) 指示方向;导演 (adj.) 直接的,Eg. Signs direct travelers. 标志给游客指路。,* director (n.) 主管;导演 以or结尾的职业:translator(翻译);actor(演员);instructor(指导者),6. * direction (n.) 方向;方位 in every direction / in all directions 向四面八方 in the direction of 朝方向,Eg. In which direction are you going, north or south?,7. * warning (adj. & n.) Eg. 1. Because of her warning, I was careful. 2. Let it be a warning to you. 以它为鉴吧。,8. * instruction (n.) instruct (v.) instructor (n.) ask for instruction 请示 give instructions to do something 指挥/命令做某事 Eg. If you want to use the washing machine, you must read the instruction first.,sth. doing sth.,9. * exit (n.) * entrance (n.) enter (v.),10. * silence (n.) Eg. Jane first broke the silence. Jane首先打破沉默。 What is the reason for your long silence? 你长时间沉默的原因是什么? * silent (adj.) 寂静的;不发音的 silently (adv.) Eg. The “e” in “ time” is a silent letter. time中的e不发音。,11. useful (adj.) Eg. It is a useful dictionary, isnt it? useless (adj.),12. * camp (v.) Eg. Where shall we camp tonight? * camper (n.) 野营者 campsite (n.) 营地 * go camping Eg. The boys have decided to go camping next week.,13. sb. use sth. to do sth. sb. use sth. for doing sth.,某人用某物做某事,sth. be used to do sth. sth. be used for doing sth.,某物被用来做某事,14. 表示禁止的四种方式 Dont do sth.! No doing sth.! You mustnt do sth. doing sth. Is not allowed.,15. correct (adj.) incorrect (adj.) 不正确的 Eg. The thing turned out to be correct. 这事证实是对的。,16. player (n.) Eg. Its not fair to kick another player in a football match. 足球比赛中不允许踢别的球员。 play-played-played,17. win-won-won winner (n.),18. roll (v.) 滚动;摇晃 Eg. 1. The coin rolled under the bed. 硬币滚到床底下去了。 2. The ship was rolling badly. 船左右摇晃得厉害。 (n.) 卷 spring roll 春卷,19. * climb (v.) 攀登;爬升 Eg. The plane climbed steeply. 飞机陡直地爬升。 * climber (n.) 登山者,20. take turns 依次;轮流 Eg. Lets take turns to play the computer games. miss a turn 跳过一轮,21. land (v.) 落;降落 take off 起飞 Eg. The pilot landed the helicopter in a rice field. 飞行员将直升机降落在一片稻田里。 The plane took off though it was foggy. 尽管是雾天,飞机仍然起飞了。,22. miss (v.) 错过;失去;想念 Eg. 1. He missed the chance of winning a gold medal because of his illness. 他因为生病而失去了赢得金牌的机会。 2. I havent seen her since last year, so I miss her very much.,23. luck (n.) 运气 lucky (adj.) luckily (adv.) unlucky (adj.) unluckily (adv.),24. * find-found-found,Eg. 1. Have you found the answer to the question? 2


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