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第六部分经典范文必背主题写作一青少年志愿者“青少年志愿者”意味着光荣的责任与使命。为发扬志愿者精神,贵州各地区有关部门正招募青少年参加主题为“帮助别人,成长自己”的志愿者活动。请根据下列写作要求,完成A、B两部分的写作任务。A.请分别用一个完整的句子回答下列五个问题:1.Which volunteer job would you like to do?2.What is your interest or hobby?3.How can it help you to do the job?4.Who will you do the volunteer job with?5.What do you want to get from the volunteer job?B.假如你是刘华,请根据自身特长写一封不少于80词的英文自荐信,并通过电子邮件发送给活动负责人张勇,要点如下:1.包含A部分所有信息;2.你认为志愿者工作有什么意义;3.信中不得出现真实个人信息。【范文诵读】A.1.Id like to help clean the city park.2.My hobby is doing outdoor activities.3.It will make me more outgoing and help me make more friends.4.Ill do the volunteer job with other volunteers.5.I want to get more experience from the volunteer job.B.Dear Mr Zhang,Are you searching for some volunteers for cleaning up the city park?Im very glad to be a member of you.First allow me to introduce myself.My names Li Hua.Im a student in Class One,Grade Nine.I like doing outdoor activities in my free time because it can make me more outgoing and help me make more friends.So I think Id be good at this job.I can do many things such as cleaning the street,watering the flowers and trees,picking up rubbish.If Im given a chance,Ill do the volunteer job with other volunteers.I believe we can play a great part in beautifying our city and get more experience from it.As the song sings,“If everyone can show his or her love,our world will become more beautiful.”Im looking forward to your reply.Yours,Li Hua主题写作二孝顺父母百善孝为先。孝顺父母是中国传统文化美德的精髓。在我们成长的过程中,父母任劳任怨地为我们付出。我们的每一次生日,父母都为我们精心准备,尤其是妈妈不辞辛劳地为我们做丰盛的生日大餐。作为子女,你打算怎样为你妈妈过生日?请根据下列写作要求,完成A、B两部分写作任务。A.请分别用一个完整的句子回答下列五个问题:1.When is your mothers birthday?2.Where will you celebrate your mothers birthday?3.Who will you celebrate your mothers birthday with?4.What will you do to celebrate your mothers birthday?5.How will your mother feel that day?B.请以“My Mothers Birthday”为题,写一篇不少于80词的英语短文,要点如下:1.包含A部分所有信息;2.你为什么以这种方式为你妈妈过生日;3.文中不得出现真实个人信息。【范文诵读】A.1.My mothers birthday is on December 18th.2.I will celebrate my mothers birthday at home.3.I will celebrate my mothers birthday with my father.4.I will buy a birthday cake and some flowers to celebrate my mothers birthday.5.My mother will feel very happy that day.B.My Mothers BirthdayI have a great mother.Her birthday is on December 18th.That day,in order to give a surprise to her,I will come back home earlier than usual.I will buy a birthday cake and some flowers to celebrate her birthday at home,because my mother loves cakes and flowers very much.At the same time,my father will make a special dinner.We will sing Happy Birthday song for my mother as soon as she gets home.She must be very happy at that moment.I love my mother.主题写作三防止校园暴力校园暴力现如今经常出现在全世界各地的校园里。这些暴力因素威胁和恐吓着学生们,给他们的日常学习和生活造成了极大的伤害。你听说过校园暴力吗?又或者你和你周围的朋友们经受过校园暴力吗?对此你怎么看?请根据下列写作要求,完成A、B两部分写作任务。A.请分别用一个完整的句子回答下列五个问题:1.What do you think of the school violence(暴力事件)?2.Where did you know about the school violence?3.What did you or your friend do when you met the school violence?4.Why are students afraid of the bad guys(坏人)?5.What shall we do to stop the school violence in the future?B.中学生英语法制周刊正在征集一篇渗透法制的英文篇目,请以“Stop the School Violence”为题,写一篇不少于80词的英语短文,要点如下:1.包含A部分所有信息;2.请尽可能详细地阐述你对校园暴力的看法,并且在防止校园暴力事件发生的方面给出意见和方法;3.文中不得出现真实个人信息。【范文诵读】A.1.I think the school violence is harmful.2.I knew about it from the newspaper.3.I met the school violence once,and after that,I told my teachers about it.4.Because the bad guys are strong and powerful.5.We shall learn more about the antischoolviolence rules.B.Stop the School ViolenceNowadays,many students are suffering from the school violence,so we should stop the school violence.As a student,I think the school violence is harmful and I can always know about it from the newspaper.I met the school violence once,and after that,I told my teachers about it.Ive found that the bad guys are strong and powerful,so were afraid of them and threatened by the violence.However,we must spread the related laws to protect ourselves and we can ask teachers to give us some tips on preventing the school violence in class.All in all,the more we learn about the antischoolviolence rules,the safer we will be in the future.主题写作四我最想感谢的人知恩,感恩是人类的美德,在我们的学习生活中,我们要感谢的人很多很多。请根据下列写作要求,完成A、B两部分的写作任务。A.请分别用一个完整的句子回答下列五个问题:1.Who do you want to thank?2.Why do you want to thank him/her?3.What does he/she do for you?4.How does he/she influence you?5.What will you do for him/her in return?B.请以“A Person I Want to Thank”为题写一篇不少于80词的英语短文,要点如下:1.包含A部分所有信息;2.表达你的感激之情;3.文中不得出现姓名、学校等真实个人信息。【范文诵读】A.1.My mother is a person I want to thank.2.She loves me with all her heart without return.3.Whenever I fall ill,she takes care of me.4.She herself sets an example to me so that I want to become a useful person in the society.5.Ill spend more time staying and communicating with her.B.A Person I Want to ThankMy mother is a person I want to thank.She loves me with all her heart without return.Whenever I have trouble,I turn to her for help.Whenever I fall ill,she takes care of me.She is happy with the progress I have made.Mom cares me but never spoils me.She is strict with me and shows me what is wrong and what is right.She herself sets an example to me so that I want to become a useful person in the society.Now,Ill spend more time staying and communicating with her.And Ill try my best to help her do what I can.I think my mother is one of the best mothers in the world.I want to say “thank you ”to my mom.主题写作五阅读阅读是心灵的瑜伽,是改善和调整心灵方式的重要途径。你喜欢阅读吗?请根据下列写作要求,完成A、B两部分的写作任务。A.请分别用一个完整的句子回答下列五个问题:1.What do you think of reading?2.What do you benefit from reading?3.When and where do you read?4.What kind of books do you like best?5.Where do you usually buy books?B.请你以“ReadingA Good Habit” 为题写一篇不少于80词的英语短文,要点如下:1.包含A部分所有信息;2.号召大家多读书;3.文中不得出现姓名、学校等真实个人信息。【范文诵读】A.1.I like reading very much.2.It can not only improve our knowledge but also open our eyes.3.I often read some of my favorite books in my spare time at home or in the library.4.I like Storybooks best.5.I often buy my favorite books online.B.ReadingA Good HabitReading is a very good habit.I like reading very much.I think that forming a good reading habit is necessary for us.It can not only improve our knowledge but also open our eyes.I often read some of my favorite books in my spare time at home or in the library.What I like most are storybooks because most of them are quite interesting.Now I often buy my favorite books online.Since reading benefits us a lot,I hope everyone can read as much as possible.主题写作六环境保护我们生活的地球正面临着巨大的环境压力,如空气污染、水污染、固体废弃物污染、动物濒临灭绝等问题。因此,将环保行动渗透到日常生活是我们每个人的责任。请根据下列写作要求,完成A、B两部分的写作任务。A.请分别用一个完整的句子回答下列五个问题:1.What is the environmental condition at present?2.Why is our earth badly polluted?3.What is the harm caused by pollution?4.What should we do to protect environment?5.Whats the meaning of protecting environment?B.请以“How to Protect Our Environment”为题,写一篇不少于80词的英语短文,要点如下:1.包含A部分所有信息;2.呼吁公众共同行动;3.文中不得出现姓名、学校等真实个人信息。【范文诵读】A.1.The environment is badly polluted around us.2.People cut down too many trees and throw rubbish here and there.3.A lot of rich land has changed into desert,leaving only sand.4.Plant more trees and flowers.5.If we are greener people,our world will become more and more beautiful.B.How to Protect Our EnvironmentAs time goes by,people are making the earth sick.The environment is badly polluted around us.People cut down too many trees and throw rubbish here and there.Many factories pour waste water into rivers and lakes.As a result,a lot of rich land has changed into desert,leaving only sand.Many rivers and lakes are dirty now.The air is becoming worse and worse.The temperature on the earth becomes higher and higher.Many people are in bad health.There are some methods to solve the problem.First of all,we should ask the factories to stop giving out black smoke into the air.Whats more,its a good idea to plant more trees and flowers.Finally,we need to recycle books and stop using napkins.If we are greener people,our world will become more and more beautiful.I think everyone should play a part in solving the pollution.Im sure that our actions can make a difference and lead to a better future.主题写作七语言学习中考意味着学生时代一个阶段的结束,现在正是我们总结自己,重新出发的最佳时期。在语言学习方面,你一定积累了很多的经验。请根据下列写作要求,完成A、B两部分的写作任务。A.请分别用一个完整的句子回答下列五个问题:1.Why should we learn Chinese?2.What do you think of learning this subject?3.How was your Chinese?4.Who do you usually ask for help when you have problems about it?5.How do you improve your Chinese?B.请以“How to Be a Good Chinese Learner”为题写一篇不少于80词的英语短文,要点如下:1.包含A部分所有信息;2.对于汉语学习,你有何建议;3.文中不得出现姓名、学校等真实个人信息。【范文诵读】A.1.Because it can help us to understand Chinese culture better.2.Learning Chinese is not as difficult as you think.3.I was weak in it.4.My Chinese teacher.5.I spend at least one hour in reading Chinese books a day.B.How to Be a Good Chinese LearnerWith the development of China,Chinese is becoming more and more popular.As a native speaker,it is our duty to learn Chinese well.Because it can help us to understand Chinese culture better.Chinese is one of the subjects that I am good at.In my eyes,learning Chinese is not as difficult as you think.I want to share my experience of learning with you.At first,I was weak in it,and I felt stressed out.My Chinese teacher helped me a lot.She advised me to read more books.From then on,reading has played an important role in my life.I spend at least one hour in reading Chinese books a day.Then everything changed.I have made much more progress in Chinese.I think reading books is a useful way of learning Chinese well.Also,its necessary to practice writing as much as possible.Only in this way can we become a good Chinese learner.主题写作八难忘的旅行随着生活节奏的加快和人们生活水平的提高,越来越多的人喜欢外出旅行。你喜欢旅行吗?在旅行的过程中,你最大的收获和感悟是什么?请根据下列写作要求,完成A、B两部分的写作任务。A.请分别用一个完整的句子回答下列五个问题:1.When and where did you go on a trip?2.How long did you stay there?3.How did you go there?4.What did you do there?5.How did you feel about the trip?B.假如你是Mike,请以“An Unforgettable Trip”为题,用英语给你校的英语报写一篇不少于80词的征文,要点如下:1.包含A部分所有信息;2.谈谈你旅行的经历及感受;3.文中不得出现真实的个人信息。【范文诵读】A.1.I went to Beihai last Sunday.2.We stayed there for a day.3.We went there by train.4.We saw flowers and butterflies,had lunch at a farmers house,played cards and went swimming.5.We were very tired but happy.B.An Unforgettable TripLast Sunday,I went to Beihai with my friends.We had a good time there.On Sunday morning,I went to the train station to meet my friends and we took the train to Beihai.When we arrived there,we were all surprised because Beihai was so beautiful that we couldnt believe our eyes.We saw many flowers and butterflies in the field.We had our lunch at a farmers house.The people here were very friendly.We played cards and went swimming.We left at 6:00 p.m.We were very tired but happy!I love this trip to Beihai.I will go there again.主题写作九家乡的变化2019年是中国改革开放41周年。在41年里,中国发生了翻天覆地的变化。假如你所在的学校正在征集关于“我家乡的变化”的话题作文活动,请根据下列写作要求,完成A、B两部分的写作任务。A.请分别用一个完整的句子回答下列五个问题:1.When did you leave your hometown?2.What did your hometown use to be?3.What kind of houses did people live in the past 41 years?4.How do people go from one place to another now?5.How will your hometown become in the future?B.假如你是李梅,请根据你家乡的变化写一封不少于80词的信,给此次活动投稿,要点如下:1.包含A部分所有信息;2.描述家乡的变化时要运用对比;3.文中不得出现真实的个人信息。【范文诵读】A.1.I left my hometown at a very young age.2.It used to be a quiet place.3.They lived in old and small houses.4.They drive their cars.5.It will become more and more beautiful.B.Changes in My HometownMy hometown has changed a lot in the past 41 years.I left my hometown at a very young age.Now I live in Wuxi.Last Sunday I went back to my hometown.I was shocked at what I saw.It used to be a quiet place.Most people went to school or work on foot.People lived in old and small houses.However,with the effort of the government,my hometown has changed a lot recently.Many people


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