



“完形填空语法填空”组合练(四)(限时25分钟).完形填空At the age of nine, I was taking swimming lessons at a pool. The day arrived when I was to be tested to see if I could _1_ to a higher level class.Fifteen of us were to _2_ swimming from one side of the pool to the other and back. I watched as my _3_, one by one, tried and failed. Then it was my turn to _4_, I mean, my turn to attempt to pass the test. It was about halfway when I got _5_. I immediately stopped and _6_ the side of the pool, ending my test. Our instructor, a college student, was standing _7_ me. “Why did you stop?” he yelled, in a less than _8_ voice. “I got water in my nose,” I _9_.Thats when this college student _10_ me one of lifes great lessons, _11_ he probably never realized that. Bending down, he shouted, “So?”“So?” The _12_ shocked me. It had just seemed _13_ to me that the answer to pain was to remove the thing causing the _14_. My nineyearold brain had not understood the fact that a valuable _15_ is worth achieving, however difficult to get there. Recognizing that, I was _16_ nothing would keep me from completing the test. In fact, I did it rather _17_ on my next attempt. Seeing me _18_ the test, almost all the others did so as well.Life is a journey, and the road wont _19_ be easy. We have to focus on the final destination, not the _20_ along the road.语篇解读:本文是一篇记叙文。作者讲述了自己九岁的时候参加游泳考试的一段经历。从这段经历中,作者认识到:有价值的目标是值得一个人为之努力和奋斗的。1A.skipBreferCadvance Dadd解析:选C空处所在句子表示作者要参加游泳考试以便确认能否“升级到”一个更高层次的课程,advance to“达到(某地等),前进到”符合语境。2A.take turns Binsist onCtake risks Dput off解析:选A根据下文的“one by one”可知,作者和同学们是“轮流”进行考试的,take turns doing sth. “轮流做某事”符合语境。insist on“坚持”;take risks“冒险”;put off “推迟”。3A.competitors BclassmatesCstudents Dinstructors解析:选B根据首段首句“At the age of nine, I was taking swimming lessons at a pool.”可知,作者参加了一个游泳班,作者观看的应是“同班同学”轮流考试,所以答案是petitor“竞争者”;student“学生”;instructor“指导者”。4A.show BleaveCfail Dobserve解析:选C上文讲到,作者眼看着他的同学们一个跟着一个进行游泳考试,但都失败了,接下来,轮到自己“失败”了,所以答案是fail。show“显示,显出”;leave“离开”;observe“观察”。5A.injured BblamedCtrapped Dchoked解析:选D根据下文中的“I got water in my nose”可知,作者在游泳考试中被水“呛”着了,由此可知答案是choked,choke的意思是“呛,窒息”,get choked“被呛着了”。get injured“受伤”;get blamed“被责备”;get trapped“被困住”。6A.pushed BpressedCgrabbed Dcontrolled解析:选C作者被水呛到后马上停止了游泳,“抓住”了泳池的边,结束了考试。grab“抓住”符合语境。push“推”;press“按,压”;control“控制”。7A.above BbelowCbeside Dbeyond解析:选A作者因为被水呛着停止了游泳考试,抓住了泳池的边,此时,他的教练一个大学生,正站在他的“上方”。作者在泳池里,教练应是站在游泳池边上,所以要用above,表示“在上方”。below“在下面”;beside“在旁边”;beyond“超出(某个数量、水平或限度)”。8A.surprised BsympatheticCannoyed Dcold解析:选B作者因为被水呛着停止了考试,抓住了泳池的边。结合下文可知,此时,教练用毫不“同情的”声音对作者喊:“你为什么不游了?”所以答案是sympathetic“同情的”。surprised“吃惊的”;annoyed“烦恼的”;cold“冷淡的,不友好的”。9A.explained BreactedCdeclined Durged解析:选A当教练用毫不同情的声音质问作者为什么停止游泳的时候,作者“解释”说:“我的鼻子进水了。”所以答案是explained“解释”。react“反应”;decline“拒绝,谢绝”;urge“敦促”。10A.delivered BowedCtaught Dpromised解析:选Cteach sb. a lesson是固定短语,意思是“给某人一个教训”,符合语境,所以答案是taught。deliver“分送”;owe“欠”;promise“许诺”。11A.so that Bas ifCin case Deven if解析:选D作者感慨,这个大学生,也就是教练,给了他人生中一个很大的教训,“虽然”他(教练)很可能并没有意识到这一点。even if“虽然,即使”符合语境。so that“以便”;as if“好像”;in case“以防”。12A.problem BexcuseCquestion Dvoice解析:选C根据So可知,此处表示这个“问题”使作者很吃惊,所以答案是blem“难题”;excuse“理由,借口”;voice“声音”。13A.logical BillegalCridiculous Dimpossible解析:选A在作者看来,解决痛苦的办法就是清除引起“不适”的事物,这似乎是“合乎逻辑的”,所以答案是logical“合乎逻辑的”。illegal“违法的”;ridiculous“荒谬的,可笑的”;impossible“不可能的”。14A.disaster BdiscomfortCdamage Dfear解析:选B参见上题解析。disaster“灾难”;discomfort“不舒服,不适”;damage“破坏,毁坏”;fear“害怕”。15A.result BadvantageCgoal Dtask解析:选C作者九岁的脑袋此前还不明白这个事实:一个有价值的“目标”是值得实现的,无论实现它有多么难。goal“目标”符合语境。result“结果”;advantage“优势,长处”;task“任务”。16A.concerned BsensitiveCembarrassed Dsure解析:选D作者意识到无论多么难,一个有价值的目标是值得实现的之后,“确信”什么也阻挡不了自己完成这次考试。sure“确信的,有把握的”符合语境。concerned“担心的”;sensitive“敏感的”;embarrassed“难堪的”。17A.slowly BeasilyCclumsily Deagerly解析:选B作者在坚定了信心之后,在下一次的尝试中,很“轻易地”通过了考试,所以答案是easily“容易地,轻易地”。slowly“缓慢地”;clumsily“笨拙地”;eagerly“热切地,渴望地”。18A.attend BtakeCgive Dpass解析:选D根据第二段中的“my turn to attempt to pass the test”及第四段中的“I did it rather _17_ on my next attempt”可知选D。19A.always BsometimesCever Dseldom解析:选A生活如同一次旅行,道路不会“总是”平坦的。always“总是”;sometimes“有时候”;ever“曾经”;seldom“很少”。20A.sights BbarriersCsurprises Dharvests解析:选B我们要关注最终的目的地,而不是沿途的“障碍”。sight“景象”;barrier“障碍”;surprise“令人惊奇的事物”;harvest“收获”。.语法填空Bike to Work Day was started by the League of American Bicyclists in 1956 with _1_ aim of promoting the bicycle as a serious choice of getting to and from work. It is _2_ (annual) held across North America on the third Friday of May. In todays world _3_ global warming is a serious issue, the bicycle is a perfect way of reducing our carbon footprint. Cycling to work is a healthy alternative _4_ driving or taking public transport. It can not only save your money but also enable you to be more _5_ (create) once you get to work, thus improving your performance.Bicycles are the most common form of transport in the world and there are about two billion in use worldwide, _6_ (make) the bicycle the most popular invention ever. When we think of some countries, like the Netherlands, we imagine _7_ (hundred) of people cycling everywhere. Even in hightech Japan, it is impossible not _8_ (see) businessmen, farmers, mothers or workers in the streets on their bikes. Bicycles _9_ (invent) in the 19th century and havent changed much since. Today, we use bicycles for pleasure, fitness, Olympic competitions, mail _10_ (deliver) and lots more. Without the bicycle, much of the world might stop working!语篇解读:本文是一篇说明文。文章介绍了Bike to Work Day的由来以及骑自行车的好处等。1the考查冠词。此处特指创立Bike to Work Day的宗旨,故填the。with the aim of doing sth.“以做某事为目标,旨在做某事”。2annually考查副词。修饰动词held应用副词。annu


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