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Guessing games,video,flew,spent 度过,born,someday 有朝一日,illness,round 在各处,all over the world,I. Preview Checking,1. 选词填空 Helen was _ in the US in 1880. She had a(an) _ at nineteen months old. So she _ see or hear. But she could read. 2. 看图,完成句子(每空一词) Helen Keller was famous _ _ _ _ .,I. Preview Checking,1. 选词填空 Helen was _ in the US in 1880. She had a(an) _ at nineteen months old. So she _ see or hear. But she could read. 2. 看图,完成句子(每空一词) Helen Keller was famous _ _ _ _ .,born,illness,couldnt,all,over the world,illness,ill,ness,病,疾病 n.,生病的,有病的 adj.,illness,ill,Amy cant go to scholl today because she is _. He is worried about his _.,Listen and chant,Why was Helen Keller famous?,1. General idea,She couldnt see or hear. But she tried hard and learnt to read, write and speak. She also helped blind people.,2. Details:,(1) When was Helen Keller born? (2) When did she have the illness? (3) What did she do after she was ill? (4) What did she do to help the blind people?,*,*,安妮莎莉文, 5岁时因一场眼疾失去大部分视力。 安妮用极大的爱心、耐心和毅力,将海伦培养成一个知书达理、才华横溢的少女,直至进入大学。 她用全部心血培育了20世纪不朽的传奇海伦凯勒。,Anne Sullivan,*,2. Details:,(1) When was Helen Keller born? (2) When did she have the illness? (3) What did she do after she was ill? (4) What did she do to help the blind people?,*,*,Lets listen and repeat!,课文复述评价标准,Read and complete,III. Group Work,read,model,write,Read and complete,III. Group Work,III. Group Work,When I was a baby, I could/couldnt,I _ (can) read when I was a baby, but I _ (can) read now.,Exercises:,用所给词的适当形式填空,couldnt,can,Lets enjoy a song!,IV. Practice Ask and answer. Then guess,Did you ?,Where did I go?,IV. Practice Ask and answer. Then guess,I went there . I spent there. I could . Where did I go?,Did you ?,V. ProductionDraw, write and report,He is/was. He is / was born in. He can/ could He,In the world, there are many disabled(残疾的) people. They may lose something, but sometimes, their life can be more colourful!,Stephen Hawking,史蒂芬威廉霍金禁锢在一把轮椅上达40年之久,他克服了残废之患而成为国际物理界的超新星。他的思想却出色地遨游到广袤的时空,解开了宇宙之谜。,他双腿缺失,却成为世界上第一位登上世界最高峰的双腿残疾者。,他们是聋哑人,但是,他们的舞蹈千手观音向全世界展示了中国的风采!,What should we do?,Show respect(尊重)! Help when you can! Learn from them!,Keep your face to the sunshine and you cannot see a shadow. -Helen Keller,只要面对太阳,你就看不到阴影 。 海伦凯勒,VI. Summary and test,What have we learnt today?,Test (10),I. 语音 判断下列单词中划线部分读音是否相同,相同的写“”,不同的写“X”。(2) ( ) 1. illness me ( ) 2. read hear II. 单项填空 选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,将序号写在前面的括号里。(4) ( ) 3. She became blind _ sixteen months old. A. in B. at C. on ( ) 4. Helen travelled _ the world and told her story. to B. with C. round ( ) 5. Amy _ go out to play now. Its raining. A. could B. cant C. can ( ) 6. I _ read when I was 1 year old. A. can B. could C. was III. 看图完成句子(4) Helen _ see. But she tried hard. She learnt to _.,Test (10),I. 语音 判断下列单词中划线部分读音是否相同,相同的写“”,不同的写“X”。(2) ( ) 1. illness me ( ) 2. learn hear II. 单项填空 选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,将序号写在前面的括号里。(4) ( ) 3. She became blind _ sixteen months old. A. in B. at C. on ( ) 4. Helen travelled _ the world and told her story. to B. with C. round ( ) 5. Amy _ go out to play now. Its raining. A. could B. cant C. can ( ) 6. I _ read when I was 1 year old. A. couldnt B. cant C. wasnt III. 看图完成句子(4) Helen _ see. But she tried hard


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