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FOREIGH LANGUAGE TEACHING AND RESEARCH PRESS AIR FORCE ENGINEERING UNIVERSITY,War and peace,War and peace,Section A,Under the bombs: 1945,Objectives,Under the bombs: 1945,Section A,Under the bombs: 1945,Section A,1. What information do the three pictures convey to us?,Life in peace is happy. Children in war live in fear and horror. The war not only ruined their childhood but also cast their future under the cloud of the war.,2. What does war inevitably cause?,Famine, hunger, disease, epidemic, deteriorated environment, unemployment, declining economy, homeless people ,boring and terrifying,adventure and excitement,institute,randomly,3. Some women served as_ helping wounded soldiers_.Women had to work very hard to provide for their families.,4. When General Sherman took the Union Army from Atlanta to Savannah he_ much of the land and farms along the way. It was a _ time.,nurses in the army,recover,burned and destroyed,scary,Listen to a short passage about “Iraq war takes its toll on children” and fill in the missing information.,To be continued,The U.N. Childrens Fund says children in Kurdistan in northern Iraq are_ and the situation in southern Iraq has become more stable. It says security has improved in Baghdad and the surrounding areas since the so-called troop _began in February.,thriving,surge,But, UNICEF spokeswoman, Claire Hajaj, tells VOA Iraq is still a _and dangerous place. “Better _does not mean secure. And, the second thing is as we see communities begin to open up because of greater_, we can see the needs that may have been hidden for a long time.”,Listen to a short passage about “Iraq war takes its toll on children”and fill in the missing information.,security,volatile,access,To be continued,Listen to a short passage about “Iraq war takes its toll on children”and fill in the missing information.,UNICEF says Iraqi children frequently were caught in the _in 2007. It reports hundreds of children lost their lives or were injured by _and many more had their main family wage earner _or killed. More than one million people are _in Iraq. About one half of them are children. Lisa Schlein for VOA news Geneva.,crossfire of conflict,violence,kidnapped,displaced,3. What does the history of the atomic bomb show to us?,Tips,Under the bombs: 1945,1. What was the possible reason that American dropped an atomic bomb on Hiroshima in 1945?,Under the bombs: 1945,American administrations stated that it was military necessity to drop the bomb to end the war with Japan. The only alternative was an invasion in which many US troops would have been killed, and much more Japanese civilians would have lost their lives if the Japanese government hadnt agreed to surrender even at the cost of so many lives.,2. What impact did the atomic attack have on Japanese civilians?,Humanities,The atomic bomb shattered the normal fabric of community life and disrupted the organizations for handling the disaster, with 30 percent of the population killed and the additional 30 percent seriously injured. The bulk of the population found refuge in the surrounding countryside. Within the city, the food supply was short and shelter was virtually nonexistent.,Under the bombs: 1945,3. What does the history of the atomic bomb show to us?,Humanities,The idea of using nuclear weapons in an attempt to exercise global control is already bankrupt. It is morally bankrupt because it led to the sacrifice of the city contrary to the international law despite the fact that there was military necessityin pursuit of Americas quest to be the global leader. It is practically bankrupt because the actual result was an out-of-control nuclear arms race and secondly, a significant contribution to the Cold War and to the hot wars of Korea and Vietnam.,Under the bombs: 1945,Under the bombs: 1945,Section A,12 distant silver points moving across the sky,unfamiliar abnormal hum,What is the beginning of the war look like in the authors memory ?,What is the war like in the eyes of the 7-year-old child? (Para.2),Tips,It is an extraordinary spectacle. It terrorizes and fascinates me. I am not able to conceive of any danger of the war.,Part I presents us the beginning of the war. The author depicts how the bombs exploded_. As war was new to the author, he couldnt _ until he was stopped by his mother when he ran toward the forest.,Part I (Paras. 1- _),2,at the edge of the forest,conceive of any danger,Part (paras. 3- _) How they ran away and what they saw and what happened in their flight.,5,What do I see on the way to seeking refugee?,Why does the author write in detail about his grandfathers situation?,How appalling the landscape is after the war ?,What do I see on the way to seeking refugee?,Innumerable terrified, helplessly wandering people,People run in circles.,bundles and suitcases,All highways, roads, country paths are a tangle of wagons, carts, and bicycles.,Why does the author write in detail about his grandfathers situation?,How appalling the landscape is after the war?, The villages are deserted., The houses are burned out.,The battlefields are dense with the garbage of abandoned war equipment, bombedout railway stations, overturned cars.,How appalling the landscape after the war is ?,It smells of gunpowder, and of burning, decomposing meat after a massacre.,Part II Paras. 3 - _,Part II describes how people _and what happened on their way to flight. The author gave detailed description on how difficult and dangerous his grandfathers situation is in one after another_to show how defenseless people are in the face of war, and then how the _ after a battle stroke their eyes and roused their mind.,5,evacuated the city,air raids,appalling landscape,Why is winter a disaster, a pervasive and constant threat for the poor during the wartime?(Paras.6-8),Why does my mother stand brooding at the window for hours with fixed stare out into the street? (Paras. 6-8),Tips,Because she is worried and helpless. They have nothing to eat, and she doesnt know whether they can survive the severe war.,Why does the author regard the metal container as something valuable? (Para.8),Part III (Paras. 6-_),Part III says that war is the source of other disasters for the civilians: severe shortage of food and other items they live by. Cold winter is another _for the poor and their children. _,even some fruit drops is _ for an entire family to live through for days.,threat,Anything edible,valuable,8,Reflecting on all the suffering the war inflicts, who should be blamed for the loss of our naive childhood and beautiful life?(Para.9),Part IV (Para. 9),Part IV describes the authors feeling about the war: It destroyed my childhood, and I still cant find out the reasons why we should endure such suffering as that which is inflicted by war.,Main Idea of the Text,As war was new to the author, he couldnt conceive of the danger and he considered the explosion as a spectacle which fascinated him. Later, how they ran away and what they saw and what happened in their flight during the war became a nightmare for him. Besides, he suffered a lot in the winter after the battle, during which the family had nothing to eat and nothing to get warm. In sum, war destroyed his childhood and he still cannot figure out the reasons why they should have undergone such suffering of war.,The war started with sudden tremendous roar of bombs exploding. (Para.1),My mother saved me from the danger. (Para. 2),Introduction,How we ran away . (Para. 3),What happened in our flight. (Para. 4),What we saw after the end of war . (Para. 5),How we survived the winter. (Paras. 6-8),Body,Introduction,The war destroyed my childhood and I still cant find out the reasons why we should endure such suffering as that which is inflicted by war. (Para. 9),Introduction,Body,Conclusion,To be continued,Until today, the beginning of the war was clearly _with all its coloring and emotional intensity. For me, a seven-year-old child, I cant _a single chain of causes and effects the roar of the bombs and my seemingly inevitable death. It s my mothers trembling voice and urgent actions that awaken me to the danger. Were forced to _for the sake of our lives.,evacuate the city,fixed in my mind,relate into,To be continued,Needless to say, everyone can sense the dangerous evil has_. As the blaze of battle_, were faced with an increasingly_: deserted villages, solitary, burned-out houses and battle fields _the garbage of abandoned war equipment, bombed-out railway stations and overturned cars.,permeated the world,fades away,appalling landscape,dense with,The war left us homeless and overwhelmed us with hunger and severe cold weather. Human life is now _. In our bitter memory , the war ruined our _ and destroyed the peaceful beauty of our world. I wonder who can tell us the reason why the civilians got involved in the war and _ so much sufferings.,worth next to nothing,naive childhood,were inflicted with,自发出,(perceived / confidence and energy),Despite the pressure he perceived from the large audience looking only at him, from his inner heart was radiated confidence and energy.,radiate from,短语逆译,短语应用,尽管他感受到了被众多观众注目的压力,但他的内心仍散发出自信和活力。,意群提示,铺,垫(某物内部),(expressive delivery man / in case that),The expressive delivery man lined the box with lots of paper in case that the items inside were damaged.,line with,短语逆译,短语应用,快递员给箱子下面垫了很多纸,以防把里面的东西压坏。,意群提示,几乎没有;极少,(class A war convict / how dare ),As a class A war convict of World War II, how dare he said that he knew next to nothing about the war!,next to nothing,短语逆译,短语应用,作为二战中的甲级战犯,他怎么敢说对这次战争一无所知!,意群提示,迂回穿行,(refugee immigrant / danger has permeated .),The refugee immigrants weaved their way through the forest where danger permeated every corner merely for the sake of their life.,weave ones way around / through sth.,短语逆译,短语应用,难民们在险象丛生的树林里穿行,只是为了活命。,意群提示,朝方向,(the sun rising/ reach destination),Moving forward in the direction of the sun rising, well reach our destination before its dark.,in the direction of,短语逆译,短语应用,朝着太阳升起的方向前进,天黑前我们就能到达目的地。,意群提示,如今,当我回首往事,我很惊讶我居然能如此生动地回忆起轰炸开始的情况, 那天的色彩和紧张的情绪仍然清晰地印在我脑海里。,原句译文,逆译练习,Today, when I look back, Im surprised that I recall the beginning so vividly; its still clearly fixed in my mind with all its coloring and emotional intensity. (Line 1, Para.1),句型提炼,When sb. look back, sb. is / are / feel adj. that ,句型提炼,应用提示,用于表达“某人在回想往事时的感受”。,句型应用,(drought / dried up),典型例句,想起在去年严重的旱灾中,所有的湖泊和水井都干枯了,农民们依然心有余悸。,意群提示,When the farmers look back to the serious drought during which the lakes and wells all dried up last year, they are still haunted with fear.,没考虑有危险,我开始朝着投下炸弹的森林方向跑。,原句译文,逆译练习,Unable to conceive of the danger, I start running toward the forest, in the direction of the falling bombs. (Line 6, Para.2),句型提炼,Unable to do sth. , sb. do sth. else.,句型提炼,应用提示,用于表达“由于不能做没事,某人开始做另一件事”。,句型应用,(the severity of AIDS / original plan ),典型例句,没有考虑到艾滋病的严重程度,该医院依然按照计划裁减了很多医护人员。,意群提示,Unable to conceive of the severity of AIDS, the hospital kept their original plan and dismissed a lot of medical workers.,对正常情况下的人们来说,冬天只不过是另一个季节。但是对于战时的穷人来说,冬天是一个灾难,一个无处不在,持续不断的威胁。,原句译文,逆译练习,Winter is but another season for those in normal condition, but for the poor during wartime, winter is a disaster, a pervasive and constant threat. (Line 2, Para.6),句型提炼,Sth. is but another sth. for sb., but for sb. else, its ,句型提炼,应用提示,用于表达“同一实物在不同情境下对不同对象的不同意义”。,句型应用,(a tremendous disaster / psychological trauma),典型例句,战争对于那些政客来说只不过是一场输赢的角逐,但是对于无辜的老百姓来说,是一个巨大的灾难和永远的心理创伤。,意群提示,War is but another competition for the political leaders, but for the innocent civilians, war is a tremendous disaster and permanent psychological trauma.,War sometimes does help some tough problems such as territory disputes, but it can never solve them once and for all. Losers may take revenge on winners several years later or even decades later, and then wars will continue on and on. Common people will live in constant chaos of war and suffer the most .National hatred between the countries involved in wars will be triggered and will remain in people hearts for many years.,1. Does war solve problems, or create new ones in todays world?,2. Can you name several factors contributing to a war?, territory expansion or dispute economic crisis terrorism religious conflict ,It is war that inflicts devastation and destruction. It is peace that facilitates long lasting prosperity and happiness. Any peace brought by war is just temporary. Only the sincere desire for peace radiating from peoples hearts can bring about world peace.,3. How do you think about the relationship between war and peace?,Watch a video clip :The Boy in The Striped Pajamas and discuss some questions.,在黑暗的理性到来之前,用以丈量童年的是听觉嗅觉以及视觉。 约翰贝哲曼,Childhood is measured out by sounds and smells and sights, before the dark hour of reason grows. John Betjeman,Brief introduction : The Boy in The Striped Pajamas,The film explores the horror of a World War extermination camp through the eyes of two eight-year-old boys, Bruno and Shmuel. Bruno is the son of the camps Nazi commandant, while Shmuel is a Jewish inmate. Following his father Ralf and his mother Elsa , Bruno moved from Berlin to the countryside after Ralf is promoted to commandant of a Nazi concentration camp. There he knows Shmuel, a boy with striped pajamas. He brings food and plays games with him through the barbed wire fence.,To be continued,Brief introduction : The Boy in The Striped Pajamas,Soon they become friends. On the day before Bruno is due to leave, Shmuel reveals that his father has gone missing in the camp. Driven by the curiosity of adventure and sense of sympathy for Shamuel, Bruno promises to help Shmuel find his father in the camp, inside, Bruno is horrified by the dehumanization, starvation and sickness. To everyones shock, the Bruno and Shmuel become victims of the Nazi death camp run by his own father.,Video Watching,Questions for discussion,Q.1 What does Bruno look like? Q.2 What does the boy Bruno hear and see in the video?,Back,1.What does Bruno look like?,The young eight-year-old Bruno has the wide, blue-eyed innocence of the unprotected.,What does the boy Bruno hear and see in the video?,Kotler, the lieutnants rude attitude towards Pavel, the old Jewish, makes a sharp contrast with his seemingly human nature in the simplicity world of Bruno. Bruno was attracted by the smoke of the sky in the distance which was actually from the chimney in the camp. Pavels tearful eyes aroused Brunos strong sense of sympathy and stirred his confusion.,Under the bombs: 1945,Section A,How to write a descriptive essay, state an event or tell a story:,to be continued,When describing the process or some important scenes, chiefly we will use sight, but to some extent we may be able to use touch, hearing, smell, and perhaps even taste. Through the richness of our sense impressions, the readers will gain a picture of a scene vividly.,Example from the essay: (1) He sees the airplanes flying at him, sees them violently dip and aim, sees the fire of ammunitions, and hears the roar of the engines passing over his head. (2) It smells of gunpowder and of burning, decomposing meat after a massacre. Everywhere are the corpses of horses, too defenseless in this human war. (3) We have a dilute, sweet drink: our only nutrition for days.,to be continued,How to write a descriptive essay, state an event or tell a story:,First, we should have an introduction to put forward our thesis statement which states our dominant impression about a subject. Then, in the main body, we have all the supporting details stated in separate paragraphs. The last part is the conclusion, where we should draw together all the details to provide a final impression.,Now, appreciate how this method of writing is reflected in the paragragh 3 ,4 and 5.,to be continued,Detail 1: highway, roads, country paths Detail 2: wagons, carts, bicycles Detail 3: fatigue of the people,How citizens run away ( para.3),The suffering and hardship the family endure,to be continued,Detail 1: the location of my grandfather Detail 2: the air raids Detail 3: my grandfathers reaction,How grandfather gets attacked ( para.4),The suffering and hardship the family endure,Detail 1: the fading blaze of battle Detail 2: deserted villages, burned-out houses Detail 3: battlefields with garbage of abandoned war equipment, etc.,The appalling landscape ( para.5),The suffering and hardship the family endure,Read the sample essay and see how the description is developed.,Topic: Huntington Beach Introduction: Thesis statement: The place where I feel most comfortable is my hometown of Huntington Beach. Body: Detail 1: The sights of Huntington Beach make me relax and calm. Detail 2: The sounds of Huntington Beach are in perfect harmony. Detail 3: Everything on Huntington Beach has its own unique feel. Conclusion: I find Huntington Beach most comfortable because of its sights, sounds and its unique feel.,to be continued,to be continued,The place where I feel most comfortable is my hometown of Huntington Beach. Huntington Beach is in California about 40 miles south of Los Angeles. It is known as the surfing capital of the world and the best beach in Orange County.,Introduction,Practice,Essay Writing,to be continued,Body,to be continued,Body,Conclusion,Writing practice,Directions: Write an essay of no less than 150 words on one of the following topics. One topic has an outline you can follow.,Paragraph Writing,Writing Devices,Topic: My happy childhood Introduction: Thesis statement: my childhood was a happy time for me. Bo


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