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第十四节八年级(下)Units 78一、单项选择()1. My net friend Tony is from _Asian country, Japan. _capital of it is Tokyo.A. a; The B. an; The C. the; / D. /; A ()2. Nowadays, more and more people take up a new hobbyrunning to improve their physical_.A. condition B. development C. examination D. production ()3. The headmaster introduced _to the German visitors before the welcome party.A. we B. us C. our D. ours ()4. Do you belong _the tennis club?Yes, I joined it two years ago. A. for B. after C. into D. to()5. Many _people have the same characterthey never give up no matter how hard the life is.A. colorful B. helpful C. beautiful D. successful ()6. How long is the bridge?Its_.A. 300meterlong B. 300meterslong C. 300 meters long D. 300 meter long ()7. The population of China is much _than that of England.A. large B. more C. larger D. largest()8. There is too much snow on the ground. If you ride too fast, you will_.A. get over B. fall over C. hand over D. think over ()9. Could you tell me _the population of your city is?About 2 million. A. how long B. how many C. what D. how much ()10. (2017 北京) The hotel is very old. Its one of _buildings in the city.A. old B. older C. oldest D. the oldest ()11. (2017河南说明与检测模拟试题三)What do you think of the dress?Perfect. I dont think I can find a _one.A. better B. good C. bad D. worst ()12. (2017黄冈) I havent finished the book report of Journey to the West. Its so difficult.You should hurry up. The report is due _three days.A. in B. for C. on D. at()13. (2017东营)WeChat Pay(微信支付) makes our life convenient. We can buy things _we dont take money.A. unless B. because C. even if D. so that ()14. _our dreams, we should work hard and never give up.A. Achieving B. Achieve C. To achieve D. Achieves()15. (2017海南改编)Last year our class set up Reading Corner. So far, we _more than 200 books.A. were reading B. have readC. will read D. had read 二、完形填空My father was a selftaught mandolin(曼陀林琴)player. He was one of the best players in our town. He couldnt _1_ music, but if he heard a tune(曲子)a few times, he could play it._2_ he was young, he was a member of a small country music band. They played at local dances and the radio station.At home Dad often took out his mandolin and played for the family. We three children sang along. _3_ played the mandolin like my father. He could touch your heart _4_ the music that came out of that old mandolin. He seemed to shine when he was playing. You could see his _5_ in his ability to play so well for his family.But Dad had to find another job in a factory later because the money he made at the band wasnt enough to _6_ the family. Unluckily he had an _7_ one day and lost one finger. He couldnt play as well as before. From then on, every time we asked him to play, he would make up reasons to turn down our request. However, we missed his performance so much. _8_, he agreed and said“Okay, but remember, I cant hold down on the strings(琴弦)the way I used to.” When he played the old mandolin, it carried us back to a _9_, happy time in our lives.Dad was that kind of man. Giving was what he was doing all his life. If he could give _10_ to others, he would, especially his family. He was always there, sacrificing(牺牲)his time to see that his family had enough in their life.()1. A. express B. raise C. read D. lead()2. A. Since B. When C. Until D. Because()3. A. Nobody B. Somebody C. Anybody D. Everybody()4. A. in B. for C. with D. on()5. A. doubt B. truth C. pride D. worry()6. A. start B. work C. value D. support()7. A. action B. accident C. argument D. exam()8. A. Nearly B. Exactly C. Certainly D. Finally()9. A. careful B. forgetful C. cheerful D. helpful()10. A. production B. pleasure C. purpose D. patience三、阅读理解(2017德州改编)In Australia there is a famous island called Fraser Island. A great many visitors come here for holidays every year. Why? The reason is that it is special. 1._ In fact, it is the largest sand island in the world. Its about 200 kilometers long and 240 kilometers wide.Though the island is a popular place of interest, there is no airport on the island. The long beach along the east coast works as the airport. 2._On the island there are sand hills without any plants, but there are forests with old trees, beautiful flowers and over a hundred lakes, too. 3._Every year, visitors come to enjoy the islands natural beauty. People like camping and hiking there. 4._ Animals were killed for food and this made them in danger of extinction(灭绝). They threw rubbish everywhere, and the lakes were seriously polluted.5_Rules have been set up. For example, visitors are not allowed to use motorboats(摩托艇) or go fishing in the lakes, and they mustnt leave any rubbish.根据材料内容,从下面五个选项中选出能填入文中空缺处的最佳选项,使短文意思通顺、内容完整。A. Planes arrive and leave from here.B. So it is time to protect the environment of the island.C. The island is completely made of sand.D. Unluckily, visitors have caused many problems.E. Many kinds of birds and animals live in the forest.四、词语运用sadwrite true sincecourageif them at become hardworkinghelp inI love reading. I love many different kinds of books, because they not only open my mind but also give me 1._.Up to now I have read a lot of books, such as magazines, novels, and storybooks. But one of the books that I like best is The Story of My life. It was 2._ by American writer Helen Keller in 1902. She was a blind, deaf and dumb person. In the book, she wrote that she had not been able to see, hear or speak 3._ she was one year and seven months old. This unusual thing made her very 4._.Luckily, she met her good teacher, Miss Sullivan 5._ the age of seven. Then, Miss Sullivan 6._her learn how to write English words. At first, Miss Sullivan wrote some words on Helens hands with her own fingers again and again. Helen was a 7._girl. She tried as much as possible to remember words. After that, she wrote many famous works. The story of My Life is one of 8._.The story of My Life describes her hard struggle(奋斗) to 9._ a good writer and educationist of the world.It shows us an important 10._: Nothing is difficult if you put your heart into it! This is why I like it best. What about you?五、补全对话A: Hey, Judy, You look worried. 1._?B: I cant find the book I borrowed from the library. I remember putting it on my desk, but it is gone.A: 2._?B: Little Women. Did you see it?A: Yes, I saw it on the desk just now. Maybe someone took it to have a look. 3_. They may give it back to you after a while.B: I hope so. Do you often read novels?A: Yes. My favorite writer is Charles Dickens. Oliver Twist is my favorite book.B: Oh, I have heard of it many times. But I havent read it. 4._?A: Of course. Ill bring it to you tomorrow. Look! Tom is coming with a book in his hand. 5_.B: Yes, thats my book.A: So, there is no need to worry.B: You are right.六、书面表达课外时间你喜欢听音乐吗?音乐对你有什么特殊的意义吗?当你开心时,你会选择听什么类型的音乐?难过的时刻又会听哪种音乐?请以“Music Means a Lot to Me”为题写一篇短文。内容包括:你喜欢什么音乐、音乐对你的影响以及喜欢音乐的理由。要求: 1. 短文应包括上面的全部信息,条理清楚,行文连贯,段落分明;2. 短文中不能出现真实的人名和地名;3. 词数80左右。Music Means a Lot to Me_参考答案:一、15 B A B D D610 A C B C D1115 A A C C B二、15 C B A C C610 D B


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