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2019高考英语一轮题型组合练习(8)及答案李仕才一、阅读理解。AEnjoying a musical performance no longer requires a costly ticket or a trip to a theater.These days,musicians are performing in private homes,at haircutting shops,at airports.even on ferry boats.Musicians like house concerts.At music clubs,they often have to perform over loud conversation or deal with people who have had too much alcohol.People at house concerts are more focused on listening to the music.Just a few hours before the Bombadils started singing at the OHair Salon,Lindsay was cutting hair and Tamera was doing facials.Then,they moved chairs and microphones to create a small performance space.The Bombadils made music in the front part of the hair salon,near the hairdryers and makeup tables.“This is our first show at a hair salon,” Sarah Frank of the Bombadils told concertgoers at last weeks performance.Frank said she and band members,Luke Fraser and Kaitlyn Raitz had a great time “interacting” with the audience.Concerts in peoples homes,or small businesses such as OHairs,are becoming more popular,musicians say.“There is a more relaxed atmosphere,”said Domenic Cicala,a musician who opened up his OHair Salon to concerts.“People really get to know the artists.”At house concerts,people get time before and after concerts to meet the performers.Often,the hosts or guests will provide food and drink.“People really like listening to music in the living room of a friend,”said Matt Hart,with Aubrey Zoli making up the Local Strangers,a folkrock group based in Seattle.At many such concerts,the musicians do not need microphones.Yet,every word of their songs can be heard.【解题导语】本文主要介绍了现代音乐会在举办场地的选择上更加多样化,私人居所、理发店、机场等都成为音乐家表演的场所,并且备受青睐。1Why do musicians like house concerts?ABecause private homes are easier to get to.BBecause people pay more attention to their music.CBecause they can do other things while performing.DBecause they dont have to bring their microphones.B解析:推理判断题。根据第二段最后一句可知,音乐家喜欢家庭音乐会是因为听众会更专注于倾听音乐。故选B。2What impressed Sarah Frank most at her last weeks performance?AThe small performance space.BHer first show at a hair salon.CTheir interaction with the audience.DThe more relaxed atmosphere.C解析:细节理解题。根据第四段最后一句可知,上周的表演给Sarah Frank留下最深刻印象的是与听众的互动,故选C。3How many music groups are mentioned in the text?AOne.BTwo.CThree.DFour.B解析:细节理解题。通读全文可知,本文提到了两个乐队,一个是the Bombadils,另一个是西雅图的民谣摇滚乐队the Local Strangers,故选B。4What may be the best title for the text?AMusicians Struggle to Make a LivingBPeople Really Get to Know the ArtistsCMusicians Find New Places to PerformDConcertgoers Wont Go to Music ClubsC解析:标题归纳题。根据文章第一段,并结合对文章的整体理解可推知,本文主要讲述了现代音乐会在举办场地的选择上更加多样化,音乐家发现了私人居所、发廊等新的场所来表演,故选C。BIllegally traded endangered species that escape, forming secondary populations, offer hope to their long-term survival, a study suggests. This first came to my attention when I read a news story about the seizure of an illegal shipment of 23 yellow crested cockatoos(小葵花凤头鹦鹉), said Luke Gibson, a college teacher. He learned that the species was critically endangered, which surprised him.This encouraged Dr. Gibson and his colleague to investigate(调查)how a critically endangered species had become self-sustaining outside of its natural range. They discovered 49 cases of a globally threatened species becoming established as a separate population, which they hadnt thought of, including the yellow-crested cockatoo in their city.This is a species which is primarily threatened by wildlife trade, he told BBC News. Poachers(偷猎者)go out into the forest in its native range in eastern Indonesia and capture the bird and then ship them off, usually up to our city where there is a strong demand for pet birds. This is what has fueled the decline of this species in its native range. But its really interesting because that same cause also had another effect: some of the people who were keeping this species here accidentally or intentionally released them.” As a result of enough of the birds set free, it allowed a new self-sustaining population to be established in this city.The government in of Dr. Gibsons city has made it illegal to capture the species, even though it is a non-native species. Because the city is affluent and relatively well educated, the cases of people breaking the law are extremely rare, explained Dr Gibson, unlike in its native range in Indonesia, where capturing birds forms a major source of income.However, there can be downsides(缺点) to the newly established population of endangered species, such as a limited genetic pool, and suffering from novel diseases. It did also present a possible “very interesting” opportunity for conservationists, Dr. Gibson suggested. This would involve harvesting some of the newly established secondary population, which may provide a way to help slow global biodiversity loss.1.What was beyond Gibsons expectations according to the first paragraph?A. The high rate of wildlife trade.B. The preciousness of the birds.C. The fact that the birds nearly disappear.D. The news that the birds were poached.2.What happened unexpectedly when the birds were shipped abroad?A. They formed a separate population.B. They were kept as pet birds.C. They were traded illegally.D. They were killed for research.3.Which can replace the underlined word “affluent”?A. Peace-loving.B. Rich.C. Free.D. Environment friendly.4.For what purpose did the author write the passage?A. To appeal to everyone to stop the wildlife trade.B. To explain the challenge the wild birds are facing.C. To introduce a creative approach to wildlife conservation.D. To raise peoples awareness of protecting endangered species.【文章大意】本文为说明文。讲述的是一项研究表明逃跑的非法交易的濒危物种形成了次级群体,为它们的长期生存提供了希望,也呈现了野生生物保护的一种可能的方法。1.C 【解析】细节理解题。根据第一段最后一句话 He learned that the species was critically endangered, which surprised him.可知他没有料到的是这些鸟是非常濒危的物种,与C项一致,故选C。2.A 【解析】推理判断题。根据第三段最后两句话可知有些养这种鸟的人偶然地或者故意地放了它们,由此在这个城市里形成了单独的自我维持数量的鸟,故选A。4.C 【解析】观点态度题。根据最后一段最后两句话It did also present a possible “very interesting” opportunity for conservationists, Dr. Gibson suggested. This would involve harvesting some of the newly established secondary population, which may provide a way to help slow global biodiversity loss.可知本文作者是为了介绍野生生物保护的一种创新的方法,故选C。二、七选五。Secret codes (密码) keep messages private. Banks, companies, and government agencies use secret codes in doing business, especially when information is sent by computer.People have used secret codes for thousands of years. 1 Code breaking never lags (落后) far behind code making. The science of creating and reading coded messages is called cryptography.There are three main types of cryptography. 2 For example, the first letters of My elephant eats too many eels spell out the hidden message Meet me. 3 You might represent each letter with a number, for example. Lets number the letters of the alphabet, in order, from 1 to 26. If we substitute a number for each letter, the message Meet me would read 13 5 5 20 13 5.A code uses symbols to replace words, phrases, or sentences. To read the message of a real code, you must have a code book. 4 For example, bridge might stand for meet and out might stand for me. The message Bridge out would actually mean Meet me. 5 However, it is also hard to keep a code book secret for long. So codes must be changed frequently.A. It is very hard to break a code without the code book.B. In any language, some letters are used more than others.C. Only people who know the keyword can read the message.D. As long as there have been codes, people have tried to break them.E. You can hide a message by having the first letters of each word spell it out.F. With a code book, you might write down words that would stand for other words.G. Another way to hide a message is to use symbols to stand for specific letters of the alphabet. 【语篇解读】本文是一篇说明文,主要介绍了密码的设置和破解的方法。比如利用该字母在字母表中排序的数字来代表该字母,或者利用一些单词的首字母来组成一个密码等。1.D 【解题思路】根据后面一句Code breaking never lags(落后) far behind code making可知,此空该选D(只要有密码的存在,人们就会试图去破解它们)。2.E 【解题思路】根据后一句的For example, the first letters of My elephant eats too many eels spell out the hidden message Meet me.可知,此空该选E(你可以拼写每个单词的第一个字母来隐藏信息)。3.G 【解题思路】上一段介绍了第一种密码类型,本段介绍的是第二种类型,再根据空后的内容可知,空处选G(另外一种隐藏信息的方式是用符号来代表字母表中的特定字母)。4.F 【解题思路】由前一句的a code book和空后的bridgemight stand for.me.可知,此空该选F(有了密码书,你就可以写下代表其他单词的单词)。5.A 【解题思路】本段介绍的是密码书,根据空后的转折可知,此处该选A(没有密码书是很难破解密码的)。三、短文改错。This morning,I got an email from the library.It said the book I reserved was ready to be picking up.Because I had always been waiting to read it,so at that moment I was very exciting.Outside the library,I saw the man driving around the small parking lot,try to find a parking space.He head for the disabled parking space,the only one that was free.He got off his car with a pile of library book to return.Seeing that,I offered to return them to him.He thanked me and jumped quick in his car and drove off,keeping the disabled parking space free for someone needed it.【答案】This morning,I got an email from the library.It said the book I reserved was ready to be up.Because I had always been waiting to read it, at that moment I was very .Outside the library,I saw man driving around the small parking lot, to find a parking space.He for the disabled parking space,the only one that was free.He got off his car with a pile of library to return.Seeing that,I offered to return them him.He thanked me and jumped in his car and drove off,keeping the disabled parking space free for someone needed it.第一处:pickingpicked。考查动词语态。根据语境可知,pick up和句子主语book构成动宾关系,故用被动语态。第二处:删除so。考查连词。so和because都是连词,不能同时使用,故删除so。注:删除Because保留so也是可以的。第三处:excitingexcited。考查分词形容词。excited一般修饰人,而exciting一般修饰物。第四处:thea。考查冠词。man第一次在语境中出现,故用不定冠词修饰。第五处:trytrying。考查非谓语动词。try和句子谓语saw之间没有连词,故用非谓语动词。此外,try和句子主语I构成主谓关系,故用现在分词作状语。第六处:headheaded。考查动词时态。由后面的“was free”可知,应用一般过去时。第七处:bookbooks。考查名词复数形式。根据a pile of可知,书不止一本,故用复数形式。第八处:tofor。考查介词。介词for表示“为了”,符合语境。第九处:quickquickly。考查副词。此处应用副词修饰动词jumped,在句子中作状语。第十处:someone后加who。考查定语从句。who引导定语从句,在从句中作主语。四。书面表达。读后续写阅读下面短文,根据所给情节进行续写,使之构成一个完整的故事。Christmas was coming. I wanted a pony, a kind of small horse. To make sure that my parents understood, I declared that I wanted nothing else.Nothing but a pony? my father asked.Nothing, I said.Not even a pair of boots?That was hard. I did want boots, but I stuck to the pony. No, not even boots. All I want is a pony, I said. If I cant have a pony, give me nothing.On Christmas Eve I hung up my sock along with my sisters.The next morning my sisters and I woke up at six. Then we raced downstairs to the fireplace. And there they were, the gifts, all sorts of wonderful things. Only my sock was empty; not a thing in it; and under and around it nothing. My sisters had knelt down, each by her pile of gifts; they were crying with delight till they saw me standing there looking so miserable. They came over to me and felt my sock: nothing.I dont remember whether I cried at that moment, but my sisters did. They ran with me back to my bed, and there we all cried. Then I went out alone into the stable(马厩) and there, all by myself, I wept. My mother and sisters came out to me and tried to comfort


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