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Cover Letters,Activities,求职信(Cover Letters),求职信是把自己“推销”给你未来公司的第一步。和简历相比,求职信可以自由地表达个人态度和要求。求职信的目的就是介绍你自己,证明你是求职者中最好的一个,争取获得面谈的机会。,Sample:The following is a cover letter. Please read and try to understand it.,Dear Mr. Doe, I am interested in applying for a teaching position in your elementary school. As a 2009 graduate of XXX College, I have teaching experience on the third and sixth grade level. At the present time I am teaching some preschool children. This position enables me to provide these students with a “head start” in mastering basic skills. I am challenged to be creative, nurturing and most of all, patient. Also, in my junior year at college, my passion and knowledge created an opportunity for me to work for the college museum. It is my goal to combine my range of experience with my ability to be a compassionate, enthusiastic, intelligent teacher who will make a positive contribution to your school. I would welcome an interview and hope to hear from you at your earliest convenience. Yours sincerely, Wang Lin May 21,2007,亲爱的迪达先生: 我对贵校教师职位很感兴趣。作为2009年XXX学院毕业生,我曾有过三年级和六年级的实际教学经验。 目前,我从事学前儿童教育。该职位要求我为培养孩子们掌握基本技能提供一个良好的开端。这让我富有创造性,懂得教育孩子最重要的是要有耐心。 此外,大三时我的激情和所学为我赢得了在学院博物馆工作的机会。 将我的能力和经验结合起来,使自己成为一名有爱心,充满激情和智慧的教师,并为贵校做出贡献是我的目标。我希望尽早收到您的回信并前去面试。 您真诚的,,王林,2007年5月,从上面的样例可以看出: 求职信一般分为三个部分:第一部分通常叙述一下你如何得知这个工作消息,以及你打算应聘哪一项职位。 第二部分简述自己求学经历中与应聘工作最相关的部分,同时要说明对方的公司为什么吸引你,并说明你能为对方做出什么贡献。 第三部分是感谢看信的人花时间阅读了你的信,陈述你将很高兴提供更多有关你和你工作经历方面的详细资料,也可以直接提出请求,请他或她给你一个面试的机会。 求职信的格式与一般信件的格式相同。 在写求职信时有以下注意事项: 1. 内容不要太过冗长,要简明扼要。 2. 要使用标准英语,不要使用口语或俚语。 3. 不要使用花花绿绿的信纸。 4. 不要忘了检查拼写和语法。 5. 信的内容最好要打印,不要忘了最后要签上写信人的全名。,在信的开头常用句型: 1. I would like to apply for the position of , as advertised in 2. I am writing in response to your advertisement in 3. I was extremely interested to see your advertisement for the position of in 4. In applying for the position of I offer my qualifications, which I believe will meet your exacting requirements. 5. Your advertisement in for prompts me to offer you my qualifications for this position. 在信的结尾常用句型: 1. I would be grateful for having a chance to discuss my application with you. 2. I would be delighted to discuss my application with you in further detail. 3. I would greatly appreciate the opportunity to discuss with you. 4. Thank you for your time and consideration. 5. I look forward to hearing from you soon. 6. If my application has convinced you of my ability to satisfy you, I should welcome the opportunity to talk with you, so that you may judge my personal qualifications further.,Activity 1,Activity 2,Complete the cover letter according to the Chinese information given in the brackets,_,(敬启者:) In response to _(贵公司报上刊登的招聘广告)of April 15,I wish to apply for the position of salesman I am twenty years old and _ _(今年7月份将从京开农业学院毕业)My college record has been good. A copy of my rsum is enclosed for your reference. I have some experience in this line of work _ _(曾在大中电器做了2年兼职工作。) I am enclosing my rsum _ _(和我的近照及毕业证复印件) I believe that they may be found satisfactory I shall be obliged if you will give me a personal interview at your convenience. _ (盼早日回复) Very truly yours, Ye Jing,Dear Sir/Madam,your advertisement in the newspaper,will graduate from Jingkai Agriculture College this coming July.,because I once had a part-time job in the Dazhong Electronics for about 2 years,together with my recent photo an


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