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初中英语词汇语法命题 及答题技巧探究,2009年题型,听力30分第一节四题25分,第二节5分; 单项选择20分; 完形10分; 阅读40分(卷30分;卷任务型阅读10分); 词语运用5分; 基础写作A连词成句5分, B作文10分,词汇要求及考试范围,英语学业考试中着重考查英语课程标准中所规定的所有词汇。(具体请参照词汇表),(1)了解英语词汇包括单词、短语、习惯用语和固定搭配 等形式; (2) 理解和领悟词语的基本含义以及在特定语境中的意义; (3)运用词汇进行事物指称、描述行为和特征、说明概念 等; (4)学会使用15001600个的单词和200 300个习惯用 语或固定搭配。提示人教版与冀教版的结合需注意中考 说明中出现的“生词”,中考单项选择的命题特点 覆盖面广考点重点可以和以往 重复所以我们要认真研究中考 试题 重视语境,强调情节 基本强调基础,体现语法功能, 不出偏难题 动词考查多并且空只挖一个,词语运用: 考查特点:高频词汇 语境考查 考查形式:单词拼写 词形变换 词义辨析 词组运用 固定搭配短语 词汇考查以名词,形容词,副词, 固定短语,数词为主,二年中考试卷分析,一 年中考试卷分析,三年中考试卷分析,单项选择命题分析,名词考查重点: 名词所有格 36.It is over _from Shijiazhuang to Beijing. three hours drive B. three hours drive C. hree hours drive D. three hours drive() three women teachers an eight-year old girl lucys and lilys rooms,冠词 零冠词play football an old man an honest boy an engineer a useful book etc 3. the woman in purple 4. play the violin,代词: both either all none 每年必考 There are many shops on_side(s) of the road. A.both B. all C. eitherD.neither 2 .人称代词 My book is more expensive than _(he),动词 cost spend pay take 2.talk say tell talk 3.turn on turn offturn up 4.feel like dong have fun doing practising dongmind doing etc 5.pick it up try it on 6.stop to do stop doing 7.seem look smell sound taste,数词 一二三特殊记,八去 t九去e. 遇到以y来结尾。先变为i和e. 用f替ve , 最后th加上去. 必须掌握:first second third eighth ninth twentieth fifth twelfth,形容词: 注意考试说明同级之间的比较句式 形容词与副词之间的转换 caresulcarefully 3.形容词几种句式: is bigger than B A is the biggest of all It is one of the biggest boxes The more, the better The weather becomes warmer and warmer.,语法再现,、“单项选择” 1)连续三年出现新增的“主谓一致”语法项目的考查。07、08均为there be结构. 06年33小题 Physics _ more interesting than maths, I think. A. are B. is C. was D. were 07年40小题: There is going to be a talk show on CCTV-4 at nine this evening. 08年26小题: There is a lot of rain in this area in August every year.,2) 感叹句 06年38小题 _ lovely day! Lets go for a walk, shall we? A. What B. How C. What a D. How a 07年34小题 _ pretty your dress is! Where did you get it? A. How B. How a C. What D. What a 08年29小题: What a wonderful movie!,3)对“反意问句”的考查在于选择对应的助动词: 06年41小题 Hes flown to Qingdao for summer holidays, _ he? A. isnt B. wasnt C. hasnt D. doesnt 07年39小题 You bought a new computer last week, _ you? A. arent B. dont C. didnt D. havent 年未涉及,4) 现在完成时的考查出现了点动词与持续性动词的区分与运用。例如06年35小题: My father _ on business for two weeks. A. left B. has left C. has gone D. has been away die-be dead borrow keep beginbe on buyhave,宾语从句 年题考查时态与语序 50.Could you tellme_tomorrow morning? Well, it will start at 9 : 00 oclock. when the meeting will start B,where will the meeting start C. where the meeting starts D.when the meeting would start,年宾语从句的考查 43.The menu has so many good things! I cant decide _. A what to eat B how to eat C where to eat D when to eat 45.I didnt understand .so I raised my hand to ask. A what my teacher says B what does my teacher say C what my teacher said D what did my teacher say,6) 定语从句 06年42小题 The book _ he bought yesterday is very interesting. A. / (省略that/which现象) B. why C. when D. what 07年41小题 Do you know the man _ is sitting behind Nancy? A. what B. which C. who D. whom,单项选择题训练方法,词语运用训练方法,试着记住下面的顺口溜:空前空后要注意, “名词”单复数要牢记,还有s不能弃, “动词”


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