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眉山市高中2018届第三学期期末教学质量检测 英语试题参考答案 2017.01第一部分 听力15 ABCBA 610 ACBCA 1115 BABBC 1620 CABCA第二部分 阅读理解2123 ACC 2427 CBCA 2831 BDAC3235 CBDA 3640 GADFE第三部分 英语知识运用完形填空:4145 DCABB 4650 ACCAD5155 BBDAC 5660 CBDCA语法填空: 61. to join 62.to 63. reasonable 64. entirely 65. designed66. suggestions 67.as 68. mentions 69. relaxing 70. the短文改错:Yesterday my husband received a letter from a lady, that had been his student in middle who school. Because she wanted to thank him for the greatly influence he had on her life, so she wrote it. greatShe wrote, “You were the teacher who helped me discovering my talent for maths. After discover Beforeyou taught us, I had never thought I will love it. To your surprise, you magically showed the would mybeauty of maths for me. Gradually my interest in it increased. Thanks to your teaching, I made to continuous progresses in maths, and finally made up my mind to study it as my major in university. progress Now I am an accountant of a big company. You playedimportant part. Thank you! ” an 书面表达:One possible version:Dear editor,Im a senior high school student, named Li Hua. Now many students have iPads and think its a fashion to use them. Using an iPad, we can search for some useful information, and download a lot of learning materials. Apparently, it is helpful to our study, especially to our English listeningSome students, however, bring their iPads to school and listen to music in class, which makes teachers and other students greatly annoyed. Whats worse, some of them even waste precious time playing video gamesIn my opinion, as a student, we should make good use of iPads to help achieve academic success. Meanwhile, the school should make it a rule to guide the students to use iPads in a proper way(116 words) Yours sincerely,Li Hua 英语试题听力录音材料Text 1M: My mother is a lawyer, and my father is a policeman. What about your parents?W: My dad used to run his own company, but he retired last year. My mom teaches the 4th gradeText 2W: The movie doesnt start until later. I was thinking we could get some food first.M: Im not that hungry. I still need to get my mom a Christmas present. Maybe we could check out a few stores?W: Sure. Let me just grab a snack before we go.Text 3W: Excuse me, sir. My phone just died, and I need to call my husband to tell him Im running late. Do you have change for a dollar? So I can use the pay phone on the corner?M: You can use my phone instead.Text 4M: Im so sorry that I couldnt meet up with you last night, Suzanne! I had to take my sister to the doctor. But how was the movie? Im going to try to see it tonight.W: You can save your money.Text 5M: Do you have any books on the 18th century British history? W: Well, we have a whole section upstairs. Is this for paper writing?M: Actually, my mother-in-law is visiting next week, and she is a history professor. I just want to impress her.Text 6W: What kind of music do you like?M: My favorite is classical music. What about you?W: I like pop music. Classical music is so boring.M: Not to me. I love Beethoven and Bach the most.W: Well, I like Lady Caga and Caty Perry.M: But you should really listen to Chopin. Just give classical music a try. I bet you have never even listened to it before.W: I have, but I dont think its for young people. I like music with words!Text 7W: Do you want to take a Thai cooking class with me, Robby?M: Is it expensive?W: Not really. It only costs $15 each class, and you get to eat the food afterwards.M: Thats about the same price of a meal. Not bad.W: If you take 10 lessons, you will also get a free recipe book and a pan.M: Sign me up!W: Do you like Thai food?M: Not really, but I love to cook, and I need a pan, anyway.Text 8W: May I help you, Sir?M: Yes. My name is Bob Stephens, and I have an appointment with Dr. Benjamin at 3:00 p.m. on Wednesday.W: Yeah, I see it here on his calendar.M: Well, I was wondering whether he is available earlier on the same day.W: Im sorry, but Dr. Benjamin will be tied up in a meeting until noon, and he has two appointments scheduled before yours when he gets back from lunch. There is a later appointment time open, though, at 4:30 p.m., if that would help you. Or you could see him at 10:00 a.m. on Thursday.M: No, thank you. I think I will just arrange my own schedule again.Text 9W: Uh, you look really unhappy. Whats going on?M: Ah, you dont want to know.W: Come on, whats the matter?M: Well you see. my parents dont really love me.W: What do you mean? When I met them last week, they seemed really caring.M: Uh, you dont understand! I want a new smart phone but my parents wont buy it for me!W: Uh, excuse me, but uh.dont you already have an iPhone? Was it stolen or something?M: No, but it has a few marks on it. And my other phone.W: What? You have two phones?M: Thats off the point.W: So, did your parents give you a reason for not buying you a new phone?M: Not a good one.only something about being independent. And now they want me to work on my neighbors farm to pay for it. Thats really unfair.W: Hey, I think I know what the problem is.M: What?W: You! You are the problem.M: Ugh! You are no help.Text 10Hello, this is Principal Johnson with the morning announcements. Our usual reader Timmy is sick today, so Im reading in his place. I hope youve all had a great start to the week! This Monday has started out warm and sunny, so lets hope it stays that way. We have just one month of school left


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