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由字根引申的单词,英语二班 唐海英,目录,alt=high高,altimeter 构成:altimeter=alt(高)+i+meter(计,表) 释义:(noun)an instrument for showing height above sea level ,used espeially in an aircraft(尤指用于飞行器的测高计,高度表) 理解:和高度有关的测量计就是测高计 用法:Every aircraft has a altimeter. Derivatives:altimetry(n高度学) altimetric(adj测高学的),alt=high高,altitude 构成:altitude=alt(高)+i+tude(程度) 释义:the height above sea level 海拔 海拔高度 理解:高的程度用“海拔高度”表示 用法:We are flying at an altitude of 6000 metres. 我们的飞行高度是6000米。,alt=high高,altar 构成:altar=alt(高)+ar(的物) 释义:(noun)a holy table in a church or TEMPLE(教堂庙宇的)圣坛,祭台 理解:祭神的东西都放在高处 用法:Altar is the most important thing in a church. Derivatives:altarwise(adv在祭坛处) altarage(n祭品),alt=high高,alto 构成:alto=alt(高)+o(表示音乐术语) 释义:a singing voice with SOPRANO 理解:高的声音是“高音” 用法:He is singing with an alto voice.,alt=high高,exalt 构成:exalt=ex(使.)+alt(高) 释义:to make sb. rise to a higher rank or position,sometimes to one that they do not deserve提拔,提升(有时指提拔到不该得到的职位上) 理解:使某物变高就是“提升” 用法:He has been exalted. Derivatives:exaltation(n) exalted(adj地位显赫的),cede,ceed,cess=to go去;to yield让步,ancestor 构成:ancestors=an(在前)+ces(走)+tor(.的人) 释义:a persen in your family who lived a long time ago 祖宗,祖先 理解:先走的人,这里指先过世的人就叫“祖先” 用法:His ancestors had come to America from Ireland.他的祖先从爱尔兰来到美国。 Derivatives:ancestry(n统称祖宗祖先) ancestral(adj祖先的)ancestress(n女祖先),cede,ceed,cess=to go去;to yield让步,intercede 构成:intercede=inter(在两者之间)+cede(走) 释义:to speak to sb. in order to persuade them to show pity on sb. else or help settle an argument.(为某人)说清(向某人)求情 理解:在两者之间走来走去进行“游说” 用法:His resignation was preceded by weeks of speculation.在他辞职之前,有关猜测已持续了几个星期。 Derivatives:precedable(adj可能发生的) precedence(n领先) precedency(adj) precedently(adj) precedent(v) preceding(adj) precedented(adj),cede,ceed,cess=to go去;to yield让步,recede 构成:re(回,倒,逆)+cede(走,归) 释义:to move gradually away from sb. or away from a previous position逐渐远离,渐渐远去 理解:往回走意为“后退” 用法:She watched his receding figure.她看着他的身影渐渐远去。,cede,ceed,cess=to go去;to yield让步,exceed 构成:ex(超过)+ceed(走,归) 释义:to do more than the law or an order,ect,allows you to do 超越(法律法令的)限制 理解:超过走在前面的就是“超越” 用法:She was exceeding the speed limit.她当时超速驾驶。 Derivatives:exceeding(adj) exceedingly(adv),cede,ceed,cess=to go去;to yield让步,proceed 构成:pro(向前)+ceed(走,行) 释义:to continue doing sth. that has already been started to continue being done.继续做 理解:向前走下去意为“继续做” 用法:We are not sure whether we still want to proceed with the sale.我们不确定是否还要继续减价促销。 Derivatives:proceeding,cede,ceed,cess=to go去;to yield让步,process 构成:pro(向前)+cess(进行,做) 释义:to treat raw material,food,ect,in order to change it,preserve it,ect.加工,处理 理解:进一步做就是“加工,处理” 用法:Most of the food we buy is processed in some way.我们买的大部分食品都用某种方法加工过。 Derivatives:procession(n队列) processional(adj列队进行的) processionary(adj) processionist(n行进着) processor(n加工者),cede,ceed,cess=to go去;to yield让步,succeed 构成:suc(接着,下)+ceed(进行) 释义:to achieve sth. that you have been trying to da or get;to have the result or effect that was intended.达到目的,实现目标,办到做成 理解:能接着做下去就会“成功” 用法:He succeeded in getting a place at art school.他被艺术学院录取了。 Derivatives:succeedent(adj),cede,ceed,cess=to go去;to yield让步,success 构成:suc(近于)+cess(进行) 释义:(noun)the fact that you have achieved sth. that you want and have been trying to do or get;the fact of being rich or famous or of getting a high social position成功;胜利;发财;成名 理解:近于前进的目标就是“成功” 用法:What is the secret of your success? Derivatives:succession(n) successional(adj) successive(adj) successively(adv) successful(adj) successfully(adv) successfulness(n)successor(n) unsuccessful(adj) unsuccessfully(adv) unsuccessfulness(n),cede,ceed,cess=to go去;to yield让步,access 构成:ac(到)+cess(走) 释义:to reach,enter or use sth.到达,进入,使用 理解:走到“到达” 用法:The loft can be accessed by a laddder.搭梯子可以上阁楼。 Derivative:saccessible(adj) accessibly(adv) accessibility(n)inaccessible(adj) inaccessibly(adv) inaccessibility(n) accession(n) accessional(adj)accessary(n)accessory(n),cede,ceed,cess=to go去;to yield让步,excess 构成:ex(出)+cess(去) 释义:more the is neccessary,reasonable or acceptable超过,过度,过分 理解:多出去就是“超过” 用法:Are you suffering an excess of stress in your life?你生活中的压力很大吗? Derivative:excessive(adj) excessively(adv) excessiveness(n),cede,ceed,cess=to go去;to yield让步,recess 构成:re(回)+cess(去) 释义:a short break休息 理解:回去“休息” 用法:The judge called a short recess.法官宣布短暂休庭。 Derivative:recession(n) recessional(adj) recessive(adj) recessively(adv) recessiveness(n),dem=people,demagogue 构成:dem(人们)+agogue(领导者,含有贬义意味) 释义:a political leader who tries to win support by using argument based on emotion rather than reason.蛊惑民心的政客 理解:人们的领导者是“政客” 用法:He is a demagogue. Derivative:demagogism(n煽动主义) demagogic(adj) demagogy(n),dem=people,epidemic 构成:epi(在.中)+dem(人们)+ic(由.产生引起的事物) 释义:a large number of case of a particular disease happening at the same time in a particular community流行病 理解:在人们中同时产生的是流行病 用法:the outbreak of a epidemic流感的爆发 Derivative:epidemical(adj) epidemically(adv) epidemiology(n流行病学)epidemiogist(n) epidemicity(n) epidemiologic(adj) epidemiologically(adj) epidemiography(n),dem=people,endemic 构成:en(在.内)+dem(人们)+ic(由.引起的) 释义:regularly found in a particular place or among a particular group of people and difficult to get ride of 地方性的;(某地域,某集体中)特有的,流行的,难摆脱的 理解:在一个地区内人们引起的“流行” 用法:Corruption is endemic in the system.腐败在这种制度下普遍存在。 Derivative:endemically(adv) endemicity(n) endemy(n),flict=to strike打击,afflict 构成:af(对)+flict(打击) 释义:to affect sb/sth in an unpleasant or harmful way折磨,使痛苦 理解:对人进行打击“使其痛苦” 用法:Aid will be sent to the afflicted areas.将向受灾地区提供援助。 Derivative:affliction(n) afflictive(adj),flict=to strike打击,conflict 构成:con(相互)+flict(打击) 释义:a situation in which people,groups or countries are involved in a serious disagreement or argument冲突,争执,争论 理解:相互打击的结果是“冲突” 用法:The violence was the result of political and ethnic conflicts.那次暴力是政治与种族冲突的结果。 Derivative:confliction(n) conflictive(adj),flict=to strike打击,inflict 构成:in(反对)+flict(打击) 释义:to make sb/sth suffer sth unpleasant是遭受打击,使吃苦头 用法:Heavy casualties were inflicted on the enemy.敌人遭受了惨重伤亡。 Derivative


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