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Specialized English for Mechatronics,Lecturer: Liu Jianjun,Unite 23 what is “mechatronics”,“Mechatronics” is a term coined by the Japanese to desire the integration of mechanical and electronic engineering. the concept may seem to be anything but new, since we can all look around us and see a myriad of products that utilize both mechanical and electronic disciplines. ,mektrniks ,intirein miknikl ,ilektrnik mirid ju:tilaiz,机电一体化这个术语是日本人想把机械和电子工程综合集成在一起创造(杜撰)出来的。这个概念似乎一点也不新鲜,我们可以看看我们周围,可以看到无数的产品都是利用机械和电子学科知识制造出来的。,Unite 23 what is “mechatronics”,Unite 23 what is “mechatronics”,Mechatronic, however, specially refers to a multidisciplined, integrated approach to product and manufacturing system design. It represents the next generation of machines, robots, and smart mechanisms necessary for carrying out work in a variety of enviorments-primarily, factory automation, office automation, and home automation as shown in Fig.23.1 mltidisiplind intireitid ,reprizent meknizm praimrli ,然而,机电一体化特指多学科的,把产品和生产设计系统集成一体的。它意味着在主要不同的工作环境中(如自动化工厂、办公自动化场所、家庭办公自动化等等如图23.1所示)所必须的下一代的机器、机器人、以及智慧装置。,Unite 23 what is “mechatronics”,Unite 23 what is “mechatronics”,By both implication and application, mechatronics represents a new level of integration for advanced manufacturing technology and processes. The intent is to force a multidisciplinary approach to these systems as well as to reemphasize the role of process understanding and control. This mechatronic approach is currently speeding up the already-rapid Japanese process for transforming ideas into products. mltidisiplinri ri:emfsaiz krntli,不论是实际应用还是有可能发展领域,机电一体化都代表一种先进制造工艺和制造过程的新水平融合。它的意图是迫使多学科在这些系统的交叉融合也就是我们反复强调的过程认知和控制的角色。机电一体化目前已经加速了本来发展比较快的把需求转变成产品的日本人生产过程。,Unite 23 what is “mechatronics”,Unite 23 what is “mechatronics”,Currently, mechatronics describles the Japanese practice of using fully intergrated teams of product designers, manufacturing, purchasing, and marketing personnel acting in concert with each other to design both the product and the manufacturing system. prktis dizain p:ts ,p:snel,目前,机电一体化阐述了日本人使用充分结合队伍的实践,这一队伍包括产品设计者、制造人员、采购人员和销售人员,他们相互一致行动,既设计产品又设计制造系统。,Unite 23 what is “mechatronics”,The Japanese recognized that the future in production innovation would belong to those who learned how to optimize the marriage between electronic and mechanical systems. They realized, in particular, that the need for this optimization would be most intense in application of advance manufacturing and production systems where artificial intelligence, expert systems, smart robots, and advanced manufacturing technology systems would create the next generation of tools to be used in the factory of the future. ,inuvein ptimaiz ,ilektrnik miknikl ptikjul ,ptimaizein ,:tifil intelidns krieit fktri,日本人认识到产品革新的未来必将属于那些掌握怎样把电子工程和机械系统结合起来的人。他们认识到在人工智能、专家系统、灵巧机器人和先进制造技术来制造出将来工厂要使用到的新一代工具的制造和生产系统,尤其需要这种机电一体化的结合。,Unite 23 what is “mechatronics”,Unite 23 what is “mechatronics”,From the very beginning of recorded time, mechanical systems have found their way into every aspect of our society. Our simplest mechanisms, such as gears, pulleys, springs, wheels, have provides the basis for our tools. Our electronic technology, on the other hand, is completely twentieth-century, all of it created within the past 75 years. rik:d, miknikl ssaiti meknizm puli,从有记录的历史就可以知道,机械系统已经用他的方式影响我们社会的每个方面。最简单的机械如齿轮、皮带轮、弹簧和车轮提供我们最基本的工具。另一方面,电子系统的东西都是在近75年中创造出来的,在20世纪全部完成的。,Unite 23 what is “mechatronics”,Until now, electronic were included to enhance mechanical systems performance, but the emphasis remained on the mechanical product. There had never been any master plan on how the integration would be done. In the past, it had been done on a case-by-case basis. More recently, however, because of the overwhelming advances in the world of electronics and its capability to physically simplify mechanical configurations, the technical community began to reassess the marriage between these two disciplines. inh:ns pf:mns ,intirein ,uvhwelmi ,keipbilti fizikli kn,fijurein kmju:niti ,ri:ses disiplin,目前为止,电子主要用来提高机械系统的性能,但是强调的依然是机械产品。从来没有一个整体的规划告诉我们应该怎样去做集成。过去它仅仅是在产品的基本面做一些工作。然而,最近由于世界电子产品压倒性的发展起来了并且他们完全有能力简化机械产品的性能,技术联合会才重新开始评估两个学科间的融合。,Unite 23 what is “mechatronics”,Unite 23 what is “mechatronics”,The most obvious trend in the direction of mechatronic innovation can be observed in the automobile industry. There was a time when a car was primarily a mechanical marvel with a few electronic appendages. bvis ,inuvein :tmubi:l praimrli miknikl pendidiz,机电一体化最显著的革新趋势在汽车工业已经很明显被观察到,汽车装配一些电子附件就把它变成了机械的奇迹,这已经是个不争事实的。,Unite 23 what is “mechatronics”,First came the starter motor, and then the generator , each making the original product a bit better than it was before. Then came solid-state electronic, and suddenly the mechanical marvel became an electro-mechanical marvel. Todays machine is controlled by microprosessors, built by robots. And fault-analyzed by a computer connected to its “external interface connector”. Automotive mechanical engineers are no longer the masters of their creations. denreit ridnl sdnli m:vl f:lt ikst:nl intfeis knekt ,:tumutiv,首先我们看一下启动马达,然后是发电机,装配电子元件后使得它们比以前都好用了些。然后是固态电子元器件,突然间机械奇迹转变成了电子奇迹。今天的机器都有微处理器控制,机器人制造,由和外部接口连接器相连的计算机进行故障分析。自动化机械工程师不仅仅是掌握它们的产品了。,Unite 23 what is “mechatronics”,The process that describes the evolution of the automobile is somewhat typical of other product in our society. Electronic has repeatedly improved the performance of mechanical systems, but that innovation has been more by serendipity than by design. And that is the essence of mechatronic-the preplanned application of, and the efficient integration of, mechanical and electronic technology to create an optimum product. pruses ,i:vlu:n tipikl ssaiti pf:mns ,inuvein ,serndipti esns pri:plnd ifint ptimm,汽车的发展多少和我们社会其他的一些产品过程相似。电子已经被不断的使用来提高机械系统的性能,但是这种革新更多的是依靠运气(善于挖掘新奇事物的才能)而不是设计。机电一体化的实质是通过预先计划、有效融合机械和电子技术来创造最优秀的产品。,Unite 23 what is “mechatronics”,A recent U.S.Department of Commerce report entitled “JETCH Panel report on Mechatronic in Japan” compared U.S.and Japanese research and development trends in specific areas of mechatronic technology. Except for a few areas, the technology necessary to accomplish the development of the next generation of systems embodying the principles of mechatronic is fully within the technological logical reach of the Japanese. km:s intaitld spisifik ris nesisri k mpli imbdi prinspls ldikl,最近美国商业部门报到了题名为“JETCH小组对日本机电一体化的报道”,报到对比了美国和日本机电一体化在特殊领域的研究和进展。除了极少数领域,应用机电一体化的基本原则发展下一代系统所必须的科学技术全部都理所当然的包含在日本的技术研究当中。,Unite 23 what is “mechatronics”,Unite 23 what is “mechatronics”,Comparisons were made in three categories: basic research, advanced development, and product implementation. Except for machine vision and software, Japanese basic research was comparable to the United States, with the Japanese closing in fast on machine vision system technology. ktiri ,implimentein kmprbl,对比主要分三方面:基础研究、试制产品及产品实现。除了机器视觉和软件以外,日本基础研究和美国大体相当,在机器视觉方面日本人也在快速缩短距离 。,Unite 23 what is “mechatronics”,Japanese artificial intelligence research in falling behind, primarily because the Japanese do not consider it an essential ingredient of their future systems, they appear capable of closing even that gap, if required. In the advanced development and product implementation areas, Japan is equal to or better than the United States, and is continuing to pull ahead at this time. ,:tifil intelidns praimrli isenl inri:dint fju:t keipbl ,implimentein ris kntinjui,在人工智能方面走的慢些,主要是因为日本人认为对于未来的系统这个不一定是必须得。如果未来需要的话它们可以很快的赶上来(缩短差距)。在试制产品和产品实现上,日本和美国基本一样甚至于略好于美国,并且它可以继续领先。,Unite 23 what is “mechatronics”,The department of Commerce report concluded that Japan is maintaining its position and is in some cases gaining ground over the United States in the application of mechatronics. Their progress in mechatronics is important because it addresses the very means for the next generation of data-driven advanced design and manufacturing technology. In fact, the Department of Commerce report concludes that this has created a regenerative effect on Japans manufacturing industries. km:s meinteini ridenreitiv,商业部门报告总结了日本继续保持他的位置并且在某些应用机电一体化的领域超越了美国,它们机电一体化的进步是非常重要的因为这代表着一个在未来数据驱动设计和机械制造工艺方面最得力的方面。事实上,商业部门报到认为它也是日本制造工业死而复活的影响因素。,Unite 23 what is “mechatronics”,To close the gap, we will need to go much further than creating new tools. If we accept the fact that mechanical systems optimally coupled with electronic components will be the wave of the future, then we must also understand that the ripple effect will be felt all the way back to the university, where we now keep the two disciplines of mechanics and electronic separated and allow them to meet only in occasional overview sessions. New curricula must be created for a new hybrid engineera mechatronic engineer. Only then can we be assured that future generations of product designers and manufacturing engineers will fully seek excellence in these new techniques. ptmli kpld kmpunnts ripl sepreitid keinl uvvju: sns krikjul haibrid ekslns,为了缩小差距,我们应该比创造新的工具在机电一体化上前进的更要多些,如果我们承认这样一个事实机械系统必须和电子结合才能得到最优的产品这是未来发展的趋势的话,我们就必须理解这样的连锁反应我们在大学上就落后了,因为我们现在还是保持机械和电子两个独立的学科并且他们只有在偶尔的聚会上才能见面交流。新的课程必须要为一个新的工程师(机电一体工程师)创造出来。只有这样我们才能确保在未来产品设计家和制造工程师在这些新工艺上寻找到最佳组合。,Unite 23 what is “mechatronics”,Unite 23 what is “mechatronics”,We need to rethink our present-day approach of separating our engineering staffs both from each other and from the production engineers.


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