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摘要 在全球气候变暖、极端天气频发等问题日益恶化的今天,生态保护成为了一项摆在全 世界面前的亟待解决的课题。置身于全球化引发的生态危机的背景下,西方学者一改长期 以来忽视马克思主义生态学研究的态度,开始重新审视马克思、恩格斯的生态学说及其重 要价值。而我国国内的马克思主义研究者也在与西方学术界保持友好交流和良好互动的过 程中,以更加积极的姿态投身于马克思主义生态学思想的研究领域中。不过总体来看,无 论是西方还是我国的马克思主义生态学研究,都还处在起步阶段,尚未形成科学、完整的 理论体系。特别是关于马克思主义生态学中国化的研究,虽然已经迫在眉睫,但目前为止 还未引起足够的重视。这也就意味着,马克思主义生态学思想中国化这一研究领域尚存在 着较大的拓展空间。 笔者在综合梳理了西方和我国学术界关于马克思主义生态学思想的研究历史和现状 后,决定选取“马克思主义生态学思想的中国化”这一命题,力图在细致解读马克思、恩 格斯的理论著作中关于生态学思想阐释的基础上,结合我国传统文化中的生态思想以及我 们现阶段的生态建设,进一步明确马克思主义生态学思想中国化的必要性、重要性以及可 行性。另外,本论文在研究和写作的过程中,主要采取了文本细读法、演绎法等研究方法, 注重联系我国的实际情况来探讨切实可行的马克思主义生态学思想中国化的理论研究。 首先,在“马克思主义生态学思想分析”这一部分,笔者结合马克思、恩格斯两人的 理论著作,从“人和自然”、“人与社会”两个横向维度解读了“马克思的生态学思想”、“恩 格斯的生态学思想”,还以时间为线索纵向分析了两位哲学家生态学思想的历史变化进程; 而在“马克思主义生态学思想的意义”这一小节中,笔者又分别从马克思主义生态学思想 产生的时代背景、终极目标、地位作用这三个方面入手,探讨了生态学说在马克思主义思 想体系中的重要意义和价值所在。 随后,在“马克思主义生态学思想的中国化”研究部分,笔者则把关注的重点转向了 马克思主义生态学理论的中国化方面,结合我国革命和新中国建设的历史、前苏联先成功 后失败的经验教训、西方国家生态危机的根源等,分析了马克思主义生态学理论中国化的 必要性、重要性以及可行性。其中重点探讨的是可行性部分,而可行性的研究又是分别从 中国传统生态思想所提供的文化基础、马克思主义中国化的成功经验、生态危机根本解决 途径的预测启示三个角度出发来进行具体分析的。 接下来,在“马克思主义生态学思想的中国化与我国的生态建设”部分,笔者结合中 国生态建设的现状、中国生态建设的目标从理论层面上探讨了马克思主义生态学思想中国 化的指导意义,紧接着又从实践层面上分析了马克思主义生态学思想中国化对我国建设社 会主义和谐社会的现实指导意义。通过具体的理论和现实的分析,我们不难发现:我国生 态建设的现状不容乐观,值得国家、政府、企业和个人投入更多的关注、以更加自觉的姿 态投入到生态建设中来;而马克思主义的生态学思想不仅可以在理论层面上出发来指导我 国的生态建设,还可以从更深层次的实践层面为我国的生态建设提供指导。 综上所述,本论文在提出了马克思主义生态学思想中国化这一课题之后,依次层层递 进地研究了马克思主义生态学思想、马克思主义生态学思想的中国化、马克思主义生态学 思想的中国化与我国的生态建设等三大方面的内容,并且得出结论认为:马克思、恩格斯 始终十分关注人与自然、人与社会等生态方面的问题,而生态学思想在马克思主义整个理 论体系中也占据着中心地位;我国面临的严峻生态形势和环境现状,使马克思主义生态学 思想的中国化研究既十分必要也特别重要,而中国传统文化中蕴含的生态学思想、马克思 主义中国化的成功经验、共产党宣言中所提出的对共产主义的设想,都在提示着我们 马克思主义生态学思想的中国化切实可行;而我们不仅可以坚持用中国化的马克思主义生 态学思想指导我们生态理论方面的建设,也可以把它用于生态建设的实际来指导我们实践 层面的建设。 关键词:生态学;马克思主义;中国化 Abstract Ecological conservation requires immediate solution to the whole world when global warming and extreme weather get much worse. Based on the ecological crisis which caused by globalization, western scholars change their disregardful attitude on the Ecological Marxism; they start to review Marx and Engelss ecological theory and its importance. And Chinese Marxism researchers take a more active part in the research on Eco-Marxism after a long and good relationship with western academia. However, more generally, this research is still very much in its infancy, no matter the western academia or Chinese both need to form a scientific and integrated theoretical system. Especially for the chinization of eco-Marxism, which that is a pressing issue, it havent been given enough emphasis. That is to say, it still has much development space for this research. We have totally combined plenty of theories about eco-Marxism of both western and Chinese academia before we decide to choose Chinization of eco-Marxism as our topic. This not only provides enlightenment for us to further understand ecological crisis and set up ecological consciousness, but also provide a new angle of view for us to initiate a scientific devel opment view and enrich and develop eco-Marxism thought. In the process of this research and writing, we mainly take two ways that are detailed reading of the text and the deductive method; whats more, we focus on seeking effective methods on the research of chinization of eco-Marxism with practical situations in China. First of all, about the eco-Marxism analysis, combined with both Marx and Engelss theoretic productions, we interpret Marxs and Engelss ecological thoughts from two horizontal dimension-human and nature and human and society. Moreover, we have vertical analysis to the historical progress of these two philosophers ecological thoughts by the time clue. And in the section eco-Marxisms significance, we discuss about the importance and value of ecology in Marxism system from three parts: its background, its ultimate goal and its status. Then , about the chinization of eco-Marxism, we pay our attention on Chinese research about eco-Marxism .Combined with the history of our countrys revolution and new Chinas construction, experience and lessons of Soviets failure and root of western countries ecological crisis, we analysis the necessity, importance and feasibility of Chinese research on eco-Marxism. Among them, the feasibility is mainly discussed and analyze detailed by three aspects: cultural basis provided by Chinese traditional ecological thought, successful experience of chinization of Marxism and prediction of the basic way to solve ecological crisis. Next, about chinization of eco-Marxism and China ecological construction, we use Marxs natural view to provide solutions to the current ecological crisis and basis to build socialism harmonious society. We review the development path and the theoretical achievement of eco-Marxism in China from the perspective of the combination of eco-Marxism and its practice in China. Its not hard to find that the current situations are not optimistic, more importance should been attached to the ecological matters by our country, government, enterprise and human. The eco-Marxism thought not only benefits the theory of our ecological construction but also helps our practice. Based on the above, the main line is base on the chinization of eco-Marxism. In the same time, it develops study of eco-Marxism, explores the chinization of eco-Marxism, the basic ideas and values as well as the positive meaning of the theory on China ecological construction. And the end-result of the article is that Marx and Engels always pay close attention to ecological problems such as the relationship between man and nature and the relationship of man and society. Whats more, ecological thought contribute a lot in the whole Marxism system. The severe ecological situation and environmental crisis need the chinization of eco-Marxism urgently, moreover, Chinese traditional ecological thought,


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